List of French words of Germanic origin (A-B)
This list of French words of Germanic origin is a dictionary of standard modern French words and phrases deriving from any Germanic language of any period, whether incorporated in the formation of the French language or borrowed at any time thereafter.
Scope of the dictionary[edit]
The following list details words, affixes and phrases that contain Germanic etymons. Words where only an affix is Germanic (e.g. méfait, bouillard, carnavalesque) are excluded, as are words borrowed from a Germanic language where the origin is other than Germanic (for instance, cabaret is from Dutch, but the Dutch word is ultimately from Latin/Greek, so it is omitted). Likewise, words which have been calqued from a Germanic tongue (e.g. pardonner, bienvenue, entreprendre, toujours, compagnon, plupart, manuscrit, manoeuvre), or which received their usage or sense (i.e. were created, modified or influenced) due to Germanic speakers or Germanic linguistic habits (e.g. comté, avec, commun, on, panne, avoir, ça) are not included.
Many other Germanic words found in older versions of French, such as Old French and Anglo-French are no longer extant in Standard Modern French. Many of these words do, however, continue to survive dialectally and in English. See: List of English Latinates of Germanic origin.
Utterance | Translation | Germanic Element |
Etymology | Period | References |
à la bonne franquette | informally | franquette | Normanno-Picard, from franc, a Germanic word known in French from the 11th century, the same as English frank | 17th century | CNRTL à la bonne franquette, CNRTL franc3 |
- aalénien (Geol.)
- abandon "abandonment" (< OFr à bandon < ML *bandum < Frk *ban < Gmc *ban-, band-)
- abâtardir "to abase" (< Fr à bâtard < ML bastardus, OFr bastard < Gmc *bāst-, bōst- + Gmc *-hard-)
- abigotir
- abord "approach" (< Fr à bord < OFr bord, bort < Frk *bord < Gmc *borþam)
- abot
- abotter
- abouter "(trade term) to join the ends of something" ( < à + OFr boter < Frk *bautan, bōtan (cf Frk *but "end", ON bútr) < Gmc)
- aboutir "to arrive at, end in" ( < à + OFr boter < Frk *bautan, bōtan (cf Frk *but "end", ON bútr) < Gmc)
- aboutonner
- abraquer (Naut.) "to direct" ( < à + braquer "to direct, point" < ON brāka "to fix, set on, weaken" < Gmc)
- abri "shelter" ( < OFr abrier "to cover" < LL abrigare < a- + brigare "to cover" < Frk *berihan "to cover" and Frk *berc, geberc "asylum, protection" < Gmc, cf OHG birihan "to cover", OE (be)wrēon "to cover", OHG bergan "to cover, hide")
- abri-fou (also abrifou)
- abri-galant
- abri-sous-roche
- abri-vent (also abrivent)
- abrier (possibly, or from Latin "Apricus")
- abrier (also abreyer) "to protect, guarantee"
- abriter "to shelter"
- abroutir "to crop"
- abuter
- accon (also acon) "barge"
- accore (Naut.) "piece of wood serving as a ship's stay"
- accrocher "to hook, hook up, tear with a hook" ( < à + Fr croc < ON krókr, kráka "hook" < Gmc)
- accroupir "to cower down, squat" ( < à + Fr croupe "rump" < OFr crope < ON kroppr, kryppa < Gmc)
- achôcre (Dial) "awkward; good for nothing" ( < Norm "brutal, rough" < ON skakr "a scolding" < Gmc)
- achopper "to stumble" ( < à + Fr chopper < OFr choper < Gmc, cf Germ schupfen)
- acre "acre" ( < L *acrum < Gmc, cf Goth akr, OE æcer, Eng acre, Germ Acker)
- adouber "to arm, strike" ( < Fr à + douber < OFr duber & dober < Gmc, cf OE dubban "to dub")
- aéro-club
- affaît "ridge"
