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1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft - ish

From EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

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'ish' is a YouTuber from the United States of America, well known for creating long, movie-style YouTube videos utilising the video-game Minecraft to tell incredible stories involving hundreds of players co-existing in one large Minecraft world, attempting to build civilizations and alliances, resulting in emotional tales of war, peace and friendship. 'ish' tells the stories of players in his worlds by narrating the events of each day from an outside perspective, whilst also often talking with important members of the server in order to convey to the audience the reasons for and feelings surrounding the events at the time.

In this particular video, posted on the 28th of May 2023, 'ish' placed 1000 Minecraft players into an enormous world in order to see what would happen on each island.

To watch the video: 1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft

The Islands[edit]

Day 1 began with the 1000 players being teleported to their respective island. The islands were each made up of their own, unique biome, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

The Snowy Island[edit]

The snowy island proved itself as a difficult challenge for anyone unfortunate enough to begin here. Not long into day one, many players began to succumb to its unforgiving landscape, covered in powered snow. The snow acted as a trap to any explorers who strayed too far from the spawn point. This island also had very little trees for players to use to craft early game tools and so slowed down the building of any early nations on this particular island.

The Desert Island[edit]

Much like the snowy island, the desert island didn't have many trees to begin with. This forced the inhabitants of the island into small, highly concentrated areas that harboured trees and water in order to grow crops and raise livestock. One benefit of having many players working together early on, however, was that the first village sprouted quickly in the desert.

The Jungle Island[edit]

On the other end of the spectrum, the people of the jungle island suffered from the hyper-habitable nature of the their habitat. Although the high concentration of trees meant more food and building resources, many players began realising the threat of hostile mobs. These mobs left no prisoners, wiping out many jungle people early on. This massacre eventually led to ish's decision to remove Creepers from the world in order to prevent the untimely death of more players and the griefing of the world.

The Plains Island[edit]

The plains island was, in ish's own words, "just, the perfect island to live on." It was a haven for life, it included many trees that players could farm for resources; plenty of water to grow crops; easy terrain making exploration simple and no threat of hostile mobs. Inhabitants of the plains island made quick progress in beginning their journey on the island.

The Central Island[edit]

The central island was slightly different to the others. It was placed into the world on day 5 of the event by ish and his team of admins and would be very influential in the progression and politics of the world. Although it took players until day 7 to find the island, ThePokemonkey's arrival sparked a lot of curiosity among the other members of the server. Players quickly scrambled to discover the island and explore its caves, which contained the rare, Netherite, material which is highly valuable in Minecraft. Much to ish's surprise, no nation claimed the central island as there own, although he deemed this an intelligent move as to prevent any chance of conflict. The island remained neutral throughout the remaining days and was often the site of political negotiations and is now home to a massive parliament building, constructed after the war of Aculon.

Nations and Great Global Powers[edit]

The video saw the rise (and fall) of a great number of nations and global powers spanning the four islands. Here is a list and description of each notable nation in the order in which they are first introduced in the video.

The Great Plains Alliance[edit]


The plains alliance consisted of two nations, both situated on the south of the plains island, one led by 'HorusCrown' and the other by 'sidefall'. HorusCrown's aim, as stated himself on day 1, was "building the most beautiful and nicest city on the entire server." Whereas, sidefall's aim was that "[he] just wants to make sure nobody dies". Both nations started of similarly, as democratic republics on the southern plains shore. After a peace treaty on the plains island, following a small dispute among leaders, the island became united in an alliance which sought after island-wide peace among people.

Unity And Democracy...[edit]

Day 3 - Rising Tensions[edit]

After leader, sidefall, sent out to seek alliances on the snowy island, HorusCrown was not happy. He believed that if sidefall wanted to make friends, he should do so on home turf in order to build the plains island into a great global superpower. However, sidefall disagreed. HorusCrown retaliated by forming alliances with smaller civilizations on the plains island, cutting off sidefall's access from the rest of the island in the case that a war were to break out. One opinion of note came from a player by the name of 'MoistPenguin911', the owner of a local KFC establishment. He told ish that "Here at KFC, we want family. Not war."

