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Transportation In Nigeria

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Transportation refers to the process of carrying people and goods from one place to another by various means.



Transportation is the act of taking,carrying and moving people from one place to another through various means of way. Transportation is a part of aid to trade i.e it help and also part of business and business plan.

Traditional method of Transportation[edit]

Here are the list of former ways of transporation.There are the list of former ways of transportation.
Human porterage and trekking: Human porterage simply means the carriage of goods on the head,shoulder or back while working over a distance.

Beasts of Burden: As the name implies it involves the use of animals for moving people(horses and camel) and good(donkey).

Use of Canoes,Calabashes and Logs: The use of these materials is very common in the riverine areas,such as Calabar,Bonny,Lagos and many other cities in coastal areas.. Among other pipeline routea

Modern Method of Transportation[edit]

The modern methods of transportation are land,sea and air. This practices as brought to a easy transportation than the olden days own.

Land Transportation[edit]

Land Transportation involves the movement of people through land. There are two forms of a land Transportation. a.Road transportation b.Rail transportation

Road Transportation

Road transportation involves the use of vechiles(cars,lorries,buses,trucks or motorcycles) to move goods and people through tarred and untarred roads. In 1888,John Dunlop invented the first inflated Tyre and tube which are being used by vechiles till today. In Nigeria,the first road was built in 1904 by the British around Zungeru in the present Niger state.

Road transport in Nigeria can be divided into three

Trunk A Roads: These are roads constructed and maintained by the Federal Government. Such roadsink major cities in Nigeria. Examples include Lagos-Benin Road, Lagos Abeokuta Road,Enugu-Portharcourt Road etc.

Trunk B Roads: These are roads built and maintained by state government in Nigeria.Such roads link major towns within a state.They are feeder roads to trunk A Roads.

Trunk C Roads: These are roads constructed by the local government areas.They link the villages within the local government headquarters.They are normally constructed and maintain by the local government works department.

Advantages of Road Transport

1.It makes people to their door step.

2.It makes distribution of goods and services easier.

3.It helps inoving people within short distances.

4.It provides job opportunity for many people.

5.It is affordable to many people.


1.Good roads are always expensive to build and maintain.

2.Bad roads can damage vechiles.

3.Roads are difficult to construct in swampy and hilly areas

Rail Transportation

Rail transportation is the movement of people and goods on locomotives and metal rails. The first steam engine was made by an EnglishmanGeorge Stephensin 1814.

The major railway lines in Nigeria are the western railway line from Lagos to Kano and Nguru, and the Eastern railway line, from Portharcourt to Maiduguri. The main railway Jun tions in Nigeria are in Zaria,Kafanchan,Kaduna and Minna while railway terminals are in Iddo(Lagos State),Port Harcourt(Rivers State),Nguru(Tone State),Kaura Namoda(Zamfara State) and Maiduguri(Borno State)Railway terminals refer to where railway lines end.

Types of Train

1.The Passenger Train : This is a train used in moving passenger from one destination to the other.It normally has three compartments first class,second class and third class.

2.Goods or Cargo Trains: These are trains used in moving goods from one place to other.They normally carry bulky goods.There are also trains that petroleum products from one place to the other

Types of Gauge in Rail Transportation

1. The Narrow Gauge : This is about 107 centimetres in width.It is used in hilly areas in Nigeria.

2. The Broad Gauge : This has about 160 centimetres width.

3. The Standard Gauge: This has 143 centimetres in width. Advantahes of Rail Transport 1.It is the most suitable for bulky goods.

2.It carry more passengers and goods than vechiles.

3.It reduces gridlock on the road.

4.Accident rary occur unlike road Transport.

5.It is relatively safe.

Disadvantages 1.Accident results in heavy casualties and losses.

2.Rail lines are expensive to build.

3.It is the slowest in Nigeria.

4.Train are very expensive to buy.

5.It is not suitable for carrying perishable goods.

Water Transportation[edit]

Water Transportation involves the movement of people and goods on water using boats,ships,ferries e t.c Vessels used for water Transportation include Canoes,Boats, Ferries, Ships, Oceanliner e.t.c

Types of Water Transportation

These include:

1.The Inland Waterways : This involves moving people and goods from place to place through the creeks, canals, lagoons and lakes within a cuntry. The inland waterways do not involve ships but small vessels such as ferries,boats,Canoes etc.

Importance of Inland Waterways

1. They provide employment oppurtunities for different people.

2.They provide water for irrigation.

3. They promote internal and external trade.

4. They provide portable water for rural areas particularly for riverine areas.

Ocean Navigation This has to do with using ship for moving people and goods on larger water bodies from one country or continent to another.

World Shipping Routes

These include:

1.The Cape route.

2.The North American routes.

3.The Pana canal route.

4.The Trans-Pacific route.

