Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church Canonical of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East Greek_International_Orthodox_Christian_Church_Canonical
Metropolitan Seal Orthodox .png | |
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Native name | Greek International Orthodox Christian Church Canonical |
Religios Organization of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of East of all Africa of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church Canonical (Religious Organization) | |
ISIN | ๐ |
Industry | Religious Non-Profit Organization Religious Organization |
Successors | One of the Successors we're Patriarch Luke Harris was the Patriarch, Then Patriarch was Chrysostom 11 Alexandros, Then of the Leading Bishops was Metropolitan Archbishop Christopher Michael Maier from 2017 to July 19 2019 to first Patriarch of the Patriarchal Throne of Pietermaritzburg. |
Founded ๐ | Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East of all Africa |
Founder ๐ | Founder was Apostle Mark that lead up to Luke Harris we are in full communion with all Eastern Orthodox Churches. Well before 891AD and from the Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria had split before 891 AD |
Headquarters ๐๏ธ | Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham/Pietermaritzburg , United States and Africa, Canada, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand Tanzania Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya ,Congo, Madagascar Republic of Angelo, South Africa, England, Great Britain, United Kingdom ECT |
Number of locations | 196 monasteries |
Areas served ๐บ๏ธ | Canada, Americas, Australia New Zealand all of Africa Russia India |
Key people | Metropolitan Jean Bernard of and of all Africa Patriarch Francis C Michael Maier |
Services | Divine Liturgy / Mass and Selling Orthodox Items Anointing of the Sick Mass for the Dead ECT |
Total assets | Monasteries, Cathedral's, Churches, Convents and Chapels |
Members | |
Number of employees | 16552 |
๐ Website | |
๐ Address | |
๐ telephone | |

The Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East broke from the Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. The Patriarchate and Holy Synod of Bishops Luke Harris and 848 Bishops who founded this Orthodox Patriarchate in before Soviet Union well before 891AD, of which he became the Patriarch of all the Bishops elected the patriarch for Patriarchate but got Autocephalous by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople he alone made this discussion after the good year 2018h. Mark Harris headed the Patriarchate from 1986-91 then Chrysostom 11 Alexandros from 1991 to 2017, until his passing. On Sept 2017 Most Rev Dr Francis C Michael Maier became Metropolitan Archbishop until the Present. And current Patriarch of the jurisdiction.
Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America, Canada and Philippines[edit]
Metropolitan Archbishop title of Exarch and Primate of all America, Canada and , Philippines became a thing Patriarch of the jurisdiction Francis C Michael Maier was consecrated Archbishop of Birmingham and Metropolitan Primate of America, Canada and Philippines in Monastery of Saint Nicolas the Worker of South Africa 40 Kilometers outside Pietermaritzburg in 2017. Francis Christopher Michael Maier officially inaugurated his Archdiocese in America in July 9, 2018 with Father Mark Harris, which prior to that time was doing a Antiochian Orthodox Mission in America within the State of New York and Birmingham Alabama. Father Mark Harris was Francis Christopher's Archdeacon and personal assist to Bishop Francis C M Maier. Father Mark Stephen Harris' life was short lived, having passed away at the age of 55 on July 19, 2018. Bishop Francis C Michael Maier was ordained by the Anglican Catholic Church of South India to the Diaconate in January of 2007. On July 17, 2008 he became a Priest and on Feb 10, 2010 was Consecrated a Bishop. Then Bishop Francis C M Maier came home on leave and met Metropolitan Philip from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America and Canada. Metropolitan Archbishop Philip of New York who lived at Englewood New Jersey sat down with Metropolitan Philip after talking for a few weeks Metropolitan Philip allowed Bishop Francis Christopher M Maier to join the Western Rite Vicarate where he was the acting bishop for the New York Diocese from New York to Washington Dc in Maryland. As a Western Orthodox Bishop, Francis C M Maier started the Antiochian Orthodox Mission in the United States Called the Apostle Mark the Evangelist Antiochian Orthodox Mission in New York State. that was in January 12, 2014 but Metropolitan Philip ended up dying too soon for his age and Bishop Francis M. Maier figured he