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Andrea Thorn

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Dr. Andrea Thorn studied Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and obtained a PhD in 2011 from the University of Göttingen (D) on the topic "Practical approaches to macromolecular X-ray structure determination" in George Sheldrick’s group. Focusing on methods development in crystallography, she worked as a research associate in Randy Read’s lab at the University of Cambridge (UK) before starting her own independent work as Marie-Curie fellow at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, where she expanded her work into electron cryo microscopy. As senior researcher at the Diamond Light Source & University of Oxford, she developed the diffraction data analysis software AUSPEX. Upon her return to Germany, she started to include AI-based methods into her tools, becoming a junior group leader at the University of Würzburg in 2019. She now works as a group leader at the Institute of Nanostructures and Solid State Physics at the University of Hamburg and is the leader of the “Coronavirus Structural Task Force”.

Prices and Awards[edit]

  • Rising Star Award, Asian Crystallographic Association 2013
  • Transkontinentales Reisestipendium der International Union for Crystallography, 2013
  • Posterpreise: GRC Diffraction Methods 2012, IUCr 2010, DGK-AK1 Workshop 2007
  • Stipendium des Fonds der Bayerischen Chemieindustrie für Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagung 2005


  • Thorn, A.* (2021) EMDBest: A training library for machine learning in Cryo-EM, Acta Cryst. D. [eingeladen; in Vorbereitung]
  • Thorn, A.* (2021) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Methodologies in Structural Biology, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. [eingereicht und in Begutachtung]
  • Nolte, K., Gao, Y., Stäb, S., Kollmannsberger, P., Thorn, A.* (2021) Detecting ice artefacts in processed macromolecular diffraction data with machine learning, Acta Cryst D [eingereicht und in Begutachtung]
  • Ramon Macias, J., Sanchez-Garcia, R., Conesa, P., Ramirez-Aportela, E., Martinez Gonzalez, M., Wert�Carvajal, C., Segura Mora, J., Horrell, S., Thorn, A., Sorzano, C.O.S., Carazo, J.M. (2021) 3DBionotes COVID-19 Edition, Bioinformatics [akzeptiert]
  • Croll, T., Diederichs, K., Fischer, F., Fyfe, C., Gao, Y., Horrell, S., Joseph, A., Kandler, L., Kippes, O., Kirsten, F., Müller, K., Nolte, K., Payne, A., Reeves, M.G., Richardson, J., Santoni, G., Stäb, S., Tronrud, D., Williams, C, Thorn, A*. (2021) Making the invisible enemy visible, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 28, 404–408
  • Mostosi, P., Schindelin, H., Kollmannsberger, P. & Thorn, A.* (2019) Haruspex: A Neural Network for the Automatic Identification of Oligonucleotides and Protein Secondary Structure in Cryo‐EM Maps (2020) Angewandte Chem. (Int. Edition) 59, 14788-14795
  • Thorn, A.*, Parkhurst, J.M., Emsley, P., Nicholls, R., Evans, G., Vollmar, M. & Murshudov, G.N. (2017) AUSPEX: a graphical tool for X-ray diffraction data analysis, Acta Cryst D73, 729-737
  • Parkhurst, J.M., Thorn, A., Vollmar, M., Winter, G., Waterman, D.G., Fuentes-Montero, L., Gildea, R.J., Murshudov G.N. & Evans, G. (2017) Background modelling of diffraction data in the presence of ice�rings, IUCrJ 4, 626-638.
  • Thorn, A.* (2016) Experimental Phasing: Substructure Solution and Density Modification as Implemented in SHELX in Protein Crystallography, Methods in Molecular Biology (series), 357-376 Koeditoren A. Wlodawer, Z. Dauter, and M. Jaskolski, Springer 2017. [eingeladenes Buchkapitel]
  • Knott, G.J, Panjikar, S., Thorn, A., Fox, A.H., Conte, M.R., Lee, M. & Bond, C.S. (2016) A crystallographic study of human NONO (p54nrb): Overcoming pathological problems with purification, data collection and non-crystallographic symmetry, Acta Cryst. D72, 761-769
  • Deigan Warner, K.D., Chen, M.C., Song, W., Strack R.L., Thorn, A., Jaffrey S.R. & Ferré-D’Amaré, A.R. (2014) Structural basis for activity of highly efficient RNA mimics of green fluorescent protein, NSMB 21, 658-663
  • Thorn, A.* & Sheldrick G.M. (2013) Extending Molecular Replacement Solutions with SHELXE, Acta Cryst. D69, 2251-2256.
  • Cooper, R.I., Thorn, A. & Watkin D.J. (2012) CRYSTALS enhancements: asymmetric restraints, J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 1057-1060
  • Thorn, A., Steinfeld, R., Ziegenbein, M., Grapp, M., Hsiao, H.H., Urlaub, H., Sheldrick, G.M., Gärtner, J. & Krätzner, R. (2012) Structure and activity of the only human RNase T2, Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 8733-8742
  • Thorn, A., Dittrich, B. & Sheldrick, G.M. (2012) Enhanced rigid-bond restraints Acta Cryst. A68, 448- 451
  • Thorn, A. & Sheldrick, G.M. (2011) ANODE: ANOmalous and heavy-atom DEnsity calculation, J. Appl. Cryst. 44, 1285-1287
  • Vouffo, B., Dongo, E., Facey, P., Thorn, A., Sheldrick, G. M., Maier, A., Fiebig, H.H. & Laatsch, H. (2010) Antiarol cinnamate and Africanoside, a cinnamoyl triterpene and a hydroperoxy-cardenolide from the stem bark of Antiaris Africana, Planta Med. 76, 1717-1723
  • Tavcar, G., Sen, S.S., Azhakar, R., Thorn, A. & Roesky, H.W. (2010) Facile syntheses of silylene nickel carbonyl complexes from Lewis base stabilized chlorosilylenes, Inorg. Chem. 49, 10199-10202 (IF: 4.9, Zitationen: 90)
  • Fischer, A., Stern, D., Thorn, A., Abraham, S., Stalke, D. & Klingebiel, U. (2010) From the Lithium-2- anilide-2-fluoro-1,3-diaza-2-sila-cyclopentene-GaCl3 Adduct to 1,4,6-Triaza-5-gallium-7-sila-cyclo-3- heptene - Experimental and Quantum-chemical Results, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 636, 1527-1532
  • Vollmar, D., Thorn, A., Schuberth, I. & Grond, S. (2009) A comprehensive view on 4-methyl-2- quinazolinamine, a new microbial alkaloid from Streptomyces of TCM plant origin, J. Antibiot. 62, 439- 444 (IF: 2.4, Zitationen: 13)
  • Thorn, A., Egerer-Sieber, C., Jäger, C.M., Herl, V., Müller-Uri, F., Kreis, W. & Muller Y.A. (2008) The crystal structure of 5β-Progesterone Reductase from Digitalis Lanata defines of a novel subfamily of short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases, J. Biol. Chem. 283, 17260-17269
  • Tampier, S., Müller, R., Thorn, A., Hübner, E. & Burzlaff, N. (2008) Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Ruthenium Carboxylato and 2-Oxocarboxylato Complexes bearing the Bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- yl)acetato Ligand, Inorg. Chem. 47, 9624-9641


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