Can You Double Glaze Existing Windows?
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From the moment you set foot on Melbourne the ground, you'll want to know what it is that Melbournians claim that we have four seasons in a day'. Weather in Australia is fairly steady in certain areas of the country, but in Melbourne is known to be quite volatile, unpredictable and, well, just plain unpredictable. This is among the main reasons why double-glazed windows are not only a fantastic option for your house, but also an absolute necessity for getting through the daytime in the event that the weather doesn't look well.
Double-glazed windows are ideal to control temperature, especially in summer when it is extremely hot, while winters can be extremely cold and you have massive fluctuations involving a mix of both over the course of a week or day. Here at Windows Republic, we've been offering premium double-glazed windows for many years. One frequently asked question is whether you can double glaze existing windows?
Yes, it is possible. Double glaze your windows you already have![edit]
This is a fantastic alternative if you've got relatively newly installed windows, but they're not double-glazed, or are you seeking a less expensive alternative to add that additional insulation and better temperatures control for your home. By adding a second layer of insulation and double-glazing existing windows will provide you with more convenience, improve the efficiency of your energy bill and can lessen the noise outside your home. An excellent way to adjust your house to unpredictable and harsh Melbourne conditions, this type of double glazing is very advantageous!
The process involves one of our highly skilled technicians inspecting your windows and determining whether they're appropriate to provide you with a quotation and then begin installing secondary glazing to your windows. One reason for why our processes are extremely efficient is the fact that we procure all the equipment we use and produce our double-glazed windows in Australia and offer very short time-to-market. We understand how crucial being at ease in your home is, especially when you're in the middle of a tough winter/summer or in between seasons We work hard to provide high-quality windows with the best cost-benefit ratios.
Pros and Cons of Double Glazing windows that are already in use[edit]
Although it appears to be it's a simple decision to double glazing your windows however there are some things to consider before making a final decision. not all windows are suitable to be used as secondary glass.
Windows Republic Windows Republic, we care about the experience you have and the goals you're trying to achieve with your windows. Sometimes, secondary glazing might be exactly the solution you're looking for. However, there are times when it's recommended to go that extra mile and purchase new double-glazed windows rather than secondary glazing, too. We are aware that each customer we work with will probably have a different house as well as windows that are different and have different circumstances. That's the reason our consultation will look at your home and offering the most suitable solution for your particular situation.
Are the windows that are in use suitable?[edit]
One of the tests that our certified installers will perform is whether your windows are able to be upgraded with secondary glazing in the first instance. The windows you already have might not be appropriate if they're not strong enough or durable enough, or noisy or need repairs. If any of the above is the case, it's usually not a good idea to install secondary glazing because the overall appearance and quality isn't as high with windows that are double glazed. If that's the case it could be costly to install secondary glazing since it is necessary to take additional measures to ensure that the window in use is in good working order for the second piece of glass as well as the process of installation.
Do you have to open your windows for the air to circulate?[edit]
Because every home will likely have different designs, sizes, and styles of windows based on the time and who constructed them and the time of their construction, when we look at retrofitting windows to double-glazed windows, these need to be closed permanently to protect the frame and give adequate support. This usually means that you will not be able to open the double glazed windows in a proper manner, or in any way, which could impact your comfort when you want to enjoy natural ventilation in the windows. This is a different situation in which, based on your requirements we will look at the cost/benefits of second glazing in comparison to investing in new double-glazed windows for your home.
If you're thinking of double glazed windows in Perth and you're considering the possibility of double-glazing your windows that you have already installed contact us to us for an honest assessment by one of our skilled technicians. We will also provide a cost-effective quote to begin your way to a more comfortable house that has double glazing. Contact us now!