Day 4 - The Propagandist[edit]

Early on day 4, a player by the name of 'Trinktop' told members of HorusCrown's nation "SIDEFALL IS GOING TO ATTACK US!!!", a lie made up in order to increase tensions on the island. sidefall had no knowledge as to why this happened and was just as confused as HorusCrown. As war was brimming, sidefall desperately tried to reach out to HorusCrown and the other leaders in the plains to tell them that he did not infact want war. After reluctance at first, HorusCrown agreed to meet with sidefall to discuss the dispute. The meeting took place on neutral ground, as requested, in a tavern on a lake in the middle of the island. By some miracle, crisis was averted and the leaders signed a peace deal uniting the 4 largest nations on the island, HorusCrown's and sidefall's as well as 20JP's and GhostsToast's.

Day 5 - A Fear Of Communism[edit]

Day 5 was a day in which most of the server lived in fear for one reason or another, with many internal conflicts happening. Despite being the most united island, the people of the plains were not exempt to this. 20JP's nation cut ties with the rest of the world, building a wall around their nation in order to "Make sure that communists cannot take this away from [them]". This meant that, within the space of one day, HorusCrown's dream of island-wide peace was still wishful thinking.

Day 7 - The Day Of Exploration[edit]

One of sidefall's citizens, 'ThePokemonkey', was the first to discover the world's new centre island. As word got out about this new discovery, sidefall and the rest of the united plains sent explorers to search the island for hidden treasures. This new introduction allowed further development for the plains biome, unlocking the valuable resource of Netherite. Day 7 marked a new era for the people of the plains island. One of unity, prosperity and discovery.

Day 8 - The Rise Of Industry[edit]

As players began to feel safer and more protected following the great plains alliance, day 8 saw the introduction of larger businesses and expansion of villages throughout the plains island. A group of farmers built an enormous wheat field in partnership with a cookie and baked goods factory which used the wheat grown in the vast expanses of farmland to feed the citizens of the plains. The treaty was proving to be incredibly beneficial to the islanders as the plains quickly became the most desirable place to live on the server.

The Sultanate[edit]


After his rise to fame in a previous video, the player 'STORMINGHELL' returned as leader of a large desert nation named 'The Sultanate'. With a population of over 100 players, The Sultanate of the desert began life as an early competitor for the largest power on the server. 'STORMINGHELL' led his people, along side his twin bodyguards 'davarit' and 'Zombta', opting for a more authoritarian dictatorship demanding only one thing: the construction of a holy city. The Sultan enforced just 4 strict rules on his people: 'Wear proper attire' (a red and white Keffiyeh, similar to that of the Sultan); 'Do not eat pork' (practiced by all people who follow Islam); 'Complete mandatory work' (ensuring that the sultanate progresses quickly) and, most importantly, 'Acknowledge the Sultan as the supreme and divinely-chosen leader'.

A History of Tyranny...[edit]

Day 3 - Early Conflict[edit]

From as early as day 3, STORMINGHELL showed to his people that he meant business. When a group of "mountaineers" constructed a small settlement on the peaks, overlooking the Sultan's great nation, STORMINGHELL was not best pleased. The two groups held a meeting to discuss the land dispute and the conversation went as follows:

Mountaineer: "Why does the Sultanate have any more right over a plot of land?"

STORMINGHELL: "Simply, might makes right."

"We're stronger. So if it come down to it, may the stronger group win."

Day 5 - Breaking The Peace[edit]

On day 5, the Sultanate finished the construction of an "inescapable" prison, in which they imprisoned a player by the name of 'Zweao'.

Later that night, more unethical acts were commited by the Sultan and his army. STORMINGHELL's naval forces sailed around to the north side of the island. They had reason to believe that a small tribe of desert-dwellers were planning an assassination of the Sultan. Following the killing of 'Pyrignos' by a player named 'Marbu7', the Sultanate officially declared war on the settlement, breaking the peace within the desert nation. STORMINGHELL's opinion on the conflict was that "We are showing the desert that if you make plans to kill me, justice will come for you."

