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The Next Master

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According to the Aetherius Society the Next Master is the anticipated arrival of a 'Great Cosmic Being' to this Earth based on a prophecy by an alleged Lord of Karma to George King (Aetherius Society) in 1958.


The Aetherian's believe that George King was commissioned by the 'Cosmic Beings' to act as their 'Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel' on May 8, 1954, following an event they commonly describe as 'The Command'.[1] This supernormal occurrence was described by George King as a mental contact telling him quite firmly to 'Prepare himself' as the voice for 'Interplanetary Parliament'.[2] Shortly thereafter George King, together with a close band of helpers, founded the Aetherius Society as a not-for-profit metaphysical organisation through which various alleged 'Mental Transmissions' and 'Cosmic Missions' could be performed for the benefit of mankind and the world, as a whole. One of the these Missions called Operation Starlight involved George King physically visiting 18 of the 19 'Holy Mountains' around the world to be charged by the 'Space People' as 'New Age power centres'. In each case, bar one, George King was allegedly used as a 'Karmic Anchor' for the 'spiritual energies' that were transferred into these mountains by the purported 'Cosmic Masters'. Shortly after the alleged charging of the second 'Holy Mountain', Brown Willy, a hill in Cornwall, Great Britain, on November 23, 1958, George King was asked by 'Cosmic Sources' to stand upon a certain spot on the summit where the 'Lord's Declaration' was given.

The Prophecy - The Lord's Declaration[edit]

Delivered to George King according to the Aetherius Society on November 23, 1958:

'There will shortly come Another among you.

He will stand tall among men with a shining countenance. This One will be attired in a single garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped, yet not made of the skin of animals.

He will approach the Earth leaders. They will ask of Him, His credentials. He will produce these.

His magic will be greater than any upon Earth - greater than the combined materialistic might of all the armies. And they who heed not His words, shall be removed from the Earth.

This Rock is now Holy - and will remain so for as long as the World exists.

Go ye forth and spread My Word throughout the World, so that all men of pure heart may prepare for His coming. [3]

Aetherius Society's belief[edit]

The 'Cosmic Masters'[edit]

According to George King and adherents of the Aetherius Society this planet has been visited many times by 'advanced beings' from other planets in order to spiritualise this Earth as far as they are 'karmically allowed' and to teach mankind the essential Truths of life.[4][5][6] While George King never claimed to be the only person to have been contacted by 'advanced extraterrestrials' he did nevertheless claim to have been the most important contactee having been 'chosen' as the main mental channel for the 'Cosmic Masters'. Since 1954 George King claimed to have received over 600 Mental Transmissions from the 'Cosmic Intelligences' on a wide variety of subjects including the dangers of atomic experimentation and the importance of using 'spiritual energy' for the benefit of others. Because of this the Aetherius Society has often been portrayed in the media as a UFO Religion or cult.[7][8]

While the Aetherius Society acknowledge their belief that some UFO sightings are actually space craft from other planets visiting this Earth they make the even bolder claim that such 'Beings' have even walked amongst mankind, as terrestrials, throughout history through a special 'introduction' which George King describes in his lecture entitled, The Four Aspects of Creation.[9] Amongst the alleged Avatars to have come to Earth from the 'higher spiritual planets' are the Master Jesus, Adi Shankaracharya, Patanjali, Lao Tzu and the Lord Buddha. The Society believe that the 'Cosmic Masters' are so spiritually advanced that they have to be extremely careful in how they contact people on Earth, and even more so in terms of walking amongst mankind, due to their 'heightened vibrations'. In George King's lectures he has stated that the 'Cosmic Masters' understand the essential needs of mankind in such a way that their every move is intimately connected with the 'Divine Will' of even greater beings then themselves. These beings visualise the Earth as inhabited by a race of people in need of guidance and support so that they can stand on their own-two-feet in order realise their great potential. To operate outside of this would be to work outside of the 'Cosmic Plan' for Earth and its evolution back to source from which it came.[10][11][12]

The Next Master[edit]

