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Aliyev Vugar Amir[edit]

Vugar 1
Vugar 1
Vugar 1
Native nameAliyev
🏳️ Nationalityazerbaijani
🏳️ CitizenshipAzerbaijan, Georgia , double citizenship
🏫 EducationSolid State Physics, Engineering
💼 Occupation


• Number of scientific papers - 208

• Number of works published abroad - 98

• Number of papers published in journals indexed in international databases (Web of Science, Scopus etc.) – 60

• Personal pages in international scientometric databases

• Coordination in international and local projects

• Author's certificates and patents - 16

• Scientific discovery - 1

• Language skills - Azerbaijani, Russian, Georgian and English

Main scientific results[edit]

He was the first to reveal correlations between the physical properties of single crystals of three- and multi-component chalcogenide compounds based on thallium and their real structure and defects. He first discovered phase transitions in thallium-based triple chain structure crystals of chalcogenides, which were theoretically predicted ten years ago, and studied them in detail. On the basis of each scientific result he received in the field of experimental physics, he actually invented and patented various semiconductor converters and devices. After defending his doctoral dissertation, he put forward a number of international projects, received scientific grants and, based on his research as part of an international scientific group, discovered a new effect in solid state physics in 2007 (Diploma of Scientific Discovery No. 340 and the P. L. Kapitsa Gold Medal). Information about this discovery is given in the 8th volume of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia. On the official website of the Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, a special section "DISCOVERY" has been created in English, Russian and Azerbaijani.

Scientific discovery[edit]

Title of the Scientific Discovery:[edit]

Regular connection between the simultaneous stabilization of the Fermi level and the transformation of elastic properties in narrow-gap semiconductors.

Authors of the Scientific Discovery:[edit]

Pashaev A.M., Aliyev V.A., Davarashvili O.I., Zlomanov V.P., Davarashvili M.I.

Discovery Formula:[edit]

The earlier unknown the regular connection between simultaneous stabilization of Fermi level and transformation of elastic properties in narrow band semiconductors IV –VI transiting to dielectric state is established. This connection is explained by this fact, that the transition to dielectric state takes place at the restructuring of charge carrier energy spectrum at forbidden band width increase and Fermi level displacement to its middle, because of the impurity existence in layer, which stabilizes Fermi level and increases the limit of elasticity at formation of high-stress semiconductor level, including this impurity, on substrate with big crystal lattice parameter (effective “negative” pressure). == Main scientific works ==

1. Vugar Aliyev, Zakir Ramazanly, Sabina Magerramova, Emil Gafarov. The Pecullarities of Erosion and Soil Processes in Lower Kura River and the Risk of Floods. // Reliability: Theory and Applications, 2022, 3(66) January, pp.65-70. DOI:

2. Vugar Aliyev, Zurab Gasitashvili, Merab Pkhovelishvili, Natela Archvadze. ALGORITHM FOR BUILDING A HYBRID MODEL OF THE EXISTING RISK MODEL // Reliability: Theory and Applications, 2022, v.17., № 4(70), pp.106-110. DOI:

3. Fakhreddin Gabibov, Vugar Aliyev, Emil Gafarov, Aytan Akhmedova, Sabina Magerramova. STUDY OF THE STABILITY AND SAFETY OF THE DAM ON LAKE BOYUK-SHOR IN BAKU. // Reliability: Theory and Applications, 2022, v.17., № 4(70), pp.140-145. DOI:

4. Vugar Aliyev. Results of the Fourth Eurasian Conference RISK-2022 "Innovations in minimization of natural and technological risks”, “Dependability”, 2022, v. 22, No. 4, p.63-64. DOI:

5. Enrico Zio, Vugar Aliyev. THE FINAL DECISION Fourth Eurasian Conference and Symposium RISK-2022 “Innovations in Minimization of Natural and Technological Risks” October 11 – 13, 2022, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. // Reliability: Theory and Applications, 2022, v.17., № 4(70), p.30.

