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Professor David Clutterbuck

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Born June, 1947 London, England

Educatiion Christ’s College Finchley London University (BA Honours) King’s College, London, PhD Visiting professor, Sheffield Business School and Oxford Brookes University

Occupation Author, entrepreneur, professional speaker, consultant, mentor

Spouse Pauline

David Ashley Clutterbuck (June 1947 -) is a pioneer of developmental mentoring and coaching[1]. He has written or co-authored some 70 books[2], primarily in the areas of leadership, coaching and mentoring, and talent management. Visiting professor at four UK Universities, he was a co-founder[3] of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, for which he now holds the role of Special Ambassador, promoting good practice in coaching mentoring internationally. A serial entrepreneur, he has built and sold two consulting companies in the UK and currently chairs an international network of mentoring specialists, Coaching and Mentoring International. He co-founded the International Standards for Mentoring Programmes in Employment. He sets himself a stretching challenge every year, from either sports (e.g. climbing, sky-diving) or other areas, such as learning to be a stand-up comic.

Early life and career' Clutterbuck was born to Leslie Herbert Clutterbuck and Doris Violet June 1947, in North London. He has one sister, Susan. He married Pauline in May 1970. They have four sons Simon (b. 1974), Alan (b.1976), Daniel (b. 1979) and Jonathan (b. 1986). Their fourth child having both Down’s Syndrome and being on the autistic spectrum, both parents have been actively engaged in creating opportunities for people with special needs to achieve their potential. They live in the Thames Valley in the UK.

Originally intending to be an academic, studying the origins of journalism in 16th century England, he was unable to acquire a research grant to study in the US, where the critical archives on the subject were stored. He entered journalism, via an interim year working for the UK Government’s Home Office, in 1969, first editing a learned journal for the British Nuclear Energy Society, then as technology news editor for New Scientist, before joining McGraw-Hill as a management journalist. Here, on the magazine International Management, he found his métier, travelling the world reporting on good practice in management. In this role, he introduced many new ideas and management concepts to the Western world. Among these was what is now called 360-degree feedback, which he discovered in Russia, where it had been designed by the Communist trade union, the Komsomol, to keep managers in line. He subsequently conducted early experiments using 360 feedback in the West.

Education Clutterbuck’s secondary education was at Christ’s College, Finchley. He earned his BA Honours at Westfield College, London University, reading English Language and Literature, with a minor in Old Norse. He acquired a variety of honorary fellowships and a Doctor of Literature through the International Management Centres. He took his PhD by research, at King’s College, London, with a longitudinal study of developmental relationships from both mentor and mentee perspectives. He has honorary doctorates from Sheffield Hallam and Oxford Brookes Universities and a post-graduate certificate in coaching supervision from Brookes. He is visiting professor in the coaching and mentoring faculties of Henley Business School (reading University), Sheffield Hallam, Oxford Brookes and York St John Universities and visiting lecturer in a number of other universities.

Later career Clutterbuck’s first business was The Item Group, an employee communication boutique, with divisions in communication consultancy, video production, and employee magazines. The company, launched in 1982, was the only survivor among the top five boutiques, in the collapse of the sector in the late 1990s. In 2002, when the company was back in profit, Clutterbuck paid for a financial advisor to support the management team in an employee buyout. The company has since been acquired by another company in the field.

Clutterbuck launched at the same time, Clutterbuck Associates, initially intending it to operate in a sole trader role, in business journalism. With the publication of The Winning Streak came a move into business consultancy, a direction that was reinforced with the publication of Everyone Needs a Mentor in 1985. The company was sold to US outsourcing corporation GP Strategies in 2008.

Two books at this time established his wider reputation. The Winning Streak, co-authored with Walter Goldsmith, then director-general of the Institute of Directors, sold in excess of 100,000 copies. Designed as a UK version of In Search of Excellence by Peters and Waterman (REF), it used a more robust research method to identify the common characteristics of consistently high performing quoted companies. A follow up volume X years later examined what had happened to those companies over time, analysing what it took to stay at the top.

Everyone needs a mentor was the first book on developmental mentoring, published in Europe at the same time as Mentoring at Work was published in the United States by Kathy Kram, the Boston researcher who had inspired Clutterbuck’s interest in mentoring some years before. The two books represent two radically different traditions and concepts of mentoring. In European tradition, the mentor uses his or her wisdom to assist another person to become wiser themselves. In US tradition, this role is overshadowed by a more hands-on form of sponsorship. The language used in each case illustrates the difference: mentee (someone helped to think and reflect) versus protégé (literally, someone who is protected). This difference relates to two separate manifestations of the Goddess Athena: as Goddess of Wisdom and Goddess of Martial Arts.

