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Aetherius Society

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Aetherius Society
Motto'Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment'
TypeSpiritual organisation
HeadquartersLos Angeles, California and London, England
circa 650[1]
George King (1919-1997)

The Aetherius Society was founded by George King (1919–1997), an English-born Master of Yoga, or Yogi, occultist, alleged spiritual healer and UFO Contactee. The society was first established in London in 1955, and later becoming incorporated in America as a not-for-profit organisation in 1960. Its guiding principle is 'Service to Humanity'. Its teachings combine the ancient spiritual teachings of yoga, with others received through the yogic mediumship of King in the channelling of so-called advanced extraterrestrial beings.[2] It has been described by some as a UFO religion.[3][4][5]

According to King, the Aetherius Society got its name from 'The Master Aetherius', the same Intelligence who gave him 'The Command' to prepare himself as a channel for 'Interplanetary Parliament.' The name 'Aetherius' is a pseudonym and was derived from the Latin word aether (ether), which in turn came from the Greek aither.[6] One might translate 'Aetherius' to mean 'Pertaining to the Ether.'[7][8]

Founding: The Aetherius Society's view[edit]

'The Command'[edit]

Prior to purportedly receiving his first known contact with 'Space People', George King had a varied career. During the war he had served with distinction in the National Fire Service. After the war, with an earnest desire to understand the real causes of man's suffering and answers to life's great problems, King is said to have devoted himself to the practice of various forms of Yoga, including Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. He is said to have practised this for eight to tens hours per day for around ten years, and is said to have culminated in the attainment of 'Samadhi' or Enlightenment.[9][10]

On 8 May 1954 George King, then in London, England, is said to have had his initial contact with a 'Cosmic Intelligence', referred to under the pseudonym Aetherius. King later described 'Him' as being a 'Cosmic Master' who had taken upon himself the role of helping lesser evolved worlds, such as Earth, as far as karma will allow.[11] This contact referred to as 'The Command' is described as having taken the form of a loud and apparently physical voice, which said simply, "Prepare Yourself! You are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament."

Contact with an Eastern Yogi master[edit]

King maintained he was contacted 8 days later, by a well known, though unnamed, Indian master while he was attempting to enter a state of deep meditation in order to discover the truth about this mysterious 'Space Contact.'[12] King claimed that the yogi entered by walking straight through a locked door and proceeded to dispel any lingering doubts he harboured about his unworthiness to become a channel, or voice, for higher intelligences. King claimed that the being initiated him into a yogic exercise, the careful practice of which brings about Astral Travel and ability to travel from the physical body in such a way that full memories of all the experiences gained are retained by the traveller. He stated that a group of willing helpers would be brought into his orbit and that he would receive a letter from a school of yoga in London which he should attend for some months and diligently practise the exercises he learned there.

King said the letter arrived as predicted and he spent hours practising the exercises and pranayama, and as a result was able to 'tune in' and telepathically receive the kind of extraterrestrial communications the society calls "Cosmic Transmissions." These are believed to come from an extraterrestrial intelligence code-named Aetherius, as well as other advanced intelligences from within this solar system.

Following 'The Command' King left his former life behind him and claimed that the various communicators began using him as a channel for "Transmissions", often in public, in the Caxton Hall, London. Because of the sensitivity of the trance condition employed, King said that this condition was a very dangerous one.

Founding of The Aetherius Society in London 1955[edit]

George King founded the Aetherius Society in London on August 1955 as a Metaphysical Organisation, claiming it to be upon the directions of 'Intelligences' from other planets, together with instructions from The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, also referred to as The Great White Brotherhood.[13] During this period King lectured extensively and brought together a group of like-minded individuals wanting to dedicating themselves to the Service of Humanity. He says he received numerous 'Transmissions' from various 'Cosmic Intelligences' which became recorded for future posterity in a bi-monthly magazine called "Cosmic Voice."

Incorporated in America 1960[edit]

Instructed by 'Cosmic Intelligences' to present himself in America, King came to the United States in June 1960. It soon became incorporated as a non-profit metaphysical, education and spiritual organisation in November 1960.


When George King was alive he was the President of the Aetherius Society with an International Board of Directors who were happy to defer to his wisdom in their belief that he was 'Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel' for advanced intelligences, as well as a Master of Yoga in his own right. After his demise in 1997 there was no one to replace him as President, but he took great care in setting up a democratically based administration of the Society so that it could be run as efficiently and as fairly as possible into the future. The structure that he devised is basically divided into three sections:

1) The International Directors - The legal and administrative arm of the Aetherius Society

2) The Senior Engineering Officers - Who oversee the Missions performed by The Aetherius Society

3) The Ecclesiastical Synod - consisting of Bishops and Priests who oversee the religious section such as ordinations, services, pilgrimages and other Initiations.[14][15]

The Society has headquarters in Hollywood, California, which is the administration centre for America and Australasia, and Fulham Road, London, England, which deals with affairs for the rest of the world. The Society has Branches around the world, as well as smaller official Groups (or Twelve Blessings Groups, which meet for the purpose of holding services together).[16]

The group's tax exempt status was recognized by the US in 1960. This was three decades before the recognition of the Church of Scientology and a decade before Raëlism existed. In the UK the Society is an unincorporated association.[citation needed]


The society's membership, although international in composition, is not very large, consisting of approximately 650 members as of 1993.[1]

Associate membership[edit]

Associate Members are required to observe 8 July as The Primary Initiation of Earth Commemoration which is held annually, as this is considered their most holiest day in their calendar. As well as this they are expected to take part in certain other activities such as 'The Twelve Blessings Service' and others. Associate members cannot earn Certificates of Merit.