5.The South Atlantic route.

Important Seaports in Nigeria

1.Lagos seaport(The largest port in Nigeria).

2.Port Harcourt seaport.

3.Koko seaport.

4.Calabar seaport.

5.Burutu seaport.

6.Warri seaport..

7.Sapele seaport.

8.Bonny seaport.

Advantages of Water Transportation

1. It has low rate of accident.

2. It is used in the transporting of heavy machineries.

3. It is not as expensive as air transport.

4.No cost of constructing ocean where ships move.

Disadvantages 1. It does not cover everywhere like road.

2. It is quiet expensive to buy and maintain ships.

3. It is not good enough for distribution of goods and services.

4. Some waterways are not navigable at every season.

Air Transportation[edit]

Air Transportation is the act of moving goods and people from one place to another through air. The airplane was invented by the Wright brothers in 1903 in America. The air Transportation in Nigeria is controlled by Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria(FAAN),Nigerian Airspace Management Authority(NAMA),Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority(NCAA), and Nigerian Meteorological services. Foreign airline operators in Nigeria include Swiss Air,][American Airlines]],Virgin Atlantic and many others. Among the private domestic airlines operators are: [Belleview]],Arik Air,Aero contractorsetc.

Types of Air Transport Service

The two types of air transport services are:

1. Internal Air Transport : This is also known as domestic or local air services.It is the movement of aircraft within a country.

2. International Air Transport : This is the movement of aircraft from one country to another.International airport in Nigeria include,Murtala Mohammed Airport in Lagos,Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport in Abujaetc. All rules and regulations guiding air transport operation in all countries are made by International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO).

Advantages of Air Transportation

1. It is the fastest .eans of transportation

2. It is very reliable.

3. No traffic congestion.

3. It is Avery comfortable means oftransportatipn.

4.It is very good for long distance journeys.

5. It is safe and records fewer cases of accidents.

6. Industries use the services of airlines to transport their goods within and outside the country at great speed.


1. It cannot carry heavy machinery.

2. It increases the overheadcost of companies.

3. Its accident could be very fatal.

4. It the most expensive means of transportation.

5.It can be affected negatively by bad weather conditions.

6.It is not flexible like the road transportation.

Pineline Transportation[edit]

Pimpelime transport involves the movement of liquids particularly water and petroleum products from one place to another by using pipelines.Such pipelines are normally constructed underground. The first pipeline was built in 1955 to link Oloibiri Oilfields to Kugbo Bay. Among other pipeline routes in Nigeria are : Warri-Kaduna, Kaduna-Kano-Maiduguri, Waarri-Ore-Lagos and so on.

Advantages of Pipeline Transportation

1. It is the most suitable for liquid products.

2. It is less prone to accidents.

3. It does not consume fuel like other means of transportation.

4. Once built, pipeline does not require frequent maintenance or overhaul.

5. Pipelines are safer means of carrying toxic materials directly to the factory where they are needed.

6. It is not affected by climatic changes.


1. It can be easily vandalized.

2. It can cause environmental hazard or pollution due to spillage.

3. It is costly to construct.

4.It is costly to secure and maintain. 5. It can only transport liquids.

Other modern means of transportation[edit]

Cable Transportation

Cable transportation is a type of transportation by which vechiles are pulled by cables instead of an internal power source. Typical examples include aerial tramway elevators, escalators and ski lift. They are also categorised as conveyor transport.

Space Flight Transportation Space flight transportation refers to transports out of Earth's atmosphere into outer space by means of a spacecraft. While a lot of research has gone into the technology, it is rarely used except to put satellites into orbit or to conduct scientific experiments However, man has landed on the moon and continues to prove into all the planets of the Solar System.

Science and Technology Impact[edit]

Science and technology has impacted transportation system in the following ways:

1. Science and technology have produced for man modern means of transportation like vechiles, aircraft and ships..

2. It serve as aids to trade i.e it helps and bring more productivity to trade.

3. It has help many people to gain no s such as driver, pilot, aeronautic engineers e.t.c

4. It helps internation trade as countries is able to sell their goods and resources through various means.

5. It reduces man energy used in walking and trekking in the olden days.


[1] [2] [3] [4]

This article "Transportation In Nigeria" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:Transportation In Nigeria. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

  1. Sola Akinyemi(2016)."Fundamentals of Social studies",pg.134. FASTSOHOLY VENTURES,LAGOS. ISBN= 978-978-914-186-9.
  2. Bonstingl J.J(1983)."Introduction to Social Sciences"Allyn and Bacon Inc,Newton,Massachusetts.
  3. Orebanjo M.A. et Al(2009)."Social Studies JSS3",MacMillan Nigeria Publishers,Lagos.
  4. Sola Akinyemi(2009)."Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 9",FASTSOHOLY Ventures,Lagos.