would do a mission in Africa. As Bishop Francis C Maier was doing mission work in Southern Africa by Cape Town and Pietermaritzburg where he met Patriarch Chrysostom 11 Alexandros of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East of all Africa of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church - Canonical and fell into a very close relationship with the Current Patriarch of the Greek Communities all over Africa. Bishop Christopher told Patriarch Chrysostom that he would do Western Rite Orthodoxy for his Jurisdiction and teach all the priests and bishops how to do Western Rite Orthodox Mass using the Liturgy of Saint Gregory and Saint Tikhon's Mass or as Eastern Rite calls in Divine Liturgy. After learning more about the Orthodox Church, he Joined the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church - Canonical of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East and had setup a date to be crowned a Archbishop for Birmingham Alabama and Metropolitan and Exarch of America, Canada and Philippines on September 22, 2016 and has been with them ever since. He then started the Western Rite Vicarate within the jurisdiction called WRGIOCCC Just like the Jurisdictions of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America, Canada and in the same manner as ROCOR and other Orthodox Churches through out the world. The Western Vicarate of the WRGIOCCC has been making great progress under Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C M Maier who continues to teach the Jurisdiction how to celebrate the Saint Gregory and Saint Tikhon's Divine Liturgy or as the Western Rite calls it 'The Mass' The Archdiocese of America, Canada and Philippines is based out of Birmingham Alabama address 608 Oakmoor Drive Homewood 35209. Saint Mark's Orthodox Church and Monastery is also the Holy Synod office. Thing are still progressing but a little now a lot faster for the Archdiocese of America but the Archbishop had a plan in which called for doing Eastern Rite Divine Liturgy which is used in the Orthodox Churches. Which are the use Saint Chrysostom and Saint Basil the Great which are very beautiful Liturgies used since the beginning of time and he seems he plans to make sure the Jurisdiction stays open Metropolitan Francis C M Maier its fighting the good fight and making sure that all Orthodox Churches underneath his jurisdiction are doing what they can to raise donations to help support not just the jurisdiction and clergy and Churches or facilities they have. But the Most Important thing is supporting our communities together so we can save souls and lives. And also we are always trying to do medical missions within Philippines Africa or any place that really needs it Sister Eva Fodey is a Doctor and a Catholic Missionary Sister who is the President of the Foundation of our Lady of Peace Mission Hospital in the Philippines in which Metropolitan is always fundraising for.
Archdiocese of South Africa of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East all Africa and[edit]

The Archdiocese of Pietermaritzburg is overseen by Metropolitan Archbishop and Exarch of all Africa Jean Bernard and the Metropolitan Patrick Mkhize from South Africa and lives of Pietermaritzburg. Who assist Metropolitan Archbishop title of Exarch Jean Bernard. Patrick Mkhize was the Patriarchate of the African Orthodox Church and has known Patriarch Chrysostom 11 Alexandros for many years but near the end of 2017 he was dyeing of colon cancer and there was nothing they could do and it was a very fast moving cancer the Patriarch Chrysostom made sure that in Sept of 2017 he only made a few calls and called his most highest Bishop's and decided in the end Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier would be the leading bishop for the church until they had a Holy Synod of Bishops Meeting but Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C Maier tried to decline the position for he felt to young. He wanted Metropolitan and Exarch of all Africa Jean Bernard to take such position but he has declined for certain reasons unknown and said he would assist Metropolitan Archbishop title of Patriarch Francis C M Maier until the time has come. It's now April 18, 2019 and they have discuss certain facts and we have chosen Metropolitan Archbishop and Exarch Francis C Maier will be our new Patriarch of the Church he was voted and elected by the Holy Synod of Bishops of their Orthodox Jurisdiction. On July 19 2019 he had his coronation in Washington DC and gave President Trump a Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Saint Mark's Orthodox College and Seminary which is in Plymouth Indiana and also a officially Ambassador Certificate of the Orthodox Churches Who is overseen by Patriarch Francis Christopher Maier.
Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg of all the States of the East has done intercommunion with Canonical Bishops with the Churches[edit]
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East is an Autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Apostolic and Canonical Church of the East, which also has intercommunion with Syro-Chaldean Antiochian, Saint Thomas Orthodox Christians of the East: The Saint Thomas Orthodox Christians of the East is Patriarch Mar Mikhael, Michael C Foster Jurisdiction, The Patriarch of Saint Thomas Orthodox Christians of the East He also has done intercommunion with the Orthodox Catholic Byzantine Church communion worldwide if which Metropolitan Archbishop Luiz Martins and Patriarch Christopher have finally done intercommunion as we'll as the Balgrusian Orthodox Church of Exile and Metropolitan Archbishop title of Exarch of their churches who have done intercommunion with Patriarch Christopher Michael Maier. His Exarch of Brazil and South America Metropolian Archbishop Dom Nagui who is the Archbishop of Rio and for Brazil and South America he is Metropolitan and Exarch. Now with the other and two Russian jurisdictions came underneath Patriarch Francis Christopher Maier jurisdiction which are the Russian Autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church and the Russian True Orthodox Church in which Archbishop and Metropolitan of Moscow Archbishop Alexey have come to the agreement they needed the help because of the Soviet Union has taken control and have took most of there bishops and had the killed so they were hiding underground doing divine liturgy until now. Metropolitan Archbishop title of Patriarch Mar Mikhael Michael C Foster and Patriarch Christopher saw a great number problems with the mainstream Churches of the East and the West. And have decided to work together to help resolve many of these contemporary issues. By forming a new body of Orthodox Bishop's of the Greater America, Canada and Philippines and a few other countries so that so independent (autocephalous) Orthodox Churches and bishops that have valid apostolic lines of succession, in which all documentation must be validated. The Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America, Canada and Philippines based out of Africa has moved it Holy Synod from Africa temporarily to America because of the passing of Patriarch Chrysostom 11 Alexandros. His Holiness Archbishop Francis C Maier is now currently holds the position of Patriarch and Metropolitan Archbishop Patrick Mkhize of South Africa is the Exarch for Southern Africa. And all the Metropolitans of the Orthodox Patriarchate, are most satisfied of the outcome and the Metropolitan s Archbishops and Bishops have decided that some of the Canons Laws are outdated and irrelevant, And are in the process of being re-writting or push aside and tempory of era are being dismiss for a era because they don't want to loss the traditions doctrines and Canons of the Orthodox Church because then it would not be a Mainstream Canonical Jurisdiction of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Many are not contemporary and others should never have been changed for example, Canon 5 of the Holy Apostles also called the 'Rudder' states that "no Bishop, Presbyter, or Deacon shall put their wife under the pretext of religion or if they shall do so let them be excommunicated, and if they persist let them be deposed". This was ratified, allowing Bishop's to be married but only once do to it was done first illegal reasons it was not done by the Ecumenical Synod of Bishops it was done by the episcopate which is a holy see of bishops in which they told newly ordained bishops to leave there wives. The only canon law that was made by the Ecumenical Synod was they introduced celibacy in the six Ecumenical Synod. The reason for this change and others, was because they are either the result of human error and judgement, and are outdated, or are lacking a sound scriptural basis. This is just one example of the Canons that are being updated to reflect their original intention. The Holy Synod of Bishops is now operating out of Birmingham Alabama because the Monastery of Saint Nicolas is currently vacant due to the death of Patriarch Chrysostom. For the benefit of the Church as a whole, Conjunctor Francis Christopher Michael Maier has made the decision not to relocate to the monastic community outside of Pietermaritzburg. Conjunctor Francis C Michael Maier was voted abs elected Metropolitan Archbishop title of Patriarch of the Orthodox Patriarchate of the Greek Orthodox Church in 2017 at the request of Patriarch Chrysostom 11, who believed Francis C M Maier to be the most qualified to take this position. Metropolitan Archbishop and Exarch Patrick Mkhize of South Africa, originally a Patriarchate of the African Orthodox Church, has been pleased to be side by side with and working with Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier as so the Metropolitan Archbishop title of Exarch Jean Bernard of all Africa are greatly happy for Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C M Maier As well as the patriarchal vicar Joachim who was dismissed for reasons to be unknown. In which now the patriarchal vicar is Simon Peter out of India.