- affaler "to lower a rope, drive toward the shore" ( < Dut afhalen < Gmc)
- affourrager "to feed, fodder"
- affranchir "to free" ( < à + Fr franc < OFr franc < Gmc)
- affres (also affre) "pangs" ( < Prov affre < Goth aifrs < Gmc)
- affrètement
- affréter "to freight, lade" ( < à + Fr fret "freight" < Gmc)
- affreux "frightful, horrible" ( < à + Fr affre "fright, terror" < OFr afre < Gmc, cf OHG eiver)
- agacer "to set on edge" ( < It agazzare < OHG hazjan "to harry" < Gmc)
- age (Agric.) "tiller, ploughshare" ( < OFr haie < Frk *hagja "hedge, fence" < Gmc, cf Germ Hecke, OE hecg "hedge")
- agasse "magpie" ( < OHG agalstra < Gmc)
- agourmandi
- agrafe "hook, clasp" ( < OFr agrape < LL *agrappa < ad + *grappa < Gmc, cf OHG krapfo)
- agrapper
- agréer "to rig"
- agrès "(naut) tackling, rigging" ( < gréer "to rig" < Gmc *garaiþjanan "to ready")
- agriffer
- agrincher (also agricher) ( < Frk *grīpjan "to seize" < Gmc)
- agripper "to grip, grab"
- agrouper
- aguerrir "to accustom to war" ( < à + Fr guerre < OFr guerre < Frk *werra < Gmc *werra)
- aguet (usu. pl. aguets) "ambush, wait" ( < OFr aguet < guetter < Frk *wahtōn < *wahta < Gmc)
- aguicher
- aguimpé
- aheurter "to be bent on, be stubborn" ( < à + Fr heurter < Gmc)
- ahonter
- ahurir "to amaze" ( < à + Fr hure < Gmc)
- aigrefin "swindler"
- aigrette "egret" ( < OFr aigrette < OProv aigreta < aigron "heron" < OHG heigaro "heron" < Gmc)
- aire "eyry" ( < Germ aren "to make a nest" < aar "eagle" < Gmc)
- -ais adjective suffix ( < LL -iscus < Frk *-isk < Gmc, cf OE -isc "-ish")
- alamannique
- alan (also alain)
- alboche
- ale "ale"
- alêne (also alène) "awl" ( < OFr alesne < OHG alasna, alansa < Gmc)
- alérion ( < Frk *adalaro, adalarjo "eagle, noble eagle" < Gmc)
- alize (also alise) "lote-tree berry" ( < Gmc, cf OHG elira)
- allemand "German" ( < Lat Allemanni < Gmc)
- alleu (also aleu) "allodial property, allodial ownership" ( < OFr alou, aloud < MerovLat *allodium < Frk *allōd- < all- "all" + ōd "patrimony" < Gmc, cf OHG alôd)
- franc-alleu
- alleutier (also aleutier)
- allo (also allô) "hello"
- allodial "allodial"
- allotir "to allot"
- alpenstock
- alque ( < Norw alke < ON alka < Gmc)
- alsacien
- amade
- amadouer "to coax, cajole" ( MFr a- + madouer "to lure, give meat to" < ON mata (Dan made) "to lure, feed" < Gmc, cf Goth matjan "to eat")
- amarelle
- amarrer "to moor"
- amatir
- amers
- amet
- amignarder
- amignonner
- amignoter (also amignotter)
- amignouter (also amignoutter)
- amman
- ammeistre
- amocher
- amuser "to amuse" ( < OFr amuser "to stupefy" < a- + muser "to stare stupidly at, be bewildered", either < OFr mus "snout" < ML musum < Gmc; or < Frk *masjan, musōn "to stun, confuse, confound" < Gmc, cf OE (ā)masian "to confuse, stupefy, bewilder", ON masa "to struggle, be confused", Norw mas "exhausting labour", Norw masast "to be dazed, begin to dream", Swed masa "to dawdle, idle", Swed mos "sluggish, sleepy")
- anche "pipe, reed" ( < Frk *ankja "bone canal" < Gmc, cf Goth *inka)
- anché "herald"
- -and (also -an, -ain ) agent suffix ( < OFr -anc, -enc < Frk *-inc < Gmc, cf Eng -ing)
- -ange noun suffix (e.g. mésange) ( < Frk *-ing < Gmc)
- anglais
- angleterre
- Anglican
- angliche
- angliciser
- Anglo-américain
- Anglo-arabe
- Anglo-normand
- Anglo-Saxon
- anglomane
- anglophile
- anglophobe
- anglophone
- angon
- angstroem (also angström)
- anordir
- anschluss
- anspect "lever" ( < Dut handtspeecke "hand-stick" < Gmc)
- anté-bois (also antébois)
- antéallergique
