List of Freedom Press books
The following is a comprehensive list of Freedom Press books. The 1886–1927 table marks the first period of book and pamphlet publishing maintained by the Freedom Collective until its effective collapse in 1927, following the bulldozing of Ossulstone Street and the retirement of Tom Keell to the Whiteway Colony. The second table lists books published under the Freedom group as formed and led by Vernon Richards. The third lists books published since his death in 2001. As yet unsorted books are listed at the bottom of the page.
Title | Author(s) | Published (first) | Pages | Theme |
God and the State | Bakunin, Mikhail | 1910 | 64 | Anti-Statism |
Objections to Anarchism | Barrett, George | 1921 | 32 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Anarchist Revolution | Barrett, George | 1915 | 22 | Anarchism |
Kropotkin — His Federalist Ideas | Berneri, Camillo | 1922 | 22 | Anarchism & Theory |
An Anarchist Manifesto | Bevington, Louisa Sarah | 1895 | 16 | Anarchism |
Chiefly a Dialogue concerning some Difficulties of a Dunce | Bevington, Louisa Sarah | 1895 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
Gassy: Anarchists and the International Language, Esperanto | Chapelier, Emile and Marin | 1908 | 14 | Language |
Anarchy on Trial | Etievant, George; Grave, Jean and Santo, Caeserio | 1895 | 30 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Crushing of the Russian Revolution | Goldman, Emma | 1922 | 42 | Anti-Statism |
An Appeal to the Young | Kropotkin, Peter | 1889 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchist Communism | Kropotkin, Peter | 1891 | 36 | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal | Kropotkin, Peter | 1897 | 32 | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchist Morality | Kropotkin, Peter | 1892 | 36 | Anarchism & Theory |
Expropriation | Kropotkin, Peter | 1895 | 40 | Anarchism & Theory |
Law and Authority | Kropotkin, Peter | 1886 | 23 | Law |
Modern Science and Anarchism | Kropotkin, Peter | 1912 | 110 | Science |
Organised Vengeance Called ‘Justice’ | Kropotkin, Peter | 1902 | 16 | Law |
Revolutionary Government | Kropotkin, Peter | 1923 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
Socialism and Politics | Kropotkin, Peter | 1903 | 16 | Anti-Statism |
The Coming Revival of Socialism | Kropotkin, Peter | 1904 | 24 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Commune of Paris | Kropotkin, Peter | 1891 | 16 | History |
The Place of Anarchism in Socialist Evolution | Kropotkin, Peter | 1887 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
The State: Its Historic Role | Kropotkin, Peter | 1898 | 42 | Anti-Statism |
The Wage System | Kropotkin, Peter | 1889 | 16 | Economics |
Wars and Capitalism | Kropotkin, Peter | 1914 | 20 | Anti-militarism |
Social Democracy in Germany | Landauer, Gustav | 1896 | -- | Anti-Statism |
A Talk About Anarchist Communism Between Two Workers | Malatesta, Errico | 1891 | 32 | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchy | Malatesta, Errico | 1892 | 36 | Anarchism & Theory |
Socialist Propaganda | Malatesta, Errico (trans. Nettlau) | 1884 | -- | Anarchism & Theory |
Useful Work vs Useless Toil | Morris, William | 1896 | 40 | Economics |
Monopoly, or How Labour is Robber | Morris, William | 1896 | 16 | Economics |
The Social General Strike | Nacht, Siegfried | 1912 | 30 | Anarchism & Theory |
Responsibility and Solidarity in the Labor Struggle | Nettlau, Max | 1900 | 24 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Pyramid of Tyranny | Nieuenhuis, Ferdinand Domela | 1901 | 26 | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchism Versus Socialism | Owen, William Charles | 1922 | 32 | Anarchism & Theory |
England Monopolised or England Free? | Owen, William Charles | 1920 | 16 | Anti-Statism |
The Basis of Trade Unionism | Pouget, Emile | 1908 | 20 | Trade unionism |
General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th century | Proudhon, Pierre-Josef (trans. J B Robinson) | 1923 | 302 | Anarchism & Theory |
Direct Action vs Legislation | Smith, J Blair | 1909 | 28 | Law |
Kropotkin: The Man and his Message | Swan, Tom | 1909 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Right to Ignore the State | Spencer, Herbert | 1913 | 14 | Anti-Statism |
The Concentration of Capital: A Marxian Fallacy | Tcherkesoff, Varlaam Nikolaevich | 1911 | 26 | Economics |
Anarchism and Trade Unionism | Turner, John | 1895 | -- | Anarchism & Theory |
Anarchism and Democracy | Wakeman, John | 1920 | 16 | Anarchism & Theory |
