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UFO sightings in Slovakia

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The Silver Dragon[edit]

The first mention of UFOs in Slovakia is from 1668 from the Levoča Chronicle, where the chronicler describes that a silver lizard flying in the sky. Levoča is a Slovak town that was under the administrative control of the Hungarian Kingdom in 1662.

It was in 1662, when Gašpar Hain wrote in the Levoča Chronicles that there was a strong earthquake and, something like a huge dragon, created a dense black cloud right in front of everyone's sight, overthrew the forest below it and burned all the tops of the trees. According to a record in the chronicle, Hain later managed to discover a dragon cave in the area of today's Štrba. [1]


The Jablonica sighting and UFO landing[edit]

After her lunch, Mrs. Palšovičová went to sit on the bench in front of the house. It was a nice March day. It was about two hours in the afternoon and the 65-year-old inhabitant of Jablonica village in the district of Myjava was gazing towards the meadows and forest, which is on the edge of the village on the same level as her house was. It was actually the last house in the village in the direction of the city of Trnava. After a while, she became fascinated by a phenomenon she had never seen in her life. At a distance of about 1.5 km, above the meadow, low above the ground, an object was moving, glowing yellow-white light, leaving traces of steam behind. It's body was hemispherical in shape and moved slowly towards the observer. After a while, it disappeared from her sight and only the shining light between the trees was to be visible. It seemed to be standing still. Mrs. Palšovičová thought that a strange plane had landed there. However, realizing that it could not be an airplane, she remained outside. After about an hour, a faint hum sounded from the light, and the object slowly rose above the forest. It instantly picked up speed and disappeared silently in height. That same year it was reportedly very cold and the places where she observed the object were waterlogged.

The Southern Unsuccessful Abduction case[edit]

Back in 1993, an UFOlogist visited UFOlogy clubs in southern Slovakia. According to one visitor, he reported to have rushed to work by car, it was about 6 o'clock. Suddenly he felt that something had caught him in the air together with the car. He couldn't even move, it appeared to him more like a dream. He regularly drove this route towards the town of Nové Zámky. He realized he was flying over the overpass of the crossing. Suddenly, however, he felt himself flying towards the ground, as if he had been released from something. He realized tt was true and he and his car fell from a height of about 5 meters on the road and almost killed himself, the car was destroyed and he remained lying motionless inside of it. Some people walking along that path found him. Miraculously, nothing serious happened to him, but the car was destroyed. To this day, he can't explain what really happened. [2]


The Košice Garden Observation case[edit]

During the night in Košická Nová Ves borough in the city of Košice on February 5, the witness and her dog observed an object with two lights flying over the roof of a neighboring house, which pulsed bright white and orange. The object in the size of a car approached the house at about 2m with a quiet buzz. The body flew over the garden for a while, where it avoided all obstacles and then disappeared at high speed. The dog was for a long time afraid of going to the garden.

The Košice Airport Checkup case[edit]

A couple living on Wupertalská Street in Košice on June 12 at 10:30 p.m. watched a strong light in the window, looked out, and saw an elliptical object in the cloudless sky. At the top, the front shone a very strong light and a faint red on the left, and a faint flashing blue on the right. The object made no sound, then turned west toward the airport's direction and slowly descended obliquely until it disappeared from their view.

The Triangular UFO in Štefanová sighting[edit]

In the village of Štefanová in the district of Senec on September 19 at 10 pm three pedestrians on their way to Unín observed an object that illuminated them, making no sound. Observers noticed that the light came from a triangular object above them, which shone white in the corners and a bright blue beam emanated from the center. The object stood in place for about 10 minutes, then moved northwest. After a while, it disappeared at a tremendous speed towards Petrova Ves.

The Ball of Light in Špačince[edit]