According to the Aetherius Society the next Master describes a great 'Cosmic Being' from another planet who will land in a space craft in such a way that the whole world will know of 'His coming'.[13] Unlike the previous 'Cosmic Beings' this individual will not be born into the terrestrial life cycle but will come to Earth as an adult ('He will stand tall among men') and with all the powers ('They will ask of Him, His credentials. He will produce these'). By contrast, Masters like Jesus, Shankara, Patanjali and others, according to the Aetherian belief, were only a small part of the greater Cosmic Intelligence that functioned through a terrestrial body under tremendous limitations as a result of the negative karmic pattern of mankind. The 'Next Master' will according to the Society come to Earth at the correct time and place as determined by the karmic balance of Earth as a whole. A deep reading of the mystic texts contained within their publications entitled: Cosmic Voice would suggest that the 'Next Avatar' is already here but has not 'openly declared Himsef to the World, as a whole, just yet' (See The Sorter is Here! Cosmic Voice, 1961, Issue No 25).[14] Regarding the purported arrival of the 'next Avatar' the Society maintain the old Buddhist proverb, When the student is ready, the teacher will appear as containing a deep occult Truth connected to the discovery of a new planet in the Solar System to which those 'not ready' for the New Age will go through reincarnation following the 'great sorting' by a 'Cosmic Master'. According to George King this planet is, ...In the Solar System in one way and just outside of it in another, in as much as it is outside the Sun.[15]

Look for a Star[edit]

Several months prior to the 'Lord's Declaration' another prophecy was allegedly received by George King in the form of a Mental Transmission' by the 'Master Aetherius' after whom the Society was named. This alleged prophecy was published in the Aetherius Society journal called 'Cosmic Voice' and spoke about a mysterious 'star' that will be seen during the 'last days of the old order'. This information was allegedly received by George King while he was in a 'self-precipitated yogic trance' on May 14, 1958:

'It is vitally important that all groups become as active as possible at this time, so that the whole of Terra may be helped a great deal. In fact, I will say this, that those groups who do become active for the Planet as a whole will receive knowledge, wisdom, inspiration from all sources. Those groups who are mostly concerned with their own petty organizations, will not receive this inspiration from any source save their own basic sources. That is definite!'

'A great move is on foot to release as much Light as possible into Terra during these dark days, so that Terra may be prepared to take the 'test of fire' - as it has been referred to - when it comes.'

'The Aetherius Society will have quite a job to do. One job it will have to do is to inform other groups of their responsibility to Terra as a whole. Yes, it is so! It is so! '

'Now, I would like to say this. You should look for a Star, which will shine in the East, and it will be very bright. It will glow with blues and golden colours. When you see this, you should all meet in silence, looking not through your two eyes, but through your one Eye and then Power will be given to you.' [16]

Comparison with other prophecies[edit]

The coming to Earth of a Great Spiritual Being, and a mysterious 'Star' during the 'final days', has been the subject of many religious and mystical schools of thought for many centuries. The Aetherius Society describes 'these days' as the most significant times in our total history upon Earth....a time in which our future existence will be determined by our correct actions today![17] It emphasises the 'age old prophecies' as a time of tremendous opportunity for mankind and the world in contradistinction to simply waiting for the much foretold disasters to happen![18]

According to the Aetherius Society the 'Great Change' is already happening and the Next Avatar is already here although he has not openly declared Himself to the World at large.

'The sorter is here amongst you. He looketh not at you, but into you and He picketh the kernel of you and He bloweth away the chaff and He knoweth this. You cannot fool a Cosmic Master, you know. You are now, my friends, virtually being weighed in the scales of karma.' (The Master Aetherius, 1961) [19]


In the Book of Revelations there is reference to a mysterious 'star': 'And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon a third of the rivers, and upon the springs of water; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and a third of the waters became Bitter; and many people had died of the waters, because they were made bitter.' (Revelation 8:10, 11 - KJV).

The Biblical reference to the 'One like the Son of Man' [20] appears to represent a great spiritual personage of the same likeness as the 'Lord Jesus'. According to Revelations 1:7 it says: Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be![21]

According to Matthew 24:27 it states: For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man [22] suggesting that the 'Second Coming' will be a significant global event for mankind.


The long prophecised 'Coming' of Avatar Lord Kalki is mentioned throughout many Hindu works. Reference to Lord Kalki can be found in the Vishnu Purana,[23] Kalki Purana,[24] the Agni Purana, the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam,[25] Vayu Purana, Matsya Purana, Shanti Parva section of the Mahabharata, Vayu Purana, Brahma Purana and the Skanda Purana.[26]

In the Gita Govinda composed by the 12th-century Indian poet Jayadeva he states, O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Kalki! All glories to you! You appear like a comet and carry a terrifying sword for bringing about the annihilation of the wicked barbarian men at the end of the Kali-yuga. (Sri Dasavatara-Strotra, 10th Sloka)[27]