6. Aliyev Vugar, Magerramova Sabina, Balaeva Aisha, Azeryar Leyla. Risk Assessment and Analysis of Accidents of Water Facilities. Second Eurasian Conference “İnnovations in minimization of the naturaal and technological risks”, 12-19 April, 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstract Book, AIJR Publ., pp.9-10. DOI:

7. Gurgenidze David, Gavardashvili Givi, Aliyev Vugar, Ujma Adam. Dam Break and Flash Flood Prediction Case Study: Zhinvali Dam, Georgia. Second Eurasian Conference “İnnovations in minimization of the naturaal and technological risks”, 12-19 April, 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstract Book, AIJR Publ., pp.98-99. DOI:

8. Romashchenko Mykhailo, Yatsiuk Mykhailo, Voitovych Ivan, Aliyev Vugar, Gavardashvili Givi, Ujma Adam. Assessment of the Technical Condition of Protective Dams on the Reservoirs and Rivers of Ukraine. Second Eurasian Conference “İnnovations in minimization of the naturaal and technological risks”, 12-19 April, 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstract Book, AIJR Publ., pp.96-97. DOI:

9. Aliyev Vugar, Gavardashvili Givi, Ujma Adam, Yatsuk Mikhailo, Gafarov Emil. Earth Dams Risk Management in Kura River Basin. Second Eurasian Conference “İnnovations in minimization of the natural and technological risks”, 12-19 April, 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstract Book, AIJR Publ., pp.100-101. DOI:

10. Rasouli Aliakbar, Mammadov Ramiz, Aliyev Vugar. Detection of Caspian Sea Coastline Changes by Fuzzy-based Object-Oriented Image Analysis. Second Eurasian Conference “İnnovations in minimization of the natural and technological risks”, 12-19 April, 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstract Book, AIJR Publ., pp.120-122. DOI:

11. Makhmudov R.N., Aliyev V.A., Akhmedov A.A., Ramazanzade Z.Z. Morphometric and Anthropogenic Factors of Flood Risk in the Lower Kura. // Water Resources, 2017, v.44, N 2, pp.192-195. ISSN 0097-8078. DOI:

12. Makhmudov R.N., Aliyev V.A., Abduragimov S.G. The Isolation of the Riverbed from Floodplain in the Lower Kura and its Consequences. // Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2015, v.40, № 2, pp.123-126. DOI:

13. Kekelidze Nodar, Elza Khutsishvili, Bella Kvirkvelia, David Kekelidze, Vugar Aliyev, George Kekelidze. Transport Properties of InAs-InP Solid Solutions. // Journal of Electrical Engineering 2 (2014) pp.207-212. DOİ:

14. Kekelidze Nodar , Gizo Kekelidze, David Kekelidze, Vugar Aliyev. Investigation of InPxAs1-x solid solutions and creation of the radiation-resistant materials. AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 101-102. (2013); Zurich, Switzerland. DOI:

15. Khutsishvili Elza, Bella Kvirkvelia, David Kekelidze, Vugar Aliyev, David Khomasuridze, Nodar Kekelidze. Carrier mobility of InAs- and InP- rich InAs-InP solid solutions irradiated by fast neutrons. AIP Conf. Proc. 1566(1), pp. 103–104 (2013); Zurich, Switzerland.

16. Margiani N.G., Medoidze T.D., Metskhvarishvili I.R., Papunashvili N.A., Zhghamadze V.V., Dzanashvili D.I., Aliyev V.A.. Enhancement of (Bi,Pb)-2223 HTS Formation by Boron-Doping. – Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism v. 23, pp.1241–1243 (2010). DOI:

17. Abdullayeva S.G., Aliyev V.A. Structural diagram of the TlSe-DySe system. – Materials Research Bulletin, 1981, v.16, pp. 1219–1222.

18. Abdullayeva S.G., Aliyev V.A. Special features of negative photoconductivity in TlGaSe2. – Physica Status Solidi (a), 1982, v.69, pp.k33-k36.

19. Abdullaeva S.G., Aliyev V.A. Peculiarities of the photoconductivity of TlGa1-xDyxSe2 crystals. – Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 1982, N 5, p. 945.

20. Abdullayeva S.G., Aliyev V.A. Negative photoelectric effects in TlGaSe2. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1983, v.8, N 3, pp. 279–287.