The raiding and hunting of the tribe and its members continued into neighbouring villages. A player named 'QuinoaFalafel' ran into close-by Theria, a rivalling nation within the desert biome. The Sultanate army searched the village up and down in search of the player which angered Theria's citizens and drove their leader, 'saparata', out of the settlement out of fear.

Day 7 - Los Pollos Hermanos Han Partido[edit]

STORMINGHELL's goal of building a holy city was not forgotten and, on day 7, due to the Sultan being unhappy with progress, he stopped the production of all the food in the region so that farmers could help build the city. This, unsurprisingly, caused uproar among members of the Sultanate, with many members, including the noble 'DripChicken' of 'Los Pollos Hermanos' whose business went temporarily out of stock due to the lack of production of crops. This eventually lead to 'DripChicken' abandoning the Sultan's dictatorial regime and arriving in the plains biome, along with a group of farmers, as a refugee.

Day 8 - Davarit's Master Plan[edit]

'davarit', one of STORMINGHELL's most trusted companions, planned to leave the Sultanate in favour of the democratic ways of saparata's 'Theria'. The Sultan's bodyguard planned an assassination attempt in order to bring peace to the desert. The plan was that 'davarit' would leave the Sultanate, causing STORMINGHELL to become enraged, thus, sending out an army of elites to hunt 'davarit' down. Once the army were in search of him, 'davarit' planned to loop back into the Sultan's nation and kill STORMINGHELL while his back is turned. One thing that 'davarit' couldn't account for, however, was that the Sultan would follow his troops into battle...

Day 9 - The Fall Of The Sultanate[edit]

On day 9, 'davarit' saw his opportunity. All of STORMINGHELL's men, including himself, were gathered at a wedding in the desert. As the wedding came to an end and the Sultan's party were leaving, 'davarit' took his chance. He leapt upon STORMINGHELL in an attempt to kill the Sultan. However, he was unlucky. Outnumbered, 'davarit' was quickly disposed of by the Sultan's guards but the story doesn't end there. As STORMINGHELL walked home, his other bodyguard, and twin of 'davarit', 'Zombta', seeked revenge for the death of his brother, killing the ruler and sending shockwaves across the server.

The Aculon Empire[edit]


Below the snowy island's harsh, frozen surface, a colder, more dominant force played the people of the island like puppets. 'Elanuelo' an authoritarian dictator, too afraid of assassination to emerge from his underground bunker, met with the leaders of each snowy civilization in order to unite the island and control its population exactly how he desired. Through his righthand man, 'AFreakinTurkey', 'Elanuelo' made the people of the snowy island do his bidding, squashing anybody who got in his way. Although only emerging on day 2, Elanuelo's empire quickly became the largest and strongest nation on the server.

Order And Authority...[edit]

Day 5 - Bringing Order In The Snow[edit]

By day 5, Elanuelo had fully enforced his authoritarian regime. Each of his, now around 200, minions were assigned a role, such as building, mining or fighting. The empire recorded and stored every last detail within the dominium; its members, hierarchy and even physical landmarks. The Quartermaster's house, the so-called "richest place in the entire server", was also in full force by day 5. This building was used to store all of the Aculon empire's resources and distributed items to members using their unique request system. The people working in the establishment would determine how many of the requested item a player deserves based on a detailed algorithm.

Day 6 - The Execution Of Xeillious[edit]

After a player by the name of 'Xeillious' attempted to break into the Quartermaster's house the previous day, a public execution was set for day 6. The entirety of the snowy island gathered to watch the execution, with screams of "GLORY TO ACULON" bouncing across the frozen hills. This event brought even more unity and control to Elanuelo's empire.

Also on this day, Elanuelo's second in command, AFreakinTurkey, decided to meet with a lawer by the name of 'Awesomealan1' to set up a legal system within the empire.