- antébourgeois
- anti-allemand
- anti-bélier
- anti-bois
- anti-français (also antifrançais)
- anti-France
- anti-guérilla
- anti-guerrier
- anti-joli
- anti-raciste
- anti-skating
- anti-star (also antistar)
- antichoc
- antidoping
- antifading
- antigang
- antigaulliste
- antigrippe
- antirides
- antitrust
- apiquer
- aplat
- aplatir
- aplati
- aplatissage
- aplatissant
- aplatissement
- aplatisseur
- aplatissoir
- aplatissoire
- après-guerre
- après-ski
- après-souper
- arauder
- arc-bouter
- -ard noun suffix ( < OFr -ard < LL -ardus < Frk *-hard < Gmc, cf OHG -hart, Goth -hardus)
- ardillon "tongue of a buckle" ( < MFr hardillon < Frk *hard "hard" < Gmc + -ille + -on)
- arlequin "harlequin"
- arlequiner
- armet "helmet, headpiece" ( < It elmetto "helmet" < Fr helme, heaume "helmet" < Frk *helm < Gmc *helmaz, cf OE helm "helm, helmet")
- armon
- arnac (also arnaque)
- arnaquer ( < Pic harnacher, arnaquer "to amuse, swindle" < harnacher "to harness, equip, disguise" < Gmc)
- arnauldiste (also arnaldiste)
- arquebuse "arquebus"
- arquebuser
- arquemontant ( alt. of earlier arqubouter < Gmc)
- arranger "to arrange"
- arrière-ban "arriere-ban"
- arrière-fief
- arrière-garde
- arrière-salle
- arrimer
- arroi "array"
- assener "to strike" ( < a- + OFr sen "direction" < Gmc, cf OHG sinnan, Goth sinþan)
- aste
- astic "polishing paste"
- asticot "small worm"
- asticoter "to tease, plague"
- astiquer "to polish leather (with an astic)"
- âtre "fireplace"
- attacher "to attach"
- attaquer "to attack"
- attifer "to adorn the head" ( < Frk *tipp-, tipf- < Gmc *tupp- "point", cf OHG tipfōn "to decorate", ON *tippa, MDu tip "point")
- attignole
- attirer "to attract"
- attoucher "to touch, contact"
- attouchement "touch, contact"
- attraper "to trap, catch"
- attrouper "to assemble, gather"
- aubère
- auberge "inn"
- auberger
- aubergerie
- aubergiste
- aubert
- aubète (also aubette)
- auburn
- -aud (also -aut) agent suffix ( < OFr -aud < LL -aldus < Frk *-wald < Gmc)
- aulne (also aune)
- aune "an ell" (< Ofr alne < LL alena < Goth aleina < Gmc, cf OE eln "ell)
- auner
- aurochs
- auto-stop
- autoguidage
- autoguidé
- auvent "penthouse", ″awning″ ( < ML auventus < Prov emban < ambitus + bann < Gmc)
- avachir "to become limp"
- avant-garde
- avant-guerre
- avion-stop
- baba
- babiller "to babble, chatter" ( < Gmc, cf ME babelen (Eng babble), ON babbla, Dut babbelen, Germ babbeln)
- babine "lip, mouth, chops" ( < bab "lip, grimace" < Gmc, cf Germ dial Bäppe)
- bâbord "portside, larboard"
- babouin "baboon, monkey" ( < bab "lip, grimace" < Gmc, cf Germ dial Bäppe)
- baby
- bac "ferry-boat"
- bacante (also bacantes) "beard, moustache" ( < Germ Backe "cheek" < Gmc)
- bâche "awning, frame" ( < Wallon batche "board, plank < Gmc, cf MFr bauche < Frk *balko "balk, balcony" < Gmc)
- bachot "wherry, small skiff"
- backfisch (also backfish)
- bâcler "to close (a door or window) with a cross-beam" ( < MDu bakkelen "to cause to stay" < MDu bakken, backen "to cause to stick, make immovable, prop" < Gmc)
- bacon
- baconien
- bada
- badge
- badigeon "stone-colored" ( < Germ Batzen "paste, a kneaded mass" < Gmc)
- badigoinces
- badingouin
- badingredin
- badingueusard
- badingueux
- badminton
- baedeker
- baffouer "to baffle"
- bâfrer
- bagage "baggage"
- bagarre "fray, tumult" ( < MFr bagarot "noise, tumult, contention, strife" < Gmc, cf OHG bâga "dispute", OHG bâgan "to argue", ON bagga "to hinder, prevent")
- bagoter (also bagotter)
- bagotte