Full membership[edit]

Full members observe the July 8 celebration of 'The Primary Initiation of Earth,' as well as 13 other official Commemorations, observed by The Aetherius Society. Full members help the Aetherius Society through regular attendance at lectures, seminars, classes, workshops, Special Power Circles, Twelve Blessings Circles and Divine Services. Full Members are also eligible to receive certificates of merit for the hard work they have performed for their chosen spiritual order.


After three years as a Full Member and at least two certificates of merit a member is then able to apply for the Temple Order Examination in order to assess the applicants familiarity and comprehension of The Aetherius Society Teachings. After a successful pass in this examination the Full Member is then Initiated into the Temple Order as a Member-Initiate.[17]

Basic beliefs[edit]

The following is a list of core beliefs, drawn from the society's publications, talks, lectures and books:[18][19][20]

Service to others[edit]

Service to mankind, as well as to other forms of life, constitute 'The Most Important Yoga in these days' and 'The Greatest Religion'. The focus is on the actions towards other people, not what they declare to do for themselves. This principle underpins most of the society's activities, which are designed to 'radiate spiritual energy to the world' in order to have a beneficial effect. The society's motto, "Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment" reflects this importance.[21]

The earth visited by cosmic avatars[edit]

According to The Aetherius Society Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Patanjali, and Sri Adi Shankaracharya are amongst some of the great Cosmic Avatars that have come to Earth from other planets in this Solar System. These Great Beings taught mankind the great laws according to their ability at the time to understand and use them.[22]

The existence of God[edit]

God is referred to as being, 'All in All, and All in All That'. In this sense it might be regarded as a Panentheistic belief system, in which God exists within Creation, as well as Beyond it. The highest aspect of God is referred to by them, as 'The Absolute', although the Aetherius Society acknowledges the fact that other Beings exist within Creation that are so evolved in comparison with man upon Earth, that they are sometimes referred to as 'Gods' to make this distinction.[23][24] The 'Cosmic Masters' purportedly gave a series of 'Transmissions' in which they state that the scribes of the Bible actually regarded the Sun as God and that long before this the ancients worshipped the Sun as a God because they realised, in their own limited way, that this was the nearest thing to God in the Solar System.[25]

The importance of cooperation[edit]

The Aetherius Society actively promotes the concept of co-operation as a fundamental principle to spiritual evolution. They state that many of the world's problems are the result of a distorted world-view that actively engages in competition based on the 'survival of the fittest'.[26] For humanity to achieve a long-term sustainable future it will have to incorporate what they call 'The Cosmic Concept' into its educational and socio-economic system so that the self-imposed limitations incurred through competition cannot continue it's vicious circle.[27] Central to this 'Cosmic Concept' is the principle of co-operation which they state has already become a living practice on the more evolved planets within this Solar System and beyond.[28] Their metaphysical treatise entitled, 'The Nine Freedoms' describes how even the planets, stars and galaxies themselves are living, breathing, meditating Cosmic Beings that have reached their highly elevated status by amalgamating with other 'lifestreams' in a supreme act of co-operation way above anything with which we are familiar with on Earth.[29][30][31] George King often spoke about the need for mankind to correctly understand and use the power of Love, as an energy, in co-operation with the natural laws which govern creation. He stated that this energy was all-pervasive and contactable by anyone regardless of one's race, culture or belief system and that there was no problem on Earth that could not eventually be solved by tapping into this greatest of all natural resources,'unless we're talking about the Spirit or Spark of God, Itself.'[32] In order to cement this idea of Co-operation and Selfless Service through Love the Aetherius Society purportedly promotes it's 'Cosmic Missions' as a strategic tool for world salavation by understanding and co-operating with the laws as laid down by the 'Cosmic Masters'.[33]

Karma and reincarnation[edit]

Karma is one of the great all-pervasive laws of nature. By understanding and co-operating with these very simple natural laws we can open the path to betterment between ourselves and the world. Life is a continual progression towards perfection, in one form or another. It requires many experiences, many lives, and many 'classrooms' to return to God experienced enough with cosmic self-consciousness. Reincarnation allows people on Earth to receive a deeper understanding of existence through each consecutive body, culture, and gender that are experienced in the cycle of incarnation.[34][35][36]

Extraterrestrial intelligences exist[edit]

Not only does The Aetherius Society believe that advanced forms of life exist beyond this Earth, but they also believe that even the other planets within our Solar System are inhabited too. These Beings sometimes travel to Earth in what we commonly call 'Flying Saucers' or 'UFO's'.[37][38] The Society claims that the 'Space Beings' have contacted the leading Governments of the world in many ways but a rather sinister group of individuals called 'The Silence Group' (a pseudonym coined by UFO researcher Major Donald E Keyhoe) have been deliberately suppressing this information so as to keep people uninformed, or misinformed, as to their true nature.[39][40][41] George King states that this suppression was particularly strong in the late 50's and early 60's at the time when DA-Notice's were issued to the press regarding authentic sightings and contacts with Space Beings or their craft.[42][43] Their website lists and applauds a number of astronauts and governments officials for their controversial experiences and comments on the UFO phenomena.[44][45] The Aetherius Society is rather unique in world of Ufology in that it's late founder\president claimed the title of 'Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel' given to him by the 'Cosmic Masters' and published a number of works based on his alleged 'Mental Transmissions' about life on the 'higher planets' and their reasons for visiting Earth in this 'capacity'.[46][47][48][49][50][51]

