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List of Basic Latin characters

From EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

The following three tables comprise the printable characters of the C0 Controls and Basic Latin Unicode block[1][2] (from U+0000 to U+007F) in the English, German, French, Spanish, and Latin languages.


Letter names and their pronunciation in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Letter English German French Spanish Latin [lower-alpha 1]
UPPER CASE lower case
A A a a a About this sound/eɪ/ A About this sound/ˈeɪ/ a About this sound/ɑ/ a About this sound/a/ A /aː/
B B b b bee About this sound/biː/ Be About this sound/beː/ About this sound/be/ be About this sound/be/ BE /beː/
C C c c cee About this sound/siː/ Ce About this sound/t͡seː/ About this sound/se/ ce About this sound/se/ CE /keː/
D D d d dee About this sound/diː/ De About this sound/deː/ About this sound/de/ de About this sound/de/ DE /deː/
E E e e e About this sound/iː/ E About this sound/ʔeː/ e About this sound/ə/ e About this sound/e/ E /eː/
F F f f ef About this sound/ɛf/ Ef About this sound/ʔɛf/ effe About this sound/ɛf/ efe About this sound/ˈe.fe/ F /ɛf/
G G g g gee About this sound/dʒiː/ Ge About this sound/geː/ About this sound/ʒe/ ge About this sound/xe/ GE /ɡeː/
H H h h aitch About this sound/eɪtʃ/ Ha About this sound/haː/ ache About this sound/aʃ/ hache About this sound/ˈa.t͡ʃe/ HA /haː/
I I i i i About this sound/aɪ/ I About this sound/ʔiː/ i About this sound/i/ i About this sound/i/ I /i:/ [lower-alpha 2]
J J j j jay About this sound/dʒeɪ/ Jott About this sound/jɔt/ ji About this sound/ʒi/ jota About this sound/ˈxo.ta/
K K k k kay About this sound/keɪ/ Ka About this sound/kaː/ ka About this sound/ka/ ka About this sound/ka/ KA /kaː/
L L l l el About this sound/ɛl/ El About this sound/ʔɛl/ elle About this sound/ɛl/ ele About this sound/ˈe.le/ EL /ɛl/
M M m m em About this sound/ɛm/ Em About this sound/ʔɛm/ emme About this sound/ɛm/ eme About this sound/' EM /ɛm/
N N n n en About this sound/ɛn/ En About this sound/ʔɛn/ enne About this sound/ɛn/ ene About this sound/' EN /ɛn/
Ñ Ñ ñ ñ eñe About this sound/' [lower-alpha 3]
O O o o o About this sound/əʊ/ O About this sound/ʔoː/ o About this sound/o/ o About this sound/o/ O /oː/
Œ Œ œ œ e dans l'o /ə dɑ̃ l‿o/ [lower-alpha 4]
P P p p pee About this sound/piː/ Pe About this sound/pʰeː/ About this sound/pe/ pe About this sound/pe/ PE /peː/
Q Q q q quew About this sound/kjuː/ Qu About this sound/kuː/ qu About this sound/ˈky/ cu About this sound/ku/ QV /kʷuː/
R R r r ar About this sound/ɑː/ Er About this sound/ʔɛɐ̯/ erre About this sound/ɛʁ/ erre About this sound/' ER /ɛr/
S S s s ess About this sound/ɛs/ Es About this sound/ʔɛs/ esse About this sound/ɛs/ ese About this sound/ˈ ES /ɛs/
ß ß Eszett /ɛsˈt͜sɛt/ [lower-alpha 5]
T T t t tee About this sound/tiː/ Te About this sound/tʰeː/ About this sound/te/ te About this sound/te/ TE /teː/
U U u u u About this sound/juː/ U About this sound/ʔuː/ u About this sound/y/ u About this sound/u/ V /uː/ [lower-alpha 6]
V V v v vee About this sound/juː/ Vau About this sound/faʊ/ About this sound/ve/ uve About this sound/ˈu.βe/
W W w w double-u About this sound/ˈdʌbəl.juː/ We About this sound/veː/ double vé About this sound/du.blə.ve/ uve doble About this sound/ˈu.βe ˈdo.βle/ [lower-alpha 7]
X X x x ex About this sound/ɛks/ Ix About this sound/ʔɪks/ ixe About this sound/iks/ equis About this sound/ˈe.kis/ IX /eks/
Y Y y y wye About this sound/waɪ/ Ypsilon About this sound/ʔʏpsilɔn/ i grec About this sound/i ɡʁɛk/ ye Audio file "Letter y es es.flac" not found I GRACECA /iːˈɡraiːka/ [lower-alpha 8]
Ÿ Ÿ ÿ ÿ i grec tréma /i ɡʁɛk tʁ [lower-alpha 9]
Z Z z z zee Audio file "En-us-z.ogg" not found
zed Audio file "En-uk-z.ogg" not found
Zett Audio file "De-Z Buchstabe.ogg" not found zède Audio file "Fr-Z-fr-Paris.ogg" not found zeta Audio file "Letter z es es.flac" not found ZETA /ˈzeːta/ [lower-alpha 8]