AFreakinTurkey continued to enforce Elanuelo's tyrannical view, meeting with a group of farmers who he claimed "weren't producing enough food for the empire". AFreakinTurkey demanded 5 stacks of bread from the poor farmer.

This day also marked a point in which AFreakinTurkey began to gain great popularity among the people of Aculon, this did not please Elanuelo very much. The dictator told a group of his loyals that "Turkey knows that I created this empire and its entire political system and as long as I am alive, I will be its only ruler."

Day 8 - Coronation And Evacuation[edit]

After Elanuelo realised that the members of his nation were beginning to view AFreakingTurkey as more of a leader than himself, the emperor decided to finally leave his underground bunker and host a coronation at Aculon castle to show to the snowy citizens that he was the one true leader of the ice and snow. While this ceremony showed Elanuelo's power and leadership skills as well as the unity of the Aculon empire, many players were becoming fed up with the tyranny in the frozen isles. One major reason for the discontent with the rulership of the Aculon empire was that Elanuelo began to spy on his own members, trying to figure out who thought badly of him in order to prevent potential assassination attempts. Due to the continued acts of tyranny, committed by the Aculon leader, many players made the decision to flee the snowy island through large tunnels built to transport refugees to safety. Among those who helped the refugees was AFreakinTurkey. By helping people leave Aculon, Elanuelo's righthand man was putting himself in grave danger of upsetting the emperor. When asked, AFreakinTurkey denied any desire to start a revolution, telling ish that he merely wants "to make sure Elanuelo doesn't kill these people."

Day 10 - The Meeting[edit]

After one of Elanuelo's spies caught AFreakinTurkey helping transport refugees through the tunnels on day 9, tension within the Aculon empire was at an all time high. After Elanuelo finally agreed, AFreakinTurkey was set to meet with the snow island's leader as long as he met Elanueo's conditions. 1. AFreakinTurkey must travel to the venue alone; 2. The meeting must take place at Aculon castle; 3. The meeting must occur after construction had finished on the castle, specifically its defences.

After AFreakinTurkey arrived at the meeting, he was quickly told by Elanuelo to take a seat on the throne. The emperor of Aculon confronted his second in command, stating that he knows that AFreakinTurkey has been in contact with the plains alliance. Despite AFreakinTurkey's best efforts, Elanuelo could not believe that he was not trying to dethrone the leader of the snow island. After talking for a while, Elanuelo decided that AFreakinTurkey was too dangerous to his nation to be left alive. The chair he sat on was rigged and Elanuelo killed him which, due to AFreakinTurkey's alliances, would only result in war.

The Tribes Of The Jungle[edit]


It is difficult to describe the politics of the jungle, especially in the first few days. Day 3 is the first we here about what is happening beneath the canopy and it is not very pretty. There are around 30 tribes that each settled separately within the jungle, each at war with one another. The two main super powers are the Sea-people in the east of the island with leader, 'Yeetspeak', dedicating his rule to preserving order among his people but also keeping them happy, with many events such as comedy shows happening regularly. In the centre of the jungle, another civilization emerged, revolving around the worship of a player named 'SethHyphen' although he claimed that it was not a personality cult.

Day 6 - Unrest In The Undergrowth[edit]

On day 6, Yeetspeak of the Sea-people decided that it was finally time to bring peace to the jungle. He sent out stealth groups to kill any players who he deemed to be a threat; thieves, murderers, etc. However, SethHyphen was not happy about these killings, saying that many of the fallen players were allies of his nation. Despite his best efforts, SethHyphen couldn't stop the genocide.

Day 8 - The Final Meeting[edit]

War seemed inevitable on the jungle island. Neither faction could come to an agreement and they each rallied their troops. However, because SethHyphen had recently allied with sidefall's nation on the plains island, which was now completely united, a war would lead to the entire plains island getting involved, thus meaning a world war which nobody in the jungle wanted. Because of this, the leaders agreed to have one final meeting. This meeting was set to be held in a player named Wazz0ck's nation as it was neutral ground. During the meeting, no peaceful conclusion could be reached leading to both nations declaring war on one another. However, Wazz0ck anticipated this and so... his plan was enacted. (see Other Notable Players and Storylines for more details on Wazz0ck and the event)

Day 9 - Peace At Last[edit]

After the events of the day before, the war was put on hold. The entire jungle island now had just one goal, Find and kill Wazz0ck. Some suggest that this may have been Wazzock's plan all along, to finally unite his home island, however, it is uncertain as Wazz0ck never made a statement on this.