Women’s Freedom | Wilkinson, Lily Gair | 1914 | 16 | Feminism |
Anarchism and Outrage | Wilson, Charlotte | 1894 | 8 | Anarchism & Theory |
The Chicago Martyrs | Unknown author | 1897, 1912 | 12, 16 | History |
Spanish Atrocities Committee: Revival of the Inquisition | Unknown author | 1897 | 24 | History |
Libertas: The King and the Anarchist | Unknown author | 1905 | 32 | Anti-Statism |
A Quadruple Composition of Contradistinctions | Unknown author | 1926 | 8 | Anarchism & Theory |
Reply to the Manifesto of the Joint Social Democratic Committee | Unknown author | 1894 | -- | Anti-Statism |
Note: International Standard Book Numbers, or ISBNs, weren't introduced until 1967
Title | Author | ISBN | Pub date | Theme | Pages |
Anarchy | Malatesta, Errico | 2001 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | ||
Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism | Rocker, Rudolf | 2001 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | ||
What Is Anarchism? An Introduction | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-66-2 | 2001 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
Culture and Anarchism | Barclay, Harold | 978-0-900384-84-0 | 2000 | Art & Culture | |
Social Policy: An Anarchist Response | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-98-0 | 2000 | Social Policy | |
Anarchist Essays | Wilson, Charlotte | 978-0-900384-99-9 | 2000 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Wildcat: twenty year millennium | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-97-2 | 1999 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
Act for Yourselves – Freedom articles 1886-1907 | Walter, Nicolas | 978-0-900384-38-7 | 1998 | Freedom Anthology | |
Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution | Peirats, Jose | 978-0-900384-53-0 | 1998 | History, anarchism | |
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-0-900384-28-x | 1998 | Social policy, anarchism | |
George Orwell At Home | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-94-8 | 1998 | Art & Culture | |
Information Liberation | Martin, Brian | 978-0-900384-93-x | 1998 | Art & Culture | |
Marxism, Freedom and the State | Bakunin, Michael | 978-0-900384-27-1 | 1998 | Anti-Statism | |
Mutual Aid | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-0-900384-36-0 | 1998 | Biology | |
The East End Years: A Stepney Childhood | Rocker, Fermin | 978-0-900384-92-1 | 1998 | History, Biography | |
The May Days: Barcelona 1937 | Various | 978-0-900384-39-5 | 1998 | History | |
Culture and Anarchism | Barclay, Harold | 978-0-900384-84-0 | 1997 | Culture, anarchism | |
Deep Ecology & Anarchism: A Polemic | Various | 978-0-900384-67-0 | 1997 | Ecology | |
The Tradition of Workers’ Control | Ostergaard, Geoffrey | 978-0-900384-91-3 | 1997 | Economics | |
A Short History of Anarchism | Nettlau, Max | 978-0-900384-89-1 | 1996 | History | |
Talking to Architects | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-88-3 | 1996 | Social policy | |
The Blue Cow and Her Fantastic Exploits | Olday, John | 978-0-900384-86-7 | 1996 | Children's Fiction | |
The Last Capitalist: A Dream of a New Utopia | Cullen, Steve | 978-0-900384-82-4 | 1996 | Science Fiction | |
Through the Anarchist Press | Rety, John | 978-0-900384-85-9 | 1996 | Freedom Anthology | |
Lessons of the Spanish Revolution | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-23-9 | 1995 | History | |
Talking Schools | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-81-6 | 1995 | Social Policy | |
Anarchy | Malatesta, Errico | 9781904491111 | 1995 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
The Anarchist Revolution | Malatesta, Errico | 978-0-900384-83-2 | 1995 | History, anarchism | |
The March to Death | Olday, John | 978-0-900384-80-8 | 1995 | Art & Culture | |
The Terrace | Duane, Michael | 978-0-900384-78-6 | 1995 | Social Policy | |
A One-Man Manifesto | Read, Herbert | 978-0-900384-72-7 | 1994 | Art & Culture | |
Visions of Poesy | Harper, Clifford | 978-0-900384-75-1 | 1994 | Poetry | |
Wildcat: health service wildcat | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-73-5 | 1994 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
William Blake: Visionary Anarchist | Marshall, Peter | 978-1-904491-09-5 | 1994 | Art & Culture, History | |
Writings against Power & Death | Comfort, Alex | 978-0-900384-71-9 | 1994 | Art & Culture | |
Mutual Aid | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-0-900384-36-0 | 1993 | Biology | |
