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Arequipa UFO incident

From EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

The Arequipa UFO incident was an aircraft-UFO incident in April 1980 in the Arequipa Region of Peru involving a Sukhoi Su-22 (Sukhoi Su-17 Fitter).

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poly 299 294 310 286 307 282 315 264 333 253 330 247 330 232 338 224 341 207 349 199 359 194 375 184 393 176 407 174 422 169 429 162 446 162 456 170 454 162 449 155 446 151 436 153 429 148 437 136 454 108 446 104 433 97 430 92 424 93 411 96 403 95 393 89 382 93 376 96 359 97 345 99 333 87 333 72 320 70 317 66 318 57 312 51 306 48 291 43 286 32 278 20 268 10 257 5 250 6 240 6 248 16 254 21 253 25 253 33 250 38 247 39 243 51 240 65 220 85 195 105 152 120 151 133 157 143 157 151 160 157 160 167 160 171 157 180 151 190 149 196 153 204 155 211 161 216 173 224 188 227 189 231 196 238 203 235 215 244 221 239 232 240 237 238 244 244 240 249 240 265 237 270 230 271 221 267 221 276 219 282 213 288 214 294 217 297 220 305 225 313 229 315 224 325 224 340 233 332 241 332 240 324 249 322 255 316 265 318 273 308 279 303 274 296 280 288 295 290 299 293 Loreto Region

poly 309 524 318 531 327 533 339 532 346 530 355 535 363 539 369 541 376 550 377 555 372 565 367 571 360 575 360 580 343 581 341 578 332 582 328 583 320 585 319 579 317 573 321 564 316 556 315 549 313 540 308 538 308 528 309 524 Apurímac Region

poly 432 400 434 435 444 439 450 437 463 433 467 434 473 434 510 493 508 497 504 505 503 512 474 526 443 519 438 520 427 518 425 517 416 526 412 513 406 509 400 506 397 502 386 505 380 501 377 491 381 488 379 484 377 478 372 475 368 471 364 462 374 440 374 435 404 436 411 420 433 398 Madre de Dios Region

poly 118 354 121 347 136 339 136 330 147 320 154 322 168 335 171 342 174 349 192 362 192 366 187 367 184 371 181 379 184 385 186 392 188 398 186 402 186 406 181 407 172 416 166 420 160 424 158 415 159 410 156 408 152 409 149 415 120 357 Ancash

poly 414 702 420 707 444 724 457 722 462 719 467 713 466 707 465 701 466 698 469 698 473 696 478 692 480 688 477 686 470 685 462 681 459 678 454 670 448 670 450 666 445 665 441 667 441 670 440 677 438 677 435 681 Tacna Region

poly 225 579 234 586 242 589 245 595 249 602 253 600 254 605 260 609 264 601 268 599 275 595 274 589 271 584 266 577 261 579 257 573 256 567 259 557 253 557 247 553 242 550 239 549 241 538 243 528 237 530 231 531 228 530 232 525 233 516 227 516 224 514 220 519 215 526 216 533 215 539 214 547 209 547 211 552 212 558 Ica Region

poly 23 159 29 152 40 145 51 139 54 144 57 151 55 154 47 159 43 159 42 164 35 166 31 166 26 166 23 163 Tumbes Region

poly 122 213 114 228 114 233 118 241 121 242 125 247 130 252 135 259 141 269 143 277 146 286 150 293 142 303 140 303 138 301 133 305 130 302 129 296 125 297 117 298 118 292 116 292 109 292 105 297 102 299 100 294 98 291 93 289 91 289 94 282 90 275 98 267 92 261 85 253 94 246 94 238 91 237 90 231 88 228 87 220 91 216 89 210 88 206 90 202 93 200 97 199 105 195 108 188 112 183 116 188 118 190 116 198 115 203 115 206 Cajamarca Region

poly 240 500 247 494 254 489 258 479 258 473 264 476 271 477 274 475 280 474 284 477 285 480 285 483 280 486 277 488 280 492 283 494 286 498 288 504 288 512 286 518 283 519 277 522 272 528 264 529 269 535 270 552 264 558 262 556 252 557 243 553 240 549 241 535 244 531 242 529 238 530 234 531 230 529 233 518 238 509 Huancavelica Region