Also on day 9, Elanuelo reached out to the Sea-people, asking for an alliance. He, apparently, "appreciated the Sea-people's value of order and he promised that he would help them stop the chaos in the jungle and help them catch their most wanted criminal, Wazz0ck." The alliance was accepted by the Sea-people and, having the backing of the most powerful nation on the server, they felt much safer from war.

The Battle Of Aculon[edit]

After news broke out about AFreakinTurkey's death, and the deaths of many of his supporters, Each of the allied nations began putting their respective militaries on standby. Elanuelo heard about the potential for war and rallied his own allies along with each of their armies. And thus, on day 10, the allied nations officially declared war on the Aculon empire.

The allies gathered on the centre island in order to attack Aculon together. However, Elanuelo was prepared too. The builders of Aculon had constructed an enormous defencive tower that they named "The Iron Torch". Its dangerous height, sturdy walls, arrow slits and lava cover all contributed to stopping the allies from killing the snow leader.

The allies stormed the tower and The Battle Of Aculon had begun. Despite the Aculon soldiers holding off the allies for a while, with ground soldiers killing people climbing the walls and soldiers on the tower dropping stalagmites down the only ladder up to their army, the allies' forces were able to penetrate the Iron Torch. A player named 'SeaweedIsCool' managed to plant TNT in the tip of the torch, killing one person and opening up the tower to any allies arriving from outside the walls.

After a long and painful battle in the cold and snow, the war finally came to an end as 'Dbest_' a player originally from the ice kingdom, leaving after being unhappy with his leader's authoritarian views, sent Elanuelo falling down a hole in the floor of the tower, eventually dying at the bottom of the drop.

Dbest_'s kill led to the Aculon empire's surrender. However, this did not stop the allies. Still angry about AFreakinTurkey's death, their soldiers continued to slaughter any remaining Elanuelo supporters, just as he had done to the supporters of AFreakinTurkey.

The war ended up taking the lives of 228 soldiers from either side of the war.


The Snow Island[edit]

Once the sun rose over the world on day 11 and the killing had finally stopped, each player returned to their island, with many ex-snow residents returning to their place of birth, safe from tyrrany. They then brought democracy to the snow island with the construction of the New Aculon Republic, under the diplomatic rule of 'ItzzEnder', a supporter and friend of AFreakinTurkey.

Also on the snow island, the Iron Torch was torn down and in its place, a graveyard was constructed to honour all those people who died in the Battle Of Aculon. And overlooking the graveyard, an enormous statue was erected in honour of AFreakinTurkey, the man who strived to bring peace and democracy to the server. And although he wasn't able to see it, the people of this world believed that he was watching from somewhere above, admiring the work he, and his supporters, had done.

Global Peace[edit]

Once a world peace treaty had been signed and a parliament building was constructed on the central island, any surviving Aculon soldiers were officially pardoned by the allied nations, among these soldiers was Yeetspeak of the Sea-people.

Other Notable Players and Storylines[edit]


Wazz0ck began his journey on the jungle island, telling ish, early on, that he's "gonna take over the world". We are also introduced to Wazz0ck's so-called "righthand man", Darbo99_, who makes his first, and only, real appearance in the video along side Wazz0ck on day 1.

On day 3, we run into Wazz0ck again, now with a small settlement and a group of loyal followers to his name. ish shows us that there is, however, some drama within the village. Two members of Wazz0ck's tribe had built a "Librarian's Tower" which their leader wasn't very happy about as he deemed it to be too ugly. In response to this, the librarians stated that "Wazz0ck just doesn't like the library because he is illiterate."

