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Professional Game Boosting Services

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Game boosting services are becoming increasingly popular as more people learn about video games each year. This article will provide you with important information about game boosting services and their main purpose.

Game boosting is paid service whereby a low-ranked player hires a professional gamer to increase their leaderboard, rank, winning position, or even obtain in-game items in a multiplayer online role-playing game. Game boosting has become one of the most sought-after services in the online gaming community, thanks to the advent and consequent growth of massively multiplayer online role-playing games and live streaming services. Today, online video gaming streaming has surpassed the viewership of contemporary streaming platforms like HBO, Netflix, and Hulu.

Multiplayer online role-playing games are defined by competition and winning, with players looking to inflict as much damage as possible, achieve more, or even win a goal. And although competitive computer gaming has existed since the era of arcade machines, how we engage with video games has continued to evolve. Most modern video games have continued to embrace competition concepts from traditional sports, which have pitted highly skilled players against one another. Together, this has led to the meteoric growth of revenues, contributed to the emergence of a new breed of gamers, and the demand for professional boosters.

Boosting and Powerleveling are two terms that are often used interchangeably. Powerleveling is the act of a higher-level character escorting or carrying a lower-level character in order to gain experience, reputation, or other resources in order to level up faster than if the characters were playing alone or in a properly-leveled group or party.

Players can earn a variety of awards and achievements by boosting their way to victory in matches they would not have otherwise. For prestige, some games award ranks and titles, while others reward winners with more currency or better items.[1]

Esports Viewership, Revenues, and Game Boosting Services[edit]

When it comes to deciphering the demand for game boosting services, it’s almost impossible to ignore the contribution of viewership and the boom in Esport revenues. For example, a 2019 report by Statista estimates that the global Esports viewership will hit 291.6 million by 2024.[2]

Also according to Statista analysis, the COVID-19 pandemic that swept the globe at the start of 2020 posed a significant threat not only to public health but also to the entire entertainment industry. While movie theatres and cinemas closed their doors to try to contain the disease's spread, many people turned to home entertainment during periods of self-isolation. From March 16 to March 22, 4.3 million games were sold globally.[3] This 63 percent increase from the previous week is due in part to Nintendo's release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Like-for-like game sales, on the other hand, increased by 44 percent, indicating that many people were turning to video gaming to keep themselves entertained.

Other sources have quoted an even higher number, considering that The 2019 League of Legends World Championship clocked a record-breaking 100+ million viewers[4] via Twitch and YouTube. To put this number into perspective, the combined viewership of the Super Bowl during the same year was 100.7 million viewers, all of which came from CBS and all NFL’s digital properties.

In terms of monetary investments, the global esports revenues are projected to hit $1.1 billion in 2021[5], with the average salary of professional LoL players estimated to surpass $300,000 annually. Compounded together, all these factors have led to the increasing demand for game-boosting services. Just like with any other industry, however, multiplayer online role-playing games only have so much room for professional players and teams. But with the help of a professional game booster, players can start playing their favorite game in the relatively lower levels and climb their way up to the professional level.

Monetization model used by gaming companies[edit]

In recent years, revenues from the video gaming industry have exploded and in 2020 the mobile gaming market alone was worth more than $77 billion. [6]The gamers’ software industry relies on three models of monetization to make such huge profits: consumers can simply buy games, generate revenues through in-game ads, or use micro-transactions and DLC in-game downloads. However, in many cases, gaming companies can combine at least two of their three models to enhance their revenue prospects. Each model can be individually exploited.

The combined models usually work best in free-to-play (F2P) games, in this case, gamers are urged to pay for improvements such as additional life, more currency, custom unique avatars, ad-free playtime, or free time. It is important to note that those who play the free mode will always encounter ads, few Gametime minutes, personalization options, or other annoyances in the game.

According to a Statista analysis report, in the United States alone about 87% of players were able to purchase downloadable content, which includes in-game currency, cosmetic upgrades, and weapons. Fortnite, League of Legends, and Overwatch are among the most popular games using this gaming monetization tactic.

The benefit of Boosting Services[edit]

Saves Time[edit]

Leveling up or building a character in most multi-player video games entails a lot of grinding, and loads of blood, sweat, and tears. As a gamer, spending countless hours in front of a computer can be boring, and in the worst-case scenario, lead to burnout. More fundamentally, not everyone has the time to spend the whole day playing video games. Deciding to use boosting services saves time, as well as helps make progress in building a player’s character in the game.  Besides, bosting services also reduce a player’s data consumption, especially if they’re playing a paid-for video game.

Improves Gaming Skills[edit]

Apart from helping build gaming accounts, professional boosters also help gamers improve their gaming skills by coaching them on the best winning techniques and strategies. This is especially the case in Duo Que Boost[7], where the account owner plays alongside the professional booster.