- bague "ring"
- baguer "to ring"
- bahut "chest, trunk" ( < Frk *baghūdi, baghōdi "protection, sideboard" < bage "bag, pack" < Gmc + hūdi, hōdi "protection" < Gmc, cf MHG behut "hutch, cupboard")
- bahuter
- balafre "a gash, a long notch" ( < OFr balefre < Frk *bal-leffur < Gmc, cf OHG leffur "lip")
- balafrer
- balandre (also bélandre)
- balbuzard
- balcon "balcony"
- balèvre
- ball-trap
- ballast
- ballaster
- balle "ball"
- balle (also bale, bâle) "package" ( < Frk *balla < Gmc, cf OHG balo, MHG balle, Germ Ballen "bundle")
- ballon "balloon"
- ballonner
- ballot "package"
- ballotte
- ballotter
- balluche (also baluche)
- ban "ban"
- banal "banal"
- banale
- banaliser
- banc "bench"
- bancal "bandy-legged"
- banche
- bancher
- banché
- banco
- bancocrate
- bancroche
- bancruche
- bande "band"
- bande "troop"
- bander "to bandage"
- banderole "streamer, banderole"
- bandière "banner"
- bandit "bandit"
- bandolier "bandolier"
- bandoline
- bandonéon
- bandoulier
- bandoulière "bandoleer"
- bandure
- bang
- bank-note
- banlieue "suburbs"
- banlon
- bannière "banner"
- bannir "to bannish"
- banque "bank"
- banqueroute "bankruptcy"
- banquet "banquet"
- banquezingue
- banquier
- banquière
- banquise
- banquisme
- banquiste
- banvin
- baquet "tub"
- baqueter
- bar (Zoo.) "sea bass"( < Dut barse, baerse "pole, bar" < Gmc)
- barbet "barbet spaniel"
- bard "litter, hand-barrow"
- barge (Zoo.) ( < Prov barja "chatter" < Gmc *brekan)
- barguigner "to haggle" ( < OFr bargaigner < Frk *borganjan < Gmc *borgan, cf OE borgian "to borrow")
- barigel ( < Ital barigello < LL barigildus < Lomb barigild < Gmc)
- baril "barrel" ( < OFr baril < Frk *baril, beril "barrel, jug, container" or Burg *berils "container, bearer", both < Gmc *berila-z "container, jug" < *beranan "to carry, transport" + *-ilaz agent/instrumental suffix, cf ON berill "barrel for liquids", OHG biril "large pot", OS biril "basket", Frk *bera "stretcher", OE beran "to carry")
- barmaid
- barman
- baron "baron"
- baronner
- barouf ( < Ital baruffa < baruffare < Lomb *bihrōffjan < Gmc, cf OHG bihruofjan)
- bas-bleu
- bas-flanc
- bas-hauban
- bas-mât
- base-ball
- basedowien
- basketball
- basque "skirt" ( < Prov basto < Frk*bastjan < Gmc)
- bastardon
- bastide "house in the country, villa"
- bastille "fortress, Bastille"
- basting
- bastingage (also bastingages) "netting"
- bastion "bastion"
- bastionner
- bastringuer ( < Dut bas drinken < Gmc)
- bat-flanc
- bâtard "bastard"
- batardeau "dyke"
- bateau "boat"
- bateler
- bath
- bâtir "to build"
- bâtir "to baste"
- batz
- bau
- baud ( < Frk *bald < Gmc, cf OHG bald, OE beald)
- baudet "donkey"
- baudir ( < Frk *baldjan < Gmc, cf OE bieldan)
- baudrier "baldric"
- baudroie
- baudrucher "to prepare leather"
- bauge "lair"
- baugue (also bauque)
- bazooka ( < Eng bazooka < bazoo "boastful talk" < Dut bazuin "trumpet")
- be-bop
- beatnik
- beaupré "bowsprit"
- bébé "baby" ( < Eng baby < ME babe, baban)
- bedeau "beadle"
- beethovenien
- beffroi "belfry"
- bégard
- béguin "fancy"
- béguinos
- béguiner
- behaviorisme (also behaviourisme)
- behavioriste (also behaviouriste)
- beigne
- beignet "beignet, fritter"
- bélandre "bilander"
- bélier "ram, bellwether"
- bélière "clapper-ring"
- bélître "scoundrel"
- bénard
- bénoche
- berce
- berdiner
- bergame ( < Bergamo < L bergomum < Lig berg "mountain" < Gmc *bergaz "mountain"; also attributed to berg + haim "home")
- berlaud
- berline "berlin"
- berlingot
- berlingue