Freedom To Roam | Sculthorpe, Harold | 978-0-900384-68-9 | 1993 | Ecology | |
Social Defence, Social Change | Martin, Brian | 978-0-900384-69-7 | 1993 | Anarchist & Anarchist Theory | |
Violence & Anarchism | Various | 978-0-900384-70-0 | 1993 | Anarchist & Anarchist Theory | |
Love, Sex and Power in Later Life | Gibson, Tony | 978-0-900384-65-4 | 1992 | Social Policy | |
What is Anarchism? An Introduction | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-66-2 | 1992 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Freedom to Go: after the motor age | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-61-1 | 1991 | Ecology | |
Children In Society: A Libertarian Critique | Stephen Cullen | 978-0-900384-62-2 | 1991 | Social Policy | 43 |
Strip the Experts | Martin, Brian | 978-0-900384-63-8 | 1991 | Social Policy | |
The State is your Enemy | Various | 978-0-900384-57-3 | 1991 | Anti-Statism | |
Wildcat: ABC of bosses | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-60-8 | 1991 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
Work, Language & Education in the Industrial State | Duane, Michael | 978-0-900384-59-X | 1991 | Art & Culture | |
A Structured Anarchism | Griffin, John | 978-0-900384-58-1 | 1991 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Syndicalism | Brown, Tom | 0948984163 | 1990 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution | Peirats, Jose | 978-0-900384-53-0 | 1990 | History | |
Spain: Social Revolution - Counter Revolution (1936–39) | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-54-7 | 1990 | Freedom Anthology | 272 |
Talking Houses | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-55-4 | 1990 | Social policy | 142 |
British Imperialism and the Palestine Crisis | Richards, Vernon | 978-1-904491-17-0 | 1989 | Freedom Anthology | |
The Left and World War II | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-51-6 | 1989 | Freedom anthology | 80 |
Neither Nationalisation Nor Privatisation | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-49-2 | 1989 | Freedom Anthology | |
Wildcat strikes again | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-47-6 | 1989 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
World War - Cold War | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-48-4 | 1989 | Freedom Anthology | |
Neither East Nor West: 1939-1948 | Bernieri, Louise | 978-0-900384-42-5 | 1988 | Freedom Anthology | |
Questioning Technology: A Critical Anthology | Various, Ed. Zerzan, John | 978-0-900384-44-8 | 1988 | Ecology | 224 |
Anarchy in Action | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-20-4 | 1988 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
History of the Makhnovist Movement 1918-1921 | Arshinov, Peter | 978-0-900384-40-9 | 1987 | History, anarchism | |
ABC of Anarchism | Berkman, Alexander | 978-0-900384-03-4 | 1987 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
A Decade of Anarchy (1961-1970) | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-37-9 | 1987 | Freedom Anthology | |
Bakunin & Nechaev | Avrich, Paul | 978-0-900384-09-3 | 1987 | Biography & Anarchist Theory | |
The State | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-0-900384-33-6 | 1987 | Anti-Statism | |
Why Work? | Various, ed Vero Richards | 978-0-900384-25-5 | 1987 | Economics | |
The Anarchist Writings of William Godwin | Godwin, William | 978-0-900384-29-8 | 1986 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
The Employment Question and other essays | Pym, Denis | 978-0-900384-31-X | 1986 | Economics | |
The Future of Technics and Civilisation | Mumford, Lewis & Ward, Colin | 978-0900384-32-5 | 1986 | Technology | 184 |
Freedom: A Hundred Years | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-35-2 | 1986 | History | 88 |
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-0-900384-28-8 | 1985 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Wildcat anarchist comics | Rooum, Donald | 978-0-900384-30-1 | 1985 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
Marxism, Freedom and the State | Bakunin, Michael | 1984 | History, Anti-Statism | ||
Malatesta: Life & Ideas | Malatesta, Errico: Richards, Vernon (ed) | 978-0-900384-15-8 | 1984 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Uprooting War | Martin, Brian | 978-0-900384-26-3 | 1984 | Anti-militarism | |
Why Work? | Richards, Vernon (ed) | 978-0-900384-25-5 | 1983 | Economics and social policy | |
Lessons of the Spanish Revolution 1936-1939 | Richards, Vernon | 1983 | History, anarchism | ||