In 1992, Clutterbuck collaborated with David Megginson to establish the European Mentoring Centre at Sheffield Hallam University. The aim of the organisation was to bring together academics and practitioners to advance knowledge and good practice in mentoring. In 1999, the EMC became the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, now a 10,000-member body representing coaches and mentors in Europe. He has held various roles in the EMCC, including Head of Research and now Special Ambassador, with responsibility for supporting the development of new country branches. Clutterbuck’s research, writing and consultancy in the 1990s increasingly encompassed corporate governance. He became an advisor to the UK National School of Government, designing board assessment processes and training newly appointed non-executive directors.

From the year 2,000 onwards Clutterbuck’s focus of interest shifted away from communication and governance towards a more intense exploration of mentoring, coaching, team coaching and talent management[4]. He led an international team developing the International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes and a string of further studies into aspects of coaching and mentoring, many of them challenging accepted assumptions. The book Beyond Goals, for example (co-authored with Susan David and David Megginson), paints a much more complex picture of goal setting and goal pursuit than is commonly taught in coach education.

In 2007, Clutterbuck published The Talent Wave, the result of four years of interviews with HR professionals and others into the research question “If HR practice in succession planning and talent management work, how come the wrong people so often get to the top?”. The study concluded that much of HR practice contributed to the problem, by taking a simple, linear systems approach to the complex, adaptive systems that compromise the relationship between employer and employee. The concept of systemic talent management evolved from this work.

Coaching the team at Work (2007) aimed to bring together an evidence base for the emerging discipline of team coaching, bringing together both the academic literature and frameworks for good practice. It was heavily revised in 2018, to include the PERILL model of team function and dysfunction. PERILL stands for Purpose and Motivation, External Processes (stakeholder interactions), Relationships, Internal Processes, Learning Processes and Leadership. In this model, all six elements constitute a complex, adaptive system.

Other major studies included the development of a model of coach maturity, based on observation of hundreds of coaches in coach assessment centres. The model proposes that coaches evolve through stages of identity and perception of their work and roles. At the earliest stage, they do to coaching to clients. With greater confidence and skill, they evolve to doing coaching with clients. With extensive reflection on their practice, they progress to a stage, in which they integrate what they do as a coach with who they are as a human being. Finally, they evolve into the “systemic eclectic” stage, where they “hold the client, while the client has the conversation they need to have with themselves”. Each of these stages requires successive levels of socio-emotional and cognitive maturity.

Following the sale of Clutterbuck Associates to GP Strategies, Clutterbuck established in 2011 Coaching and Mentoring International, a UK-based network of mentoring trainers and consultants, currently in 40 countries.

Honors and awards • Visiting fellow, Stirling University • Visiting fellow, Puttridge Bury • Scholar in residence, Wolfsburg, Switzerland, 2006 • Visiting professor, Sheffield Hallam University[5][6] • Visiting professor, Oxford Brookes University • Visiting professor, York St John Universaity • Visiting professor, Henley Business School • Coaching at Work magazine’s first Mentor of the Year, 2011 • Amongst top 15 of HR Most Influential, 2012, 2013[7]

Key Books The Winning Streak 1983 (with Walter Goldsmith) – a UK study in the business excellence movement Everyone needs a mentor, 1985 (5th edition, much revised, 2014) – the first book on developmental mentoring Making Coaching Work, 2005 – an evidence-based study of the practicalities of creating and sustaining a coaching culture Coaching the Team at Work, 2007 – the first substantive book on team coaching The Talent Wave, 2012 – a radical re-evaluation of HR practice in talent management and succession planning Beyond Goals, 2013 (with Susan David and David Megginson) – a critical appraisal of the role of goals in coaching and mentoring