- berlinois
- berme "berm"
- bernard l'ermite (also bernard l'hermite)
- bernard lermite (also bernard lhermite)
- bernardin
- berne "to swaddle" ( OFr berne "cloth" < MDu berme "edge, hem" < Gmc)
- bernesque (also berniesque)
- bertha
- berthe
- berthelée
- berthelet
- besogne "business, work"
- besogner
- besoin "need"
- best-seller
- biaude
- biche "small dog" ( < Gmc, cf OE bicce "bitch", ON bikkia, Germ Betze, Peize)
- bichet
- bicot
- bide
- bidon "can, jug" ( < Norm bide < ON *bida "container" < Gmc)
- bidule
- bief "mill-race"
- bière "beer"
- bière "bier" ( < Frk *bera < Gmc, cf OHG bara "litter")
- bièvre "beaver"
- biez "mill-race"
- bifteck "steak"
- bighorn
- bigle "beagle"
- bigot "bigot" ( < MFr < OFr bigot "derogatory word applied to Normans" < OE bi Gode "by God" < Gmc)
- bigre
- bilboquet "a cup and ball"
- billiard "billiards"
- bille "small ball" ( < OFr bille "small ball" < Frk *bikkil < Gmc, cf OHG bickel "die, ossicle", Dut bikkel "ossicle")
- bique "she-goat"
- bire
- bis "brown" ( < Frk *bīsi < Gmc)
- bisant
- biscôme
- biscoter
- bise "bise, north wind"
- bismuth "bismuth"
- bison "bison"
- bissel
- bistre "bistre"
- bit
- bitte ( < ON biti < Gmc)
- bivouac "bivouac"
- blackball (also blacboule, blackboule)
- black-bass
- black-bottom
- black-out
- black-rot
- blackbouler
- blafard "pallid, wan"
- blague
- blaguer
- blaireau "badger"
- blanc "white, blank" ( < OFr blanc < Frk *blank < Gmc *blanka- blinding, white, cf OHG blanch, OE blanca)
- blanchir
- blancher
- blaquet
- blaser "to satiate, cloy, blunt"
- blason "coat of arms"
- blasonner
- blatérer "to bleat" ( < partly from Lat blaterare "to chatter" and partly from Frk *blātan "to bleat, cry like a sheep" < Gmc, cf OHG blāzan "to bleat", Dut blaten, OE blǣtan)
- blatier "cornfactor" ( < LL *bladarius < Gmc *blada-)
- blatte
- blaude
- blave
- blaze
- blé "wheat, grain"
- blèche "soft"
- bléer
- bleime
- blême "pale" ( < OFr blesme < blesmir "to turn pale" < Frk blesmjan "to make pale" < Gmc)
- blémir
- blende
- blesser "to wound" ( < OFr < Frk *blettjan < Gmc, cf OHG bleizza "bruise")
- blet "over-ripe" ( < Gmc *blada-)
- blettir (also blétir)
- bleu "blue" ( < OFr bleu, blo(u), blao < Frk *blao < Gmc *blǣwaz, cf OHG blāo, OE blāw)
- bleuir
- bleuter
- bliaud (also bliaut)
- blinde (also blindes) "sheeting" ( < Germ Blende < Gmc)
- blinder
- blinquer
- blitz
- blizzard
- bloc "block" ( < OFr bloc < MDu bloc "tree-trunk" or OHG bloc, bloh < Gmc *bluk-)
- blockhaus "blockhouse" ( < Germ Blockhaus < Gmc)
- blocus "blockade; investment" ( < Germ dial blockhuis < Gmc)
- blond "blond" ( < OFr blond, blont < ML blundus < Frk *blund < Gmc *bland-, cf OE blondenfeax "grey-haired")
- blondasse
- blonder
- blondin
- blondir
- blondoyer
- bloom
- bloquer
- blot
- blottir "to crouch, squat" ( < Germ blotten < Gmc, cf OHG blotzen "to crush", Dut blutsen "to contuse, injure")
- blotti
- blottissement (also blotissement)
- blouse "bump" ( < Dut bluts < Gmc)
- blouse "blouse" ( < *vêtement de laine blouse < Prov (lano) blouso "pure (wool)" < OHG blōz "empty, naked, pure" < Gmc *blauta-, cf OE blēat "poor")
- blouser
- blue-jean
- blues
- bluet
- bluff
- bluffer
- bluter "to bolt" ( < MHG biuteln "to bolt" < biūtel < Gmc, cf MDu buydelen, budelen, Dut builen)
- bob
- bobard
- bobèche "socket"
- bobelet (also bobsleigh, bob)
- bobine "bobbin"
- bobiner
- bobosse
- bocage "thicket, grove" ( < OFr boscage < L boscaticum < L boscum, buscum "bush, wood" < Gmc *buskaz)
