Chapters. is a dark sci-fi horror anthology web series created by Mike Barkhoff that premiered in February 2018. The first season, consisting of six episodes, was met with high viewership on it's Barking Vans platform and received critical acclaim, resulting in a second season being ordered but after a year off. In 2020, the series returned by surprise with it's second season, Atrocity Exhitions. Each of Season 2's ten episodes were written and directed solely by Barkhoff. The fourth episode on were changed drastically due to COVID-19 and a massive change in production. The second season, featuring a thematic oversight of it's plot - addictive tendencies - was met with rave reviews and the show was renewed again. The third season, subtitled Bad Things Happen At Noon, released it's thirteen episodes in 2021. Featuring a much more loose conceptual basis, it was, however, still "about spoiled friendship", as Barkhoff described it. He directed every other episode of the season, but wrote all. Some were stripped from original placement in prior seasons and restored here. The fourth season, simply entitled C4, began in 2024. Bearing fourteen episodes, it has received laud also.