Books, authored and co-authored, and theses

1. How to be a good corporate citizen, McGraw Hill, 1981 ISBN 07-084560-3 2. The Remaking of Work, Blackwell , 1981, ISBN 0-86216-009-x Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN. Search this book on . 3. The Tales of Gribble the Goblin, Hodder & Stoughton (children’s stories), 1983, ISBN 0-340-32485-6 Search this book on . 4. The Winning Streak, Weidenfeld/Penguin,1983, (with Walter Goldsmith) ISBN 0-14-009146-7 Search this book on . 5. The Winning Streak Check Book, Penguin, 1983 (with Walter Goldsmith) ISBN 0-14-009103-3 Search this book on . 6. The Winning Streak Workout Book, Weidenfeld 1983, (with Walter Goldsmith) 0-297-78704-7 7. New Patterns of Work, Gower, 1985, ISBN0-566-02523-x 8. Everyone needs a mentor, IPM, 1985, ISBN 0-85292-461-5 Search this book on .; 5th edition 2014 ISBN 978-1-84393668 9. Clore: The Man and his Millions, Weidenfeld,1986, (with `Marion Devine) ISBN 0-297-79391-8 Search this book on . 10. Businesswoman, Macmillan,1987 (with M Devine) ISBN 0-333-43361-0 Search this book on . 11. The Marketing Edge, Weidenfeld,1987 (with Tony McBurnie) ISBN 0-14-009122-X Search this book on . 12. Management Buyouts, Hutchinson,1987 13. Turnaround, Mercury, 1988, ISBN 1-85251-090-0 Search this book on . 14. The Decline & Rise of British Industry, Weidenfeld,1988, ISBN 9-781852-510305 15. Just-in-time: A global status report, IFS, 1989 16. Information 2000, Pitman,1989, ISBN 0-273-03093-0 Search this book on . 17. Makers of Management, Macmillan, 1990, (with S Crainer) ISBN 0-333-48046-5 Search this book on . 18. The Phoenix Factor: a study of corporate decline Weidenfeld,1990, (with S Kernaghan) ISBN 0-297-81123-1 Search this book on . 19. Making Customers Count, Mercury, 1991 (with S. Kernaghan) ISBN 1-85252-109-0 Search this book on . 20. Working with the Community, Weidenfeld, 1991(with D Snow) ISBN 0-297-81177-0 Search this book on . 21. Going private, Mercury, 1991,(with S Kernaghan and D Snow) ISBN 1-85251-014-5 Search this book on . 22. Actions speak louder, Kogan Page, 1992,(with D Dearlove and D Snow) ISBN 0-7494-0810-3 Search this book on . ISBN 23. Inspired Customer Service, Kogan Page, 1993, ISBN 0-7494-0826-X Search this book on . 24. The independent board director, McGraw-Hill, 1993(with Peter Wayne) ISBN 0-07-707801-2 Search this book on . 25. Raising the profile: marketing the HR function, CIPD, 1993 ISBN 0-85292-526-3 Search this book on . 26. The power of empowerment, Kogan Page, 1994, ISBN-7494-1752-8 27. Consenting Adults: Making the most of mentoring, Channel 4 Television, 1995 ISBN 1-85144-1-8 28. Mentoring in Action, Kogan Page, 1995, ISBN 0-7494-2349-3 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN. Search this book on . 29. Clutterbuck, D & Dearlove, D (1995) Routes to the Top, Kinsley Lord, London 30. The charity as a business, Directory of Social Change,1996, ISBN 1-873860-90-0 Search this book on . 31. Strategic management of internal communications, Business Intelligence, 1996 32. The Winning Streak, Mark II, Orion, 1997 (with W Goldsmith) ISBN0-75280-778-1 33. The Interim Manager, Pitman, 1998 (with D Dearlove) ISBN 0 273 63293 0 273 63293 0 Search this book on link= 273 63293 0. 34. Learning Alliances, CIPD/Universities Press,1998, ISBN 085292-749-5 Search this book on . 35. Mentoring Diagnostic Kit, Clutterbuck Associates,1998 36. Doing it different, Orion,1999, ISBN 0-75281-380-3 Search this book on . 37. Mentoring Executives and Directors, Blackwell,1999, (with D Megginson) ISBN0-7506-3695-5 38. Making 360-degree appraisal work for you, Peter Honey Publications, 2000, (with B Wynne) ISBN 9781902899053 Search this book on . 39. Transforming Internal Communication, Business Intelligence 2001 40. Mentoring and Diversity, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002, with (B Ragins) ISBN 0-7506-4836-8 Search this book on . 41. Implementing mentoring schemes, Butterworth/Heinemann, 2002 (with N Klasen) ISBN 0-7506-5430-9 Search this book on . 42. Talking Business, Butterworth/Heinemann, 2003 (with S Hirst) ISBN0-7506-5499-6 43. The Situational Mentor, Gower, 2003, (with G Cox) ISBN 0-566-08543 44. Work-Life Balance – the role of HR, CIPD, 2003 ISBN 0-85292-969-0 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN. Search this book on . 45. Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring, Butterworth- Heinemann, 2004 (with D Megginson) ISBN 0-7506-5287-X Search this book on . 46. Making Coaching Work, CIPD, 2005, (with D Megginson) ISBN 978-1-84398-074-2 Search this book on . 