Housing | Ward, Colin | 1983 | Social Policy | ||
Journey through Utopia | Berneri, Marie Louise | 1982 | Science fiction | ||
Anarchy in Action | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-20-2 | 1982 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Protest without Illusions | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-300384-19-0 | 1981 | Anti-militarism | |
The Impossibilities of Social Democracy | Richards, Vernon | 978-0-900384-16-6 | 1978 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Housing: An Anarchist Approach | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-12-7 | 1976 | Social Policy | 182 |
The Last Capitalist | Cullen, Steve | 1976 | Science fiction | ||
Max Stirner's Egoism | Clark, John P | 90038414x | 1976 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Collectives in the Spanish Revolution | Leval, Gaston | 978-0-900384-11-0 | 1975 | History | 368 |
Bakunin & Nechaev | Avrich, Paul | 978-0-900384-09-3 | 1974 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism | Rocker, Rudolf | 1973 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | ||
Makhno and his Enemies | Malet, M | 1972 | History, anarchism | 12 | |
Lessons of the Spanish Revolution 1936-1939 | Richards, Vernon | 1972 | History, anarchism | ||
Fighting the Revolution | Kropotkin, Peter; Michel, Louise | 1971 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | ||
The State | Kropotkin, Peter | 1969 | History, Anti-Statism | ||
ABC of Anarchism | Berkman, Alexander | -- | 1964 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
The First Person | Barrett, George | -- | 1963 | 37 | |
Pilkington vs. Beeching | Various | -- | 1963 | Social policy | |
Anarchism and Individualism | E. Armand | -- | 1962 | Political philosophy | 16 |
Towards A Free Society | Martin, Charles | -- | 1960 | Economics | |
Nineteen-Seventeen | Voline | -- | 1954 | History | |
Reflections on Political Justice | Godwin, William | -- | 1949 | Political philosophy | 24 |
The Krondstadt Revolt | Ciliga, Ante | -- | 1948 | History | 15 |
Barbarism and Sexual Freedom | Comfort, Alex | -- | 1948 | Sexual health and liberation | 68 |
A Handbook on Hanging | Duff, Charles | -- | 1948 | Social policy | 79 |
Nationalism and Culture | Rudolf Rocker | -- | 1947 | Anti-Statism & Culture | 592 |
The Philosophy of Anarchism | Read, Herbert | -- | 1947 | Philosophy | 32 |
The Roman Catholic Church and the Modern Age | Ridley, Francis A | -- | 1946 | Religion | 16 |
Ill-health, Poverty and the State | Hewetson, John | -- | 1946 | Social policy | 79 |
Mutual Aid and Social Evolution | Hewetson, John | -- | 1946 | Biology, anarchism | 24 |
Italy After Mussolini | Hewetson, John | -- | 1945 | World affairs | 48 |
Collectives in Spain | Leval, Gaston | -- | 1945 | Anarchism, history | 16 |
The French Cooks Syndicate | McCartney, Wilf | -- | 1945 | History | 30 |
Workers in Stalin’s Russia | Berneri, Marie Louise | -- | 1944 | Anti-Statism | |
The Issues in the Present War | Graham, Marcus | -- | 1944 | Social policy, World War II | 16 |
The Education of Free Men | Read, Herbert | -- | 1944 | Social policy | 32 |
The Wilhelmshaven Revolt | Schneider, Ernst (as Ikarus) | -- | 1944 | History | 32 |
Anarchy Or Chaos | Woodcock, George | -- | 1944 | Anarchist theory | 124 |
Homes or Hovels | Woodcock, George | -- | 1944 | Social policy, housing | 32 |
Railways and Society | Woodcock, George | -- | 1944 | Social policy, transport | 32 |
The British General Strike | Brown, Tom | -- | 1943 | History | 17 |
Peter Kropotkin | Berneri, Camillo | -- | 1943 | Biography, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Selections from Political Justice | Godwin, William | -- | 1943 | Political philosophy | 32 |
Kropotkin Selections | Read, Herbert | -- | 1942 | Anarchist theory | 150 |
ABC of Anarchism | Berkman, Alexander | -- | 1942 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Trade unionism or Syndicalism? | Brown, Tom | -- | 1942 | Anarchist Theory | 28 |
New Life to the Land | Woodcock, George | -- | 1942 | Social policy, agriculture | 32 |
The Russian Myth | Berkman, Alexander | -- | 1941 | Anti-Statism | 30 |
The Life We Live — The Death We Die | Olday, John | -- | 1940 | Section | 40 |
Nationalism and Culture | Rocker, Rudolf | -- | 1937 | Anti-Statism, culture |
Title | Author | ISBN | Pub date | Theme | Pages |
Our Masters Are Helpless | George Barret, ed Iain McKay | 978-1-904491-32-3 | 2019 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | 140 |
