A driver for knowledge
This book "The Power of the Universe inside your Brain" it's about the interpretation of the reality, in an new concept which becomes only possible when each and every single one of us gets to understand the scales of the Universe as a whole, the author of this book Hilario de Castro Moutinho created a new holistic view of that concept, by interconnecting all the fields of science that do contribute for that interpretation.
This book was initiated in the last week of March 2020, and was terminated on the Sunday Easter of the 2021, just over a year since its beginning, it has been possible to accomplish because of the lockdown implemented in London during the first wave of the covid-19 in March 2020.
Part of the content of the book is published in this online page, to clarify some aspects of that content, and what the book is about, a copy of the "INDEX" is available, so just by acknowledging the book chapters, some readers would find what's the message within the book.
By Hilario Moutinho
“Science and knowledge for all”
“How do we expect to become better human beings,
If we don’t even understand the world where we live in”
“An holistic view of the reality”
By Hilario Moutinho
To take advantage on the content of this book, i recommend you to see it as an exercise, for which 2 qualities are need it, “self recognition”, you might admit to yourself at least, that no one knows everything or that you could be wrong, and secondly “question everything” especially the most dear values for your understanding of the reality, they might constitute a barrier for true knowledge...
if you like to explore your brain capacity you’re welcome to ride with me on this great adventure, where curiosity and knowledge will walk side by side, open up new levels of difficulty, but also creating enthusiasm as these new windows of information will transform your perception of the world around you and within you, join me... don’t forget curiosity it’s the fuel that drives your brain beyond your beliefs and expand the frontier of your ultimate knowledge.
But more importantly this learning experience might contribute definitely for your self improvement and for your personal development...
Of course…
The greatest question of all time was the size of the Universe
But the answer is a very simple one…
“Ultimately the size of the Universe is the size of your knowledge”
- Preface…………………………………………………………………………….…..page 5
- The role of curiosity in the human species …………………………………….......pg 11
- The role of science and knowledge ...…………………………………………….....pg 19
- The contribution of world scientists and tv documentaries …...……………...…...pg 21
- How to measure the size of the Universe……………………………………….......pg 23
- The Big Bang explanation for the origin of the Universe……………………....…..pg 40
- The expansion of the Universe………………………………………………...……..pg 51
- Our cosmic address …...…………………..………………………………………....pg 56
- The Solar System history and planet formation .....…………………………....….pg 58
- Planet Earth geophysics ..………………………………………………..……...…..pg 63
- The chemistry for life on planet Earth ...…………………………………………....pg 72
- The DNA mystery ...………………………………………………………………..….pg 81
- Why Evolution becomes a fact…………………………………………………...…..pg 86
- History of planet Earth…………………………………………………………….......pg 91
- Gravity rules the natural world in shape and size ....………………………….…pg 106
- Electromagnetism rules the small size biological world....………...………....….pg 110
- Energy and metabolism vs shape and size ...………………………………..…...pg 112
- Pigments role in the natural world ...…………………………………………….....pg 114
- The sensory system ...…………………………………………………………….....pg 117
- The touch sensory system ...………………………………………………………..pg 122
- The integumentary sensory system…………………………………………….…..pg 125
- The somatosensory system………………………………………………………....pg 127
- The taste sensory system…………………………………………………………. .pg 129
- The olfactory sensory system……………………………………………………….pg 132
- The hearing sensory system ……………………..………………………………...pg 135
- The vision sensory system ..………………………………………………………..pg 139
- The spatial orientation system ..…………………………………………………....pg 147
- The brain evolution ..………………………………………………………………...pg 155
- The brain organ ..…………………………………………………………………….pg 181
- The brain function ..………………………………………………………………….pg 189
- Awareness and consciousness ..…………………………………………………..pg 202
- Curiosity and intelligence ..………………………………………………………….pg 208
- Pattern recognitions ……………………………………………...………………….pg 211
- The birth of language………………………………………………………………...pg 214
- The birth of civilization…………………………………………………………….....pg 217
- Culture and religion…………………………………………………………………..pg 220
- The oil industry and the lead problem……………………………………………...pg 226
- The nuclear energy problem………………………………………………………...pg 231
- The mobile phone technology problem………………………...…………………..pg 242
- The cancer and the modern civilization…………………………………………….pg 256
- The energy crisis and the overpopulation ……………………………...………....pg 265
- The carbon cycle ……………………………………………………………...……..pg 273
- Global warming and climate change……………………………………………….pg 277
- The technological revolution paradox……………………………………………...pg 283
- The presidential speech that led to the voyage to the moon ..………………..pg 291
- Civilization biggest event since WW2……………………………………………...pg 310
- Energy and the state of matter …….……………………………………………....pg 333
- The atom, elements and chemistry………..……………………………………….pg 343
- The quantum world …………………………………………..……………………...pg 349
- Electricity and Magnetism…………………………………………………………...pg 370
- Waves and electromagnetic radiation……………………………..……………….pg 384
- Light…………………………………………………………………………...……….pg 392
- Space ……………………………………………………..…………………………..pg 398
- Time…………………………………………………………………………....………pg 402
- General relativity……………………………………………………………………...pg 405
- Stars …………………………………………………………………………...……...pg 410
- Black holes ……………………………………………………………………..…….pg 424
- Entropy ..…………………………………………………...………………………...pg 429
- The fate of the Universe……………………………………………………………..pg 432
- A curious brain leads you to knowledge…………………………………………...pg 436
- The bonus chapter…………………………………………………………………...pg 438