Numeral names and their pronunciation in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Numeral English German French Spanish Latin[lower-alpha 10]
1 1 one Audio file "En-us-One.ogg" not found Eins Audio file "De-eins.ogg" not found un Audio file "Fr-un.ogg" not found uno Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-uno.wav" not found VNVS (I) Audio file "La-cls-unus.ogg" not found
2 2 two Audio file "En-us-Two.ogg" not found Zwei Audio file "De-zwei.ogg" not found deux Audio file "LL-Q150 (fra)-Arthur Crbz-deux.wav" not found dos Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-dos.wav" not found DVO (II) Audio file "La-cls-duo.ogg" not found
3 3 three Audio file "En-us-Three.ogg" not found Drei Audio file "De-drei.ogg" not found trois Audio file "LL-Q150 (fra)-Arthur Crbz-trois.wav" not found tres Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-tres.wav" not found TRES (III) Audio file "La-cls-tres.ogg" not found
4 4 four Audio file "En-us-Four.ogg" not found Vier Audio file "De-vier.ogg" not found quatre Audio file "Fr-quatre.ogg" not found cuatro Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-cuatro.wav" not found QVATTOR (IV) Audio file "La-cls-quattuor.ogg" not found
5 5 five Audio file "En-us-Five.ogg" not found Fünf Audio file "De-fünf.ogg" not found cinq Audio file "LL-Q150 (fra)-Arthur Crbz-cinq.wav" not found cinco Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-Rodelar-cinco.wav" not found QVINQVE (V) Audio file "La-cls-quinque.ogg" not found
6 6 six Audio file "En-us-Six.ogg" not found Sechs Audio file "De-sechs.ogg" not found six Audio file "LL-Q150 (fra)-Arthur Crbz-six.wav" not found seis Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-AdrianAbdulBaha-seis.wav" not found SEX (VI) Audio file "La-cls-sex.ogg" not found
7 7 seven Audio file "En-us-Seven.ogg" not found Sieben Audio file "De-sieben.ogg" not found sept Audio file "Fr-sept.ogg" not found siete Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-AdrianAbdulBaha-siete.wav" not found SEPTEM (VII) Audio file "La-cls-septem.ogg" not found
8 8 eight Audio file "En-us-Eight.ogg" not found Acht Audio file "De-acht.ogg" not found huit Audio file "Fr-huit.ogg" not found ocho Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-AdrianAbdulBaha-ocho.wav" not found OCTO (VIII) Audio file "La-cls-octo.ogg" not found
9 9 nine Audio file "En-us-Nine.ogg" not found Neun Audio file "De-neun.ogg" not found neuf Audio file "LL-Q150 (fra)-Arthur Crbz-neuf.wav" not found nueve Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-AdrianAbdulBaha-nueve.wav" not found NOVEM (IX) Audio file "La-cls-novem.ogg" not found
0 0 zero Audio file "En-us-Zero.ogg" not found Null Audio file "De-null.ogg" not found zéro Audio file "Fr-zéro.ogg" not found cero Audio file "LL-Q1321 (spa)-AdrianAbdulBaha-cerro.wav" not found zerus /ˈzeːrus/ [lower-alpha 11]

Punctuation and symbols[edit]

