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FDS Script Examples

From EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

Super T: The Movie[edit]

Ryan Smyth: Your first assignment is for you, to build the robot bug.

Kris Scott: Why, do I have to do this.

Ryan Smyth: If you don't I'll hurt your friend, Alex Wright.

Kris Scott: Fine, but I don't like it.

Alex Wright: I have to build the robot bug.

Super T: Ow! I am, Super T!!! I will freeze you, Miss K.

Super K: I get my revenge, for you freezing my girlfriend.

Susan Popsay: Oh, hey. What's your name cute boy?

Super T: My name is Super T ma'am.

Susan: Nice to meet you Super T. I'm Susan. Do you care for a dance?

Super T: Yeah, I dance with you. I wish I hadn't frozen, Miss K.

Susan: We can't change our past, but we can move on.

Obvious: I'm leaving you. Thanks for raising me.

Super K: I'm back for my revenge. I'm gonna throw your son, Obvious off a skyscraper.

Super T: Nobody messes with my son, Obvious.

Obvious: Thanks for saving me.

Super T: I'm Super T. I will stop you, Super K.

Launcher: Well, that no good, Super T killed me. Let's team up and destroy him once and for all.

Super K: I built the robot dog to destory you.

Super T: How do I turn off the robot dog?

Super K: You must find the off button.

Super T: I got to find this button. I found it and riding off into the sunset.

Super K: I discovered your weakness, Super T. Your weakness is Rocktum. I even partnered up with Banana K.

Banana K: I teamed up with Super K to destroy you, Banana Bane!!!

Super T: Oh, I'm chained, and can't get passed the Rockton.

Iceman: Time to take all that money, and load it into the truck. What are you doing here!!!

Banana Bane: Looks like your not gonna make it.

Ice Man: No!!!

Super T: Goodbye, Banana Bane. It was nice working with you.

Super Pretty BLOR: There's some nuclear waste, and this is Super Pretty BLOR reporting.

Super T: You can't go with me, Super Pretty BLOR it's too dangerous. I don't want to see you hurt.

Super Pretty BLOR: I'm your biggest fan, Super T. I can't go with you.

Super T: You can go on 1 condition, you must be very careful of, Super K.

Super K: I've hired my henchmen, Super T.

Super T: I'll stop you from unleashing World War III.

Super K: I need you to stop my explosives, Super T.

Super T: This is a trick isn't it.

Super K: No, it's not Super T.

Super T: Okay, I rush it to stop your explosives. Oh, Super K tricked me again!!!

Super Pretty BLOR: Get on the bus, Super T!!! I know your secret identity is, Alex Wright.

Teacher: You are in trouble, Knight Thunder. 

Knight Thunder: No, not the principle office!!!

Teacher: She's been misbavioring.

Principle: Oh, I see. You are get a spanking Knight Thunder.

Knight Thunder: Ow!!!  

Super K: Can I tell you something?

Super T: Yes.

Super K: I'm your father, Super T.

Super T: What!!!

Super K: I'm not really your dad. I'm getting out of here. Ow, an ambulance!!!

Super T: Can I help you, father?

Super K: Yes, you can patch me up.

The Mermaid: I'm here to help you.

Super T: Oh, with what?

The Mermaid: To help you underwater. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

Super T: Okay, whatever you say, mermaid. Your an evil mermaid.

The Mermaid: Why would I do that?

Super T: You wanted me to drown.

The Mermaid: No, Super T, why would I lock you up inside a bubble? If I wanted you to drown.

Super T: Why are you so cautious?

The Mermaid: Your in a magical world, Super T.

Super T: I'm not in no magical world.

The Mermaid: You will see soon enough.

Nicholas: What's your name?

Nikki: I'm Nicole Waldo, but prefer to go by Nikki.

Nicholas: Can we go out to eat?

Nikki: Sure, but just so you know I'm vegan.

Nicholas: I'll pick an apple.