- bocambre
- bocard
- boche
- bochiman (also boschiman)
- bochimane (also boschimane)
- bock
- boggie (also bogie)
- boghei (also boguet, buggy)
- bogue "chain, ring of iron" ( < N. Ital boga < Lomb bauga "ring" < Gmc, cf OE bēag "ring")
- boier
- bois "wood" ( < OFr < L *boscum, buscum < Gmc *buskaz)
- boiser
- bol "bowl" ( < Eng bowl < OE bolla < Gmc *bul-)
- bombance "feast"
- bon-henri
- bonbanc
- bonde "floodgate, sluice" ( < Swab bunte < Gmc, cf MHG bunde)
- bonder
- bondon
- bonnet "bonnet" ( < OFr bonet "material for hats" < Frk *bunni < Gmc *bund-)
- bonneter
- book
- boom
- booléien (also booléen)
- booléienne (also booléenne)
- bootlegger
- boqueteau
- boquillon
- bord "edge, border"
- bordel
- border
- borgne "one-eyed" ( < L *bornius < *borna "hole, cavity" < Gmc, cf OHG borōn "to bore")
- bort
- bos (also boss) "boss"
- bochiman (also boschiman) "bushman"
- bochimane (also boschimane)
- bosel
- bosquet "thicket"
- bosse "hump" ( < Frk *bottja < Frk *bōtan "to strike, beat" < Gmc)
- bosse "hawser"
- bosseler
- bosser
- bossuer
- bosseman "boatswain's mate"
- boston
- bot "club-foot" (also bote)
- botte "truss, bundle" ( < Gmc, cf OHG bōzo "bundle, fagot")
- botte "butt, leather bottle, boot" ( < Gmc, cf Germ Bütte)
- botte "lunge, thrust" ( < Ital botta < bottare < Fr bouter < Gmc)
- botte "tuft" ( < Dut bote < Gmc)
- botteler
- botter
- bottine "half-boot"
- bouc "buck, male goat" ( < OFr bouc "male goat" < Frk *bukk < Gmc *bukkon, cf OE bucca "male goat", OE buc "male deer", OHG boc "male goat", ON bokkr "buck")
- boucan
- boucaner
- boucharde
- boucharder
- boucher "butcher"
- boucher "to stop up, block" ( < bousche "faggot, straw handle" < LL *bosca "undergrowth, beam of branches" < bosci "wood" < Gmc)
- bouchon "whisp of straw" ( < bousche "faggot, straw handle" < LL *bosca "undergrowth, beam of branches" < bosci "wood" < Gmc)
- bouchonner
- bouder ( < Wall boder "to swell" < Gmc, cf MLG buddich "swollen", ME budde "bud", ON budda "purse", OS budil "bag, purse", Goth bauþs "section")
- boudin
- boudiner
- bouffer "to puff" ( < OFr buffier < Gmc, cf MDu puffen, LG pof, puf "a puff", OE pyffan "to puff")
- bouffard
- bouffir
- bouffon
- bouffonne
- bouffonner
- bouffonesque (also bouffonnesque)
- bouffoniste (also bouffonniste)
- bouffonnade
- bouffonner
- bouée "buoy" ( < MFr boie, boue(e) < Frk *baukan "beacon" < Gmc *baukn, cf OHG bouhhan, OFris bāken "beacon")
- bougon "grumbling"
- bougonner
- boujon "arrow" ( < OFr bulzun "arrow" < Frk *bultjo "bolt" < Gmc, cf MHG bolz, Dut bolt)
- boulanger "baker" ( < OFr boulenc "baker" < Frk *bolla "bread" + -enc "-ing" < Gmc, cf OHG bolla "wheat flour", MDu bolle "round loaf")
- bouledogue "bulldog"
- boulevard "boulevard" ( < OFr bollevart, boulevert, bouleverc "rampart converted to an avenue" < Walloon < MDu bolwerk, bollewerc "bulwark" < bolle, bol "bole, trunk, torso" < Gmc + werk "work" < Gmc)
- boulevari (also boulvari) ( alt. < hourvari)
- boulin "putlog-hole" ( < Frk *bole "bowl" < Frk *bolla "bowl" < Gmc, cf OE bolla "bowl")
- bouline "bowline" ( < Eng bowline < Gmc)
- bouliner
- boulingrin "bowling green" ( < Eng < Gmc)
- boumer "to boom" ( < Gmc, cf Dut bommen "to boom", Germ bummen, ME bummen "to buzz")
- bouquet "bouquet" ( < OFr bousquet, bosquet < L *boscum, buscum < Gmc *buskaz "bush")
- bouqueter
- bouquetin
- bouquin "he-goat" ( < bouc < Gmc)
- bouquin "old book" ( < Dut boeckin "little book" < Dut boek "book" < Gmc + -kin < Gmc)