Punctuation marks and symbols
Character English German French Spanish Latin[lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 12]
blank space
thousands separator
Leerzeichen espace espacio spatium
! ! exclamation mark
factorial sign
Ausrufezeichen point d'exclamation
signo de exclamación signum exclamationis
" " quotation mark
double quote
Anführungszeichen guillemet anglais comilla
# # number sign
pound mass sign
hash symbol
Doppelkreuz croisillon almohadilla
$ $ dollar sign
peso sign
symbole dollar
symbole peso
signo de dólar
signo de peso
signum dollarii
% % percent sign Prozentzeichen pour cent símbolo del porcentaje
& & ampersand
and sign
et commercial
signo et et commercialis
' ' apostrophe
single quote
Apostroph apostrophe apóstrofo
( ( left parenthesis Runde Klammer links parenthèse gauche paréntesis izquierda parenthesis circularis sinistra
) ) right parenthesis Runde Klammer rechts parenthèse droite paréntesis derecha parenthesis circularis dextra
* * asterisk Sternchen astérisque asterisco
+ + plus sign Pluszeichen signe plus signo más
, , comma
decimal separator
Komma virgule
séparateur décimal
coma virgula
- - hyphen-minus
minus sign
Bindestrich-Minus trait d'union-signe moins
trait d'union
signe moins
signo menos
linea interposita
. . full stop
decimal separator
Punkt point
séparateur décimal
punto punctum
/ / solidus
forward slash
Schrägstrich barre oblique
barra linea obliqua
: : colon
ratio sign
Doppelpunkt deux-points dos puntos bipunctum
; ; semicolon Semikolon point-virgule punto y coma virgula punctata
< < less-than sign Kleiner-als-Zeichen signe inférieur à signo menor que
= = equals sign Gleichheitszeichen signe égal signo igual
> > greater-than sign Größer-als-Zeichen signe supérieur à signo mayor que
? ? question mark Fragezeichen point d'interrogation signo de interrogación signum interrogationis
@ @ commercial at
at sign
At-Zeichen arobase arroba signum arroba
[ [ left square bracket Eckige Klammer links crochet gauche corchete izquierda parenthesis quadra sinistra
\ \ reverse solidus
Backslash barre oblique inversée
barra inversa
] ] right square bracket Eckige Klammer rechts crochet droit corchete derecha parenthesis quadra dextra
^ ^ circumflex accent
Zirkumflex accent circonflexe acento circunflejo
_ _ low line
spacing underscore
Unterstrich tiret bas
guion bajo
' ' grave accent Gravis accent grave acento grave
{ { left curly bracket
left brace
Geschweifte Klammer links accolade gauche llave izquierda parenthesis ungulata vel flexuosa sinistra
[[:en:Vertical line ]] align=center vertical line
vertical bar
vertical pipe
Senkrechter Strich barre verticale pleca entera linea verticalis
} } right curly bracket
right brace
Geschweifte Klammer rechts accolade droite llave derecha parenthesis ungulata vel flexuosa dextra
~ ~ tilde Tilde tilde tilde de la eñe
virgulilla de la eñe

See also[edit]

Other articles of the topic Internet : Rotten Tomatoes, MrWolfy, Newgrounds, List of most popular websites, Kayden James Buchanan, YouTube Music, Amazon Music

Other articles of the topic Language : Google Translate, Traditional Chinese characters, Latin, Simplified Chinese characters
Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".


  1. 1.0 1.1 Latin of the Roman classical period did not use lower case, punctuation, or interword spacing, although an interpunct (·) was occasionally used to separate words.
  2. The Latin letter I of the Roman classical period served as both a vowel and consonant. The J form was initially used as a flourish. Gian Giorgio Trissino was the first to distinguish I and J as separate letters in 1124 using I to represent the vowel and J to represent the consonant.
  3. The Spanish letter Ñ (lower case ñ) is found in the C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement Unicode block.[3]
  4. The French letter Œ (lower case œ) is found in the Latin étendu A Unicode block.[4]
  5. The German lower case letter ß is found in the C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement Unicode block[3] while the German upper case letter ẞ is found in the Latin Extended Additional Unicode block.[5]
  6. The Latin letter U of the Roman classical period was styled as V and served as both a vowel and consonant. During the Middle Ages, the form U was also used. The distinction of U and V as individual letters with U to represent the vowel and V to represent the consonant gradually evolved between 1386 and 1762.
  7. The letter W does not appear in the Latin of the Roman classical period. The use of two V's or two U's to represent the labial–velar approximant sound of Old High German and Old English evolved in the early modern period and eventually became the modern letter W.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The addition of the two Latin letters Y to represent the Greek letter upsilon (Y) and Z to represent the Greek letter zeta (Ζ) expanded the Latin alphabet to 23 letters.
  9. The French lower case letter ÿ is found in the Commandes C1 et supplément Latin-1 Unicode block[6] while the French upper case letter Ÿ is found in the Latin étendu A Unicode block.[4]
  10. Roman numerals were used during the Roman classical period and throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. The Western Church avoided the use of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system believing them to be a polytheistic and Islamic influence.
  11. The number zero (0) cannot be represented in Roman numerals. The Hindu–Arabic numeral system with the numeral 0 was popularized in Europe with Liber Abaci by Leonardo de Pisa (Fibonacci) published posthumously in 1202.
  12. Modern Latin uses a subset of punctuation marks and symbols borrowed from modern languages.


  1. "C0 Controls and Basic Latin" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0. Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.
  2. "Commandes C0 et latin de bas" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0 (in French). Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 "C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0. Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Latin étendu A" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0 (in French). Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)
  5. "Latin Extended Additional" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0. Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.
  6. "Commandes C1 et supplément Latin-1" (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0 (in French). Unicode, Inc. 2022. Retrieved March 22, 2023.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)

External links[edit]

This article "List of Basic Latin characters" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.