Nikki: After we're done, let's go to the spa.

Nicholas: That's for girls.

Nikki: Normally, yes. However, that's traditional. I'm a feminist who believes in having equal rights.

Purple Sheriff: I'm gonna prepper spray your eyes.

Super T: Oh, my eyes. They burn ow!!!

Purple Sheriff: I've got you chained up.

Super T: I'm getting out of here.

Purple Sheriff: Try to escape now, Super T.

Tommen: I've got a present for you.

Super T: Let me see the present.

Tommen: It's a raygun.

Super T: No!!! I'm going into the house. I've got to stop some evil.

Samurai Daniel: Like a Samurai.

Super T: I will stop you, Samurai Daniel.

Samurai Daniel: No, you won't, Super T.

Super T: I must try to heal the wound. Ow!!!

Knight Thunder: I'm Knight Thunder!!! I'm here to save you, Super T. Tommen!!!

Tommen: Yes!!!

Knight Thunder: You are free to go, Super T.

Super T: Thank you, Knight Thunder for saving me. Can I tell you something.

Knight Thunder: Yes.

Super T: Your pretty.

Knight Thunder: Thank you, and your quite handsome. I've got someone else to go after. Bye to you, Super T.

Super T: Bye, Knight Thunder.

Nikki: Time to scroll through my phone. What location am I looking for exactly? I'm scrolling and I'm not finding it. Oh, there it is. It's time to go to my favorite place. I'm gonna get a drink of some sort. There's that pretty girl with her blue nails.

Random Girl #1: Oh, hey there, Nikki.

Nikki: Any leads on who this bad guy could be?

Random Girl #1: I'll get to it at some point. You can just sit here and relax.

Nikki: Well, that's nice.

Super T: I will stop you, Doctor R.

Doctor R: Ow, not my head!!!

Queen of Math: Oh, is the van ready to go?

Henchmen: Yes, it's ready, Math Queen.

Queen of Math: Let's drive this van. I've a plan.

Henchmen: You have a plan.

Queen of Math: Yes. I'm gonna drive this van. It's a helium suit and it's really painful. I'm coming for you, Super T!!! Where do you think your going? Henchmen, go grap Super T!!! What you have some ladies present? Are you ready to face me, Super T. I've been waiting for my revenge.

Super T: Why are you doing this, Math Queen?

Queen of Math: You are just so heroic all the time. No one needs this anymore, just magic.

Knight Thunder: No, you can't do that. Besides, I'm going stop you, Math Queen.

Queen of Math: Just turn against him already.

Knight Thunder: No, not gonna do that.

Queen of Math: So, your Knight Thunder?

Knight Thunder: Yes!!!

Queen of Math: You elected me. I'll get you Knight Thunder. Go, get that witch!!!

Super T: So, you're a witch, huh.

Super Pretty BLOR: Yes, but it's not, what you think. I'll protect you, Super T. You need to go Super T!!! Run, Run!!!

Nikki: You need to leave my son alone!!!

Queen of Math: Oh, leave Super T alone and he's your son. Oh, that's right.

Nikki: Yeah, your his grandmother, Queen of Math.

Queen of Math: I don't claim that one. I disown the good part of my family.

Nikki: Your gonna lose, Queen of Math.

Queen of Math: You're letting them get away.

Queen of Math: You may have beaten me now. I'll destroy you in the future.

Super T: There's no future for you, Queen of Math.

Queen of Math: I disagree!!!

Super T: What kind of trickery is this?

Nikki: Oh, it's time to go for a swim.

Queen of Math: You are not going for a swim!!! I'm gonna find a little way go keep you from swimming.

Nikki: Oh, you're back Queen of Math.

Queen of Math: I'm back for my revenge. No calling for Super T. I'm locking you up inside the Freezer.

Nikki: No, I don't want frost bite!!! Can you please let me out of here?

Queen of Math: No can do.

Nikki: I got get out of here.

