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Criticism of Joko Widodo

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Criticism of Joko Widodo has followed various aspects of his track records since former administrations as mayor of Surakarta (Solo) and governor of Jakarta also with consistency of his statements and his presidential election promises debt. These issues and other controversial policies are often become the national headlines and common targets for government critics and opposition politicians.

Controversial policies[edit]

Blusukan budget allocation[edit]

Blusukan (Impromptu visit) is a Javanese term which used by Widodo as governor while visiting the rural area to hear complaints and public aspirations directly, yet the blusukan budget allocation policy became source of the controversy because the amount was doubled from budget of previous leader.[1][2]

Appointment of Arcandra Tahar[edit]

In August 2016, Arcandra Tahar was selected by Widodo for a ministerial position but the opposition viewed the decision negatively to the selection because Archandra Tahar is an American citizen while Indonesian law restricted the rule that only person with Indonesian citizenship could be a valid minister.[3]

Economic policies[edit]

  • Key commodities price rise

The unpopular decision to cut subsidy by raising the fuel price when the world oil price shrank made the purchasing power of people grew weaker and affected the average economic growth that fell one percent below the target. The same policy happened in subsidized electric power for households and large companies, when the price is gradually rising.[4][5] This problem became the main concern of vice president candidate Sandiaga Uno in presidential debate when he heard many complaints from emak-emak (local housewives) that the economy burden is increasing after price of commodities rise.[6] When the new import tax regulation for various items was increased, the price of imported goods also directly affected.[7] In 2019, airplane tickets was also raised from 50 to 100 percent from previous price, that affected the domestic tourism business and hotel occupancy.[8] The hike of toll road access price several times also became controversy since the policy impacted distribution cost of goods across the nation.[9] In October 2019, the BPJS Kesehatan (national health security program) premium was also raised significantly between 80 and 100 percent and the government cut more than 5 million subsidized members from accessing the health insurance.[10]

  • Significant debt rise

The administration debt increased more than 2000 trillions or 70 percent increase only in four years.[11] The vice president Jusuf Kalla was once criticizing about expensive cost for LRT development as wasting money that every kilometer costs around 500 billion rupiahs that rely on foreign loan on the development which also increasing national debt.[12] Prabowo Subianto, as the opponent candidate in 2019 election, once blasted Widodo administration for the debt policy and called the Minister of Finance as 'menteri pencetak utang' (minister of debt maker)[13] while Gerindra, opposition party led by him, charged Widodo as 'raja utang' (king of debt).[14]

Fund for Lombok earthquake victims[edit]

After the devastating earthquake hit Lombok, President Widodo made a promise to give 50 million rupiahs to help the victims rebuild their houses,[15] but according to the testimony of Lombok people, they were still not receiving the money after months.[16] The IMF meeting held in October 2018 also raised public controversy amid devastating Lombok and Palu earthquakes with thousands victims.[17]

Suggestions of impeachment[edit]

From various controversial policies and law violations during his administration, many have given their views about impeachment.

30 percent debt[edit]

Yusril Ihza Mahendra as former minister of Justice and Human Rights also claimed that Widodo could have been impeached when the debt is more than 30 percent of state budget.[18]

False witness[edit]

In 2019, Eggi Sudjana, government critic and politician from PAN, stated Widodo could be impeached over false witness that both of his parents are from Boyolali, while previously he explained that his father is from Karanganyar.[19]

Breaking his presidential oath of office[edit]

In their Inauguration, the president and vice president were sworn to hold Constitution (UUD 1945) and laws during the administration:

"In the name of God almighty, I swear that I will perform the duties of the president of the Republic of Indonesia to the best of my ability and as justly as possible and I will strictly observe the Constitution and completely implement the Law and the Regulations in the service of the country and the people."

Article 7 of Constitution explained about impeachment of a President or Vice President

The President and/or the Vice-President may be dismissed from his/her position during his/her term of office by the MPR on the proposal of the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat), both if it is proven that he/she has violated the law through an act of treason, corruption, bribery, or other act of a grave criminal nature, or through moral turpitude, and/or that the President and/or Vice-President no longer meets the qualifications to serve as President and/or Vice-President.