Helps Even The Playing Field[edit]

Building a character to advance from one level to another entails playing multiple games, conducting raids, and even embarking on countless quests. Under normal circumstances, unlocking certain skills, weapons, and armor consumes a lot of time. Game boosting services help unlock all these elements, making it easy for low-ranked players to match up to their superior counterparts and ultimately leveling the playing field.

Has Economic Benefits[edit]

Game boosting also has a positive impact on society in general. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become a source of livelihood for gamers who have lost their regular jobs.

It helps ensure your account safety[edit]

Your online video gaming account will always be safe when you decide to use boosting services. The professional players who will be in charge of your account will play without exposing it to hacks. In addition, these professional gamers can never mess with your account, making you feel comfortable that you level out without any problem.

Turnaround Time[edit]

Depending on the rank a player wants to achieve in a particular game, boosting services can take anywhere between a few hours to a week. And since many video game boosting services providers handle multiple clients concurrently, the waiting time varies from company to company.

Besides that, different service providers have different execution methods. For example, some require account owners to hand over the login details of their gaming account for the booster to play directly in their account. There’s also the duo-queue, whereby the account owner plays together with the professional booster. Usually, the former method is relatively cheaper, because it makes the work of the booster much easier.

Legal Issues[edit]

Different quotas in the online gaming industry see and coin game boosting differently. While some consider the act of offloading a gaming account to an expert to help increase ranking cheating and unethical, others consider it a blessing as it helps fulfill their gaming desires to play at an advanced level. On a much broader prospect, game boosting has also received support, thanks to its contribution to gamers club, as well as the economic benefits attached to it.

While some game providers like Riot Games expressly forbid game boosting in their TOS, some are vague in discussing whether it’s bannable or in violation of their terms of service.

At the government level, game boosting is not necessarily illegal. If you’re living in South Korea, however, you may want to reconsider. In 2018, South Korea, which is the world’s fourth-largest gaming market, passed the Game Industry Promotion Act, which essentially made commercial video game “boosting” services illegal.

The Act forbids entities from offering paid services to rank up a player’s gaming account using unauthorized methods by the game’s creator, citing the fact that it impedes a fair and competitive ecosystem. Violating the Act attracts a $17,800 fine or a two-year jail term.

In May 2019, members of the World Health Organization unanimously agreed to revise the International Classification of Diseases to include “gaming disorder” as a form of addiction. This is significant as it made it the second behavioral addiction to be added to the list after gambling. Professional game boosters being among the people who play online games for extended periods are prone to this behavioral addiction.

To counter the effects of gaming addiction, South Korea enacted the Shutdown Law or Cinderella Law in 2011, which forbids children under the age of 16 from playing video games between 00:00 and 06:00.

In the recent past, the Olympic Committee has also raised concerns over the little or no monitoring of professional gamers participating in the international video gaming tournaments and leagues, just like the way traditional sports do. The committee has also pushed gaming providers to come up with regulations and invest more in programs to detect cheating software such as aimbots and trigger bots, which are used by gamers including gaming boosters.

In light of this, some game companies have sued individuals or commercial entities engaged in creating and distributing video game cheating tools in a bid to curb their use. In 2013, Nexon America sued coder DrUnKeN ChEeTaH for distributing GameAnarchy, a subscription-based Combat Arms cheat provider, and received $1.4M in damages. In January 2017, LeagueSharp service was also sued by Riot Games for selling a subscription-based hacking service for League of Legends and was ordered to pay a $10 million award. Blizzard Entertainment also successfully sued Bossland GMBH for offering software hacks for a number of its games and received $8.5 million in damages.

Characteristics of a Good Game Boosting Service[edit]

When they play your games for you, a good game booster should know how to avoid being caught. Many users have been reported, suspended, or banned as a result of their game boosters' lack of VPN protection. Always work with a booster who allows you to track their progress on your private system as they play games on your profile, so you can keep track of your progress and watch your ranking rise. When you pay a fee, a good boosting service guarantees you a good result and an agreed-upon ranking increase. A trustworthy game boosting service will honor your agreement without fail. A good boost should have a great deal of positive feedback and reviews from players using their services. Look up reviews on their website and other sites that have reviewed them if you're looking for a game booster you haven't tried before.

Types of Video Game Boosting Services[edit]

Different games have different boosting processes. However, the core idea remains the same. A highly-ranked player assisting a lowly ranked player rank up. Common boosting services include;

World of Warcraft Boost[edit]

Historical statistics over the past few years indicate that World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games out there. This rising popularity is largely driven by the game’s competitive nature, with avid gamers competing against each other to reach the highest levels of the in-game PvP combats, pursue multiple quest handling, monster fighting, etc. in the game of World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, not every player has the skills and time to clear all these levels. Wow, Arena boost[8] is a great way to rapidly and efficiently reach the weekly cap conquest, get artifact wins, and accelerate RGV ratings.