We all have a spark of the divine within us[edit]

Divinity is our heritage. The 'Cosmic Masters' have reiterated the importance of living, and co-operating, with the laws of nature in such a way that this divine birthright might take root within us and bear fruit. In this way we might transmute the delusion of separation which binds us all, and learn to live in the light of spiritual co-operation.[52]

The Earth is a cosmic goddess[edit]

The Aetherius Society regard the Earth as an extremley 'advanced spiritual Being' in Her own right. They state that such a Being is the result of numerous 'lifestreams coming together' in order to be of Service to other lesser evolved lifeforms as a supreme act of selflessness and realisation gained through countless experiences throughout the Universe as dictated by 'karmic pressures'.[53][54] The Aetherian's commonly refer to the 'intelligences' which constitute the essential lifeforce of this planet as the Logos while the 'Cosmic Masters' refer to the Earth, in 'Her' entirety, as 'Terra'. George King and the 'Cosmic Masters' often displayed their concern over mankind's misuse of the planets resources and pollution and while acknowledging the great Service being performed by the Ecology movement George King nevertheless argued that such measures were not, for the most part, getting to the real crux of the problem due to their lack of knowledge in 'applied geo-metaphysics' and their appreciation of 'Terra' as a real, living, breathing entity upon which we live.[55] It was in part to the perceived ignorance of mankind that George king formulated several 'Cosmic Missions' including;

  1. Operation Sunbeam
  2. : (A Mission designed, according to King, to use spiritual energies originally given to mankind by the Cosmic Masters to the Mother Earth Herself as a 'karmic manipulation')
  1. Operation Earthlight
  2. : (Designed, again according to King, to transfer energies from the Psychic Centers of Earth to the 'Higher Devic Kingdom' so that the release of energies following the Earth's Primary Initiation might avoid an ecological catastrophe), and
  1. Operation Space Magic
  2. : (Allegedly designed to use spiritual energies from other planetary sources within this Solar System in 'Special Power manipulations' for All terrestrial life, including Operation Sunbeam).

Yoga and meditation[edit]

These are considered wonderful practices for spiritual development. The society deems George King to be a "Master of Yoga", a very advanced and rare stage of attainment that he gained through bringing about cognizant command of kundalini, the primordial life force. In common with traditional yogic teaching, Aetherians deem meditation, or Samadhi, to be an existential status of Adeptship "when the soul is bathed in the Light of pure Spirit and one becomes a knower of truth." Mantras are also frequently repeated during services of the group.

Radionic pendulum[edit]

The society offers for sale a device they call a "radionic pendulum".[56] The society claims the pendulum was designed by King and he was "a world renowned expert in the field of radionics".[57] The society does not document how King came to be an expert in radionics. King explains how the devices works in an 82 minute audio lecture.

The society's official page on the pendulum does not make it clear what the device is used for other than using it to aid in getting yes/no answers. In 2010 the society published a flyer for the Mind, Body & Spirit festival in London[58] that made claims that the pendulum was for use in:

  1. Heath diagnosis
  2. Finding allergies
  3. Selecting remedies and dosages
  4. Dietary requirements
  5. Developing intuition

A November 27, 2011 London meetup event listing[59] offers a photograph that suggests how the device might be used to "Choose vitamin and mineral supplements". The New Zealand branch has a workshop on its use.[60] They suggest the pendulum is a "great tool for health diagnosis". The society likens its operation to dowsing rods.

The American Cancer Society notes radionics is an older term for what is known now as "Electromagnetic Therapy" however the Aetherius Society departs from this misnomer to describe Radionic's as primarily using 'Subtle Energies' or 'Spiritual Energies' in order to bring about certain results.[61] The society describe how the 'science' of radionics and shapepower were incorporated into the Great Pyramids thousands of years ago and has reached a quantum leap in recent times through the equipment used in the 'Cosmic Missions' where 'spiritual energy' is collected, stored and radiated to various destinations for world upliftment and healing.[62][63] In contradistinction to the "Electromagnetic Therapy" devices the Aetherius Society explains exactly how the radionic pendulum works in several of their publications and lectures. The lectures delves into the dynamics of how the human nervous system can utilise certain materials to enhance, or impede, the flow of 'subtle forces' as part of one's psychic development.[64] Further information on the use of materials to aid or restrict the flow of subtle energies are spoken about by George King in another Lecture entitled: Psychometry - The Divination through Objects.[65]

The Aetherius Society and Theosophy[edit]