-Article 7 of Constitution[20]

However several laws are violated by his controversial policies:

3 percent deficit

According to former House of Representative member Djoko Edhi, National Monetary Law limited maximum of debt ratio to PDB which is set to three percent, however, the limit was passed in August 2019, that could lead to an impeachment.[21]

Acting governors appointment

Amid the public debate about selection of two acting governors in West Java and North Sumatera from active police during Pilkada (local elections) in 2018,[22] Democrat Party politician Ferdinand Hutahaean accused the Widodo administration had violated several laws[23] including Law No. 2 year 2002 concerning the Police Dwifungsi,[24] and Election Law through this policy (which prohibiting active police and military officers from any involvement in practical politics before formal resignation) and could lead an impeachment.[25]

Foreign citizen appointment as minister

As the result of controversial Inauguration policy of an American citizen Archandra Tahar as Indonesian Natural Resources Minister, Widodo was criticized for betrayal action to national interests and breach Law 39/2008 about Indonesian Ministry Law, that Indonesian minister must be an Indonesian citizen while Indonesian law does not allow for dual nationality. Riko P. Tanjung from a Muslim sudent organization (KAMMI) said that Widodo could have been impeached for this controversial policy.[26]

Anti-Islam accusations[edit]

As governor of Jakarta, Widodo issued controversial regulations for Muslim community, such as prohibited annual road convoys of 'takbiran' (Islamic recital before Eid)[27] and defended the appointment of a non-Muslim 'lurah' (subdistrict leader) on a Muslim majority subdistrict region although opposed by the community.[28] House of Representative Deputy Speaker Fahri Hamzah accused that the president is surrounded by Anti-Islam circle,[29] and blamed his position as sins when letting Anti-Islam sentiment and Islamophobia through "Ideology conflicts."[30]

Blasphemy against Quranic verse case[edit]

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok, Widodo running-mate in 2012 Jakarta gubernatorial election, is a non-Muslim who replaced Widodo position as governor after elected in 2014 presidential race. Following the controversial speech in Pramuka island which included a blasphemy to a verse of Islamic Holy Scripture Quran (Al-Maidah 51) about prohibition to elect non-Muslim as a leader, there were massive mass protests held across the nation to Incriminate Ahok.[31] Because the slow progress of the blasphemy case which was reported by a number organizations,[32] the Muslim community from many part of the nation held a mass gatherings on 4 November and 2 December 2016 to push government brought Ahok case into court. Yet it also raised wide controversy when Ahok was not detained in confinement during his trials as the blasphemy suspect, caused millions of Muslims became disappointed at this law enforcement as breaking "equality before the law" principle that even a governor should be treated equally as other criminal suspects.[33][34] and allowed to compete in 2017 gubernatorial election.[35] After six months of trial with large mass protests on outside of the court, Ahok was sentenced two years in prison but the government placed him in Depok Mako Brimob for his security reason instead of Cipinang prison, where he should have been placed.[36] Many criticized the decision as 'special treatment' for Ahok.[37][38]

Sudden Islamic mass organization purge[edit]

Various Muslim mass organizations have been existing in Indonesia as the largest Muslim country with the religious people. But on 9 May 2017, a hardline Islamic group HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia) was banned without any formal notification or due process under the law,[39][40] leading to the revision UU Ormas (Mass Organization Law) which is opposed by several political parties, this polemic was also criticized by the sixth president Yudhoyono that the government should have treated of any mass organization as their partner, not as a threat.[41][42] The group was disbanded because of the ideological factor that rejected Pancasila as national ideology. HTI is first Islamic organization banned after New Order era.[43][44] This ban policy was viewed by political analysts as a compromise for blasphemy case because it was announced closely before Ahok sentence in the court.[45][46]

Persecution and Intimidation against Islamic preachers[edit]

A famous Islamic cleric Rizieq Shihab who cannot leave Saudi Arabia for years

Several famous Islamic figures were reported that they had been persecuted and intimidated in their preachings. For instance, Habib Rizieq Shihab, the well-known leader of an Islamic mass organization, was reported several times to the police with various cases[47] and he cannot leave Saudi Arabia by the request from Indonesian authorities for more than two years.[48][49] Felix Siauw, an Islamic preacher with Chinese background,[50] was also persecuted[51] after several of his controversial critics against the reactions of Widodo administration towards Muslim and anti-Muslim cases, such as comparing accusation to peaceful demonstration and invitation to people related to Tolikara mosque burning,[52] also the slow progress of Ahok case while sudden ban regulation applied on an Islamic mass organization .[53][54][55][56]

Another case is a famous Islamic da'i Abdul Somad Batubara who also experienced persecution in Bali and several regions in Central Java between 2017 and 2018,[57][58][59][60] while these persecution cases are still unresolved yet.[61]

