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Open Icecat

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Open Icecat is an Open Content or open data project under the Open Content License in which a worldwide open catalogue is created for multilingual Product information management. Editors are participating manufacturers. The users of the product content are distributors, resellers, retailers, comparison websites or online shopping directories, the manufacturers themselves, and their enterprise resource planning systems, Product information management systems, or other systems.

In Open Icecat, a separate Open Catalog Interface is defined for the exchange of data between multilingual, multimedia product catalogs.

Open Icecat is as an open product catalog, not to be confused with commercial catalogs like offered by Icecat Inc (Full Icecat), Gfk/Etilize and Cnet.


The project started in 2001. But Open Icecat was formally launched in December 2005 with 20 participating IT manufacturers. Among the earliest contributors are Hewlett-Packard, Toshiba, IBM and Lenovo. As of March 2007, this number has grown to more than 90 manufacturers, including participants from consumer electronics like Sony, Philips and Kodak, and the telecom industry.

In January 2011, Open Icecat grew to some 250 manufacturers and supported 33 languages. Including English (UK & US), Russian, Spanish, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Romanian, French, Dutch and many others. By then, the Open Catalogue counted 11.800 e-business partners. Catalogues cover IT, CE, Telecom and Office. In November 2014, Open Icecat launched its LIVE version, a real-time JavaScript service, providing real-time inserts in client websites, as an alternative to URL format. The same year Open Icecat integrated new sectors in its catalogue such as Lighting and Beauty, L'Oréal Netherlands being one of the almost 300 sponsoring manufacturers. Open Icecat catalogue is used by over 70,000 online websites around the world. In 2019, the number of participating manufacturers has increased to over 450, and now also includes toys brands such as Lego and Do It Yourself brands.

Open Catalog Interface[edit]

Over time, a number of standard catalog data exchange interfaces have been developed.


Open Icecat's flexible data model consists of the following key entities: brands, categories, specifications and allowed value tables, descriptions, multimedia objects or digital assets, languages, countries, product relations, and units of measurement. Per category a taxonomy is defined by which a product in the respective category can be completely and uniquely described. Typical digital assets are images, videos, 3D animations, brochures, product stories and feature logos. Over time, a variety of textual elements have been defined, such as short and long descriptions, SEO descriptions and keywords, bullet points with product features, reasons to buy, cross-sell and up-sell recommendations, and user-specific variants.


ICEcat connector[4] is a plugin which integrates Icecat with osCommerce.

Icecat Integration[5] is a plugin to connect Icecat to Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, VirtueMart, Zen Cart. Sync names, descriptions and features with the above eCommerce platforms.

IceCART[6] is a freeware plugin to connect Zencart to Icecat. With this tool you can easily associate the Icecat description to your Zencart products in the shop.

Wicecat[7] is a plugin that connects Prestashop with Icecat, it can be adapted to any shopping cart to update the technical information directly from Icecat.

With the Open ICEcat Node.js package [8] you can read the worldwide product information data from Icecat within your Node.js project.

A number of integrations are also made by proprietary ASP solution providers.

See the overview of all add-ons and integrations is updated [9]

Supported standards[edit]


  1. "Manual: Download Individual Product XML". Icecat. Retrieved 3 September 2019.
  2. "Manual for Open Icecat JSON requests". Iceclog. Icecat. Retrieved 3 September 2019.
  3. "Manual for CSV Interface". Iceclog. Icecat. Retrieved 3 September 2019.
  4. "osCommerce Community Add-Ons". Retrieved 2013-06-24.
  5. "Icecat Integrations with Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Zen Cart".
  6. [1] Archived November 9, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  7. "Wicecat". Retrieved 2013-06-24.
  8. "Icecat Node.js API". GreenCore.
  9. "Icecat Add-ons".

External links[edit]

This article "Open Icecat" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:Open Icecat. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.