It was on Sunday, March 13, when a strong storm swept over the area of the Trnavská pahorkatina hills at night. Several visitors to the Špačince's restaurant Raketa (a.k.a "Rocket" = the paradox) were left to sit with the staff themselves until late at night. After the closure of the shift, the staff made orders and usual activities dont at the end of the shift. As the manager opened the window at the back of the restaurant, he noticed that to the north, beyond the village, was a strange building standing in a field where there was certainly nothing for lunch yet accordin to his words. The weather was miserable, so he thought he could be seeing poorly to the distance. He told the others. They did not hesitate and the two went by car in that direction. After about a ten-minute drive, they came along a dirt road about one hundred and fifty meters from where the manager was reporting of seeing the building. However, they immediately discovered that it was not a building, but something that to some extent resembled a cowshed or barn, on which about twenty windows of various colors were being gradually lit. The building was estimated to be about two hundred and fifty meters long and six to seven meters wide, about three meters high. They got out of the car and walked slowly, anxiously, across the soaked ground. As they approached a hundred paces, the object went out and a luminous white sphere flew out of it, bursting in the air in front of them. They were startled and began to run back to the car. Sometimes they looked to see if anything was going after them. However, nothing chased them, the object suddenly seemed to evaporate, disappeared. The entire observation lasted an estimated twenty-five minutes. The six people who watched the object from the restaurant were not under the influence of alcohol, and those who went for the survey were also completely sober. In total, there were six witnesses between the ages of twenty and thirty-five.

The first Army report[edit]

On the night of January 21, at one o'clock and five minutes, members of the Slovak army observed an unidentified object in five military units. As stated by the officers of the units from Hlohovec, Nitra, Šurany, Mierovo and Zohor, in the space between these units there was an object that stood silently at a height of six hectameters (six kilometers) and changed its brightness and color. At first it shone like a very bright star, later it changed from green, blue, yellow to red. This object, which shone five times the brightness of the star, appeared as large as a closed fist in a military telescope. In the theodolite they observed it as an ellipse or a circle. From time to time, they noticed air defense soldiers at the object reporting another target. There was no aircraft or balloon in the observation area at that time, respectively. The observation was terminated at four o'clock five minutes CET. The letter also contains the authentic names of officers from five military units. It is known that the military does not have a direct order to publish such data. These officers, whose names were never mentioned by the source for known reasons, had the right military courage and sent this observation to an UFOlogist. There is also this fact that the radars did not detect this object.

The Greenhouse Encounters[edit]

The owners of a large, huge greenhouse took turns in heating it. It was January 16, 1994, winter as it should be. During the day, the owner went to the central heating stove in the greenhouse, at night a working man. It was about one o'clock in the morning. The man who was heating at night told reported that he had to go there every hour. He came out as many times before, taking a few steps toward the greenhouse when he noticed a group of children standing next to it. As he looked better, he realized it wasn't children, but five or six little figures dressed in coveralls. He got frightened and quickly started running back. After a short while, he felt a slight blow to the right side of his body from behind. He fell down. He didn't really remember all of this until around eight in the morning, when he woke up and sweat drenched in fear as he had fallen asleep and the greenhouse had frozen. He ran in fear to the garden. To his great surprise, nothing happened to the greenhouse. The temperature was as it should be. He asked the owner if she had heated it at night. She said she didn't as it was supposed to be his concern and thus she slept. He realized what had happened that night. He had an idea to look in the mirror at the right side of his back. He discovered a small half-healed scar that completely disappeared the next day. However, he reportedly in his memory, he still keeps seeing the faces of those little beings in front of him.

The Jaslovské Bohunice sighting[edit]

Above the area of nuclear power plants in Jaslovské Bohunice, on November 17 at 11.15 - 11.30 a silver ball has appeared. The body the size of a tennis ball stood in one place without any sound. The observers were three maintenance workers who were repainting the building that day. The object was spotted by the reflection of the sun's rays. Objections that it was a balloon or a stationary satellite were reportedly completely ruled out after consultation with experts. The balloons have long been taken out of service. The stationary satellite is so high that even miraculously it cannot be seen with the naked eye at a height of about thirty-five thousand meters. A few days later, on November 22, 1994, an UFOlogist personally observed two L-39 jets over nuclear power plants chasing a smaller elliptical object at a low altitude. The observation lasted about two minutes. He estimated the distance to be six hundred to seven hundred meters and the height about one hundred and fifty meters. The military did not comment on the case. [2]


The Čaňa sighting[edit]

On August 14, 1996, two police officers at the Agricultural Cooperative in Čaňa saw a huge bright red ball flying south, in the size of a family house. The ball could be observed for about 15 minutes. A police officer at the agricultural team in Býňov also confirmed that he also saw the ball moving south towards the Hungarian border. Sharp rays came out of the ball towards the ground. The dogs reportedly whimpered wildly in fear, and after a while the guard locked himself in the guardhouse.