Accused of promoting secularism[edit]

In 2019, Widodo made a controversial statement that religion and politics must be separated that raised public debate whether he was promoting secularism or not while most indonesians are religious people.[62] Several figures responded the statement negatively.[63] In August 2018, Widodo decided to run as the incumbent in 2019 presidential race and selecting Ma'ruf Amin, MUI (Islamic clerics council) chief as his vice president to counter the negative issues in public about his anti-Islam and secularism sentiment.[64]

Foreign relations[edit]

In 2015, during his visit in United States, Widodo also invited as the speaker in Brookings Institute. However, the way of Widodo to respond questions on an Interview became a controversy when "he wanted to test" his foreign minister and trade minister to answer the two questions given to him.[65] Therefore, his English skill had been questioned by public of Indonesia.,[66][67] Governor Jakarta Anies Baswedan once commented about importance about English skill for leader, after Widodo reproached about the work-trip held by the regional leader.[68] He also had missed the annual UN General Assembly for five years consecutively.[69]

Bali Nine executions[edit]

Execution policy of foreign citizens involved in drug smugglers to Bali, who were sentenced with death penalty by judge, amid the pressure of international community was raising the public debate.[70] but the president defended his decision and emphasized that no country could intervene law enforcement in Indonesia.[71]

Foreign workers regulation[edit]

In April 2018, Widodo issued new policy for foreign workers that allowed working in Indonesia without Indonesian language skills requirement,[72] he reasoned that the policy for better investment,[73][74] but it is also widely rejected by local labors because it would worsen unemployment rate.[75][76]

Broken campaign promises[edit]

Because of tens unfulfilled campaign promises that are noted by public,[77][78] the president Widodo was scorned by the opposition as hypocrite.[79]

Political appointments[edit]

As the new president in 2014, Widodo was expected by public to make a breakthrough compared to previous presidents especially in government management. The expectation seemed to be realized when he vowed not to "bagi-bagi kursi" (giving government positions for political allies)[80] policy also to reduce ministrial departments and choose only the professionals for cabinet structure and government positions,[81] in avoiding conflict of interests between the loyalty to political parties and loyalty to the state, also make a clean and accountable administration.[82] In fact, the elected president did not reduce the number of ministrial departments, as he had promised before the cabinet structure announcement while almost half of cabinet structure was given to figures with political party backgrounds,[83] also when appointed Watimpres (Presidential Advisory Council) members,[84][85] and many top level in various SOE (State Owned Entreprises) positions filled by his campaign volunteers.[86][87][88] The president also had chosen Attorney General from political party background which responded negatively by majority public concerning the campaign promise violation.[89][90] Moreover, his commitment for clean government was unfulfilled when his two ministers were arrested for corruption cases, while two others allegedly involved in bribery case and import scandal.[91]

Village Fund allocation[edit]

According to his promise in 2014, 1.4 billion rupiahs would be allocated for each village every year as implementation of Dana Desa (Village Fund) but the fund implementation from 2014 to 2019 was less than 1 billion for each village annually.[92] The implementation itself was criticized by the opposition as a failure of the president to accomplish his own promise.[93][94]

Contradictive statements[edit]

Five years pledge as governor[edit]

During gubernatorial election campaign, Widodo-Ahok underlined their commitment to finish their gubernatorial administration in Jakarta for five years.[95][96][97] Two years later after his party chose him for 2014 presidential election,[98][99] he claimed that it would easier to solve traffic congestion and flood problem in Jakarta if he became the president.[100][101]

Position on subsidy cut[edit]

Before his presidential administration, Widodo expressed that he rejected the idea of subsidy cut for public concerns and promised not to cut the subsidy policy on his political campaign.[102][103] However, during the presidential debate, he backed the plan to cut fuel subsidy if he elected,[104] and even tried to persuade President Yudhoyono to raise the fuel price before his term ended in 2014.[105] In 2015, Widodo finally decided to raise fuel price in Indonesia amid the controversy that world oil price was declining at that time.[106]

Ending Food Imports[edit]

Widodo had declared to stop food import policy to support the Indonesian farmers who should be honored.[107] however millions tons food supply were imported, even in harvesting seasons which disappointing the local farmers,[108] and reported that there are mismanagement on these import policies.[109] After the corruption scandal of garlic import was uncovered, this controversial imports policy raised accusations about "food import mafia."[110][111] During 2019 presidential debate, Prabowo Subianto criticized this import policy when the supply is surplus and responded by Widodo that the imports were needed to increase national food reserves.[112]

