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Everybodywiki talk:Technical issues

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To talk about technical issues

Problem in the edition

Bruno Leonard (talkcontribs)

There is a problem on all wikis where "N" and "I" do not appear and other features (in the red). Or problem in my account. Bruno Leonard (talk) 04:54, 23 August 2021 (CEST)

Bruno Leonard (talkcontribs)

I managed to solve this problem in preferences.

I accidentally turned it off when changing over edits.

Bruno Leonard (talk) 04:05, 16 September 2021 (CEST)

New skin user tests

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)
Handroid7 (talkcontribs)
WikiMaster (talkcontribs)
Mh6ti (talkcontribs)

I think not being very popular is just an example infobox is offset on th eleft and partially hidden

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

Hello the new skin is enabled for everyone ! What do you think about it ?

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

Looks nice, but I have found a few minor bugs such as that the notification widget is behind the special character bar in the editor. Here is a fix:

.mw-echo-ui-overlay{ z-index: 10; } /* Fix for notification widget infront of WikiEditor, see */
#msupload-dropzone { height:2em; } /* Fix for: */

.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-characters div span { 
} /* Fix for advanced character button heights */

Also see the code suggestion in Projet:Technical_issues#Chameleon_skin. It allows a much better viewing experience on wide monitors.

Mh6ti (talkcontribs)

Looks nice

Mh6ti (talkcontribs)

Please make Persian with the same theme

Mh6ti (talkcontribs)

Please put this Projet:Home/Top on the main page. We have to arrange it on the main page as well. And another suggestion, why don't you blacken the theme of the flower space, like what do you think of Everipedia a theme? Its design will be much more beautiful.

Mh6ti (talkcontribs)
Aquifer (talkcontribs)

Chameleon looks very good and works for me. But I think Vector is still the preferred default skin for most people, since they would prefer something that looks closer to Wikipedia.

Kandlis101 (talkcontribs)

Good here

Bruno Leonard (talkcontribs)

Vector like responsive skin

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

Hello @Handroid7 @Mh6ti @Aquifer @Kandlis101 @Hérisson grognon @Florian COLLIN.

I'm Ok to make EverybodyWiki looks closer to Wikipedia.

I would like to develop a new skin based on Bootstrap/Chameleon that looks like vector. I will test it on a few visited EverybodyWiki : the danish one.

The main work to do is on the Layout of page elements :

to display the nav bar on the left for wide screen only (800 px and more ?)

I will copy the content of current layouts/vectorlike.xml file in this page

If you are interested we can work together on this project

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

Sure, I can help.

In User:Handroid7/chameleon.css, I have already developed a side bar from the bottom tool bar for 500px to 1500px (tablets).

Feel free to try it out.

I noticed another problem in MediaWiki:Chameleon.css: In order to be effective, this code:

/*The container padding is too large for mobile phones and tablets (screenshot)*/
@media (max-width:960px) {
    .container { padding: 0 0.5rem; }

needs to be moved below:

.container { padding: 0 2rem; max-width: none; }


Because in CSS, the last declaration of an equal parameter takes priority.

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

Ok I have move it below. And I will test your css code on User:Handroid7/chameleon.css. Thanks

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

One thing that may bother some users is the screen space reserved by the side bar, even when scrolling down. It does not bother me much, but just as a thought.

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

I agree space could be wasted. Maybe side bar could "follow" the screen when the user scrolls down and remains visible.

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)
WikiMaster (talkcontribs)
Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

I will take a look tomorrow.

But the notification menu currently works as intended on mobile to me.

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)
Kandlis101 (talkcontribs)

Good job. Make EW look closer like EN wiki and wikiAlpha

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

Users can actually select Vector or Monobook in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering, if they wish a layout resembling Wikipedia.

But if the side bar is implemented, I recommend it to stay on the screen. Another consideration is narrow browser heights, which could be caused by users having multiple browser windows on screen on top of each other (although side-by-side is more conventional).

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

Hello, unfortunately anons users cannot select vector in their pref.

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

Sadly, MediaWiki lacks the feature to set the skin as browser cookie.

I hope they implement it at some point.

I have done a search on Apparently highly requested feature.

There is an URL parameter: useskin=vector. But it does not persist the skin when navigating away from the shown page.

Blocking bugs There seems to be a problem with your login session;

WikiMaster (talkcontribs)

When trying to log in an error message appears I have fix it, can you try to log in Handroid7

Handroid7 (talkcontribs)

It works again. Thanks!

Some users still successfully created accounts during the last few days (Special:Log/newusers), but they have very few edits.

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