47. Mentoring in Action 2, Kogan Page, 2005 (with D Megginson, R Garvey, P Stokes and R Garret-Harris) ,ISBN 0-7494-4496-7 Search this book on . 48. Coaching the Team at Work, Nicholas Brealey, 2007, ISBN 978-1-904838-08-1 Search this book on . 49. Thesis: A longitudinal study of the effectiveness of developmental mentoring, King’s College London, 2008 ISBN 978-3-659-26764-2 Search this book on . 50. Further techniques for Coaching and Mentoring, Routledge 2009 (with D Megginson) ISBN978-1-85617-499-2 51. The Complete Handbook of Coaching (Ed. With E Cox and T Bachkirova), Sage, 2009 ISBN 9-781849-202886 52. Virtual Coach, Virtual Mentor, IAP Publishing, 2010, (with Z. Hussain) ISBN 978-1-60752-309-3 Search this book on . 53. Developing Successful Diversity Mentoring Programmes, McGraw-Hill, 2012, (with F Kochan and K Poulsen) ISBN 13-978-033524388-6 54. Coaching and Mentoring Supervision (Ed. With T Bachkirova & P Jackson), Sage, 2012 ISBN 978-033524298-6 Search this book on . 55. Writing your first book (e-book) David Clutterbuck Partnership, 2013, ISBN 9780957694514 Search this book on . 56. The Talent Wave, Kogan Page, 2012 ISBN 978-0-7494-5697-9 Search this book on . ISBN 57. Beyond Goals: Effective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring, Gower, 2013, iSBN 978-1-4094-1851-1 58. Making the most of developmental mentoring (e-book) Coaching and Mentoring International, 2013 ISBN 9780957694507 Search this book on . 59. Powerful questions for coaches and mentors (e-book) Coaching and Mentoring International, 2013 ISBN 9780956634498 Search this book on . 60. Pegleg the Pirate (children’s stories – self-published, 2014 61. Retaining and developing talent in a dynamic environment, Local Government Association, 2014 (with J Haddock-Millar) 62. The Leader’s Guide to Being Coached (e-book) Coaching and Mentoring International 2014 63. Maintaining momentum of mentoring programmes (e-book) Coaching and Mentoring International, 2014 64. Sage Handbook of Mentoring, Sage, 2016 (with G Kochan, G Lunsford, N Dominguez and J Haddoick-Millar) ISBN 978-1-4129-6253-7 Search this book on . 65. Mentoring New Parents at Work, (with N Seignot) Routledge, 2016 ISBN 978-1-138-18870-9 Search this book on . 66. Coaching supervision: A practical guide for supervisees 2016 (with M Lucas and C Whittaker) ISBN 978-1-138-92041-5 Search this book on . 67. Building and Sustaining a Coaching Culture, CIPD, 2016, (with SA Bajer and D Megginson) ISBN 978-1-138-98376-7 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN. Search this book on . 68. Powerful questions for team coaches, (e-book) Coaching and Mentoring International, 2016 69. Coaching and Mentoring in Asia-Pacific, Routledge, 2018 (with D Kon and A Blackman ISBN 978-1-138-64240-8 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Invalid ISBN. Search this book on . 70. Techniques for coaching and mentoring, revised 3rd edition, Routledge 2016 (with N Lancer and D Megginson) ISBN 978-1-138-91373 71. Practitioner’s Handbook of Team Coaching, Routledge, 2019 (with J Gannon, I Iordanou, K Lowe. S Hayes and D McKie) ISBN 978-1-138-57692-6 Search this book on .

Critical analysis A detailed critique of Clutterbuck’s writing and theories is contained in the following article: Jenkins, Simon (2013) David Clutterbuck, Coaching and Mentoring International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching Volume 8 · Number 1 · 2013[8][9]


Kram, K ++++ Peters and Waterman


  1. "David Clutterbuck". Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  2. "David Clutterbuck". Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  3. "Founders – European Mentoring & Coaching Council". Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  4. CNN, By Kieron Monks, for. "How mentors make superstars". CNN. Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  5. "Professor David Clutterbuck | Sheffield Hallam University". Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  6. Deeble, Sandra (2003-06-07). "How to choose a mentor". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  7. "The people champions: HR's Most Influential 2012". Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  8. "(PDF) David Clutterbuck, Mentoring and Coaching: A Commentary". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  9. Jenkins, Simon (2013-03-01). "David Clutterbuck, Mentoring and Coaching". International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 8 (1): 139–254. doi:10.1260/1747-9541.8.1.139. ISSN 1747-9541.

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