The society's beliefs uphold the basic premise that enlightenment must come from both external and internal sources through the simple realisation that God is All. Their mystic treatise, The Nine Freedoms, describes Enlighenment as 'Freedom from Ignorance' and not the result of the 'complications devised by terrestrial man'.[66][67][68] Aetherian Theosophy is a dynamic process of exploring Truth through personal experience, studying the 'messages' of the 'Cosmic Masters', selfless service and spiritual practices. While it describes Enlightenment as a major goal for all mankind the 'Cosmic Masters' describe Enlightenment itself as a small step towards total Freedom. By contrast, Freewill is regarded by them as the exact polar-opposite of Freedom. They state that Freewill is an illusion based on our own Ignorance and that the only true path to the 'All-knowledge Space Within' is by understanding and co-operating with the Great Natural Laws so that Freedom becomes an integral part of man's experience. Central to the Society's 'theosophical' teachings is the concept of using one's knowledge to rise above the delusion of separation by actually living the Principles of Love, Service and Wisdom. In this way mankind predetermines his path back to the Divine Essence and the basic experiences of suffering, ill-health, disease and ignorance no longer become a necessary prerequisite to man's spiritual journey.[69]

Comparative Theosophy[edit]

The teachings of the Aetherius Society could be classed as a modern variation of the theosophical movement with a modern emphasis on 'Cosmic Wisdom'. While several theosophists like Madame Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey were purported to have received their inspiration and knowledge from 'higher evolved souls' the main bulk of the Aetherius Society's teachings come from 'Cosmic Masters' who are allegedly far more evolved than any 'Terrestrial Earth Master'. The 'Cosmic Wisdom' element in the Aetherius Society teachings are extremely important to them as constituting the 'most important teachings yet given to mankind'.[70] Their late founder/president George King makes it very clear in his publications and lectures that while the Society's teachings are extremely important to mankind it's Service which counts above all things.[71][72]

In the publication Operation Sunbeam - God's Magic in Action George King remarks:

'You see, if someone is ill, I can sit and philosophize all night with that person and not do them much good, but if I walk up to them, charge myself with Universal Life energy and hold my hand on them, I may Heal them. These are very practical times. They are not the times for the theorist, they are the times for the ‘actionist’. They are the times when you must keep your two feet firmly planted on Earth and go out into the world and work your active Miracles.[73]

This emphasis on the superior value of 'Direct Action' based on Selfless Service over the 'In-direct Action' based on Selfish pursuits is epitomised in their 'cosmic Missions' where the 'kindergarten of theory is supeceeded by the senior school of applied metaphysics'.[74] Reminiscent of Clarke's 3rd Law the Society claims that such miracles have been proved to anyone willing to spend sufficient energy in studying the Aetherius Society and the 'psychic sciences' for themselves. (See: Clarke's three laws) Through the 'radionic equipment' used in their 'Cosmic Missions' the society claim to have produced modern miracles that have gone, for the most part, unnoticed by mankind in general.[75][76]

The major divergence from Theosophical and other spiritual teachings is the emphasis on the already mentioned extraterrestrial concerns, including: Earth's involvement with UFO sightings, why alien life is involved with our planet at this moment, and existence of life-forms in our Solar System (especially nearby planets).[77]

The Society's anti-nuclear 'campaigns'[edit]

In many of the early 'Mental Transmissions' through George King, the 'Cosmic Masters' forewarned mankind against the use of atomic experimentation even for so-called peaceful purposes due to the motives of our military and governments. On August 25, 1956 the 'Cosmic Master Aetherius' after whom the Society was named, purportedly delivered an urgent appeal for scientists to stop 'combining certain elements' in the secret underground laboratories in America and Russia. Such experimentation they said could potentially destroy this planet, even as the asteroid belt, which was once a living world teeming with life was destructed by 'black magicians' some eighteen and a half million years ago.[78]

The Aetherius Society delivered recordings of a series of 'Transmissions' by the Cosmic Masters warning mankind about the dangers of future atomic experimentation to Buckingham Palace. The Empire News - December 23, 1956. Peter Nelson's Column 'Space Talk' records:

Among all the odd and unexpected gifts received at Buckingham Palace is an offering from the Flying Saucer devotees. Mr George King, Founder of the Aetherius Society (which studies saucer phenomena and communications from outer space) has delivered for the attention of the Queen a tape recording which warns about possible effects of future atomic explosions and predicts more saucer activty next year than ever before.[79]

Kyshtym Disaster[edit]

(29 September 1957)

The society claims that several aspects of the soviet atomic accident known as the Kyshtym Disaster was reported to George King on April 18, 1958 by way of a 'Mental Transmission'. This was subsequently published in its journal, Cosmic Voice, in the same year.[80] The actual 'Transmission itself talks about the 'Atomic accident' that had just occurred in the USSR and how radioactive iodine, strontium 90, nitrogen and sodium had been released and how the authorities had not revealed just how many people had been killed at the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.[81] It wasn't until the exiled Soviet scientist Dr Zhores Medvedev give a public interview on the Kyshtym disaster to New Scientist in 1976, that the public became aware of the secrecy and world-wide suppression of the incident.[82] It wasn't until July 1989 that the Russian Government officially acknowledged the 1957 explosion after some 22 years after the event. These claims were later verified by local citizens, scientists, researchers and news media.[83][84][85][86][87]

During the 1960 U-2 incident at the height of the cold war a United States U-2 Spy plane was shotdown by the first of three Soviet surface-to-air missiles over Sverdlovsk, Ural region. It was later discovered that this had been a covert US surveillance aircraft assigned to carry out photographic mapping and atmospheric sampling of several military installations including Mayak where the Kyshtym disaster took place just 3 years earlier. One of the last targets the pilot Francis Gary Powers had overflown was the Chelyabinsk-65 (Kyshtym) plutonium production facility. That the US kept the mission secret and tried to convince the Russian's that it was simply a weather plane is well recorded. It wasn't until the Russian's produced evidence of the U-2 plane which they had captured and it's pilot that the US embarrassingly concede that it was indeed a spy plane. Francis Powers worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) although the public believed he was an employee of NASA to carry on high altitude atmospheric aerial reconnaissance.[88][89][90]