Episcopate Orthodox Church of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East of the Ancient Holy See of Bishops[edit]
This is a Canonical Orthodox assembly of bishops within Orthodox jurisdictions as of 2019 some people have fake certificates of the Canonical Orthodox Bishop's Michael is not one of them at all.
- 1).Metropolitan Archbishop and President of Assembly is
- Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier is the Patriarch of Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East and Archbishop of Birmingham Alabama Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America, Canada and Philippines.
- With Mark Stephen Harris the Archdeacon for the Archbishop of Pietermaritzburg in South Africa as well in Birmingham Alabama
- 2). Archbishop Assistant to the Archbishop and President
- Archbishop of Texas Gloster G Brooks Sr of Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America
- 3). Bishop and Second President
- Bishop Thomas Stapleford of Virginia of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America.
- 4).metropolitan Third President
- Metropolitan Archbishop title of Exarch of all Africa Jean Barnard of the Archdiocese of Africa
- 5).Treasurer / Laity
- Enecita Feniceto Maier for the Philippines of the Jurisdiction of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the Philippines.
- 6). Josephine Maier Council Member and who takes care of Archdiocese Money.
Saint Mark's Orthodox College and Seminary[edit]
Administrators at Saint Mark's Orthodox College and Seminary Are Archbishop of Birmingham Alabama Most Rev Dr Francis Michael Maier Th.D. D.D. M.D. Ph.D. He is also the Director and head administrator for Saint Mark's Orthodox College and Seminary in Plymouth Indiana. Father was the dean of Student but has been Excommunicated from the Syriac Orthodox Church and gone to a fake Church the Patriarchate of Nations Abbott Thomas Walker is no longer in any control of our Monastery of Holy Martyrs which is where the College and Seminary is a beautiful Chapel which Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier has just built himself for everyone should have a perfect place to pray and be at peace in which they will get when they come. Most Rev Dr Mar Mikhael, Michael C Foster, the Metropolitan Archbishop title of Patriarch of the Saint Thomas Orthodox Christians of the East and Patriarch Mar Mikael Michael C Foster is also a administrator of the college and seminary. The Facility is a old Church on about a 3/4 acre lot its a old a frame Church very high ceilings a beautiful church the Iconostasis Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C M Maier has built with his jurisdictions money for our jurisdictions could get a great education for a very reasonable price and the College and Seminary And Chapel that Most Rev Dr Archbishop Francis C M Maier has built himself is very beautiful. And is now ready for divine liturgy for the new seminarians. They are really going to love what has been done with the chapel. The sanctuary is beautiful and quiet for priests or the Abbott or Monks who ever wants please come see and your love it. Archbishop Francis C M Maier is fixing the Down stares now to make more sleeping room for such seminarians that will be coming in and joining the Saint Mark's Orthodox College and Seminary who jurisdiction is under is Metropolitan Archbishop Francis Christopher Michael Maier of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East of which the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America Canada and Philippines oversees and has taken over the facility. There will be off grounds living for certain number of living because it's a small facility but for their first College and Seminary School in America thanks to Metropolitan Archbishop Francis Christopher Maier. It's really Starting to take off. There will be online courses of the students that don't live here they will have an opportunity to get a degree at a distance which makes things much easier for there will be online classes from home for people in other countries and to far of a distance to come all the time. Administrators Archbishop Francis M Maier and director Josephine Maier and Archbishop Brooks and Bishop Thomas are going to have a decision made about the Abbott Theodosius Walker is taken money and using it for himself it was the Syriac Orthodox Monastery but it's now under Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier of Birmingham Alabama where the headquarters will be located Birmingham he has invested lot of his Archdiocese Money sending the College up but do to Covid-19 hares time but god will see that it passes..