On day 8, due to political tension between two other nations on the jungle island, Wazz0ck was set to host a meeting between the factions in his village, which was deemed to be neutral soil. Wazz0ck knew that the meeting would only end in war so rigged the floor to fall beneath the leaders and their respective parties. 7 players were killed during the event and the war was put on hold until Wazz0ck was executed. The leader of the jungle tribe went into hiding.

Day 9 marked Wazz0ck's final day alive. He decided that he could no longer live as a fugitive on the run and would rather turn himself in to the people of the jungle. An execution was set for the very same day. Before being executed, Wazz0ck read his final speech, much to the discontent of the spectators. It read: "Hello everyone, it's your old friend Wazz0ck. In the beginning, I wanted to rule the world but I've made some bad decisions and now, it's my time to go. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that time can never be your trusted friend. LONG LIVE THE JUNGLE!"

Los Pollos Hermanos[edit]

A player name 'DripChicken', an inhabitant of the desert island and originally part of the Sultanate, ran a chicken shop named 'Los Pollos Hermanos', selling cooked chicken to members of the server and gaining a large following and reputation.

However, 'Los Pollos Hermanos' wasn't always a large restaurant chain spanning across two islands. The shop began as a small, wooden market-stand tucked away in the Sultan's starting village. Infact, in the beginning, 'Los Pollos Hermanos' didn't serve chicken at all, but rather "totally legal sugar", as discovered by ish on day 2.

On day 7, due to STORMIGHELL being unhappy with progress on his holy city in the desert, he stopped the production of all the food in the region so that farmers could help build the city. This, unsurprisingly, caused uproar among members of the Sultanate, with many members, including DripChicken, whose business went temporarily out of stock due to the lack of production of crops. This eventually lead to DripChicken abandoning the Sultan's dictatorial regime and arriving in the plains biome, along with a group of farmers, as a refugee.

On day 9, due to DripChicken originating in the desert, he became more that just a chicken salesman but, instead, a valuable resource, giving information about the desert people to the plains politicians, notably, sidefall. This encoraged sidefall to send diplomats to Theria, a democratic nation in the desert. On this day, Theria agreed to join the allies, including SethHyphen of the desert and all of the plains nations.

On day 10, war broke out on the server and, instead of going into battle, DripChicken stayed back home to look after 'Los Pollos Hermanos' and give supplies, notably chicken, to soldiers going to war. This proved to be a valuable resource and it could be argued that the allies may not have beaten Elanuelo if it weren't for DripChicken's contribution to the war effort.


This incredible story would not have been possible without the help of the team behind the scenes.

A big thank you the all the people who brought this story to our computer screens:


  • Boyjedi
  • Jawunleashed

Game Development[edit]

  • PureGero
  • Lengo
  • KK964

Map Creation Lead[edit]

  • Windowbrick
  • Elanuelo

Map Creation[edit]

  • Warden_InDark
  • CloverPetal
  • AceOfRoyalSuites
  • LukeEatsOats
  • __Deg__
  • madzvie
  • rentalgemixHDo4
  • Solev
  • Avweri
  • ConnorLikesPie
  • someonesayshi06
  • SweGame
  • Zapynubs
  • Manstgal
  • someonesayshiA06
  • DayeMeg
  • Nathans_Cookie
  • ManHattenMan

Applications Lead[edit]

  • Solev

Applications Team[edit]

  • Zynrr
  • ItzzEnder
  • NoMercy
  • homiekith
  • Dino_Adventure
  • Doormctt
  • saparata
  • Ehas99
  • clawdie
  • ChairX_
  • KillaSnow
  • WhaleMilk95
  • C453Y
  • Freashy
  • Sox2417
  • OutlyingCrow
  • Elanuelo
  • Triogami
  • MinisterBismarck

Event Staff[edit]

  • Windowbrick
  • Solev
  • Ministerismarck
  • Doormctt
  • clawdie
  • Freashy
  • Sox241


  • Jude (W.apnr)

Creator, Editor, Narrator[edit]

  • ish


This article "1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft - ish" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft - ish. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.