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Standard Design Process (SDP)

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The Standard Design Process (SDP) is an industry-standard methodology employed in the nuclear power industry, particularly for engineering modifications in nuclear power plants. SDP is recognized for its role in streamlining and enhancing the efficiency of plant design changes across U.S. nuclear plant operators.[1]


EB 17-06 Bulletin established the Standard Design Process (SDP) for Nuclear engineering changes/modifications. The SDP was developed and reviewed for use by:[2][3]

The SDP is currently utilized industry wide in U.S. nuclear power plants. The SDP was developed in response to the growing complexity and administrative challenges in nuclear power plant design changes. It represents a graded approach that emphasizes efficiency and simplification in plant design changes. The process is applicable across the industry, integrating standardized software and promoting information sharing among different stations.[3]


Revision Description Effective Date
Rev. 0 Issued and Approved for General Industry Use 2/10/2017
Rev. 1 Updated Throughout to Incorporate: Industry Feedback, Minor Corrections /Enhancements, New Design Attribute Review (DAR) Topics, Generic Software References, NISP Procedure Format and New Industry Procedures 11/12/2018
Rev. 2 Updated to make NISP-EN-04, Standard Digital Engineering Process, a mandatory interfacing process. Revised to allow another use of a Common Package for regulatory or business purposes. Editorial repairs. Added NERC design considerations 11/20/2020

Developmental References[edit]

  1. INPO AP-929 Revision 2, Configuration Management Process
  2. NEI 96-07 Revision 1, Guidelines for 10 CFR 50.59 Implementation
  3. ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facility Requirements
  4. EPRI 1008254 Revision 2, Guidelines for Optimizing the Engineering Change Process for Nuclear Power Plants
  5. EPRI NP-5652 and TR-102260 Revision 1, Plant Engineering: Guideline for the Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications
  6. ANSI N45.2.11-1974, Quality Assurance Requirements for The Design of Nuclear Power Plants
  7. INPO Good Practice 12-010, Revision 0, Temporary Configuration Changes
  8. INPO 15-005, Leadership and Team Effectiveness Attributes
  9. DOWG 16-01, Resource Manual for IP-ENG-001, Standard Design Process (This document can be found on the Nantel Nuclear Community Website under the DOWG Committee – Process Working Group page.)
  10. NISP-EN-02, Standard Item Equivalency Process
  11. NISP-EN-04, Standard Digital Engineering Process
  12. INPO IER L2-19-6, Preventing Debris-Induced Fuel Failures

Pilot Phase[edit]

SDP underwent a pilot phase at sites such as McGuire, Surry, Sequoyah, and Vogtle Nuclear Generating Power Plants from September 2016 to February 2017. This phase involved validating procedures and training plans.[2] Feedback from these pilots informed the final industry-wide implementation of SDP.

Case Study[edit]

The Case Study on the Development of Engineering Design Modification Projects for U.S. Nuclear Power Plants, by Pamela M. Torres-Jiménez of Old Dominion University, explores the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) in the context of U.S. nuclear power plant engineering design modifications. It specifically analyzes how the SDP impacts the development and implementation of engineering change packages and modifications. While the document covers broader themes in the nuclear industry, it places particular emphasis on the application and effectiveness of SDP, IP-ENG-001 in streamlining and optimizing engineering projects within the nuclear industry. [1]

For more details on this case study, refer directly to the full report.

Industry Procedure (IP-ENG-001)[edit]

At the core of SDP is the procedure IP-ENG-001, which delineates organizational expectations and behaviors, supported by a comprehensive resource manual. Governed by industry bodies, this procedure facilitates a graded approach to managing engineering changes of varying complexities. Per review of the content of IP-ENG-001 (SDP procedure) and various cross-referenced utility-specific procedures, IP-ENG-001 is handled as a non-proprietary document.[3]

The purpose of IP-ENG-001, the SDP procedure, is to provide the Standard Design Process (SDP) for the Nuclear Industry. The procedure should be utilized in conjunction with utility-specific procedures that implement interfacing processes that support the design control, engineering change and configuration management processes.[4]

Important Notice[edit]