poly 444 520 450 520 459 524 462 524 472 526 481 523 501 515 504 523 502 530 497 540 502 557 502 563 492 573 485 584 485 591 493 601 484 614 477 610 469 601 465 599 460 596 456 594 453 596 456 599 462 601 462 603 461 605 461 608 464 614 464 616 461 616 459 618 457 619 457 624 460 626 465 627 470 628 473 632 479 633 479 637 478 641 482 642 487 642 496 640 496 643 496 649 496 655 492 660 485 669 481 675 472 681 469 683 462 680 457 676 453 667 459 661 454 658 451 651 448 651 444 645 442 634 437 632 434 634 430 633 428 634 424 629 421 623 421 615 416 609 421 601 421 596 419 586 416 579 418 575 427 557 424 548 432 542 Puno Region

poly 333 373 348 373 359 377 365 373 368 378 371 383 373 388 374 396 401 397 409 393 435 374 435 379 434 387 432 394 411 417 409 428 401 435 373 433 375 438 370 448 364 447 357 450 351 447 347 448 342 444 336 445 330 446 323 449 322 438 318 437 316 429 310 427 307 432 307 439 306 441 302 439 301 434 293 433 286 437 278 430 285 426 295 418 293 416 291 410 292 404 285 399 284 393 284 388 275 372 275 362 274 353 282 344 280 343 276 341 270 341 265 343 265 345 261 352 258 352 256 353 254 357 254 362 249 365 248 368 243 368 237 372 229 364 226 356 225 345 226 339 235 333 239 333 242 329 241 323 251 320 256 317 258 315 268 319 274 313 278 306 273 298 278 288 285 288 292 289 309 307 309 311 316 321 343 356 332 369 Ucayali Region

poly 255 390 265 385 273 374 277 379 281 386 282 395 292 402 291 406 294 416 291 421 287 427 277 430 272 430 259 423 245 431 239 424 234 428 227 431 220 427 217 430 220 433 218 438 210 439 202 439 200 432 192 415 206 408 207 412 214 412 221 415 225 410 229 405 235 399 239 393 250 387 Pasco Region

poly 40 251 32 246 26 243 21 238 20 231 26 229 31 225 29 220 26 215 23 210 17 202 24 198 15 186 13 177 15 171 18 165 22 162 24 165 38 166 43 162 45 167 42 174 46 177 56 174 62 174 70 180 78 177 83 180 84 186 87 192 93 198 90 202 90 209 91 215 88 218 88 223 89 230 90 235 88 235 84 235 80 232 77 230 72 226 71 218 68 215 66 217 65 221 65 225 59 229 50 235 46 237 42 249 Piura Region

poly 294 435 299 434 301 438 305 441 307 434 309 426 313 427 317 430 318 438 321 438 322 450 321 453 319 456 317 460 316 465 316 469 319 469 322 473 326 478 323 480 315 488 313 484 309 484 302 484 299 487 295 487 287 483 285 478 279 473 275 474 271 476 270 476 265 477 258 472 258 479 255 485 251 491 243 499 239 499 239 493 238 485 235 479 235 477 233 475 230 476 226 473 220 472 218 468 214 464 214 463 215 458 209 457 207 451 203 447 203 438 207 440 210 440 211 439 217 438 221 435 217 433 219 428 224 430 230 429 237 428 238 424 240 426 243 429 249 428 258 423 264 426 268 428 275 431 280 436 Junín Region

poly 400 682 406 677 405 673 402 669 402 662 407 662 408 656 412 652 410 648 410 644 415 645 418 649 423 642 425 633 430 634 433 633 442 636 444 644 446 651 451 655 457 658 455 664 455 668 450 669 449 663 440 663 440 667 439 672 437 677 433 679 427 687 421 699 412 702 409 700 406 698 408 688 Moquegua Region

poly 259 609 264 599 274 598 282 602 284 606 289 614 298 608 297 616 299 618 307 610 313 605 311 610 318 609 325 609 330 606 335 604 340 594 340 589 341 586 344 584 346 581 360 581 364 587 373 586 376 588 377 586 380 578 384 588 389 591 386 594 394 599 400 592 405 596 412 596 414 612 416 610 419 618 423 624 425 634 424 642 422 648 420 653 415 646 410 646 410 650 413 652 412 653 408 655 408 661 403 662 402 670 406 675 400 682 395 682 390 678 371 666 369 663 362 657 354 657 350 657 327 643 315 642 299 631 Arequipa Region