21. Abdullayeva S.G., Aliyev V.A. Photoreceiver guided by electric field on the basic of TlGaSe2. – Defense Technology, 1983, N 3, pp. 70–71.

22. Abdullayeva S.G., Aliyev V.A., Mamedov N.T., Sheinkman M.K. Features of the negative photoconductivity in TlGaSe2 crystals. - Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 1983, v.17, N 10, pp. 1787–1790.

23. Guseinov G.D., Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F. Defects in TlGaSe2. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1985, v.13, N 6, pp. 541–550.

24. Aliyev V.A., Guseinov G.D. Recombination processes in non-stoichiometric TlGaSe2 crystals. - Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 1985, v.19, N 11, pp. 1940–1943.

25. Guseinov G.D., Aliyev V.A., Malsagov A.U., Chapanova L.M. Stationary photoconductivity of mixed Tl1-xAgxInSe2 crystals. – Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1985, v.12, pp. 297–301. 26. Guseinov G.D., Aliyev V.A., Malsagov A.U., Chapanova L.M. Phase equilibrium in the TlInSe2 – AgInSe2 system. – Materials Research Bulletin, 1986, v.21, pp. 507–510.

27. Aliyev V.A., Guseinov G.D., Mamedov F.I., Chapanova L.M. Anomalous temperature dependence of the band gap in AgGaSe2 and AgInSe2. – Solid State Communications, 1986, v.59, N 11, pp. 745–746.

28. Bagirzade E.F., Aliyev V.A. Photoconductivity conditioned by electric field in TlGaSe2 crystals. – Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 1986, v.20, N 8, pp. 1517–1518.

29. Guseinov G.D., Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F. Impurity photoconductivity in TlInSe2 single crystals. – Physica Status Solidi (a), 1986, v.96, pp.k73-k78.

30. Guseinov G.D., Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F. Recombination levels in non-stoichiometric TlGaSe2. – Physica Status Solidi (a), 1986, v.94, pp. 653–657.

31. Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F., Gasanov N.Z. and Guseinov G.D. Behaviour of the Urbach edge at phase transitions in TlGaSe2 single crystals. – Physica Status Solidi (b), 1987, v.143, pp.k155-k160.

32. Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F., Gasanov N.Z., Guseinov G.D. Electric conductivity of TlInS2 and TlGaSe2 crystals in the region of phase transitions. – Physica Status Solidi (a), 1987, v.102, pp.k109-k112.

33. Aliyev V.A., Aldzhanov M.A., Aliyev S.N. Incommensurate phase transition in TlGaTe2. – Pisma v JETP, 1987, v.45, N 9, pp. 418–420.

34. Aliyev V.A., Guseinov G.D. The study of imperfections in TlGaSe2 single crystals. – Inorganic Materials, 1987, v.23, N 2, pp. 342–344.

35. Aliyev V.A., Bagirzade E.F., Gasanov N.Z., Guseinov G.D. Behavior of the Urbach edge at phase transitions in TlGaSe2 single crystals. – Solid State Physics, 1987, v.29, N 11, pp. 3466–3469.

36. Aliyev V.A., Guseinov G.D., Chapanova L.M. About AgInSe2 single crystals. – Inorganic Materials, 1988, v.24, N 3, pp. 393–396.

37. Novikov V.P., Aliyev V.A., Matveev A.T. Pseuda-inductive and self-oscillating character of relaxation of current in the compounds with mixed type of conductivity. – Pisma v JTP, 1989, v.15, N 9, pp. 1–5.

38. Plyush O.B., Sheleg A.U., Aliyev V.A., Guseinov G.D. Low temperature X-ray investigations of the crystals TlInS2. – Solid State Physics, 1989, v.31, N 7, pp. 257–260. 39. Aliyev V.A. Structural phase transitions in TlGaSe2. – Crystallography, 1990, v.35, N 2, pp. 506–507.

40. Aliyev V.A., Mehrabov A.O., Fomin N.V., Chapanova L.M. More precise of the temperature dependence of band gap in AgInSe2. – Inorganic Materials, 1991, v.27, N 7, pp. 1385–1388.