On May 5, 1960 the US State Department issued the following cover story regarding the unlawful incursion:

The Department has been informed by NASA that, as announced May 3, a U-2 weather research plane based at Adana, Turkey, piloted by a civilian, has been missing since May 1. During the flight of this plane, the pilot reported difficulty with his oxygen equipment. Mr. Khrushchev has announced that a U.S plane has been shot down over the U.S.S.R. on that date. It may be that this was the missing plane. It is entirely possible that, having a failure in the oxygen equipment which could result in , the pilot losing consciousness, the plane continued on automatic pilot for a considerable distance and accidentally violated Soviet airspace. The United States is taking this matter up with the Soviet Government, with particular reference to the fate of the pilot.[91] From such incidents it has been confirmed that the authorities had indeed been less than forthcoming regarding the Kyshtym disaster and their knowledge of the incident as had been previously reported to the media.

The New Scientist magazine, after receiving a claim about the transmission from the Aetherius Society, entered a two paragraph item under the title "Scooped by a UFO!".[92] The Aetherius Society views this article as a New Scientist admission King had scooped the magazine.[93] However, the "Scooped by a UFO!" passage is in a section with amusing and ironic news items. It's run along side an article about a psychiatrist who advised her patient to leave her husband and then the psychiatrist married the husband and an article about a dolphin embassy.

Windscale fire[edit]

(10 October 1957)

The Windscale fire, nicknamed the 'Windscale Blunder' by the Aetherius Society turned out to be the worst nuclear accident to occur in British history. Windscale (now called Sellafield) was a nuclear reprocessing facility on the remote coast of the then county of Cumberland (now part of Cumbria) in north-west England. It was on the 10th October 1957 that an accident caused 'Pile 1' which had been used to make weapons' grade Plutonium to catch fire leading to a significant release of radionuclides into the atmosphere. On October 15, 1957 the British government initiated an official inquiry into the causes of the fire and what measures might be taken to deal with it and its consequences. On 29 October 1957, George King claimed to have received an important 'transmission' from a Cosmic Being codenamed Mars Sector 8 in which he states that officials have been trying, once again, to conceal the real truth about the incident to the public. This was recorded and published in the journal Cosmic Voice (December/January 1957/1958 issue).[94] Amidst fears that the UK would reject the idea of nuclear energy the truth was kept secret by Harold Macmillan’s government to avoid ‘unnecessarily alarming’ the local population. Although the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) knew about the high radiation levels the local population was not evacuated according to the Bellona Report [95][96] (See: Bellona Foundation) 'The Penney Report' which was the result of the governments official inquiry into the accident in 1957 was released at the public record office in January 1988 and was described by several newspapers as 'revealing a conspiracy of silence'. The report did not reveal the widespread release of Polonium-210...indeed, no documents whatsoever mentioned this fact publically during the investigations for many years afterwards. Even the National Radiological Protection Board were not informed of this during their review of the Windscale Fire data in 1982.[97][98][99][100][101][102][103]

Chernobyl Disaster[edit]

(26 April 1986)

In 1986, King claimed to receive advanced notice of a disaster soon to come, around five hours prior to the Chernobyl disaster, from his 'extraterrestrial contacts'.[104] The society claims to have activated its 'Spiritual Energy Radiators' in order to distribute energy and alleviate this disaster.[105][106] Academics and scientists recently report how the incident has caused, or contributing, towards a legacy of birth defects, diseases and deaths known collectively as the Chernobyl disaster effects. According to the Manager of the World Health Organisation, Michael Repacholi, Ph.d., The health effects of the accident were potentially horrific, but...were not nearly as substantial as had first been feared.[107] Radioactive particles from the incident were detected on Swedish nuclear power workers on 27 April one day after the incident.[108]

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster[edit]

(11 March 2011)

The Aetherius Society claims that almost immediately following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami they sent some 500 hours of 'spiritual energy' from their 'Operation Prayer Power batteries' to the north-eastern part of Japan to support the disaster relief in that area. A further 115,500 hours of 'spiritual energy' was allegedly released up to the evening of 14 March 2011, to help the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster which soon followed. The Aetherius Society state that they have sent a total of some '550,000 prayer hours' towards the disaster in '187 separate operations' (As of April 6, 2011), although the situation is likely to cause many problems for many years to come.[109]

Aims and objectives[edit]

The spiritual aims and objectives of The Aetherius Society include:[110]

  • To spread the teachings of the "Cosmic Masters".
  • To give spiritual healing
  • To ready the arrival of 'The Next Master'.
  • To "tune in and radiate the Power transmitted during a 'Spiritual Push' by the "Third Satellite".
  • To form a brotherhood based on the "Teachings and Knowledge of the Cosmic Masters".


