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Ding Xiaoping(Scholar)

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Ding Xiaoping(Scholar) is a male Chinese scholar of the Han nationality, who was born in Yanshou county, Heilongjiang Province, China.

Ding Xiaoping(Scholar)[edit]

Chinese Name:Ding Xiaoping Birth Year:1962
Nationality:China Birthplace:Yanshou county, Heilongjiang Province
Belief:Communism Ancestral Home:Pingyin County, Shandong Province

Representitive works:

  • A Brief Discussion on Mistakes in Current Principles of Calculus, A Brief Discussion on *Function of Real Variables as the Perfection of Principles of Calculus, How to Teach *Differential Correctly, Rethinking on the Current Principle of Calculus.

Academic contribution[edit]

First of all, Mr. Ding Xiaoping pointed out the errors in introducing the concept of differentiation in the current principle of calculus and the systematic error it caused thereby in that principle. As a contrast, he redefined differentiation. Probably it is appropriate to say that the error in the current principle of calculus which Ding Xiaoping pointed out is precisely the product of contradiction between the theory of limit and the theory of differentiation in the history of calculus development. Undoubtedly, the theory of limit has its own mathematical meaning, but it seems not advisable to build the principle of calculus on it.

Secondly, Mr. Ding Xiaoping pointed out the distortion of the overall structure of the current principle of calculus and reset the structure, which is consistent with Leibniz's thinking.

Third, Mr. Ding Xiaoping’s new model of the relation between algebra and geometry corrected the defects of evil infinite in the traditional model, achieving unification between the algebra model and the geometry model and laying the foundation for a mathematical revolution brewing for many years. Two aspects among them are of vital importance: first, the concept of Werden was established, which corrected the inherent contradiction that the traditional algebra model is sometimes static and sometimes dynamic. The formation of a new model featuring motion in quiescence made it possible to describe mathematics dynamically; second, Ding Xiaoping pointed out that neither algebra numbers nor transcendental numbers can serve as the mathematical undertaker of measurement. Measurement can only be undertaken by Werden.

Fourth, Mr. Ding Xiaoping’s new principle of calculus proves with facts that Leibniz’s principle of calculus is completely feasible, drawing a conclusion to the 246-year-old problem of controversy in mathematical history.

Finally, Ding Xiaoping’s new principle of calculus realized point-by-point description in mathematics, such as the mathematical undertaker of differentiation, the instantaneous ratio form of derivatives and point-by-point accumulation of integrals. Among them, the mathematical undertaker of differentiation has not only solved mathematical problems, but also provided solutions to core natural science problems such as the principle of virtual displacement. [1]

The establishment of a new principle of calculus with enchanced scientific nature is bound to lead to the revelation of more calculus methods. It will directly push the comprehensive development of differential equation and differential geometry while also giving an indirect boost to the development of other branches of mathematics. The building of a new model of the relation between algebra and geometry will bring a full-scale revolution to mathematics on a brand new basis and lead to radical changes in fundamental sciences, including a thorough scientification of the principle of virtual displacement, which constitutes the foundation of the general mechanics as a whole. Apart from that, the new principle of calculus will also bring about pioneering scientific research achievements in in philosophy and psychology, etc.[2]

Academic perspectives[edit]

(1) The main function of establishing the principle of calculus is on one hand to crack the effective internal mechanism of the calculus method, and thereby on the other hand to develop richer calculus methods.

(2) Created by Cauchy at the core, and later in the course, a number of mathematicians including Bernhard Riemann, Karl Weierstrass and Jean Gaston Darboux contributed to the rigorization of it, the principle of calculus was formulated under the thinking of Newton, and a lot of errors exist in it. Specifically, first, the current principle of calculus cannot expound the essence why derivative as instantaneous rate of change is in want of instantaneous ratio. Second, the current principle patches up the differential and explains that derivative is precisely the differential quatient. Third, the integral cannot play as the inverse operation of the differential. Fourth, in the current structure, definite integral and indefinite integral are of no uniformity.。

(3) Mr. Ding Xiaoping also points out other problems in the principle of calculus. First, the current model of the relation between algebra and geometry holds that the real number and the number axis are in one-to-one correspondence, and the irrational number is the undertaker of measurement. In fact, the number axis should be constituted of the rational number, the irrational number and the gap between the rational number and the irrational number. Second, the real number theory as the foundation of the principle of calculus and the theory of limit fall into circular arguments. Third, Cantor cannot provide powerful proof that the part and the whole are in one-to-one correspondence for the set theory as the foundation of real variable function.