The Jaslovské Bohunice sighting number 2[edit]

Above the area of nuclear power plants in Jaslovské Bohunice on February 7 at night at 02.08 to 02.14 at an altitude of about 200 meters, an object was observed measuring 8 meters in diameter and 3 meters tall, which stood for 6 minutes in one place. After this time, it flew silently towards Smolenice.

The Radošovce sighting[edit]

The case of July 19 took place in the village of Radošovce above the power plant. Citizens observed an object as bright as a big star.

The Špačince sighting number 2[edit]

Another observation was above the Špačince agricultural cooperative seen in the direction of Jaslovské Bohunice. On December 6, two observers saw a zigzag - moving object flying across the sky, which at an altitude of about one thousand five hundred meters flew across the sky completely silently for about five minutes.

The Trnava sighting number 1[edit]

This one reportedly happened on December 17 at four o'clock in the morning. The observation was experienced by the inhabitant of the city of Trnava in the Družba housing estate area. The observer reportedly used to go out with his dog early in the morning on a regular basis. Unexpectedly, he noticed a white-blue halogen light across the street above the tenements. He realized that it was a fast-moving object. Surprised, he stood still, and the dog sat down on the ground out of fear. The object headed for them in a quiet flight. It seemed to have stopped in front of them for a moment. Then it made a brief turn and, after twenty seconds, flew silently high in a northwesterly direction. The observer served as a soldier in the report center, and here he regularly observed the planes. It is a great assumption that he can soberly and with sufficient knowledge judge what he sees. UFO news has not interested him so far. He reportedly took them as a fabrication of journalists and fantastics.

The New Year's Eve Jaslovské Bohunice sighting number 3[edit]

As the New Year's Eve was approaching, the end of the year, in the early evening of December 30th, a father and his son were leaving Jaslovské Bohunice. They were walking down the street when they noticed that light was approaching from the power plants. They were surprised by the shape of the light source. They could clearly see a large object in the air, shaped like two connected cones, moving low in the air. It hovered silently over the roofs. Colorful light beams emanated from its center. According to observers, it could have a diameter of about 60 meters. It was slowly moving in the direction of the city of Trnava. They reported remaining frozen in shock. "This certainly doesn't come from the Earth, look at the windows, too." I was ashamed to admit that I saw something like that too. Today I know that other people from the same village have seen it too. "[3]


The Ducové sighting[edit]

In a 1997 broadcast on regional radio. A young male waiter has been visiting his girlfriend in a small village near Piešťany, always after the service. The village of Ducové is known for its Slavic historic church from the 9th century. It happened to him several times that on his late night return, in his car, he was watching a very strange flying object. It illuminated it several times so that it was as bright as daylight. After one of the night's returns, he found strange red spots on his body in the morning. He was very frightened. He told everything to his friends. He was afraid it was irradiation, and it must be from whatever had illuminated him - the UFO. He began to suffer from depression and one evening, he unexpectedly hung himself on a tree at home in his garden. At first, his home and acquaintances thought he had problems at work or debts, but nothing like that was confirmed. There was only a statement from his friends that he did it for fear of being terminally ill and afraid of pain.

The Dolné Dubové & Šúrovce sighting[edit]

Everything took place just during the lunar eclipse, which was on September 16th at 10.30 pm. In the village of Dolné Dubové (about 6 km from Jaslovské Bohunice), a young woman went out into the yard. Her eyes immediately focused on an elliptical object that stood only a few feet away, almost silently over the roof of the house just next door. The object resembled a plate and made a buzzing sound, resembling the sound of a refrigerator. The observer estimated the size at about ten meters, which shone around the perimeter in blue-green-orange. The plate hovered about twenty meters from the observer between the two chimneys of a neighboring house. The young woman hid in fear and astonishment at the house from where her husband watched the phenomenon too. In checking this observation, other spouses from this village, who observed the object from the opposite side confirmed that too. Later, further reports from almost the entire vicinity of Trnava were shared among people. All reports described the same phenomenon and added new details. Later it was found out that this object was also observed in the village of Šúrovce and not only on 16 of September, but also on 15 of September and 17 of September 1997.