Queen of Math: So, can get the Mermaid. That ain't gonna happen. My bots have already sense this. They sense you're escaping again. You ain't getting out of this one, Nicole Waldo you.

Nikki: Help!!!

Queen of Math: This is so sound proof. That no one can hear you.

Nikki: I remember all the good times we had. I had 2 nail polishes, blue and pink. I choose the blue one. I love doing my nails.

Queen of Math: You get to freeze to death, for defeating me, 3 years ago!!!

Nikki: You were trying to hurt innocents.

Queen of Math: Okay, my bots will let you, out on my watch.

Nikki: It would be nice, if called me, Nikki.

Queen of Math: Nikki, I can't let you, undo my revenge plan. You aren't going to run away right Nikki?

Nikki: Yes, I'm not running away.

Queen of Math: My bots will see if you are lying. Bots, is she lying?

Bots: Yes, she's lying.

Queen of Math: Anytime she lies you eject her with an hormonal shot.

Nikki: What, I already have Estrogen?

Queen of Math: I know, this is to make you uncomfortable. You want to test me, Nikki. Bots eject the shot into her.

Nikki: No!!!

Queen of Math: Now, let's add in some probes.

Nikki: No, not the probes.

Queen of Math: Promise me, you won't tell lies.

Nikki: I can't promise that.

Queen of Math: I know, I was testing you. Seriously, it will keep happening if you tell lies. My robots will escort you out. Oh, and one more thing. No calling for Super T. You will get zapped so hard, that you'll pass out. Not to the point of death.

Bots: You must listen to Queen of Math.

Nikki: No, I won't do what, Math Queen says..

Bots: You're beating up our system. I don't compute.

Queen of Math: I got it. I'll make a huge unbreakable button, and connect it to Estrogen.

Super T: I'm Super T!!! I'm loving my black nails. I go check up on Nikki.

Nikki: I need you to help me, Super T. I'm in trouble with the Queen of Math.

Super T: Not her again. What do you think of my nails, Nikki?

Nikki: I do love how creative you are, but I personally not into black.

Super T: Okay, can I talk to your granddaughter?

Nikki: Sure, you can. I love her too.

Super T: Hey, Hazel.

Hazel: Hey, I love your nails. I did mine to match yours.

Super T: Yes, and I'm into black nails.

Hazel: I know. Can we start on our assignment?

Super T: Sure, what's it?

Hazel: Science.

Super T: Science lies.

Queen of Math: No, it doesn't.

Super T: I don't trust you, because you're Satanic. Which is Portrayed in movies as vampires. Stay away from her kids.

Queen of Math: Your against me, because I'm a goth.

Super T: No, it's not the subculture I dislike. It's because your a Satanist.

Queen of Math: So, your against me, because I drink blood.

Super T: Yes, I have a daughter who's goth. I love her very much.

Queen of Math: You have nothing against black nails, music etc.

Super T: No, it's her belief and I quite like it too. It's fascinating!!!

Bob the Magician: I've a cereal bar. I'm gonna make this disappear.

Knight Thunder: Oh my goodness.

Bob the Magician: Now, you see it and now you don't.

Knight Thunder: You have caused trouble all over the world. You'll get eaten by the crocodiles. Like exploding fireworks. Hey, Mister. What's your name?

Bob the Magician: Bob the Magician.

Mister Morgan: You remember that time? Where you meet a monster fighting you.

Bob the Magician: That was along time a go. Times have changed this that day.

Hazel: What am I gonna do today? I guess I'll be take notes. It's go to take notes. And, while I'm at it. Why not be typing on the computer. I'm switchtasking. No such thing as multitasking.

Queen of Math: Okay, it looks like someone's trying to find you, Nikki. I can't let that happen.

Nikki: Let me go!!!

Queen of Math: No, I can't let you go, Nikki. You're gonna try to ruin my plan. I've been waiting 3 years for this. Don't you think, you're getting out of this one!!! In fact, I installed that little button on you. Don't you go running to Super T. He'll try to save you. You're finished, Nikki.