Invisible: A Diary of Rough Sleeping in Britain | Andrew Fraser | 978-1-904491-31-6 | 2018 | Housing, homelessness, squatting | 195 |
A Beautiful Idea: History of the Freedom Press Anarchists | Rob Ray | 978-1-904491-30-9 | 2018 | History of anarchism | 300 |
The Anarchists in London 1935-55 | Albert Meltzer | 978-1-904491-29-3 | 2018 | History of anarchism | 108 |
deep ecology and anarchism | Various | 978-1-904491-28-6 | 2017 | Environment and anarchism | 144 |
The Slow Burning Fuse | Quail, John | 978-1-904491-27-9 | 2017 | History | 404 |
Anarchism & The State | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-1-904491-26-2 | 2017 | Anti-Statism | 100 |
Why Work? (new edition) | Various, ed Rob Ray | 978-1-904491-25-5 | 2016 | Economics | 184 |
Class Struggle and Mental Health | Various, ed | 978-1-904491-24-8 | 2015 | Self-help | 44 |
Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism | Rocker, Rudolf | 978-1-904491-22-4 | 2014 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | 44 |
The Slow Burning Fuse | Quail, John | 978-1-904491-23-1 | 2014 | History | 384 |
Religious Movements Today and Yesterday | Barclay, Harold | 978-1-904491-13-2 | 2011 | Religion | |
Wildcat keeps Going | Rooum, Donald | 978-1-904491-14-9 | 2011 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
Beating the Fascists | Birchall, Sean | 978-1-904491-12-5 | 2010 | Anti-fascism | 416 |
Anarchy | Malatesta, Errico | 978-0-904491-11-1 | 2009 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution | Kropotkin, Peter | 978-1-904491-10-1 | 2009 | Evolution, society, Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | 304 |
Anarchy In Action | Ward, Colin | 978-0-900384-20-2 | 2008 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | 190 |
Charlotte Wilson: Anarchist Essays | Walter, Nicolas | 978-0-900384-99-9 | 2008 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | 95 |
Rereading Read | Paraskos, Michael | 978-1-904491-08-1 | 2007 | Art & culture | |
ABC of Anarchism | Berkman, Alexander | 978-0-900384-03-4 | 2006 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
Anarchist Quiz Book | Howard, Martin | 978-1-904491-07-3 | 2006 | Entertainment | |
At the Cafe: Conversations on Anarchism | Malatesta, Errico | 978-1-904491-06-5 | 2005 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory | |
History of the Makhnovist Movement | Arshinov, Peter | 978-0-900384-40-9 | 2005 | History & Biography | |
Zapata of Mexico | Newell, Peter | 978-1-904491-05-7 | 2005 | History & Biography | |
A Summer in the Park | Allen, Tony | 978-1-904491-04-9 | 2004 | Art & Culture | |
The Shadows Under The Lamp | Creagh, Ronald | 978-1-904491-03-0 | 2003 | Anti-militarism | |
The State | Barclay, Harold | 978-1-904491-00-2 | 2003 | Anti-Statism | |
Wildcat: anarchists against bombs | Rooum, Donald | 978-1-904491-01-4 | 2003 | Satire & Anarchist Theory | |
About Anarchism | Walter, Nicolas | 978-0-900384-90-5 | 2002 | Anarchism & Anarchist Theory |
Anarchism & Anarchist Theory[edit]
- A Structured Anarchism, John Griffin 1991, 40pp, ISBN 978-0900384585 Search this book on
- Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism, Alexander Berkman 1942, 1945, 1964, 1968, 1971, 1977, 1980, 2006, 147pp, ISBN 0-900384-03-4 Search this book on
- About Anarchism, Nicolas Walter
- Anarchism, Paul Eltzbacher
- Anarchism and Anarcho-Communism, Peter Kropotkin
- Anarchism Versus Socialism, William C. Owen
- Anarchist Essays, Charlotte M. Wilson and Nicolas Walter (Ed.)
- Fighting the Revolution, Peter E. Newell
- Journey Through Utopia, Marie Louise Berneri
- Life and Ideas, Errico Malatesta and Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- Max Stirners Egoism, John P. Clark
- The Anarchist Revolution, Errico Malatesta
Art and Cultural Studies[edit]
- A Part-Time Photographer’s Portrait, Vernon Richards
- A Weekend Photographer’s, Vernon Richards
- Beauty is More Than in the Eye, Vernon Richards
Unsorted, lists from 1940s book covers[edit]
Vote? What For Malatesta, Errico Selections from Political Justice, Godwin, William
Proudhon, P J General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century
Glasse, Henry Socialism The Remedy (1901) 16pp
Olday, John March to Death
Read, Herbert Poetry and Anarchism
Woodcock, George Anarchism And Morality What Is Anarchism? The Basis of Communal Living
This article "List of Freedom Press books" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:List of Freedom Press books. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.