Valorant Boosting[edit]

Just like in WoW arena boost, Valorant boosting helps low-ranked players climb the steep competitive ladder, breezing through the ranks, and ascend their agent to new heights! Here you will find a wide assortment of services including division boosting and placement matches.

League of Legends Boost[edit]

Released back in 2009, League of Legends was and remains one of the most played video games. As of 2021, the game boasts 115 Million unique monthly players, and it entails 2 teams of 5 players each competing against each other, intending to destroy the opponent’s nexus. All the respective players are required to choose characters with unique abilities, although the characters don’t have any weapons in the initial level, meaning they don’t have attacking power.

To rank up, players need to overcome AI-controlled henchmen and earn gold and experience points. The earned gold is then used to purchase virtual in-game items from the store in the team’s base to increase the power of their champions. As for the experience points, players use them to purchase in-game items for the ongoing match, meaning they don’t carry over to the next match. As the champion levels increase, the game becomes more intense, allowing players to begin assaulting and destroying the opponent’s towers.

Getting a professional LoL booster helps complement your teammates, nullify attacks from the opponents, as well as overcome their defenses.

Destiny 2 Boost[edit]

Leveling Destiny 2 characters entails grinding through various raids, missions, Pvp, and PvE. While at it, players also need to collect in-game items like armor and other exotic weapons. Destiny 2 is also one of the few multiplayer games that offer super-competitive seasonal events. Put together, all these elements make the game extremely hard to navigate and make progress. By using the services of a game booster, players get to skip all the boring parts of the game and jump right back into action at the exciting parts.

Dota 2 Boosting[edit]

Dota 2 has managed to carve out a niche in the MOBA genre to become one of the most dominant games at the moment. It’s a continuation of Blizzard Entertainment's first Dota WC3 map, although it comes with a completely overhauled source. Two teams composed of five players on each side battle against each other with the aim of destroying their Ancient.

Gamers utilize Dota 2 boosting services for various reasons including saving time, limited time to boost MMR rating[9], and limited gaming skills.

CS GO Boosting[edit]

20 years since Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was launched, the game has mutated through several iterations to settle on CS GO as we know it today. While at it, this multiplayer first-shooter game has also racked a massive following of ardent fans to reach over 24 million active monthly users. But given the competitive nature of the game, a weak team member can lead to the failure of an entire team. CS GO boosting services help weak team members rank up and finish the game strong.

Other Legal Opportunities in Online Video Gaming[edit]

Aside from boosting services, online video gaming offers gamers plenty of other legal opportunities. They include;

Game Testers[edit]

Players with a passion for gaming compounded with good communication, organizational, and marketing skills make good game testers. Basically, game testing involves playing different games to test their functionality and online features. Game testers also need to have a deeper understanding of all online gaming systems, as well as offer constructive feedback on how to make a game fun and enjoyable to play.

Law Facets[edit]

The ever-expanding online video gaming space has spawned offshoot industries to support the entire ecosystem. Law firms, in particular, are increasingly becoming prevalent in the area of representing athletes & e-sports teams, especially in the area of contractual obligations, as well as IP rights enforcement.

Regulatory & Commercial Professionals[edit]

The demands and expectations of online gamers keep on changing by the day, thanks to the dynamic nature of the industry. For the legal fraternity, this presents a myriad of legal opportunities from which to charter a career, both at the regulatory and commercial levels. Whether it’s helping franchisees navigate through the complex sports framework or even educating gamers regarding the usage of innovative techniques, there are plenty of opportunities within video gaming today, and more will continue to come up as the esports ecosystem continues to grow.


  1. Browning, Kellen (2021-05-30). "In a World Let Loose, Video Game Makers Are 'Doubling Down'". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  2. "Global eSports market revenue 2024". Statista. Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  3. "What is happening with video game sales during coronavirus". Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  4. "Global eSports viewership by viewer type 2022". Statista. Retrieved 2021-03-22.
  5. "Study: Global esports revenues to hit almost US$1.1bn in 2021, says study - SportsPro Media". Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  6. Chiang, Oliver. "How Playing Videogames Can Boost Your Career". Forbes. Retrieved 2021-07-03.
  7. "Ultimate LoL Duo Queue Boost - Buy Professional Elo Boost Duo Q". AskBoosters. Retrieved 2021-03-22.
  8. "Where To Buy Professional WoW Arena Boosting Services". AskBoosters. Retrieved 2021-03-22.
  9. "Matchmaking/Seasonal Rankings". Dota 2 Wiki. Retrieved 2021-03-22.


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