The Native American Hopi tribe contain similar prophecies about the end days with a 'star' crashing to Earth and causing widespread destruction followed by the arrival of an 'Elder Brother' called Pahana. This long awaited Pahana is also expected to come from the East like the Aetherian 'Star'. The Hopi 'Star' is described as 'blue' and follows similar wide ranging results as the Biblical Wormwood.[28]


According to the Ancient Mesoamerican Long Count calendar the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012, marks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle or b'ak'tun which has caused may in the New Age movement to speculate a time of significant change for the world. According to the Aetherius Society this 'change' is already happening and cite July 8, 1964 as the most significant date in their calaendar. According to the Aetherius Society the Earth, as an entity, received Her most important Initiation to date commonly referred to by them as the 'Primary Initiation of Earth'.[29][30] To coincide with the 2012 phenomenon the society has initiated a series of lectures entitled: The Great Change – Revelations by the Gods from Space in which they describe the changes which they allege are now happening and can expect to see happening in the future using the 'Cosmic Wisdom' received through their late Founder/President George King.[31] These 'changes' are an essential part of the 'Cosmic Plan' and will greatly benefit the Earth, as an entity, as well as prepare mankind for the coming of the 'Next Master'.

Mother Shipton[edit]

Mother Shipton an English Prophetess of the 15 and 16th centuries describes a somewhat similar apocalyptic scene with a comet-like object coming to Earth and causing tremendous upheveals.

A fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before the earth shall die. Mankind will tremble and frightened be, for the six heralds in this prophecy.

For seven days and seven nights man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken, To bite away the shores and then, the mountains will begin to roar and earthquakes split the plain to shore.

This is followed by the arrival of extraterrestrials or angelic Beings coming to Earth to teach mankind.[32][33]

And before the race is built anew, a silver serpent comes to view, and spew out men of like unknown, to mingle with the earth now grown. Cold from its heat and these men can, enlighten the minds of future man, to intermingle and show them how to live and love and thus endow, the children with the second sight, a natural thing so that they might, grow graceful, humble and when they do, the golden age will start anew.


Alice Bailey[edit]

More in-line with the Aetherius Teachings are the works of the Alice Bailey in which she describes the 'Period of Transition' in her work entitled, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (1957)[34] in which she describes the conditions under which the 'Next Master' would come to Earth.

'Every possible step has been taken by the hierarchy to enable the Avatar, the Coming One, to appear.' (p. 308)

'The Avatar is sensed as being on His way. The Second Coming (according to prophecy) is imminent..... ' but, Alice continues in soft rebuke, 'Demand without paralleling Action is useless, just as faith without works is dead. It is here that there is a break in the magnetic link which should unite the Avatar with the demand for His coming forth.' (p. 296)

These sentiments of Alice Bailey are likewise echoed throughout Aetherius Society literature in which they describe how the New Age would be built by those willing to sacrifice sufficient energy and time in real lasting Service.[35][36][37]

Like the Aetherius Society Alice Bailey makes no pronouncement as to the time, place or identity of the next Avatar except to state that He will come at the right time and manner of His choosing. Alice Bailey also makes a similarly veiled comment that people will be able to see 'His Star shine forth' in reference to Him as an Initiator.[38] In her work entitled A Treatise on Cosmic Fire she states that, 'For a brief period He will shine forth radiant as the Sun in His glory.'(p372)

White Eagle Lodge[edit]

Founded on 22 February 1936, by Grace and Ivan Cooke, The White Eagle Lodge is an international spiritual organisation which derives it's teachings from the alleged 'spirit guide' White Eagle, through the trance mediumship of Grace Cooke.[39] The organisations publications make numerous references to the coming to Earth of a great 'Master' at the dawn of the much foretold New Age..[40][41][42][43]

According to White Eagle:

Christ will manifest to the men and women of Earth in a vehicle (Body) like their own, only of a very pure and fine vibration. Preparations are going forward, and before the Christ comes in all glory there will already be established on Earth a universal brotherhood of the spirit. And you will see Initiates, Masters, permanently established on Earth; you will see them directing and controlling the affairs of the world. With this coming there will be a manifestation of many of the Masters, those illumined souls who belong to the ancient and secret brotherhood at work...for the emancipation and enlightenment of humanity. These will come forth and mingle with humanity, and many will recognise them.[44]

See also[edit]


