So... after THIRTY SIX DIFFERENT COMPARISON FILES, we have finally arrived at the END.
It has been a long journey, over the last several years, exploring the many assets that ingen made...
(some with their own different variants as well, those were especially tricky at times.)
And now, just as dominion marks the end of the main storyline, so too does this file mark the end of the main ingen files, as sad as that may be.
This series has been a proud showcase of charts directly comparing how the ingen/masrani assets directly compare to their ancestors...
This series, that i've used to help folks appreciate both sides of each dinosaur was called...
To understand the concept, think of it kinda like comparing various domestic dogs to their common ancestor: the wolf.
In any case, for our VERY LAST FILE, I decided to showcase the assets ingen made that had finally caused their downfall.
The assets that were a good case of ingen going just a tiny bit too far with the genetic power they wielded...
Beings that practically embodied chaos, sadsitic nature and sheer ruthlessness.
Made from pieces of the past, these three were all nightmares of the dark side of genetic technology.
one was a failed experiment
one was a park attraction
and one was a illegal prototype bioweapon
And now I get to show them all together to you lot.
So without any further ado, i present:
(aka- Ingen's chimeric legacy)
So let's too it and showcase/compare them, shall we?
First up on our list....
we have ingen's first successful attempt at creating a hybrid dinosaur (without a mesozoic counterpart)
A specimen that although initially promising, started to showcase major problems. For starters, something went a bit wrong in development
resulting in it being notably deformed and "too ugly" to put on display. And worse issues became notable when as some say,
"it's mind turned out to be a fragmented and unpredaticable as it's body, one moment placid, the next EXTREMELY aggressive."
Combined with it's hyper faster growth rate, assexual reproduction and venomous tail quills...
This could have had the potential to completely overrun the ecosystem of nublar... leading to the second extinction of most it's inhabitants.
(keyword being most because there were thankfully SOME who were mostly immune to harm from it, like the ankylosaurs)
This was...
Name: Scorpius rex (also known as: E-750)
Meaning: Scorpion king
Gene variant: 1.75
Diet: Carnivore (eats pretty much anything it can catch, to an extremely savage extent)
Era: HOLOCENE (From 2012 AD to late 2015 AD)
Size: 8.5 meters (27 ft) long and 4 meters (13.1ft) tall
Weight: 2,500 pounds (or 1,133 Kilograms)
Speed: 35 miles per hour
Habitat: tropical island jungle/rainforest, especially at night.
Animal's location: The island of isla nublar from 2012 to late 2015/early 2016 until it went extinct from it's own chaotic nature.
Bred by: INternational GENetic technologies (INGEN for short) under masrani global supervision
Initial purpose: To be an attraction at jurassic world (but it got turned down for being highly unsuitable.)
15% modified Nublar raptor {For toe claw and other raptor like traits}
15% Rugops or other abelisaurid {For squashed face}
10% scorpion fish {Which ended up giving it poisonous quills}
Onto the second creature on our list....
A little while after containing the first nightmare of an attempt, Henry Wu and his team went back to the drawing board.
the resulting animal, whilst much more stable, was still generally dangerous, not least of which being for it's MUCH larger size.
It was intelligent, ruthless, and worst, due to lack of exact knowledge fr the keepers, it was socially deprived.
And lacking a proper parental figure, she lacked proper discipline and so ended up EATING her own sibling.
The only truly positive relationship she had was with the crane that brought her food.
And then one day, she escaped from her and long story short,
caused the downfall of the park that had previously been running fine for 10 long years.
This was...
Name: Indominus rex (also known as: REX.345-ALPHA)
Meaning: untameable king
Gene variant: 3.45
Diet: Carnivore (eats pretty much anything it can catch, to an extremely savage extent)
Era: HOLOCENE (From 2013 AD to 2015 AD)
Size: 14 meters (45.9 ft) long and roughly 5-6 meters (20ft) tall.
Though if it had continued to full size, it would have been well over 52 ft long and roughly 22 ft tall.
Weight: roughly 8-10 tons (or 20,000 pounds) though had potential to reach maybe 11-12 tons at full size
Speed: 25-30 miles per hour.
Habitat: tropical island jungle/rainforest.
Animal's location: The island of isla nublar from 2013 to mid 2015 until it went extinct from it's own chaotic nature.
Bred by: INternational GENetic technologies (INGEN for short) under masrani global supervision
Initial purpose: To be an attraction at jurassic world (but ultimately ended up taking the park down.)