The following content are excerpts from the SDP Procedure, IP-ENG-001.[4]

  1. IP-ENG-001, the SDP procedure, was developed by the industry in support of the goal of Delivering the Nuclear Promise (DNP) initiative. INPO does not endorse nor require the implementation of the contents of the SDP procedure, IP-ENG-001. All future revisions are performed by a Design Oversight Working Group (DOWG), and are subsequently reviewed by the responsible INPO Department Manager to verify compatibility with current INPO Excellence and Support documents, prior to reposting on INPO’s website.[4]
  2. Neither INPO, INPO members, INPO participants, nor any person acting on the behalf of them (a) makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the document, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the document may not infringe on privately owned rights, or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus method, or process disclosed in the document.[4]

Precautions & Limitations[edit]

The following content are excerpts from the SDP Procedure, IP-ENG-001.[4]

  1. The intent of the Standard Design Process (SDP) procedure, IP-ENG-001, is to implement the SDP, as written, using the procedure and utility-specific interface procedures. Utility-specific interface procedures must clearly delineate such transition areas and provide clear guidance to users where necessary. Utility-specific procedures must not redefine, reinterpret, or modify the intent of the SDP.[4]
  2. In emergent situations, SDP procedure steps can be performed in parallel with one another.[4]
  3. Any engineering change impacting digital equipment will use the SDP procedure for digital equipment impacts, NISP-EN-04, Industry Standard Digital Engineering Process, concurrently with IP-ENG-001, the SDP procedure to address the digital portions of the engineering change, unless otherwise determined by other utility-specific procedures governing engineering changes.[4]
  4. Terminology used in IP-ENG-001, NISP-EN-04, and utility-specific procedures may have different connotations dependent on context. Care must be taken to assure understanding of the term as it is applied in the procedure. Example: In IP-ENG-001 the term “implementation” applies to the completion of activities associated with a modification where in NISP-EN-04 the term “implementation” applies to the realization of a software change or production of a piece of hardware.[4]

General Information[edit]

The following content are excerpts from the SDP Procedure, IP-ENG-001.[4]

  1. IP-ENG-001 was developed using a format similar to typical INPO process guides. The flowcharts contained in the SDP procedure were developed with sufficient detail to allow users to develop engineering change packages using the flowcharts and associated guidance.[4]
  2. Much of the terminology (e.g., definitions, titles, processes, etc.) referenced in the procedure is generic in nature and may be defined or cross-referenced to applicable utility terminology, as necessary, via utility interfacing procedure(s).[4]
  3. Entry into IP-ENG-001 begins after a utility-specific process determines an engineering change (modification) is required. Clarification and enablers to plan, develop, and execute an engineering change effectively is contained in the procedure.[4]
  4. A key element of entry into the SDP is effective screening. The initial screening for the various change types is contained within the procedure.[4]
  5. For engineering changes spanning multiple cycles, stages, online work windows, or outage/non-outage windows, the responsible engineer(s) may consider utilizing a “parent / child” concept when developing and implementing engineering change packages. The “parent” change package contains the overall evaluation for the entire scope of the change and the respective “child” change packages contain the instructions, affected documents and any requirements unique for that specific scope of work. The “staging” or “phasing” concept used by many utilities for the implementation of an engineering change over multiple cycles or work periods is synonymous with this “parent/child” concept.[4]
  6. Fuel modifications and core reload changes are typically governed by utility-specific Fuels Department procedures and if so are excluded from the procedure.[4]
  7. Software and applications used to automate the Standard Design Process (SDP) may exist in a different format and content flow to that provided in the standard forms, provided that the output meets the same intent. Reference in the procedure to specific sections may correlate to the similar content or functions within the software without the explicit section identification (e.g., Section A).[4] Example: Maximo for nuclear power supports a generic configuration change process that is based on the INPO AP-929 industry standard for nuclear power facilities.[2] Note this is same configuration management developmental reference utilized in the creation of IP-ENG-001.