The Aetherius Society's principles are based on service to humanity and the Earth, through the "radiation of spiritual energies." George King believed that such energies could be manipulated using physical equipment, using the principles of Shape Power and radionics.[111][112][113][114]

Following his initial 'contact' in 1954, King designed many items of equipment for this purpose. Probably the best known of these is the 'Spiritual Energy Battery.' Its precise design and composition are not in the public domain. Its purpose is to hold a "charge of spiritual energy for an indefinite period." When connected to a 'Spiritual Energy Radiator' (again designed by King), it can be 'discharged.'[115][116]

Operation Sunbeam[edit]

This 'Cosmic Mission', purportedly devised by George King himself, began on 24 September 1966, was said to be a means whereby 'spiritual energies' held within 19 Mountains could be sent "to Mother Earth as a token repayment" for the "vast amount of energy mankind has taken from 'Her' over countless centuries". These 'Spiritual Energies', believed to be held in a state of potential within these Mountains, charged in another Mission called Operation Starlight, were intended to be used for mankind. By "redirecting these energies to the Earth as an entity", Aetherians claim this creates a very powerful "karmic manipulation". King invented 'radionic apparatus' so that these 'energies' from the 19 Mountains could be "collected, stored and radiated to the Earth Herself", as an Entity.[117]

In 1980-81 this 'Cosmic Mission' was, according to Aetherians, further enhanced by "six unique individuals" who are believed to have come from other planets in this Solar System, known simply as the "Six Adepts." These 'Cosmic Intelligences' performed a 'Cosmic Mission' called 'Operation Space Magic' in which they are believed to have placed 'modules' on the planets Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. As a result, Aetherians believe that 'spiritual energies' could then be 'radiated' from these planets through millions of miles of space to a space vessel called "Satellite A-1" placed in orbit of Earth. Operation Sunbeam is said to use this Satellite so that specific energies from other worlds could then be used, in addition to the 'energies' contained within the 19 Mountains, as a potent "karmic manipulation."

Operation Starlight[edit]

Carried out between 1958 and 1961, George King is believed to have been 'instructed' to travel to certain mountains around the world, climb to a certain point and act as a "karmic anchor-point" for "energies to be radiated through him into the mountain." He claimed that these mountains could be used as "power-centres" or "spiritual batteries" for energy to be tapped by mankind in order to greatly enhance prayers sent out to the world. The climbs were made with a small team, often in winter and poor weather conditions. King's life was in danger on more than one occasion. One Christmas Eve was spent stranded overnight in pouring rain, high up on Mount Wakefield in New Zealand, with another member of the team, Keith Robertson. 19 mountains are believed to have been "charged" in this mission - 18 with King's presence. Mount Kilimanjaro is said to have been "charged" in a different way, without King's presence. Although some of these 'mountains' are not technically mountains, the term has apparently been used collectively. The Aetherius Society terms these places "Holy Mountains".

The 19 Holy Mountains[edit]

Table of Holy Mountains in Charles Abahamson's book The Holy Mountains of The World: Charged in Operation Starlight:[118]

No. Mountain Date charged Charged by Team
1 Holdstone Down, Devon, England 23 July 1958 The Master Jesus Dr. George King
2 Brown Willy, Cornwall, England 23 November 1958 A Lord Of Karma (1) Dr. George King, Peter Lawless
3 Ben Hope, The Highlands, Scotland 10 December 1958 Mars Sector 8 and close Cosmic Associates Dr. George King, K. Robertson, B. Marvin
4 Creag-An-Leth-Cliain, Grampian, Scotland 14 December 1958 a Lord Of Karma (1) Dr. George King, K. Robertson, B. Marvin
5 The Old Man Of Coniston, Cumbria, England 18 December 1958 a Lord Of Karma (1) Dr. George King, K. Robertson, B. Marvin
6 Pen Y Fan, Awj’s, Wales 6 January 1959 The Cosmic Adept - The Full Aspect of Nixies Zero Zero Two (2) Dr. George King, Tom Curtis, D. Beresford, V. Beresford
7 Carnedd Llywelyn, Gwynedd, Wales 9 January 1959 The Cosmic Adept - The Full Aspect of Nixies Zero Zero One (2) Dr. George King, Tom Curtis, D. Beresford, V. Beresford
8 Kinderscout, Derbyshire, England 31 January 1959 Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel with the guidance and assistance of The Master Aetherius. Dr. George King, Tom Curtis, Fred Curtis
9 Yes Tor, Devon, England 25 February 1959 The Cosmic Adept - The Full Aspect of Nixies Zero Zero Three (2) Dr. George King, K. Robertson, B. Marvin
10 Mount Baldy, So. California, U.S.A. 9 August 1959 Mars Sector 6 Dr. George King, K. Robertson M. Noppe, E. Noppe
11 Mount Tallac, Lake Tahoe, No. California, U.S.A. 21 October 1959 The Master Jesus Dr. George King, K. Robertson, M. Noppe, E. Noppe, C. Abrahamson
12 Mount Adams, New Hampshire, U.S.A. 15 March 1960 Mars Sector 6 Dr. George King, K. Robertson, M. Noppe,
13 Castle Peak, Aspen Colorado, U.S.A. 2 May 1960 The Master Aetherius Dr. George King, K. Robertson, M. Noppe, E. Noppe, C. Abrahamson, Edna Spencer
14 Mount Kosciusko, New South Wales, Australia 5 December 1960 The Master Aetherius Dr. George King, K. Robertson
15 Mount Ramshead, New South Wales, Australia 8 December 1960 Mars Sector 6 Dr. George King, K. Robertson
16 Mount Wakefield, South Island, New Zealand 24 December 1960 The Master Jesus Dr. George King, K. Robertson
17 Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa July 1961 Saint Goo-Ling and two Chosen High-Ranking Members of The Supreme Council of The Spiritual Hierarchy Of Earth
18 Mount Madrigerfluh, Switzerland 13 August 1961 The Master Aetherius Dr. George King, K. Robertson, M. Noppe, Ray Nielsen, Reg Holdaway, G. Holdaway, W. Mayhew, P. Lawless, N. Goldie, M. Park
19 Le Nid D’Aigle, France 23 August 1961 Mars Sector 6 Dr. George King, K. Robertson, M. Noppe, M. Park