  1. Society, Aetherius. "Biography of Dr George King". Website. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
  2. Society, Aetherius. "Dr George King's initial contact in May 1954". video-sharing website. Youtube. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
  3. Society, Aetherius. "The Next Master". Website. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
  4. Society, Aetherius. "Introduction to The Aetherius Society". Website. Retrieved 13 May 2012.
  5. Society, Aetherius. "Why are They Visiting Us Now?". Website. Retrieved 13 May 2012.
  6. Society, Aetherius. "Magnetization Periods A Source of Spiritual Energy". Website. Retrieved 13 May 2012.
  7. "Aetherius Society - World's oldest UFO Religion". website blog. Retrieved 26 April 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  8. "UFO Cults - Aetherius Society". Website. Retrieved 26 April 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  9. Society, Aetherius. "The Four Aspects of Creation". Audio-lecture. Aetherius Society. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
  10. King, George. "The Cosmic Plan - Parts 1 & 2". Audio Lecture. Aetherius Society. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
  11. Society, Aetherius. "Who are the Cosmic Masters". Website. Retrieved 26 April 2012.
  12. Society, Aetherius. "Why Don't the Flying Saucers Land Openly". Website. Retrieved 26 April 2012.
  13. It is the duty of every Initiate, who is worthy of the title, to help push this wedge of Light into the darkness of your man-imposed ignorance, to prepare the way for the Coming of another Great Avatar, so that He may have the whole world as His platform. The Master Aetherius p.11., Cosmic Voice, Volume No.1, 1957
  14. King, George (1961). The Sorter is Here!. Aetherius Society. pp. 3–8. Search this book on
  15. Gibson, Steve. "The search for the New Planet". Website. Retrieved 21 May 2012.
  16. Voice, Cosmic. "Look for a Star" (PDF). Journal (Online). unknown. Retrieved 30 April 2012.
  17. King, George (1961). Action is Essential. Aetherius Society. pp. 3–4. Search this book on
  18. Society, Aetherius. "The Great Change - Reveations from the God's from Space". Website. Retrieved 21 May 2012.
  19. King, George (1961). The Sorter is Here!. Aetherius Society. Search this book on
  20. "Revelation 1:13". Website. Retrieved 1 May 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  21. "Revelation1:7". website. Retrieved 15 May 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  22. "Matthew 24:27". The Bible. Retrieved 16 May 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  23. Nath Dutt, Manmath (1896). Vishnu Purana - English Translation. Elysium Press. pp. 174–464. Search this book on
  24. Chaturvedi, B. K. (2006). Kalaki Purana. Diamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd. pp. 1–86. ISBN 81-288-0588-6. Search this book on
  25. "Srimad Bhagavatam". Website. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  26. Chandra, Suresh (1998). Encyclopaedia of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Sarup & Sons. pp. 256–257. ISBN 81-7625-039-2. Search this book on
  27. Goswami, Jayadeva. "Sri Dasavatara-strotra". Sanskrit Text. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  28. "Hopi Prophecies". Website. crawford2000. Retrieved 1 May 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  29. Society, Aetherius. "The Primary Initiation of Earth". Website. Retrieved 16 May 2012.
  30. Society, Aetherius. "The Commemorations of the Aetherius Society 2010 – America" (PDF). pdf. Retrieved 16 May 2012.
  31. Society, Aetherius. "The Great Change Revelation by the Gods from Space". Website. Retrieved 16 May 2012.
  32. "Mother Shipton the Yorkshire Sibyl". website. Retrieved 1 May 2012.
  33. "The Prophecies of Mother Shipton". website. Retrieved 1 May 2012.
  34. Bailey, Alice (1957). The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Trust. pp. 1–701. ISBN -10: 0853300062 Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help). Search this book on
  35. Society, Aetherius. "Action is Essential". Audio Lecture. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  36. Society, Aetherius. "Become More Useful Humans". Audio Lecture. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  37. Society, Aetherius. "The New World - A Message to America". Audio Lecture. Retrieved 15 May 2012.
  38. Bailey, Alice (1957). Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Trust. p. 354. ISBN -10: 0853300062 Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help). Search this book on
  39. "The History of the Lodge". Website. Retrieved 27 June 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  40. "Spiritual Unfoldment 4". Book. Retrieved 27 June 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  41. Eagle, White. "The Book of Starlight". Book. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  42. Eagle, White. "Spiritual Unfoldment 2". Book. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  43. Eagle, White. "Treasures of the Master Within". Book. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  44. Eagle, White (2001). The Light Bringer - The Ray of John and the New Age. The White Eagle Publishing Trust. p. 37. ISBN 0-85487-116-0. Search this book on

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