(4) Due to the essential problems of the basic theory of the principle of calculus, the relation between the algebra and the geometry cannot be recognized from the perspective of model, and the current model of the relation between algebra and geometry cannot load the instantaneous quantity. Therefore, Ding Xiaoping modifies the prescriptiveness of the real number and the point, and provides the new model of quantity-geometry as the mathematical prerequisite, making the theory of limit lose the necessity for the establishment of the principle of calculus. He constructs the calculus system with "Werden" as its core, and on this basis, the concepts of differential, derivative, original function and integral were redefined, which gives the theory of limits a solid foundation, reconstructs the principle of calculus and restores the dignity of Leibniz.


Mr. Ding Xiaoping was born in a revolutionary family in 1962. By self-study, in 1977 at the age of 15, he took the first college entrance examination after the Cultural Revolution and attended Jiamus Agricultural Machinery College. During the university period, as the leader of the student union, he once helped others by risking his own life before graduation. After working, he served as the general secretary of a large state-owned enterprise. Then he passed the entrance examination for postgraduates of Tsinghua University in engineering, Central Academy for Nationalities in philosophy and Peking University in science, and was admitted into these three universities respectively. On October 11, 2011, Mr. Ding Xiaoping published the article Rethinking on the Current Principle of Calculus in Science and Technology Innovation Herald. After the publishing, it attracted media attention, and the People's Daily Online and other media reported on Yang Zhenning's prediction comes true: China's Nobel-level mathematical achievements pop up. In the same year, Mr. Ding Xiaoping’s New Principle of Calculus was reviewed and recognized by the Academic Committee of the Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (2012). And he was invited to read out his paper in the conference, but for some reason the journey was not achieved finally. The more affirmation he received, the more cautious Mr. Ding became. And he discussed his research issues in detail with academicians in the field of calculus research, with a view to avoiding possible mistakes.

In December 2015, Mr. Ding Xiaoping published A Brief Discussion on Mistakes in Current Principles of Calculus in Frontier Science. In May 2016, the Association for Mathematics Research of Renmin University of China(RUC) organized “A Series of Symposium for Re-examining the Principle of Calculus”, and invited the leading academicians in the field of calculus including Academician Lin Qun and Zhang Jingzhong, as well as Mr. Ding Xiaoping to deliver academic presentations. “The effectiveness of the calculus method does not prove the correctness of current principle of calculus. The current calculus principle is wrong in derivative, integral and solution, and the structure is distorted too.” said Mr. Ding in his report. The reason for this is that “the model of the relation between algebra and geometry of current mathematical science cannot describe the principle of calculus”. In June of the same year, the China Science Journal reported on “A Series of Symposium for Re-examining the Principle of Calculus”, which triggered an extensive impact in the scientific community. In December 2016 and September 2017, Frontier Science published two papers in succession, A Brief Discussion on Functions of Real Variables as the Perfection of Principles of Calculus and How to Teach Differential Correctly. The paper points out the fundamental errors in the theory of real variable functions and how to correctly explain the principle of calculus before popularizing the new model of the relation between algebra and geometry. [3]

Without scientific research funding support and information exchange, Mr. Ding Xiaoping has been diligently engaged in scientific research work and out-of-school education activities for decades. Speaking of his pursuit, Mr. Ding Xiaoping said, “I engaged in scientific research, neither for becoming government officials, nor for wealth, but for strengthening our country and making people live more cheerful through what I have learned. In the course of serving the people, I have enjoyed extraordinary sublimity and pride.” In addition to his heavy research work, Mr. Ding Xiaoping also adheres to compulsory teaching. Besides calculus, the teaching content also includes courses such as natural dialectics. As a result of the overloaded work for a long time, Mr. Ding's hair became entirely white ten years ago, but he still works around the clock, hoping to make as much contribution to the people as possible within his lifetime. By virtue of his love for the motherland and the people, on February 5, 2004, during the interview carried out by Qilong Net reporter Pu Hongguo, regardless of personal safety, Mr. Ding Xiaoping exposed the hostile forces in China to hire network agents to engage in cultural aggression. And then he became the object of persecution by hostile forces. Mr. Ding's experience proved the enemy's sinister intentions. Therefore, he always took every opportunity to teach students, “You must resolutely safeguard the ruling position of the Communist Party of China(CPC), support the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with president Xi Jinping as its core. If the CPC loses its position in power, a civil war will take place and the people will suffer a disaster.” [4]

Evaluation of academic achievements[edit]

Mr. Ding Xiaoping's research work has gained high evaluation from scholars at home and abroad, including the academicians from Royal Academy of Sciences and authoritative scholars in the field of mathematical analysis.

