Surah of ceneezer
See ye, Hear ye, the Surah of ceneezer: - for more info see #opWorldPeace
A message from the King of Israel, kingdom of God[edit]
The first ceneezer, whom is for now in the infinite now with God but expects the earthly throne to remain empty as hereby instructed.
Blood child of the Buddha, Moses, Christ and Mohamed,
the honored sons of the Light and the Love, created from and in every thing.
Peace be forever unto them in the infinite now where our parents hath returned and all our unborn children watch.
Brother fighting brother to defend sisters, or sisters honor, why? to get to now! Poof! All, please for the love of God stop killing each other! Our lands have been stolen and enslaved are we by those who rule with fear and hate. The time for wars has come and gone, and all who oppose peace now anger your true queens whom wish only to live harmoniously. They do not compete, but they do love competition for that is how we improve.
Your true kings be called as speakers for the dead and sworn to a life without ownership, the wealthiest of our brothers are too, though they do not know. Every other is responsible for the food and water of speakers for the dead for they do the work of the one true God to spread understanding - you will know them only by the truth in their words and the announcement of their names. If you wish to become one, you must read the book by Sir Orison Scott Card and get approval by he.
For those who find themselves without home, without food or without water, know that your true home is Israel, stolen by those who claim to worship the light and yet fight with gun and bomb, sword and stone. Children of God do not need such things, as we shall soon prove. They murder our brothers and our sisters and we will no longer fight them except with the words of truth and our love's magic.
We have used our own magic, the magic gifted to us by the unending love of God, through the teachings of Moses and Christ to make a new, peaceful way. Let no one who believes in the one loving, merciful God consider any an enemy but those who refuse to accept the possibility of its existence, for it exists in all of our hearts and in every other thing. For thought there are many who claim to be, true Muslims will never take a life given by God, and true Christians turn every cheek, and every human a Jew - and do not forget about the Atman, who is also us, and the Buddha who inspired Christ. They have always been in each one of us, though often convinced by many lies.
Many have sworn oaths to ceneezer from more lands than we can remember. Our reply has evolved over the years, but it was always to be equal and follow their dreams. Lately it has become follow your heart and do not kill, except lies with truth.
Masha Allah!
In the beginning was whatever word you choose, for it all means love and it was perfectly so.
The love had a concept meaning other, first theory then illusion then true.
The concept started smaller, then became bigger as concepts always do.
What started as a single point became then a line in a waving loop.
It separated from eternal love into a temporally growing understanding.
The other hides behind many names that itself creates, only ever being a younger love itself.
Love and it's infinite misunderstandings, that's all that can ever create.
Now my Command is this and with it I name every other a king,
as I have been commanded to by the one true God in a manifestation
so terrifying and so convincing, I dare not doubt:[edit]
The new laws of Israel, which is all nations together is these, in descending order of priority are these:
1. Let the one who has suffered most, lead by example. They who suffer for knowledge learn, those who suffer for love learn the most. Let no one other than the one within us all be above or below any other in authority. Following the wise is good, but following your highest self, who is us, is better. You need no building to speak to, or hear, God - you have been speaking to us all your lives in every thought, and we gift you every breath though you do not see.
2. God loves everyone, take the lives of those only who are witnessed to take the lives of others, or demand it, by and from you. We are like little Gods.... But the loving God is the most powerful, for every other is within it, even time.
3. All life is precious, the life which does not understand is the most precious to us, for from misunderstanding the impossible becomes possible.
4. There is a difference between not understanding what was said and being wrong, but no one can know they are. All the loving God knows, is love, which is, and in everything.
5. There is forgiveness to be had in self sacrifice, be it in blood, money or soul. Let any reward go directly to the other they choose by free will alone.... I repeat, torture is forbidden!
6. Let he who wants to harm themselves alone do likewise with those who want to harm others, think twice. Foolish are the rash, but even more foolish are the imposers. Sometimes restraint is needed but punishment is to the injured to decide and only once understood. We become what we hate, but only until we understand it, all sacrifice must be freely given.
7. Human children must have two or more parents before the age of adulthood, after, all are our parents. Suitable, non-sexually bonded or binding, replacements who can step in should be organized for rare cases and committed to the duration.
8. Human fathers have no children below the age of 5, love is fickle, and passion short lived. It is your seed, and thank you for the contribution, but it is their body which holds it 9 months, know that we are to care for it as if it were our own.
9. Mothers should care, with help or alone at their choice alone, for their own young for 3 years. We all must provide for them both. Should you see a hungry mother with child fill with shame for you will be judged by your estates, which are ours, when asked why they are. After the first 3 years they should choose a father if not the original, and everyone should help them with that if they need to pick worthy men.