Adoption and Integration[edit]

Adoption and Integration in the Nuclear Industry[edit]

The implementation of IP-ENG-001 (SDP) has led to enhanced engineering resource efficiency, timely resolution of equipment issues, and improved safety and reliability. It has also contributed to a unified approach to engineering codes and standards across the industry, including standards set by the NRC and IAEA.[2][3]

Industry-wide Adoption[edit]

Post-pilot, SDP has been adopted widely due to its effectiveness in streamlining design changes and promoting resource efficiency. Many nuclear facilities have integrated SDP into their operational procedures.[5]


Per U.S. Department of Energy and Office of Nuclear Energy, identified in INL/EXT-20-59809 INL/EXT-20-59809 Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, Exelon and LWRS [LWRS Program] collaborated in a Pilot Project for Digital Transformation Strategies performed in accordance with industry processes adapted to better support digital upgrades. The processes included referenced IP-ENG-001, the Standard Design Process (SDP). It is also noted in the report that the project resource loaded schedule was from a work breakdown structure developed from the SDP. [3]


Per 2023 Westinghouse Bulletin, Engineering Design Change Package: The Westinghouse Solution, Westinghouse integrates the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) within its overall management system, enhancing its engineering modification projects. This process, detailed in Westinghouse-specific procedures and work instructions, aligns with the NEI SDP and Quality Management System. It involves specialized training and mentoring for engineers, ensuring expertise in engineering changes. Westinghouse‘s adoption of SDP, including various forms and documents into its electronic document management system, streamlines project execution, offering cost-efficient and flexible solutions for client needs, particularly during high-demand periods such as outages.[4]


Per ANO Integrated Inspection Report and GGNS NRC Supplemental Inspection Report, Entergy procedure EN-DC-115, “Engineering Change Process” identifies the review and approval requirements of engineering changes processed using the Standard Design Process (SDP) are performed in accordance with Entergy procedure EN-DC-115-01, “Industry Standard Design Process (IP-ENG-001)”.[5][6] Note that Entergy-Nuclear / Entergy-Operations owns and operates Arkansas Nuclear One, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, River Bend Nuclear Generating Station, and Waterford 3; all of which utilize EN-DC-115-01 (IP-ENG-001, SDP) for SDP engineering change packages.[7][8]


Per U.S. Department of Energy and Constellation Energy, identified on (American Nuclear Society (ANS)), Constellation and the LWRS Program are collaborating in a Pilot Project to replace legacy analog reactor protection and emergency safety feature actuation systems (RPS/ESFAS) with modern digital systems, and implements related main control room modifications. The changes take place at Constellation’s Limerick Generating Station, it is noted that the Standard Design Process (SDP) is among the process utilized to carry out the change. [9] Refer to Constellation Energy for a list of plants owned and under the operation of Constellation.

Talen Energy[edit]

Per Susq. Integrated Inspection Report, it is identified that the Susquehanna Plant (Units 1 &2) owned (90%) and operated by Talen Energy utilizes the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) for their engineering changes.[10]

Southern Nuclear[edit]

Per Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NRC Inspection Report, it is identified that the Farley Plant utilizes the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) for their engineering changes. Note that the Farley Plant operations are managed by Southern Nuclear, which also operates Vogtle Units 1-4 and Hatch Units 1 & 2.[11]

Per the NRC Inspection Reports for the Hatch and Vogtle Nuclear Power Plants it is identified that the Hatch and Vogtle plants also utilize the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) for their engineering changes.[12][13]

Ameren UE[edit]

Per Callaway Nuclear Generating Station NRC Inspection Report, it is identified that the Callaway Plant utilizes the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) for their engineering changes.[14]

Arizona Public Service[edit]

Per the following two (2) Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station NRC Inspection Reports [15] and [16], it is identified that the Palo Verde Plant utilizes the Standard Design Process (SDP, IP-ENG-001) for their engineering changes.