The principle of calculus was pioneered by Newton and Leibniz, and the current principle of calculus is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of many mathematicians represented by Cauchy. Therefore, critiques for the current principle of calculus will inevitably give people a sense of arrogance, and people feel unacceptable mentally at first. However, recognizing the academic authority but prohibiting scientific critiques is tantamount to extinguishing the impetus for scientific development. In the free and fair academia hall, any view should be justified or abandoned by the rule “supporting the view with sufficient grounds, expounding the arguments with reason”. Science cannot reject criticism, only through the test of criticism and practice can science develop continuously.

“As to the past, we cannot retrieve the loss, but for the future, we can make efforts.” The mathematician Lu Jiaxi phenomenon is thought-provoking and the losses caused thereby are incalculable. The issue Mr.Ding Xiaoping has solved is an issue that the mathematics world has put aside for 354 years. Its difficulty and value should not be lower than the Nobel Prize level, but his situation is more difficult than that of Mr. Lu Jiaxi. Mr. Ding Xiaoping's achievements need to be identified and popularized by the relevant departments, which is not only favorable for the development of mathematical research, but also an urgent need for scientific and technological development. Therefore, people of insight call that the “Lu Jiaxi phenomenon" should not be repeated.

There is a well-known “Chen Xingshen Guess” in the field of mathematics, that is, “China will become a mathematical power in the 21st century”. Academician Zhang Weiping still remembers Mr. Chen's instructions to him: “China's mathematics should stand up.” We believe that under the earnest concern of the leaders of the Party and the state, and with the joint efforts of scientific and educational workers, Mr. Chen's earnest hope will be realized ultimately, and our country will develop from a “big mathematical country” into a “powerful mathematical country”! [5]

Social activities[edit]

Since 2002, by invitation of the main leaders of the Central Committee of CPC, Ding Xiaoping has constantly delivered reports for the leaders from the provinces and the party committees of municipalities, principals of party schools, organization ministers, propaganda ministers, directors and heads of public security bureaus and leading cadres above the armed police headquarters.

On December 12, 2002, by invitation of the leaders of the Central Committee of CPC, Ding Xiaoping delivered a tutorial report of Political Report of the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of China in the auditorium of the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC. The audience include provincial, municipal and county party leaders, party school principals, provincial and municipal committee organization ministers and propaganda ministers from all over the country.


In June 2005, at the 1st Sino-Russian Cooperation International Forum held in Khanka Lake International Conference Center, Ding Xiaoping delivered a report of The Strategies and Tactics of Sino-Russian Cooperation for political leaders, scholars and entrepreneurs from both sides of China and Russia. He also pointed out that Black Blind Island has a unique advantage in establishing a free trade zone. Both islands have large rivers as barriers, and security becomes a prerequisite for both countries to develop and exploit the island. This advantage is unique to Black Blind Island. [6]

In March 2006, leaders of the Central Committee designated Ding Xiaoping to deliver a report The Construction of New Socialist Countryside for the vice-governors and deputy mayors who focus on rural works from all over the country.


On April 18, 2006, by invitation of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, Ding Xiaoping delivered a report in the auditorium of the Training Center of the Ministry of Public Security for the directors and heads of the Public Security Bureaus, and the leading cadres above the Armed Police Force.


At the same time, Ding Xiaoping was invited by major universities of Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to deliver hundreds of various compulsory academic reports, involving dozens of disciplines, and acquired great response and consistent praise.

The picture shows Mr. Ding teaching pharmacology at Peking University, teaching his own management methods at Tsinghua University, teaching his own theory of psychological structure at Peking University, and teaching his own aesthetic system and film and television editing theory at Beijing Film Academy.


In addition, he taught his own philosophy system at Peking University, the history of the CPC and political economics at Renmin University of China, and the errors of the principle of calculus at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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