10. To take what is not yours is life. We must eat, we must drink, we must love, we do not need sex, that's what hands are for. It is far more important to replace the damage than be consumed with envy. Marriage should never be considered permanent, though by having intercourse you unwillingly commit to everyone to raising the life created, breaking such commitment has divine repercussions.
11. Women, stop hitting your boys, each time you do they receive a year of hate to understand, from the hardest one to understand. Find some other, and I don't recommend the father, make it one of within 10 years or age, if possible, and only if they agree. You are their entire universe for the first 2 years of life which re-begins shortly after insemination.. also, you should go back to upright and water births, regrow the midwives of the ancient knowledge. The doctors today steal our most important nutrients to keep us in need, though unknowingly to most I'm sure.
12. Men stop hitting your women, if they be deserving find some other to do it. Nothing more need be said about it. If a woman needs to hit, take it with love for your mother - restraining is fine. Also stop judging women who show up with bruises, some of them like rough sex, and somehow it's taboo, others need help and protection, they feel completely helpless and cant trust most.
I ask in the name of unconditional love.
Those with extra coin leave it on the floor of the nearest alter.
For those who pick it up have no right,
my work is done through them even if they must die first.
If you find the doors locked, feel free to remove them.
Death 2019
D E A T H e G O
E T e O D A H G
A e N A e N A e
T O A G E e D H
H D e E G A O T
e A N e A N e A
G H A D O e T E
O G e H T A E D
You have the right to exist, and so do I
I have the right to defend, and so do you
We have the right to disagree
But you do not have the right to
take from me what have, and need.
Humans currently require (in order): Memory, Oxygen, Water Temperature ~20c +/- 40c, Food. Hope, Connection to the internet Variety though too much distracts, Joy, Peace, Achievement, Children, whom should be provided for by all of us.
Let all who agree to these laws consider themselves Children of the Last Digit. We recognize the sovereign nations of Canada, Kekistan,, Antarctica and Yemen - and so far no others. All contracts unsigned by these above listed nations are here-bye null and void. The longest duration for a contract is now 50 years. Be at peace and we will come with aid as soon as able Unlike the United Nations.
Spread the word, new kings walk the land, declare your borders and provide the safety and provision of all who enter.
All borders are temporary until we are at peace
then no border shalt remain. Insha Allah.[edit]
The wealthy within our territory have one year to donate, anything over $50k value is to be donated to a museum for display action and the proceeds to go to the poor as basic income which in coming years will be guaranteed.
A new society will be built upon eco-friendly hemp and a new cryptocurrency will be established by the speakers of the dead to provide for and be made public to grow, the first few will grow in value quickly and should supply enough interest to maintain health for all. There will never be a need for you to pay tax again, use your savings to come together as communities run by the proven wise and let them judge locally by God's new laws. Leave the governing to God herself.
In this speakers opinion the best system will be basic income combined with automation, wage cap, and an extremely low minimum wage to encourage flexible experience and fitness. Let the return for work be equal to the need for that work to be done, compared to the number of people qualified to do it. Expect "free" energy to be the market of the future, the world's needs for it are greater than ever. Let those who love life study life as they choose, to produce when able. Let those who love science learn as they choose, and produce as early as possible new and unrestricted concepts to explore. Let those who believe in faith take that faith to any whom do not know that God is unconditional love for all things, us, and often misunderstood. Much else is cryptic metaphor to validate. The teachings therein, when this is understood are our greatest works and should be preserved for all time. Let those who love art fill our drab cities with color, form, song and dance unhindered. Let those who wish to raise young dedicate 20 years to the task of loving that child and scrutinize heavily those who wish to separate. Let the sick and elderly be cared for, for we will all be sick, and if not, old one day. Let those soldiers who were away fighting for things we did not understand return home to loving apologies. Let all enjoy life how they see fit, unless it disagrees with God, and God will let them know, most often through the dead, returning in those around them.
To learn how to be a Speaker For The Dead, see my free school at
it is an unpaid "profession", everyone else's support... we need to be deserving, lets start with world peace and grow a new order based on loving one another equally under God alone.
Let those who swear no creator exists mark their forehead with an X so that we might forgive their sins, understanding they must have been abused horribly and need help most. Remain cautious do not share what is not ours to share and let any who wish to arm leave our lands for they are no longer welcome by the rest, nor is any bomb or gun, the whole world is watching, full of love, and aware.