Nuclear Engineering Change Process[edit]

The SDP approach using IP-ENG-001 for engineering changes in nuclear power plants is multifaceted, focusing on safety, regulatory compliance, and efficiency. Key aspects of this process include:

Objective and Scope[edit]

SDP establishes criteria for determining the necessary administrative and technical efforts for various engineering changes. This encompasses significant safety-related modifications to minor documentation updates.[5]

Process Overview[edit]

This process involves benchmarking licensee processes through updated flowcharts, analyzing regulatory requirements, and establishing design criteria for administrative, engineering, and safety requirements.[5]


  1. Engineering Change Scope & Screening: Assesses the scope and impact of proposed changes.[5]
  2. Regulatory Compliance: SDP includes the use of 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 50.71 screens to ensure regulatory compliance in nuclear power plant changes.[5]
  3. Engineering Review Screens: Conducts technical and safety design evaluations of changes, considering Critical Plant Equipment (CPE). Including determining the appropriate level of support and effort needed for the review phase.[5]

Detailed Process Description[edit]

  1. General Guidance: Sets out basic principles for initiating and managing engineering changes.[5]
  2. Identification of CPE (Critical Plant Equipment): Evaluates the impact of changes on critical plant equipment. The SDP initiates with a determination that the change involves structures, systems, or components (SSCs) primarily outside of CPE. The first task is to determine whether the potential exists for the engineering change to adversely affect CPE, the plant safety analyses, or other programmatic requirements.[5]
  3. Commercial Controls Program for Non-CPE: Manages changes unrelated to critical plant equipment.10 CFR 50.59] and 10 CFR 50.71 screens are performed and documented in accordance with utility-specific procedures. If no potential adverse impacts are identified by engineering and stakeholders, the change is then processed using the commercial codes, standards, and methods deemed appropriate by each individual utility. Often, industry best practices are generally accepted with proper justification and reference. This is referred to as implementing changes under commercial controls. Under commercial controls, the review and documentation support is not driven by nuclear requirements and is typically less burdensome. The change is implemented in an efficient, direct manner.[5]
  4. Administrative Document-Only Changes: Activities not impacting a structure, system, or component's (SSC) design or operational method are exempt from 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations. These include editorial changes or clarifications that do not alter system functions, NRC-approved information, or minor corrections in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). However, such UFSAR revisions still need to be included in mandatory updates as per 10 CFR 50.71.[5]
  5. Equivalent Changes: Equivalent changes preserve the original design and licensing framework, but may alter the physical setup or result in documentation changes without impacting technical constraints in existing plant records. These changes necessitate evaluations to ensure they do not negatively affect any SSC design function or operational method.[5]
  6. Design Changes: Design changes might result in both hardware changes and document-only changes that DO affect the bounded technical requirements in existing plant documents.[5]

Planning Phase[edit]

Planning requirements should be stipulated in utility-specific procedures. IP-ENG-001 provides the guidance for what is to be considered a record to be contained in the design package.[4]

Installation / Testing Phase[edit]

The installation/testing phase includes the installation and testing of the change as well as turnover to operations in accordance with utility-specific procedures.[4]

Design Closeout Phase[edit]

The design Closeout phase includes the update of documents, as necessary, to reflect as-built configuration and modification closeout in accordance with Utility-specific procedures.[4]

Per IP-ENG-001, in accordance with EPRI Technical Report 1008254, the closeout process provides assurance that all drawings, procedures, specifications, calculations, databases, design basis documents, and other items affected by a change are identified for update and then updated.[4][5]

Design Oversight Working Group (DOWG)[edit]

DOWG is responsible for overseeing the SDP, focusing on its effectiveness, revising procedures, and disseminating lessons learned across the industry. It also concentrates on training and knowledge transfer.[1] Refer to overview (above) for organizations, regulators, and utilities that make up the DOWG.

See Also[edit]

This article "Standard Design Process (SDP)" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:Standard Design Process (SDP). Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

  1. 1.0 1.1 "MP4a: Draft ISG-06 Rev.2 NRC Inspection Workshop Industry Expectations on Alternate Review Process Inspections" (PDF).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "EB 17-06: Implement Standard Design Change Process". 11 September 2019.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "Delivering the Nuclear Promise: Key Engineering Initiatives" (PDF).
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 INPO (2020) IP-ENG-001, [Nuclear] Industry Standard Design Process Rev. 2 Nuclear Industry Standard Process Engineering.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 "Plant Support Engineering: Guidelines for Optimizing the Engineering Change Process for Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 2". Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Retrieved 2023-12-11.