Eastern and Western Rites[edit]
The Orthodox Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East of the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church Canonical celebrates both Eastern and Western Rite Divine Liturgy or Mass. They have chosen to use the Antiochian Saint Andrews Orthodox Western Rite Service Book and the Saint Gregory and Saint Tikhon's Services. For Eastern Rite the Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Basil the Great liturgies are used. For Eastern Rite, the Prayer book used is the 'Red' Antiochian Prayer Book. The Western Rite Prayer book is the 1923 Common Prayer book for the Anglican Catholic Church, used because of its more Orthodox Style and language. Metropolitan Archbishop Francis C Michael Maier I'd finally done with his forth book Apostle Joseph of Arimathea service book for Western Rite Orthodox Mass traditional and authentic.
Western Rite Vicarate[edit]
The Western Rite Vicarate was started when Metropolitan Archbishop Francis Christopher Michael Maier until he had his coronation in Washington DC with president Trump and he was given a Doctorate Degree in Divinity he also received a officially an Ambassador certificate to the Orthodox Greek and Russian Orthodox Jurisdictions. When Archbishop Francis Christopher Maier took over Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Church-Canonical. And when this took place he has came over from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church doing mission work under Metropolitan Philip until his passing then had 2014.Then Archbishop Francis Christopher Michael Maier had to mission work in Africa but before he became Orthodox he was a Anglican Catholic Church as a Bishop from South India in Timul Nudu and was use to doing Western Rite traditional Mass. Metropolitan Francis Christopher has started the Western Rite in the United States for his Jurisdiction and its called WRAGIOCC which means Western Rite Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Church Canonical. They use the Saint Andrews service book from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America. But they are in the middle of writing there own Liturgy book but will based off the Saint Andrews service book they will use the Saint Gregory and Saint Tikhon services for the Western Rite within there missions and churches in the United States, Canada and Philippines. Metropolitan Archbishop Francis Christopher is now teaching the Archdioceses over in Africa how to do the Divine Liturgy or as Western Rite call it Mass.
Archdiocese of the Philippines[edit]
Saint Mark's Orthodox Church and Mission in Davao City has Started in September 3, 2019 which is being overseen by the Metropolitan Archbishop himself Francis Chris Maier he is overseeing the Archdiocese of America and the Archdiocese of Canada,Archbishop Francis Christopher Michael Maier oversees the whole jurisdiction with the help of the Patriarchal Council.
Archdiocese of America[edit]
The Archdiocese is of America, Canada, and Philippines is Based out of Homewood Alabama 608 Oakmoor Drive we have about 24 Western Rite Orthodox Churches and Eastern Rite we have 15 which are all over America we are in Patchouge NY Father John is Vicar General and Archpriest.
Archdiocese of Canada[edit]
Apostolic Succession for the Autocephalous Greek International Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America Canada and Philippines and the whole Patriarchate of Pietermaritzburg and all the States of the East.[edit]