41. Techanovich N.P., Sheleg A.U., Aliyev V.A. Heat capacity of the TlInS1.8Se0.2 in the temperature range 60-300 K. – Solid State Physics, 1992, v.34, N 6, pp. 1946–1949.

42. Sheleg A.U., Plyush O.B., Aliyev V.A. X-ray investigations of the incommensurate phase in TlInS2 crystals. - Solid State Physics, 1994, v.36, N 1, pp. 226–230.

43. Plyush O.B., Sheleg A.U., Dekola T.I., Aliyev V.A. Features of thermal expansion in TlIn(S1-xSex)2 at the low temperature region. – Inorganic Materials, 1995, v.31, N 5, pp. 648–650.

44. Sheleg A.U., Iodkovskaya K.V., Rodin S.V., Aliyev V.A. Influence of the γ -irradiation on the electroconductivity and dielectric properties in the region of existence of incommensurate phase of TlInS2 crystals. – Solid State Physics, 1997, v.39, N 6, pp. 1088–1090.

45. Mustafaeva S.N., Aliyev V.A., Asadov M.M. Anisotropy of the jumping conductivity in TlGaSe2 single crystals. – Solid State Physics, 1998, v.40, N 1, pp. 48–51.

46. Aliyev V.A., Aldzhanov M.A. Features of the temperature dependence of some properties of TlInSe2. – Inorganic Materials, 1998, v.34, N 2, pp. 1–3.

47. Mustafaeva S.N., Aliyev V.A., Asadov M.M. Jumping conductivity at direct current in TlGaS2 and TlInS2 single crystals. – Solid State Physics, 1998, v.40, N 4, pp. 612–615.

48. Davarashvili O.I., Gegiadze G., Enukashvili M., Kekelidze N., Metskhvarishvili M., Zlomanov V., Aliyev V. Heterostructures for IR lasers with emitters of PbCaSrSeTe and doping active layers of PbSnSeTe. - Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2002, v.165, N 3, pp. 473–477.

49. Davarashvili O.I., Darsavelidze G.Sh., Enukashvili M.I., Kekelidze N.P., Kutelia E.R., Aliyev V.A., Mamedov T.S. and Tanoglu M. Temperature dependence of internal friction and a dynamic shear modulus in the TlInSe2 crystals. – Georgian Engineering News, 2003, N 1, pp. 232–233.

50. Gegiadze G.G., Davarashvili O.I., Enukashvili M.I., Kekelidze N.P., Aliyev V.A.. The close-packed of atoms in the loose structure III-VI crystals.- Georgian Chemical Journal, 2003, N 3, p. 225.

51. Davarashvili O.I., Enukashvili M.I., Kekelidze N.P., Bychkova L.P., Metskhvarishvili M.R., Zlomanov V.P., Shotov A.P., Aliyev V.A.. Analysis of the stability of the contacts of liquid and solid phases of IV-VI semiconductors. - Georgian Chemical Journal, 2003, v.3, N 3, p. 222.

52. Davarashvili O., Enukashvili M., Yakobashvili M., Agaev F., Aliyev V., Emekli Nesrin, Yarat Ayshen. The diagnostics of diseases on human’s exhalation by using IR lasers: problems and possible decisions. - Georgian Engineering News, 2003, 3, p. 205.

53. Пашаев А.М., Даварашвили О.И., Алиев В.А., Енукашвили М.И., Зломанов В.П. Влияние деформации на изменение ширины запрещенной зоны в эпитаксиальных слоях полупроводников А4В6. – Georgian Engineering News, 2008, N 3, pp. 53–55.

54. Пашаев А.М., Даварашвили О.И., Алиев В.А., Бычкова Л.П., Енукашвили М.И., Зломанов В.П. О критических толщинах в гетероструктурах А4В6 при диффузионном рассогласовании. – Georgian Engineering News, 2008, N 4, pp. 7–10.

55. Пашаев А.М., Даварашвили О.И., Алиев В.А., Енукашвили М.И., Зломанов В.П. Камушадзе Т.Д. , Мирианашвили Ш.М. Кристаллы халькогенидов свинца и твердых растворов на их основе. - Georgian Chemical Journal, 2009, v.9, № 1, с.1-3.