Clemency to Abu Bakar Ba'asyir[edit]

In February 2019, the president approved the release of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir from the prison term without any condition for humanity and health concern of his old ages as suggested by former State Secretary Yusril Ihza Mahendra.[113][114] Several days later, the decision was cancelled when the president gave the condition to pledge loyalty to Indonesia before the release which is rejected by Ba'asyir.[115][116] Government critic Eggi Sudjana slammed the release policy as a hoax.[117]

Position against violent demonstrations[edit]

After Jakarta deadly riot with nine casualties in May 2019, Widodo insisted that he will not tolerate and ready to take stern actions to any threat against national unity.[118][119] In contrast, when responding vandalist protests and rallies in Papua conflict, who wanted to separate from Indonesia, following the Indonesian flag profanity incident in Surabaya,[120] the president urged the police not to take repressive actions to these protesters.[121]

Protecting freedom of speech[edit]

During his speech in front of United Kingdom Parliament in 2016, Widodo stated that freedom of speech is protected by Constitution.[122] He also once expressed that he would not angry against the insults intended to him and promised not to silence freedom of speech,[123][124] but in May 2017, he stated about exception for freedom of speech in Indonesia.[125]

Anti-president movements[edit]

Because of the disappointment of Indonesian people to the policies and controversies during Widodo administration, some anti-president movements and mass protests went viral amid the public especially in social media such as term "Presiden Jokowi Makin Mendunia" in April 2015 when a newspaper cover showed the text "Joko:I don't read what I sign" in connection with the president who acknowledged that he cannot read every proposal signed by him one by one.[126] also the hashtags #ShameOnYouJokowi,[127] #2019GantiPresiden,[128][129] #UninstallJokowi which have become a top worldwide Twitter trending topic.[130]

'Yellow card' incident in Universitas Indonesia[edit]

In February 2018, during a remark in Universitas Indonesia (UI), an unpredictable action occurred when a student activist raise a yellow card, as for in a football match, to president Widodo. The action is claimed as the way of showing disappointment to the president.[131]

2019 presidential election[edit]

Child involvement in political campaign[edit]

Jan Ethes, the grandchild of the president, is often presented during his political campaign in television shows and vlogs in social media. But the presence of his grandson during presidential campaign received mixed responses from public, including criticism of child exploration for his electoral purposes.[132]

Controversial remarks[edit]

The two Javanese terms 'Sontoloyo' and 'Genderuwo' went viral after the Incumbent used them to mock the political rival on his speeches.[133] He uttered "Sontoloyo" word in a remark, while he called the way of opposition politicians as politik Genderuwo (Genderuwo politics). Genderuwo in the Javanese language means the scary demon or devil who freightened the public.[134][135] Widodo also offered several "magic cards" program for specific problems, (staple foods subsidy, college fund, unemployee fund) that criticized by the opposition as only renaming the previous administration programs (Bidik Misi, Raskin etc.) in form of cards and paying the unemployees instead of providing them with jobs.[136][137]

Russian propaganda and Stanley Greenberg political strategy[edit]

The term of 'Russian propaganda' became viral after the Incumbent criticized on his remark that this negative campaign strategy used by his opponent politicians, which later the Russian embassy in Jakarta clarified the term that could mislead the public.[138] After that, the campaign team of Prabowo-Sandi claimed that the Incumbent was using Stanley Greenberg firm to win 2014 presidential election,[139] but Greenberg denied that he helped Widodo political campaign.[140]

Personal attack and questionable claims in presidential debates[edit]

On the second presidential debate, Widodo made several controversial claims on various inaccurate data,[141][142] and personally attacked to Prabowo Subianto by mentioning his massive land possession and later was responded that the land is possessed by state, but the state also granted rights for him to use the land for business purposes.[143] The personal attack was reported to election committee, but they claimed that personal attack is only an ethical rule of presidential debate, thus there is no legal consequences.[144]

State fund allocation[edit]

During the election dispute in MK, lawyers team of Prabowo-Sandi accused the Widodo administration using significant wage hike to civil officers and village fund rise from state budget allocation as political campaign influencing the voters for his re-election, even though the accusation is denied by lawyers of the Incumbent president.[145]

Commitment to eradicate corruption[edit]