Nikki: Help!!!

Queen of Math: I made this room so sound proof. That no one can hear you. Don't think I let him save you. You're locked up and this time you're remember your childhood experience. It was a horrifying one. It was a lonely night. You may not remember this. You said that, you weren't gonna stop me and my plans. That long ago. You said...

Nikki: I'm not gonna do nothing to you. Don't worry about that, Queen of Math. I'm not gonna stop you in the future.

Queen of Math: That's what you told me, but I knew better. I planned and stopped every inch of this, but there was also that one little time. This almost sounds too good to be true. There was a little Mermaid turning a group of people into her minions. You don't believe in Evil Mermaids, Nikki. You think all girls are good, or something. I'm about to ruin that future for you, Nikki. Time to say goodbye.

Nikki: No!!!

Queen of Math: There's only one way to handle this. You give me, Hazel and I'll let you go. Does that sound like a deal, Nikki.

Nikki: Yes. I give you, Hazel.

Queen of Math: Great!!!

Nikki: Just let me go.

Queen of Math: Not so fast. I know you will get Super T. I'll get Hazel. Hey, Hazel.

Hazel: I know you little trick, Queen of Math. You gonna try to get me passed out aren't you.

Queen of Math: No. Besides you aren't worried about death.

Hazel: Yes, I listen to goth music. So, what?

Queen of Math: Say bye, Hazel.

Hazel: Bye.

Queen of Math: Enjoy your time asleep. Ta ta!!! I'm leaving you now.

Nikki: You didn't real switch it did you.

Queen of Math: No. I actually love Goths. I pretend not too. So, she wouldn't see you die. You're not a pain in my side. You're just one of those totally equally people. You're so progressive about everything, and that's not okay. People should like their gender, with couple of things masculine, or feminine. You don't know who their gender is, and that seems to be you. You won't have this thinking process anymore. Time to say Goodbye, and why not have my little fang friends bite you.

Nikki: No, No!!!

Queen of Math: I can't help you now. My plan is already in motion. I'm leaving now.

Super T: Where's my daughter, Hazel? It must have been, Queen of Math. She did vow to return after all. The ultimate foe isn't going to like me.

Queen of Math: We got to go, Hazel. We got to get away from that, Super T. What do you say, Hazel.

Hazel: Okay, Queen of Math.

Queen of Math: You don't have to call me, Queen of Math. Call me by my real name.

Hazel: What's your name?

Queen of Math: Mrs. Black.

Hazel: Okay, let's go, Mrs. Black. Let's go run. Do you mind jogging.

Queen of Math: No. You're such a sweet girl. Too bad, Nikki isn't.

Hazel: She's still my grandma, Mrs. Black.

Queen of Math: She believes in total equality. A boy can look like a girl and that a girl can look like a boy. That's not quite how things should be. It's actually evil in nature.

Hazel: You are evil!!!

Queen of Math: No, I'm not evil, but to those who pose as a threat, will say that I'm evil.

She poses as a threat, but she says that, I'm evil. I'm actually very sweet.

Hazel: My dad says that, you're mean.

Queen of Math: He cares for not so nice people. Wait, where are you going?

Hazel: No, I'm leaving you. Bye.

Queen of Math: No!!! I guess I'll find some other pretty teenagers.

Random Girl #2: You look like a nice and beautiful girl.

Queen of Math: Why, thank you. I had another girl, but she ran away.

Hazel: It's not just black. It's a variety of things. I understand you of that stereotypical goths, Super T.

Super T: Yes, what else is there to go by?

Hazel: I love you anyways Super T.

Super T: I love you too.

Nikki: I got to get this out of you, Super T.

Super T: I can't get it out of you. I get you for this, Queen of Math!!!

The Mermaid: It looks like your gonna to need, to be locked up inside a bubble. This is, so you don't drown.