56. Пашаев А.М., Даварашвили О.И., Алиев В.А., Енукашвили М.И., Зломанов В.П. Камушадзе Т.Д. , Мирианашвили Ш.М. Кристаллы халькогенидов свинца и твердых растворов на их основе. - Georgian Chemical Journal, 2009, v.9, № 1, с.1-3.

57. Пашаев А.М., Даварашвили О.И., Алиев В.А., Гегиадзе Г.Г., Гуляев Р.Г., Енукашвили М.И., Зломанов В.П. – Georgian Chemical Journal, 2009, v.9, № 3, pp. 201–203.

58. Aliyev V.A. The Electronic Structure and Chemical Bond in TlİnSe2. –Georgian Engineering News, 2011, № 1, pp. 99–102.

59. Akhmedov A.A., Aliyev V.A. Case study modeling of the remote system for hydrological information collection and transferring on Kura River. - Georgian Engineering News, 2011, № 3, p. 86-88.

60. Gafarov E.K., Aliyev V.A. Modeling of the Remote Control System for Physical Stability of the Hydraulic Fill Dam. // Georgian Engineering News, 2011, № 2, pp. 56–59.

61. Шелег А.У., Гуртовой В.Г., Шевцова В.В., Алиев В.А. Диэлектрические свойства и фазовые переходы в кристаллах твердых растворов TlInSxSe2-x. – ФТТ, 2012, т.54, № 3, с.581-585.

62. Kekelidze Nodar , Gizo Kekelidze, David Kekelidze, Vugar Aliyev. Investigation of InPxAs1-x solid solutions and creation of the radiation-resistant materials. AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, 101-102. (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4848305

63. Kekelidze Nodar, Bela Kvirkvelia, David Kekelidze, Vugar Aliyev, Elza Khutsishvili and George Kekelidze. Phenomenon of Mutual Compensation of Radiation Donors and Acceptors and Creation of Radiation-Resistant Materials. // Journal of Electrical Engineering, David Publishing Company. Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 187–192. 2014

Personal pages in international scientometric databases[edit]

• ORCİD Code:

Participation in the editorial board of international scientific journals[edit]

• Associated Editor of the journal “Reliability: Theory and Applications” (USA) Journal indexed in Scopus.

• Member of the editorial board of the journal "Dependability" (2022).

• Member of the editorial board of the International Journal NATURAL AND TECHNOGENIC RISKS. SAFETY OF STRUCTURES (ISSN 2221-5638):

Scientific and organizational activity[edit]

• Member of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan (1997).

• Member of the Writers' Union of Georgia (2001).

• Founder and Director of AMIR Technical Services Company.

• For his scientific achievements, his biography was published in the UK by the International Biographical Society "Who's Who?" included in the 13th edition of the encyclopedia (2000).

• Member of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries (2007).

• Member of the Gnedenko International Forum (2019).

• Permanent Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian conferences of the RISK series "Innovations to minimize natural and man-made risks":

International and local projects[edit]

Author and project coordinator PST.CLG.976815 (NATO),LST.CLG.978584 (NATO), PST.CLG.978435 (NATO), LST.CLG.978586 (NATO), PST.CLG.978436 (NATO), ESP .EAP.981252 (NATO),SfP-981453 NATO science program projects, as well as STCU-3641 (USA), STCU-3964 (European Union). Project No. QD-02121 of the Azerbaijan Small and Medium Business Development Agency.


• Honorary Diploma of the Federation of Cosmonautics of the USSR (1983)

• Laureate of the National Prize named after G.Z. Tagiev in the field of charity (1997).

• Laureate of the Academician Y. Mammadaliyev Prize in the field of enlightenment (1998).

• Laureate of the National Independent Award "Humay" in the field of literary translation (2001). • Laureate of the Machabeli Prize of the Writers' Union of Georgia (2010).

• Laureate of the Golden Pen media award (2011).

• Diploma of scientific discovery (No. 340) and the P. L. Kapitsa Gold Medal (2007).

• Archimedes Gold Medal for inventions (2022).

• Nikola Tesla Gold Medal for Innovative Technologies (2022).

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