Jodhpur Municipal Corporation
Jodhpur Municipal Corporation And Out Growth, with the population of about 10.6 lakh is Jodhpur sub district's only municipal corporation and outgrowth located in Jodhpur sub-district of Jodhpur district in the state Rajasthan in India. Total geographical area of Jodhpur municipal corporation and outgrowth is 79 km2. The population density of the city is 13438 persons per km2. There are 67 wards in the city, among them Jodhpur Ward No 58 is the most populous ward with the population of about 46 thousand and Mandor Ind.area (og) Ward No 67 (rural Mdds Code:084931) is the least populous ward with the population of 1814. The nearest railway station is Jodhpur which is within the city. Jodhpur is the sub-district headquarter of the city. District headquarter of the city is Jodhpur. Jaipur is the state headquarter of the city and is 342 km far from here. Yearly average rainfall of the city is 332.8 mm. Maximum temperature here reaches up to 47.8°C and minimum temperature goes down to 4.2°C. Demographics The city is home to about 10.6 lakh people, among them about 5.6 lakh (53%) are male and about 5 lakh (47%) are female. 85% of the whole population are from general caste, 13% are from scheduled caste and 2% are scheduled tribes. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Jodhpur municipal corporation and outgrowth is 13%, among them, 53% are boys and 47% are girls. There are about 2 lakh households in the city and an average of 5 persons live in every family.
Caste wise male female population 2011 - Jodhpur Total General Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Child Total 1,056,191 897,543 133,395 25,253 134,761 Male 555,371 473,329 68,811 13,231 71,325 Female 500,820 424,214 64,584 12,022 63,436 Religion-wise distribution of population Hindus contribute 77% of the total population and are the largest religious community in the city followed by Muslims which contribute 19% of the total population and Jains are the third largest religious community here with 3% population. Female Sex ratio per 1000 male in Hindus are 891 in Muslims are 936 and in Jains are 987.
Religion-wise population 2011 - Jodhpur Total Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Buddhist Jain Others Not Stated Total 1,056,191 813,045 203,836 4,410 3,496 288 28,468 73 2,575 Male 555,371 429,897 105,299 2,295 1,976 144 14,324 39 1,397 Female 500,820 383,148 98,537 2,115 1,520 144 14,144 34 1,178 Growth of population Population of the city has increased by 24.1% in last 10 years. In 2001 census total population here were about 8.5 lakh. Female population growth rate of the city is 26.2% which is 3.9% higher than male population growth rate of 22.3%. General caste population has increased by 22.9%; Schedule caste population has increased by 28.7%; Schedule Tribe population has increased by 47.7% and child population has increased by 8.1% in the city since last census.
The growth of population (percent) 2001 to 2011 - Jodhpur Total General Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Child Total 24.1% 22.9% 28.7% 47.7% 8.1% Male 22.3% 21.2% 26.4% 46.6% 8.6% Female 26.2% 24.9% 31.3% 48.9% 7.5% Sex Ratio - Females per 1000 Male As of 2011 census, there are 902 females per 1000 male in the city. Sex ratio in general caste is 896, in schedule caste is 939 and in schedule, tribe is 909. There are 889 girls under 6 years of age per 1000 boys of the same age in the city. Overall sex ratio in the city has increased by 28 females per 1000 male during the years from 2001 to 2011. Child sex ratio here has decreased by 9 girls per 1000 boys during the same time.
Change in sex ratio 2001 to 2011 - Jodhpur Total General SC ST Child Change 28 26 35 15 -9 2011 902 896 939 909 889 2001 874 870 904 894 898 Literacy Total about 7.4 lakh people in the city are literate, among them about 4.2 lakh are male and about 3.2 lakh are female. Literacy rate (children under 6 are excluded) of Jodhpur is 80%. 87% of male and 73% of the female population are literate here. Overall literacy rate in the city has increased by 3%. Male literacy has gone down by 1% and female literacy rate has gone up by 6%.
Change in literacy rate 2001 to 2011 - Jodhpur Total Male Female Change 3.3% 1.2% 6.2% 2011 80.3% 87% 73% 2001 77% 85.8% 66.8% Workers profile Jodhpur has 33% (about 3.4 lakh) population engaged in either main or marginal works. 52% male and 11% female population are working for the population. 48% of total male population are main (full-time) workers and 4% are marginal (part-time) workers. For women 8% of the total female population is main and 3% are marginal workers.
Percentage of working population - Jodhpur Worker (Among total population) Main Worker (Among workers) Marginal Worker (Among workers) Non-Worker (Among total population) Total 32.6% 29.1% 3.4% 67.4% Male 52.4% 48.2% 4.1% 47.6% Female 10.6% 7.9% 2.7% 89.4%
Jodhpur Municipal Corporation[edit]
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