43% ingen Tyrannosaurus rex {Base genome}
15% modified Sorna raptor {feathery quills and intelligence}
8% Giganotosaurus {extra size}
4% Carnotaurus {For the horns}
2% Rugops {for osteoderms}
2% Majungasaurus {for osteoderms and partial skull distortion}
3% Therizinosaurus {for long arms and claws}
8% Green pit viper {for heat vision and ability to open jaw REALLY wide}
4% Deinosuchus {for teeth shape, osteoderms, and perhaps its strong bite force}
5% tree frog {intended for adapting to Nublar's tropical climate but also gave it the ability to conceal its thermal temperature}
6% cuttlefish {intended for help with accelerated growth rate but also gave it the ability to change its colors via chromatophore cells}
NOTE: It is unknown where its opposable thumbs came from, and its possible some of its characteristics from some of its other genetic DNA, but this is currently inconclusive.
and whilst some have attributed it's cannibalistic tendencies to Majungasaurus, it could've just came from its rather poor upbringing.
Differences to it's predecessor include the following:
-much larger
-longer head
-lacks toe claw
-osteoderms are structured differently
-more upright stance
-tail lacks deadly quills
-much more bulky
-able to camouflage
-able to change its body heat
-capable of communicating with raptors
-quills on head are less densely packed and longer
-can dislocate jaw, unlike Scorpius it seems
-can sort of walk on four legs, but prefers not to
-slightly less violent than Scorpius, but no less dangerous
-more intelligent than Scorpius (or at least more stable)
And finally, we shall talk about the last of ingen's hybrid legacy.
and maybe even the last new addition to ingen's list (though only technically) as every new asset from here on,
were products of biosyn, mantah corp or other rival companies.
six months after the park fell into permanent ruin, a crew of mercenaries along with another group accompanying henry wu
came to the island to collect research and genetic material. Whilst the former was unsuccessful, the latter got enough DNA to work with.
And though it took longer than expected, the result was quite promising in terms of military applications.
There was just one notable problem... due to issues with it's genetics and more especially with it's upbringing...
It ended becoming a sadistic PSYCHOPATH, deriving pleasure from the victims it kills whilst almost "smiling"
at their pathetic whimpers for help. They only managed to control it through a laser targeting system.
This was...
Name: Indoraptor wutanis (Short for "Indominus Raptor" and also known as: IND_PROTO1)
Meaning: Untamable/Untame Thief
Gene variant: prototype 01.4
Diet: Carnivore (eats pretty much anything it can catch, to an extremely sadistic extent)
Era: HOLOCENE (From early 2017 AD to mid 2018 AD)
Size: 7 meters (22.9 ft) long and roughly 3.1 meters (10.1ft) tall
Weight: roughly 2,200 pounds (or 997 Kilograms)
Speed: roughly 40 miles per hour.
Animal's location: The deep basement of lockwood estate from 2017 to mid 2018 until it went extinct from it's own chaotic nature.
Bred by: Mr Henry Wu under the supervision of Eli Mills
Initial purpose: Development for potential military application tests.
55% modified Indominus rex DNA {base genome}
40% Smurfette (Smurfs 2017)
30% modified “Nublar raptor” {raptor like traits and increased intelligence}
05% bottlenose dolphin? {echocation and perhaps increased intelligence}
NOTE: (Improved version was planned to have DNA from the I.B.R.I.S raptor, specifically the individual known as 'Blue',
to give it empathy and following human commands, but the project was abandoned after prototype's death, along with eli mills).
Differences to it's predecessors include the following:
-a little shorter in length but much lighter in weight compared to Scorpios, but much smaller in everyway compared to Indominus
-longer head than predecessors with slightly more uniformed jawline, keyword being "slightly"
-protofeather quills along the back of the head, on the arms and on the back of the hips
-has less of Scorpius' hunch back
-tail lacks Scorpius' deadly quills
-much more streamlined than predecessors
-osteoderms are structured differently
-can nearly dislocate jaw, unlike scorpius.
-unclear if it lacks camouflage or temperature control.
-head quills are shorter than Indominus, but slightly longer than Scorpios
-can echolocate to a certain extent.
-seems to lack predecessor's heat seeking pits
-faster and more agile
-seems it cannot communicate with raptors, unlike Indominus
-prefers quadrapedal locomotion, much more so than Scorpios
-slightly less violent than Scorpios, but no less dangerous
-more intelligent than predecessors, and likely much more sadistic.
-unlike Indominus, it can climb.
-lacks the horns of indominus rex
NOTE: also has some notable health issues, both physical and mental.
as of now, that is all the ingen based "asset meet ancestor" files.
It has been a very fun journey. but things do eventually come to an end.
Now before anybody becomes too sad... there will be sequels series to this.
files covering the assets of mantah corp and the assets of biosyn. I certainly have plans for those.
But for now... I fell it's probably best to take a good break from JP themed art (for the most part)
and just try and work on some other hobby projects.
so with all that said, i hope you lot had fun with this series.