poly 300 486 308 497 309 500 311 501 318 509 322 519 329 532 322 532 316 527 310 521 307 525 306 529 308 537 310 540 313 541 313 545 315 554 320 564 316 570 319 573 319 586 329 581 338 578 346 581 338 589 341 594 333 603 331 603 329 607 319 608 310 608 313 604 311 603 306 605 300 617 296 617 299 609 297 607 288 610 285 602 279 599 270 598 275 593 272 582 266 575 260 578 258 570 259 557 265 558 271 552 271 537 264 531 273 527 277 522 284 519 289 505 287 498 284 492 279 487 286 483 295 486 Ayacucho Region

poly 114 228 122 215 114 208 115 199 119 190 114 184 117 179 118 173 118 167 121 158 126 152 130 136 132 139 137 136 137 133 150 119 150 123 151 134 157 141 157 149 161 154 161 162 159 163 159 171 160 171 157 177 153 183 151 185 148 191 151 198 154 204 153 212 152 217 150 223 152 227 154 231 157 233 157 239 165 239 170 244 177 248 173 252 170 250 170 256 167 263 166 264 163 264 158 262 154 263 152 266 153 272 148 275 145 275 142 265 136 257 129 250 121 240 115 234 Amazonas Region

poly 185 408 188 411 191 413 192 417 196 419 196 425 199 428 199 432 199 435 200 437 203 439 203 447 207 451 208 456 209 458 215 458 214 463 218 468 219 472 226 474 230 476 235 476 235 482 238 485 239 492 239 499 241 504 241 507 239 507 238 509 237 512 235 515 230 516 225 515 222 516 215 519 213 526 205 518 195 503 193 490 195 483 196 477 194 472 188 470 190 464 188 462 183 459 180 455 176 454 176 458 174 461 169 454 165 449 158 446 159 440 156 431 149 416 151 410 154 407 158 408 156 410 156 412 157 416 158 422 159 425 165 424 169 417 175 411 186 406 186 408 Lima Region

poly 37 515 32 505 37 505 39 495 33 489 39 482 46 481 45 474 50 473 56 469 57 463 72 469 66 478 71 486 74 487 79 484 79 492 83 499 87 500 92 499 94 496 104 500 114 500 111 506 104 510 93 509 93 513 93 515 88 516 87 519 87 525 92 523 95 525 93 530 90 535 86 540 96 543 104 540 112 537 123 532 130 525 137 529 143 537 148 544 138 550 133 553 131 559 135 559 142 565 149 572 142 572 137 571 134 571 134 576 141 580 137 581 153 598 149 611 141 621 142 628 139 632 134 635 125 637 125 643 126 651 118 658 115 654 120 645 120 632 113 621 106 617 99 610 92 606 81 601 67 595 69 581 60 572 50 567 55 563 54 560 53 555 49 550 49 544 52 538 55 533 54 524 49 519 47 515 36 517 36 511 Lima Province poly 179 456 184 461 190 464 188 469 192 471 196 477 194 482 192 493 189 487 183 479 184 476 181 471 180 464 175 464 176 457 179 455 Lima Province

poly 69 480 118 480 118 483 173 464 177 464 178 467 178 470 179 473 182 475 181 476 179 475 175 470 124 490 122 491 122 496 72 498 69 496 Callao Region

poly 425 517 441 521 440 529 437 534 430 543 422 548 425 552 426 555 423 563 419 572 414 579 418 586 420 601 420 608 418 611 416 612 411 606 411 596 406 598 402 593 398 597 391 597 387 596 388 590 380 579 377 588 375 585 367 585 360 586 359 575 368 571 376 559 376 549 373 544 362 539 349 533 345 530 337 531 331 531 326 522 308 497 302 484 306 484 314 489 326 478 320 470 318 470 316 463 321 452 330 448 338 445 344 451 351 449 357 452 364 449 370 449 365 456 363 463 365 469 367 475 375 479 377 487 379 488 378 494 380 497 382 503 392 504 397 502 399 504 405 510 412 513 414 523 Cusco Region

poly 39 251 42 249 45 238 52 234 63 229 64 217 68 217 69 220 72 225 76 231 82 235 90 236 94 237 93 242 93 246 88 248 83 252 86 256 90 261 98 267 93 269 91 275 87 274 81 274 78 280 69 273 64 266 51 256 Lambayeque Region

