Ziket ظیکیٹ is a short poetic form of Zikorean English Literature. A Ziket has two poetic lines, the first line should contain 1 to 8 syllables and the second line should be of 1 to 5 syllables or vice versa. Ziket can be written in unrhymed or rhymed poetry. Poets use poetic devices like metaphor, simile, alliteration, cadence, and rhythm, etc in their poems
Inventor of Ziket[edit]
Dr Zik (a Pakistani poet & educationist) introduced this short poetic form in 2015.
We find Ziket writing style in the poetry of countless famous poets. They were unknowingly using commonly this style. Dr Zik made convert it into structured form out of unstructured style.
It was a rebirth of post-modern English poetry that gave moonlit silently, twinkling like stars, running as streams, coming from hills, and resting in valleys. Countless writers like William Shakespeare, John Donne, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Dr. Maya Angelou, Stickland William Gillilan, and John Ashbery were the poets who observed and found an inner motive, which appeared as writing impulse, in the past.
Contemprary Writers of Ziket[edit]
- Dr Zik
- PK Roy
- Joe Brazeau
- Ross Mitchell
- Doc Frank
- Line Gauthier
- Dolly Bhuskaran Adikaran
- Rain
- Tim
- Fria Nieblla Noguest [1]