Operation Prayer Power[edit]

One of the 'Missions' that employs the 'Spiritual Energy Battery' to "collect, store, and release the subtle energies" invoked Operation Prayer Power. Devised by George King in 1973, this Mission is believed to increase the potency of prayer by bringing together a group of spiritually-minded people who can "radiate spiritual energy" at the same place, time, and in a certain way. This 'spiritual energy' can then be dispersed towards a specific objective, rather than as many smaller, less controlled, 'radiation points.' The results of this Mission, they claim, can be proven to anyone wanting to investigate it for themselves.[119] The official inauguration date of Operation Prayer Power is June 30, 1973.[120]

As an example, 1,000 "Prayer Hours" (The amount of spiritual energy invoked by one person praying with full concentration for one hour is termed one 'prayer hour'.) could be released from the Battery in 100 minutes or possibly less. The Society states that the 'spiritual energy' can be then distributed by cooperating 'Masters' to the area in need. The Aetherius Society believes that Operation Prayer Power and other such "missions" have averted, and helped relieved, many disasters.[115][116]

George King's Titles[edit]

The Aetherius Society usually refers to King as "Doctor George King".[121] The society does not, however, document where King received his doctorate. David Barrett in A Brief Guide to Secret Religions states King received his doctorate from "...the International Theological Seminary of California, a degree mill with no accreditation..."[122]

In 1980, King was dubbed 'Sir George King' by Robert Khimchiachvili, a man who claims to be a prince and the 74th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta. The United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit lists other known aliases of Khimchiachvili as "Dr. Von Badische;  Cesar A. Viana;  Christopher Berwick".[123] According to the NY Sun Khimchiachvili "ran a bogus Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta from his faux-marble apartment (filled with equally genuine Louis XV furniture) at 116 Central Park South. If you had a passage fee, he had a gong for you, and hundreds of men and women with more money than sense each paid him up to $30,000 for his phony knighthoods."[124] The NY Daily News in 2002 referred to Khimchiachvili as "a fugitive."[125] In August 2002, Khimchiachvili and two associates were convicted of "conspiracy and wire fraud after they swindled about $3 million from people by promising them riches bankrolled by a make-believe African kingdom."[126]

In 1986 King was nominated and given the Freedom of the City of London, and membership of the Freemen of England. Anyone who has been on the City of London Electoral Roll for a minimum of one year may obtain this designation.[127] In 1992 he applied for a Grant of Arms, or Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings, which was officially presented to 'The Most Reverend George King' by the Bluemantle Pursuivant of the College of Arms London, in a ceremonial presentation which took place in America.[128][129][130] A Grant of Arms is applied for. Anyone can receive a Grant of Arms if one can "prove that an ancestor have had his arms recorded in the registers of the College."

The society's official King biography claims King was a Chaplain of the American Federation of Police.[121] The organization's full name is "American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens".[131] Anyone who is a concern citizen appears to be able to become a member for $36.[132] Charity Navigator gives this organization its lowest ranking (1 star).[133] Several police organizations have warned that solicitation by the American Federation of Police are possible scams.[134][135][136] The site does not appear to have any official way to apply for a position as a chaplain and does not provide any list of official chaplains.

According to skeptic James Randi George King's titles of 'Reverend', 'Doctor' and 'Sir' are unverified.[137]

Works by The Aetherius Society[edit]


  • The Twelve Blessing by George King
  • Realize Your Inner Potential by George King and Richard Lawrence
  • Contacts with the God's from Space by George King with Richard Lawrence
  • Visit to the Logos of Earth by George King
  • A Book of Sacred Prayers by George King
  • The Practices of Aetherius by George King
  • Jesus Comes Again by George King
  • You Too Can Heal by George King
  • Cosmic Voice - Volume I by George King
  • Cosmic Voice - Volume II by George King
  • Wisdom of the Planets by George King
  • Karma and Reincarnation by George King
  • Contact Your Higher Self through Yoga by George King
  • The Holy Mountains of the World by Rev. Charles Abrahamson
  • Operation Earth Light by Brian C.Keneipp
  • UFO's and the Extraterrestrial Message by Richard Lawrence
  • Unlock Your Psychic Powers by Richard Lawrence
  • Prayer Energy by Richard Lawence
  • The Magic of Healing by Richard Lawrence
  • Power Prayer by Chrissie Blaze and Gary Blaze
  • Workout for the Soul by Chrissie Blaze
  • God's, Guides and Guardian Angels by Richard Lawrence


The Spiritual Sciences[edit]