- bouquiner
- bourg "borough, town" ( < OFr burg, bourg, borg, borc < L burgus < Frk *burg < Gmc *burgs "fortress", cf OE burg "burgh, borough")
- bourgeois "citizen, burgher"
- bourgeon "shoot, bud" ( < OFr burjon "sprout" < Gmc, cf OHG burjan "to lift, raise")
- bourgeonner
- bourgmestre "burgomaster, mayor"
- bourgogne
- bourlinguer
- bourrir ( < Frk *būrjan < Gmc)
- bouscatier
- bousculer "to turn upside down"
- bousin (also bouzin) ( < Eng bousing "strong drink" < MDu būsen "to drink" < Gmc)
- bousingot
- boustifailler
- bout "end"
- bout-dehors (also boute-dehors)
- bout-rimé (also boute-rimé)
- bout-en-train "breeder-horse"
- bouter
- debout
- embouter
- aboutir
- boutasse
- bouter "to put, push"
- bouté
- boutée
- boutade "freak"
- boute
- boute-hors
- boute-selle
- boute-feu (also boutefeu) "linstock"
- bouture
- bouton
- boute-selle
- arc-boutant
- bouterolle
- bouteroue
- boutis
- boutisse
- bouture "cut, slip"
- boutoir
- bouterolle
- bouton "button"
- boutonner
- boutre
- bouture
- bouturer
- bow-window
- bowling
- box-calf
- boxer "to box" ( < Eng box < ME boxen "to box, beat", box "a blow" < Gmc, cf MDu boke "a blow", MHG buc "a blow", Dan bask "a blow")
- boy
- boycotter
- braconner "to poach"
- bracot
- brader
- bragard (also braguard)
- brague
- brai "tar residue" ( < Frk *bred "board" < Gmc)
- brailler "to brawl"
- brain-trust
- braire "to bray"
- brailler
- braise "gleed, glowing embers"
- braiser
- braisiller
- bramer "to bell" ( < Ital bramare < Prov bramar "to sing, shout", Goth bra(m)mon < Gmc *brammōn, cf MHG brummen "to thunder, roar", MLG brammen)
- brand (also brant)
- brande "heather"
- brandebourg "the frogs of a coat"
- brandevin "brandy"
- brandir "to brandish"
- brandiller
- brandon "piece of straw"
- brandy
- branler "to shake" ( < brandiller "shake a sword at" < OFr brandeler "wave a sword" < LL brandulare < Gmc, cf ON brandr "sword, brand")
- braque "brachhound; fool"
- braquemart (also braquemard) "broadsword"
- braquer (Naut.) "to direct, point" ( < ON brāka "to fix, set on, weaken" < Gmc)
- braser
- brasiller
- brasque
- brayaud
- brayer ( < ON, OE brǣda "to tar" < Gmc, cf OS brādan, OHG brātan "to roast")
- brayon
- break
- break-water (also breack-water)
- breakfast
- brèche "breach, gap"
- bréchet "brisket"
- brédissure
- bredouiller
- bréger
- brehaigne "barren" (also bréhaigne)
- brelan "brelan (a game of cards)"
- brème "bream"
- brême
- brequin
- brésil
- brésiléine
- brésilien
- brésilienne
- brésiline
- brésillet
- brésiller "to cut into small pieces (of wood)"
- brésis (also brisis)
- brétailler
- bretèche
- breteché (also bretesché)
- bretechée (also breteschée)
- bretelle "strap" ( < OFr < Frk *bredel, bredil "bridle, strap" < Gmc *bregþil-, cf OHG brittel, brittil "bridle", OHG brettan "to weave, braid", OE brīdel "bridle", OE bregdan "to braid, weave")
- brette "long sword" ( < ON bregþa < Gmc)
- bretter
- bretzel
- bricage
- bricheton
- bricole "breast band" ( < Ital briccola < Lomb brihhil < Gmc, cf MHG brëchel-, Germ brechen "to break")
- bricoler
- bride "bridle"
- brider
- bridge
- bridger
- brie
- brightique
- brimbaler (also bringuebaler, briquebaler)
- brimbelle
- brimer
- brinde "a toast"
- bringue "festival, vice"
- bringuer "to toast"
- bringue "silly girl; manhunter" ( < Frk *springan "to jump" < Gmc)
- brioche "cake"
- brique "brick"
- briquer
- briqueter
- brise "breeze"
- brise "a break, breaking"
- brise-bise
- brise-cou
- brise-glace