The Šúrovce sighting number 2[edit]

On 19 of December of the same year, there was another sighting reported from the village of Šúrovce. A group of people observed again one cigar-shaped and two disc-shaped objects in the village.[3]


The Abduction in Topoľčany[edit]

In 1999 an UFOlogist received a letter from a 15-year-old boy from Topoľčany. He wrote that his mother had a strange experience with aliens, but he didn't want to tell anyone because he was afraid of the ridicule. The UFOlogist visited Tpoľčany to interview them in the privacy. The family lived on the 6th floor of a block of flats just off the main road. He was greeted by a lady of the house with two children. The lady already knew him from the television. She began to talk about what had happened. It all started about a year ago, when she watched TV one evening. She only noticed involuntarily that a small white light separated from the living room window and moved to a large flowerpot behind her. She didn't pay any attention to it as she was fascinated by the television program. In the morning later, she woke up in the bedroom with a cross over the bed, she reports she had never experienced anything like that before and she had a headache. She wandered around the room and had to sit down. As she sat down, she began to remember, according to her words, incredible things. She saw herself looking at the children in the next room from above and something carried her through the window above the town. Then she found herself in a large, well-lit room, walking behind a large man dressed in white with a wide belt. However, she did not see his face, but there were strange loungers on the sides, on which all sorts of people lay or sat. Some were according to her very ugly as if they weren't human, and some of them she saw were random people, but also some acquaintances even a cousin of hers. A fatter woman laid by the white wall, looking at the jewelry. She walked the whole room with the man to the outer door. Here a huge infinite space opened up before her, and various beings laid or swamed here as well. There was peace according to her memory and almost complete silence everywhere. Then she just remembered entering somewhere and then just seeing the children again. She looked at the clock as it was 2.36 p.m. She said it didn't seem unusual to her because she went to bed before midnight. It was only after much thought, she realized that she had experienced something similar a few days before this event, but she only remembered that she was flying up somewhere. She has had very strange dreams since then and she was afraid it would happen again, because she knew that when she came back the second time, she wasn't dressed "properly" according to her words. [3]


Unidentified object near Žilina[edit]

An audio recording reports a conversation between a cargo pilot flying about 20 kilometres east of the city of Žilina and flight dispatcher:

Pilot: Do you have any military exercises on the ground?

Flight dispatcher: There is a military exercise, but in the eastern part of Slovakia.

Pilot: Because three minutes ago we saw a rocket fly down below us, from left to right. About three minutes ago.

Flight dispatcher: I'm sorry, but we don't have any information. We'll check it out.

Flight dispatcher: Do you want to write a report on it?

Pilot: No, just so you know it's a military exercise and maybe the wrong direction.

Flight dispatcher: I'm sorry, but we don't have any information on that, we'll check it out.

A former air traffic controller Pavol Melichárek said that the reason he identified it as a rocket, means that it had to have its speed, that it had to have some propulsion. [4]


Pilots chasing a UFO and other pilots reporting a sighting near Jaslovské Bohunice[edit]

In 2005, fighter jets took off for an unknown object, which was to fly over an atomic power plant in Jaslovské Bohunice. The army haven't made any comment on that. However, according to Pavol Melichárek, a former air traffic controller, the mysterious case should have had its effect. At that time, simultaneously, two planes over central Slovakia were to be observed in the vicinity of the unknown object. According to Melichárek, there were two flying planes facing each other, of course at different heights. Suddenly one of the pilots told them that something had just flown over his cockpit. The one who flew over him and against him, suddenly announced that something had flown quickly next to his wing as well. When they the air traffic controllers, including Melichárek asket whether it was an airplane, the pilot said, it didn't look like an airplane. Despite the fact that Mr. Melichárek is a long-term experienced flight dispatcher, he still cannot give an explanatory answer to some questions. [4]


Pezinok UFO videotape[edit]

In June 2013, a spectator managed to shoot a mysterious object over the town of Pezinok on a videotape. It accelerated for a moment, then slowed, and at one point he stopped completely.


  1. "Ufológ: Slovenské stíhačky už UFO naháňali, medzi-dimenzionálna brána je neďaleko atómky v Jaslovských Bohuniciach (Rozhovor)".
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Najzaujímavejšie pozorovania UFO v 90. rokoch na Slovensku 1. časť | CEZ OKNO".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Najzaujímavejšie pozorovania UFO v 90. rokoch na Slovensku 2. časť | CEZ OKNO".
  4. 4.0 4.1 Migaľ, Samuel. "Okolo lietadla nad Slovenskom preletelo UFO! Tu je dôkaz..."

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