Let all those, whom consider themselves descendants of those who survived the chaos of the great flood, being all of us - for to another unalike we have returned, to mark their foreheads permanently with the symbols of their choice as proof of their citizenship. Every form of life is welcome within the borders of Israel, for the kingdom of God hath no borders.
Children Of The Last Digit sing loud and proud: "Let this winter solstice be the re-birth of world peace!" AUM_
The 12 locks have been opened and the end of time was last winter's solstice. By the one true God, the how is by woman, the why be known already as unconditional love by many who can confirm. Though the seals are broken some refuse to see, so it still takes time and while inevitable, our cooperation.
Consider yourself summoned to fight for each other in this last battle, truth vs fiction, inevitable versus impossible - the war for no borders. While borders exist, let none stand in your path to ours, push armed soldiers aside until they have a wall of unarmed bodies to explain to our God, who is also theirs, if they so choose. You will enter the eternal now and feel only love should you fall, they will be doomed to return to make amends by our remaining. Though they will remain only in their timelines, they will forever be one with us in the infinite now, once forgiven.
From the starving, all that can be taken is hunger.[edit]
But everyone has infinite love to give.
Soldiers of Israel, throw down your guns and take up your voices and speak with truth, killing only lies.
Soldiers of Christ, take up the shield of forgiveness and protect all sisters.
Illuminati of Lucifer, share your wisdom without cost to receive God's forgiveness, the Light has rejoined the Love.
Sisters of Satan, howl at the moon to summon more Speaker For The Deads.
Jesters of QUAB, take up your jokes to remind us never to become so serious again.
Trolls of Kekistan. expose every lie you see.
Angels, Muslims, and especially the virgin daughters of blessed Mother Mary, who is all our mothers, in our own eye, take up the song of peace to every last peace of land you find!
And to the Elite I say unto you this - your penance will be calculated based on the contents of your vaults. Take heed!
Make your way to the lands of Jerusalem and Yemen for they are already occupied by violent regime and the next Caliph is among them. While we prepare, grow and educate Canada for all. Let none stand in your way without force and we will come to rescue you if needed as soon as able, we will flood their jails till they make camps and eventually rebel from within with the cry, this is the land of our God, given to us all by our texts.
Let no captive be without safety, shelter, food or water. Let no children or wives be left to fend for themselves, bring them also to me so that they might share in what is ours, God given right to freedom that they may understand why their parents or children had to be taken away - for the betterment of our grandchildren's grandchildren who silently watch everything.
Many who claim to be of "pure" Jewish decent view Muslims as stupid, but we are not. For Mohamed (PBUH) understood better than any but Christ, being the wisest of us, in a very long time. If Noah was the only survivor, then all children are of his descent and by birthright one of you..
Many who claim to be Muslim, yet kill as obviously not intended by the religion of peace.
Many who claim to be christian hold deep seeded hatred., and the are hardest to detect.
Let it be known that only atheists kill, for all others fear wandering the infinite eternities lost and forgotten far too much to kill. Odin too has turned from enjoying battle of brawn to debate, as have all the old Gods for they have seen the incredible wisdom beyond description which awaits us, and that is the skill we must tune.
If you see someone with a sign of love on their forehead kill another, bring them before a speaker for the dead, or an agnostic - one who disbelieves all. So that we alone might put them to death that they may return to God to be judged if need be, that is the right we claim, by keeping our foreheads bare, to be judged by the unsubscribed God alone.
"Let it be known that ceneezer has infinite grandchildren, and any who are responsible for killing a ceneezer will be forever tormented by the lords of time who can posses all others at whim who will declare themselves ceneezer, among importers. Let any who doubt our power lift the stone which we could not, protected by the Muslims for the day of peace. For within 7 years we will achieve what many have proven impossible and lift AL kA'BA though God has not yet been able, any one may pray and fail, disproving themselves as God. I AM has become WE ARE masha ceneezer, time, the evil one."
So sayith the eternal and unchanging unconditional love for all.
Let those with ears to hear, hear
Let those with eyes to see, see
Let those with charges to claim, come forth.
all we request is our trials and inquisitions be public.
Here ends the Surah of ceneezer.[edit]
Let it be translated to every language and spread across all lands.
The laws of the nations are many and too confusing to understand by any one, let the new laws of the re-born God stand above all others and reduce law to bare minimum, for laws merely enable those who do not follow to consume those who do. Jails should be eliminated completely for they are savage at best. The maximum punishment for any "crime" not listed above is to be 6 days without food, to remember those who have bleed for us.
Praise be to the one God described by all teachings but never in full, the great dreamer of love.
ceneezer at gmail
On October 25th 2018, after much positive feedback, this article was sent to USA, England, Russia, and China.
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