''Apostolic Succession''
- Mark the Evangelist (43โ68)
- Anianus (68โ82)
- Avilius (83โ95)
- Kedronus (96โ106)
- Primus (106โ118)
- Justus (118โ129)
- Eumenes (131โ141)
- Markianos (142โ152)
- Celadion (152โ166)
- Agrippinus (167โ178)
- Julian (178โ189)
- Demetrius I (189โ232)
- Heraclas (232โ248)
- Dionysius (248โ264)
- Maximus (265โ282)
- Theonas (282โ300)
- Peter I (300โ311)
- Achillas (312โ313)
- Alexander I (313โ326)
- vacant (326โ328)
- Athanasius I (328โ339)
- Gregory of Cappadocia (339โ346),
- Athanasius I (346โ373) (restored)
- Peter II (373โ380)
- Lucius (373โ377),
- Timothy I (380โ385)
- Theophilus I (385โ412)
- Cyril I (412โ444)
- Dioscorus I (444โ451)
- Proterius (451โ457)
- vacant (457โ460)
- Timothy III Salophakiolos (460โ475)
- vacant (475โ477)
- Timothy III Salophakiolos (477โ482) (restored)
- John I Talaias (482)
- vacant (482โ536)
- Gainas (536โ537)
- Paul (537โ542)
- Zoilus (542โ551)
- Apollinarius (551โ569)
- John IV (569โ579)
- vacant (579โ581)
- Eulogius I (581โ608)
- Theodore I (608โ610)
- John V the Merciful (610โ621)
- George I (621โ630)
- Cyrus (631โ641)
- vacant (641โ642)
- Peter IV (642โ651)
- (Coadjutor) Theodore II
- Peter V
- Peter VI
- Theophylactus
- Onopsus
- Cosmas I (727โ768)
- Politianus (768โ813)
- Eustatius (813โ817)
- Christopher I (817โ841)
- Sophronius I (841โ860)
- Michael I (860โ870)
- Michael II (870โ903)
- vacant (903โ907)
- Christodoulos (907โ932)
- Eutychius (932โ940)
- Sophronius II (941)
- Isaac (941โ954)
- Job (954โ960)
- vacant (960โ963)
- Elias I (963โ1000)
- Arsenius (1000โ1010)
- Theophilus (1010โ1020)
- George II (1021โ1051)
- Leontius (1052โ1059)
- Alexander II (1059โ1062)
- John VI Kodonatos (1062โ1100)
- Eulogius II (1100โ1117) Coadjutor?
- Cyril II (1100โ )
- Sabbas (1117โ )
- Theodosius II ( โ1137) Coadjutor?
- Sophronius III (1137โ1171)
- Elias II (1171โ1175)
- Eleutherius (1175โ1180)
- Mark III (1180โ1209)
- Nicholas I (1210โ1243)
- Gregory # (1243โ1263)
- Nicholas II (1263โ1276)
- Athanasius III (1276โ1316)
- Gregory II (1316โ1354)
- Gregory III (1354โ1366)
- Niphon (1366โ1385)
- Mark IV (1385โ1389)
- Nicholas III (1389โ1398)
- Gregory IV (1398โ1412)
- Nicholas IV (1412โ1417)
- Athanasius IV (1417โ1425)
- Mark V (1425โ1435)
- Philotheus (1435โ1459)
- Mark VI (1459โ1484)
- Gregory V (1484โ1486)
- Joachim Pany (1486โ1567)
- vacant (1567โ1569)
- Silvester (1569โ1590)
- Meletius I (1590โ1601)
- Cyril III Loucaris (1601โ1620)
- Gerasimus I Spartaliotes (1620โ1636)
- Metrophanes Kritikopoulos (1636โ1639)
- Nicephorus (1639โ1645)
- Joannicius (1645โ1657)
- Paisius (1657โ1678)
- Parthenius I (1678โ1688)
- Gerasimus II Paladas (1688โ1710)
- Samuel Kapasoulis (1710โ1712)
- Cosmas II (1712โ1714)
- Samuel (restored) (1714โ1723)
- Cosmas II (restored) (1723โ1736)
- Cosmas III (1737โ1746)
- Matthew Psaltis (1746โ1766)
- Cyprian (1766โ1783)
- Gerasimus III Gimaris (1783โ1788)
- Parthenius II Pankostas (1788โ1805)
- Theophilus III Pankostas (1805โ1825)
- Hierotheus I (1825โ1845)
- Artemius (1845โ1847)
- Hierotheus II (1847โ1858)
- Callinicus (1858โ1861)
- Jacob (1861โ1865)
- Nicanor (1866โ1869)
- Sophronius IV (1870โ1899)
- Photius (1900โ1925)
- Meletius II Metaxakis (1926โ1935)
- Nicholas V (1936โ1939)
- Christopher II (1939โ1966)
- vacant (1966โ1968)
- Nicholas VI (1968โ1986)
- Luke Harris (1986-1991)
- Chrysostom 11 Alexandros (1991-2017)
- Francis Christopher Michael Maier (2017-pres)