- brise-glaces
- brise-jet
- brise-lames
- brise-raison
- brise-tout
- briser "to break" ( < OFr bruisier, brisier < Frk *brusjan "to break" < Gmc *brusjanan "to crush, break", cf OHG bristan "to break", OE brȳsan "to crush, bruise")
- bristol
- brocanter "to deal in used goods"
- brocard "a taunt"
- brocarder
- brodequin "sock, buskin" ( < Flem brosekin < Gmc)
- broder "embroider" ( < OFr brosder, broisder < Frk *brozdōn Gmc *bruzdajanan)
- broie
- broigne
- brosse "brush"
- brosser
- brou
- brouée
- brouet "broth"
- brouette "wheelbarrow" ( < Wal berouette < Wal beroue < Gmc *berwaz, cf OE bearwe "wheelbarrow", MHG bere)
- brouetter
- brougham
- brouillard "fog" ( < brouiller < Gmc)
- brouiller "to embroil, mingle" ( < OFr broiller < L *brodiculare < L *brodum < Gmc *bruþan, cf OE broþ "broth", OE brēowan "to brew")
- brouillasser
- brouillon
- brouir "to blight" ( < OFr broīr < Frk *brājan < Gmc)
- broussaille (also broussailles) "brushwood"
- brousse "undergrowth"
- brousse ( < Prov broce "curdled milk" < Goth gabrūka "piece" < brūkja "what is broken" < Gmc)
- broussin
- brout "sprouts, young shoots"
- brouter
- broutille
- brownien
- browning
- broyer "to crush, grind" ( < Lat *bricare < Frk *brikan "to break" < Gmc *brekanan)
- bru "daughter-in-law"
- bruccio
- brugeois
- bruges
- brugnon
- brûle-pourpoint
- brûler "to burn" ( < OFr brusler "to burn" < conflation of OFr bruir "to burn" < Frk *brōjan "to burn, scald" < Gmc, cf MHG brüejen "to burn, scald" + OFr usler < Lat ustulare "to scorch")
- brûlot
- brun "brown"
- brunir
- brusque "brisk" ( < Ital brusco < OHG bruttisc "dark, annoyed" < Gmc)
- buander
- bucail
- bûche "log" ( < OFr busche < Prov busca < Lat busca, bosca < Gmc *buska-)
- bûcher
- bûcheron
- bûcheronner
- buée "lye" ( < buer "to wash" < Frk *būkōn "to wash" < Gmc, cf MLG būken "to soak in lye", MHG būchen, ME bouken "to buck, wash in lye")
- bugne
- building
- buis "bush"
- buisson
- buissonner
- bull-dog
- bull-finch
- bull-terrier
- bulldozer
- bunker
- buquer
- burette "cruet"
- burg
- burgonde
- burgrave "burgrave"
- burin "a graver" ( < Ital borino < Lomb *boro, borin- < Gmc, cf Germ bohren)
- buriner
- busard
- busc "busk"
- buse "pipe, cavity" ( < OFr buise < Gmc, cf Dut buis)
- business
- busquer "to search for, look for"
- busserole
- but "mark, aim"
- buter "to strike, aim"
- butin "booty"
- butiner
- butte "butte"
- butter
See also[edit]
- History of French
- Old Frankish
- Franks
- List of Spanish words of Germanic origin
- List of Portuguese words of Germanic origin
- List of Galician words of Germanic origin
- List of French words of Gaulish origin
- Auguste Brachet, An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language: Third Edition
- Auguste Scheler, "Dictionnaire d'étymologie française d'après les résultats de la science moderne" Script error: The function "in_lang" does not exist.
- Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales Script error: The function "in_lang" does not exist.
- Friedrich Diez, "An Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages"
- Dossier des Latinistes, La Greffe Germanique Script error: The function "in_lang" does not exist.
- Thomason, Sarah Grey; Kaufman, Terrence (1991) [1988]. Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics (1st pbk. print. ed.). Berkeley: Univ. of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-07893-2. Search this book on
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