During 2014 presidential debate, Widodo expressed his commitment to strengthen KPK to eradicate corruption through his 'Nawacita' programs,[146][147] but the commitment raised questions,[148] when high tension in 2015 KPK-police conflict,[149] he defended that ex-corruption prisoners have rights to compete in election when freed from the jail and several weeks after the import corruption scandal uncovered, he made an immediate approval of KPK bill that is responded negatively by the public.[150][151]

Terror on KPK officers[edit]

During the announcement of new Indonesian Police chief candidate in January 2015. KPK (Indonesian Corruption Eradicator Institution) claimed a bribery case investigation involving the police chief candidate. Afterward, the top officials of KPK were reported for crime cases. Bambang Widjoyanto told that he was abducted illegally while other KPK leaders were reported allegedly in criminal cases following the investigation.[152] In 2019, the houses of two KPK leaders were attacked by bombs.[153][154]

Criminal allegation charges[edit]

There are several lawyers to the police which accused Widodo involvement in criminal cases from his mayoral to presidential administration, For instance, when the ex-supporters of Widodo in 2012 gubernatorial election filed a lawsuit to the police, because they saw that decision to leave governor position before his term ended for presidential election as an irresponsible action to his commitment.[155] Widodo was also reported to the police for abusive treatment because the residents received violent treatment following the brutal eviction in Pluit North Jakarta, also dishonesty because Widodo failed to keep his words that he would relocate the residents after alternative houses or semi-apartments was built for them.[156][157] After unfulfilled slim cabinet promise and ministers appointment from political parties, a group of lawyers led by Djamalludin Koedoeben subpoened Widodo for dishonesty to his campaign promises.[158] After a provocative statement to his campaign volunteers during a speech, Widodo was criticized for inciting violence that violate Criminal Code Law Chapter 182, while a crime could make the president faced an Impeachment.[159][160] Nevertheless, from all criminal reports and lawsuits made to Widodo, none of them was proceeded into suspect status or even he was ordered to appear in person as a witness before the trial court.

Corruption scandal reports[edit]

A lot of regional leaders (regents/mayors or governors) in Indonesia were arrested for corruption scandals.[161] Widodo in his administrations as Mayor and Governor had also been reported several times to Local Courts, KPK and Supreme Court concerning with corruption charges, such as data manipulation in educational fund and problematic bus procurement, but none of the charges was proceeded into trial even though there are witnesses to support the mismanagement allegations against him.[162][163]

Human rights abuse accusations[edit]

During his gubernatorial administration Widodo was reported to Komnas HAM (Indonesian Human Rights Board) for human rights abuse after the brutal eviction of the squatters when he had promised in his campaign to provide them with alternative accommodation before eviction.[164][165]

Post-election riot[edit]

When Widodo won the election after dispute in MK, several groups who insisted to reject the result, by claiming massive election fraud as the reason, held a mass protests on 21 May 2019 that turned into bloodshed night, with nine protesters died (eight of them found dead after being shot) and hundreds prostesters were hurt after being tortured.[166][167] Rather than calmed down the situation or regretted the deadly riot, the president gave a remark that 'he will not tolerate' and ready to take stern actions any threat to the state unity. Following the riot, The Amnesty International of Indonesia denounced the brutal and repressive actions to the demonstrators, and condemned the action as a grave human rights abuse, also demanding the government to take responsibility to investigate the extrajudicial executions in the clash.[168][169] Besides, the there is still ongoing investigation of hundreds of election committees who died across the nation after the 2019 election.[170]

Internet shutdown[edit]

The internet access was restricted several times in 2018–2019, such as after the post-election riots in May 2019 and the Papua protests in August 2019. Komnas HAM claimed the shutdown policy as human rights abuse by the government.[171][172]

Democracy deterioration[edit]

Based on several studies were conducted by the scholars to examine the progress of democracy in Widodo era, they concluded on their results that the democracy is declining in recent years, even reached the worst level since 90's era.[173][174][175] The Indonesian democracy index level also became worse rather than it should have been, it could be seen by many freedom of speech problems were criminalized and freedom of gathering was attacked by disbandment of a mass organization without due legal process.[176] The democracy restriction is viewed by opposition as great humiliation on basic freedoms in Widodo era. There are also deadly mass protests in May 2019 post-election riot in Jakarta (with nine protesters found dead) and in September during 2019 controversial bill protest in Kendari (with two students dead) which some of them are dead by gunshot.[177][178]

Jokowi Undercover book ban[edit]