poly 118 353 112 342 107 332 106 324 100 318 91 313 86 303 82 294 76 281 85 275 89 277 92 281 89 290 96 292 101 299 109 297 113 292 117 293 117 298 127 294 129 298 131 303 139 303 146 301 151 296 143 278 150 273 157 282 156 289 161 295 163 302 160 306 165 312 167 317 173 317 181 318 186 324 186 329 179 334 175 334 170 337 164 332 155 320 151 321 147 318 141 328 135 333 136 342 129 343 125 347 119 352 114 344 108 336 La Libertad Region

poly 35 516 45 515 48 520 51 526 53 531 51 536 50 540 48 539 49 545 50 552 52 554 52 559 55 560 54 565 50 567 48 567 41 568 44 564 46 555 47 540 42 527 Callao Region poly 27 567 28 571 30 575 34 573 33 571 28 567 Callao Region poly 175 465 176 464 179 465 180 466 180 470 180 472 182 474 183 477 182 480 179 477 177 469 Callao Region

poly 153 216 161 217 162 221 169 222 188 228 192 237 202 237 214 243 222 240 233 242 237 239 241 243 238 248 240 267 234 271 225 268 220 267 221 279 211 289 218 298 218 307 223 313 229 315 224 321 224 326 219 329 216 335 215 346 207 332 204 337 200 336 196 338 192 336 180 338 176 335 186 328 182 317 176 317 170 316 167 318 161 308 162 299 161 294 156 290 157 282 152 272 154 263 157 262 164 265 170 252 175 249 169 241 164 237 157 239 154 234 152 224 San Martín Region

poly 237 372 244 370 251 365 254 355 258 351 264 353 266 345 268 341 281 341 278 346 275 350 275 359 277 363 275 373 270 379 268 385 262 386 255 390 248 385 243 391 233 397 229 402 224 409 223 414 216 411 205 406 193 414 186 407 184 401 188 397 185 384 179 382 185 370 191 370 192 364 186 361 179 356 173 344 170 340 174 336 179 338 190 338 195 338 204 337 207 337 213 346 216 334 222 330 220 342 225 353 235 371 Huánuco Region

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The encounter took place in the south of Peru, towards Bolivia, and along the Peruvian coast near Quilca District, part of Camaná Province.


Su-22 of the Peruvian Air Force in March 1983

On 11 April 1980 at 7.15am[1], 23-year-old Lieutenant Óscar Alfonso Santa María Huertas took off in his Sukhoi-22, to intercept a UFO, from the La Joya Air Base (Mariano Melgar Airport or Aeroporto Mariano Melgar) in La Joya District.[2] The pilot had been flying military missions since the age of nineteen.

The UFO was spherical and around three miles from the base, and around 600 metres (2,000 ft) above the ground. He followed the object to an altitude of around 2,500 metres (8,200 ft), and aimed his weapons at the UFO, firing sixty four 30mm shells. The shells seemed to be absorbed by the object, and had no effect on it.

At this point, the object moved rapidly upwards. Lt Huertas followed the spherical UFO, around 500 metres behind it using the aircraft's Lyulka AL-21 afterburner, until it was around fifty miles from the base, near Camaná. The object came to an abrupt halt, forcing him to take evasive action. He locked on to the object, and was about to launch another burst of 30mm shells, when the object suddenly moved upwards. Twice more he closed in on the object, locked on the object's position, and when about to fire the object rapidly moved upwards, evading the intended attack. He decided to attack it from above, and climbed to around 14,000 metres (46,000 ft) metres, but the object conversely took a similar trajectory to a similar .

He followed the object up to around 19,000 metres (63,000 ft) feet, when he was able to have a much closer look at the object from around 100 metres, noticing that it was around thirty feet in diameter and had an enamelled cream colour, with a wide circular silver base; similar to an incandescent lightbulb, but with a much wider base. The object had no visible exhaust or obvious means of propulsion.

He then broke off the engagement as he was running short of fuel, and at this point he realised that this object was nothing like anything that he had witnessed before. The craft had seemed to anticipate every move that he had made, but never retaliated. He flew back to his base, being so low on fuel that the aircraft had to glide. The pilot looked in his rear view mirror to make sure that the UFO was not following him, and took a zig-zag course to avoid any retribution by the UFO.


The incident had taken twenty-two minutes. The incident was logged by the U.S. Defense Department in a June 1980 report entitled UFO Sighted in Peru. The incident is the only one known of a military pilot that has fired on a UFO.[3] The case has been shown on the History Channel.

UFOs in Peru are reported to the Dirección de Intereses Aeroespaciales (DINAE) and the Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA).


External links[edit]

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