When the book is released, the bookauthor was arrested and later sentenced to three years in prison.[179] Komnas HAM (Indonesian Human Rights Board) denounced the ill treatment and called the bookauthor arrest as freedom of speech violation.[180] Moreover, the buyers were recommended to hand over the books to authorities.[181]

Threat against freedom of expression[edit]

Imprisoned for Insulting the president

Dozens of people has been arrested by the police, become suspects, or even put behind the bars during Widodo administration because of their tweets, Facebook status, memes, or comments in the social media which insulted the president.[182][183] The law of Insult against president itself have been revoked by MK because it is a Dutch colonial law origin,[184] for protecting King or Queen of Netherlands in a long term which is irrelevant for a temporary head of state. From street vendor, high school student (Farhan Balatif) to foreign born citizen (Jerry D. Gray),[185] had been arrested or even sentenced for insulting the president. Many called the actions as criminalization of freedom of speech and contradicted the Constitution.[186][187] The arrests have been criticized by human rights activists as draconian threat to freedom of speech,[188] while the law is also liable to be misused to silence dissent criticism and press freedom or even criminalize political oppositions.[189][190] Moreover, the government plan to resurrect Dutch colonial law that imprisons people for insulting president in Criminal Code is opposed massively by the public.[191] However, there is a controversial case stopped before court related to a viral video showing a teenager who slandered the president as his kacung (inferior) and crazy guy, also threatened to shoot and burn down his house.[192] After September 2019 protests held by college and high school students around the country in response to several controversial bills, a Law Firm and Public Interest Law Office (AMAR) institution received a lot of complaints of students concerning with threats, even drop-out sanctions, from their schools and universities to punish the students who will join the latter protest called Reformasi Dikorupsi (Reform Is Being Corrupted).[193][194] In October 2019, several military officers were detained and removed from their positions only because the controversial wives' posts on the social media.[195][196]

Terror on opposition politicians[edit]

Member of Parliament Mardani Ali Sera, opposition politician who initiated a viral #2019GantiPresiden movement, got a terror attack when a molotov cocktail was thrown to his house and also Neno Warisman, campaign team member of president candidate from opposition coalition Prabowo Subianto, was also received same terror which damaged her car[197] and she was persecuted in an airport before joining #2019GantiPresiden rally in Pekanbaru.[198] In 2018, Rocky Gerung and Ratna Sarumpaet who were often opposing government had faced rejection and intimidation in several cities before attending the seminars.[199]

Ahmad Dhani case
Indonesian musician Ahmad Dhani is being jailed for his posts on social media

A famous Indonesian musician and producer Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo, who also became legislator candidate from the opposition party Gerindra, became the controversy over his statements to Widodo administration, especially in his remark on 4 November rally when he reviled the president.[200] In March 2017, Dhani was reported by Ahok supporters merely because his personal tweet about accusation that ones who support a blasphemer is scoundrels who should be spat on the face. After that, he was sentenced 18 months in prison for attacking Ahok supporters despite of the tweet is not mentioning any name of person or institution.[201][202] Before #2019GantiPresiden rally in Surabaya, Dhani was also reported for another case when he was persecuted by several people and calling them "Idiot" in his vlog because he thought that they should have normally protested to the government, not to him.[203] In this case, he was sentenced one year in prison. During the trials, Dhani was once wearing a Tahanan Politik (political prisoner) T-shirt to respond his detention before a formal judge decision.[204]

Social media manipulation

Several months before election, the controversial Twitter account suspensions applied on opposition figures to more than two million Dahlan Iskan's Twitter followers removal after showing his support to Prabowo Subianto in the 2019 election.[205] Besides, there is also debatable deletion policy to any photo showing the face of religious cleric Habib Rizieq Shihab on social media.[206] Shihab is also known for criticizing against Widodo administration in several times.[207]

Attacks on press freedom[edit]

During the post-election riot, the journalists who were recording the clash between protesters and police were intimidated to delete the video and their cameras were grabbed forcefully,[208][209] while the journalists also forced only to record the good sides while covering 212 movement.[210] There was also a raid which destroyed the properties of a newspaper (Radar Bogor) office by cadres and supporters of a political party over a news.[211] A remission policy granted for journalist murderer also became source of controversy before its revocation following huge pressure of press activists.[212][213]

Tempo cover controversy

After publishing a controversial magazine cover comparing Widodo face with Pinocchio long nose on his shadow, the magazine was reported to the police as an insulting to the president,[214][215] later Tempo magazine responded by stating that freedom of press in Indonesia is being threatened as the New Order era where applied high restrictions on the democracy.[216]


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