  • The Pendulum - How does it work? by George King
  • How to be Really Successful by George King
  • The Devic Kingdom by George King
  • Karma and Reincarnation by George King
  • Spiritual Healing by George King
  • The Secret of Personal Prayer by George King
  • Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation by George King
  • Psychometry - The Art of Divination through Objects by George King
  • The Right Motive, The Right Power by George King
  • The Spiritual Energy Crisis by George King
  • The Psychic Centers - Their Significance and Development by George King
  • Mystic Yoga Breathing by George King
  • Man's Mind by Dr George King
  • Imagination - Your Only Creative Faculty by George King
  • How to Develop Your Clairvoyant Powers by George King
  • Levels of Consciousness - Realms of the Masters by George King
  • Levels of Consciousness - The Spirit World by George King
  • Trance - Its Various Types by George King
  • How to Enhance your Personal Magnetism by George King
  • Psychic Self-Defence by George King
  • The A-U-M by George king
  • Control the Vital Life Fluid by George King

Cosmic Wisdom[edit]

  • The Four Aspects of Creation by George King
  • What were the Occult Secrets of Jesus by George King
  • The Great White Brotherhood - The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth by George King
  • The Seven Dimensions of Creation by George King
  • The Cosmic Plan by George King
  • The Next Master is Coming by George King


  • The Twelve Blessings Transmissions CD Album
  • The Nine Freedoms Transmissions CD Album
  • From Freewill to Freedom
  • Prayer for Spiritual Workers and The New Lord's Prayer
  • Gotha Speaks to Earth


  • Cosmic Voice
  • Aetherius Society Newsletter

See below for external links to the above titles:

The Aetherius Society (America, Canada & Europe)

The Inner Potential Centre (London)

Headquarters, Branches and Groups[edit]

Europe & Africa[edit]

United Kingdom[edit]



South Africa[edit]

The Americas[edit]

United States[edit]



New Zealand[edit]



  1. 1.0 1.1 "membership figure". Retrieved 2009-09-16.
  2. King, George (May 1, 1998). Realize Your Inner Potential. London: The Aetherius Society. p. 140. ISBN ISBN 0937249165 Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help). Search this book on
  3. Partridge, Christopher Hugh (ed.) (2003) UFO Religions. Routledge. Chapter 4 Opening A Channel To The Stars: The Origins and Development of the Aetherius Society by Simon G. Smith pp. 84–102
  4. James R. Lewis (ed.) (1995), The Gods have landed: new religions from other worlds (Albany: State University of New York Press),ISBN 0-7914-2330-1. p. .28
  5. John A. Saliba‌ (2006). The Study of UFO Religions, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, November 2006, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 103–123.
  6. Aetherius Society, The. "Origins of Aetherius". Retrieved 6/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  7. Crooks (late Adjunct Professor of ancient language in Dickinson College), G. R. (1861). A New Latin-English School Lexicon. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co. p. 48. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) Search this book on
  8. Anthon (Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages in Columbia College), Charles (1849). A Copious and Critical English-Latin Lexicon. New York: Harper & Brothers. p. 20. Retrieved 7/04/11. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help) Search this book on
  9. Blaze, Chrissie. "Tribute to a Western Master of Yoga". Retrieved 1/4/2011. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  10. Yogananda, Paramahansa (2005). Autobiography of a Yogi. United States of America: Self-Realization Fellowship. pp. p238, 263, 278 and p477 (footnote). ISBN 0-87612-079-6.CS1 maint: Extra text (link) Search this book on
  11. King, George (1961). You Are Responsible. London: The Aetherius Society. ISBN 0-937249-03-3. Unknown parameter |p.= ignored (help) Search this book on
  12. "Dr king's Initial Contact in May 1954". Retrieved 1/4/2011. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  13. Abrahamson, Charles E, (1961). You Are Responsible. London: The Aetherius Society. pp. Preface. ISBN 0-937249-03-3. Search this book on
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  20. Lawrence, Richard (1998). Realize Your Inner Potential - A Spiritual Workbook for the New Millenium. U.S: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–140. ISBN 0-937249-16-5. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) Search this book on
  21. King, George (1961). You Are Responsible 'The Initiation of Earth'. The Aetherius Society. pp. 145–159. Search this book on
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  23. King, George (1958). The Twelve Blessings. U.S.: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–63. ISBN 0-937249-02-5. Search this book on
  24. Aetherius Society, The. "The 50th Anniversary Twelve Blesings Podcast". Retrieved 5/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  25. Society, Aetherius (2011). The Nine Freedoms. Aetherius Society. pp. 174–175. Search this book on
  26. Volume No 2, Cosmic Voice (1982). The Importance of Co-operation between Terra and Interplanetary Parliament during Threatened Terrestrial Trouble. Aetherius Society. pp. 19–20. Search this book on
  27. "The Spiritual Energy Crisis". Video-sharing website. youtube. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  28. Life on the Planets. Aetherius Society. 1959. pp. 48 pages. Search this book on
  29. The Nine Freedoms. Aetherius Society. 2011. p. 200. Search this book on
  30. Society, The Aetherius. "Blessed is the Great Being known as the Galaxy". Website. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  31. Society, The Aetherius. "The Logos of Earth". video-sharing website. youtube. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  32. Society, The Aetherius. "The Nine Freedoms Lectures CD Album". CD Lecture Album. Aetherius Society. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  33. Society, The Aetherius. "The Cosmic Missions". Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  34. King, George. Karma and Reincarnation. U.S.: The Aetherius Society. pp. 1–22. Search this book on
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  37. Lawrence, Richard (2010). UFO's and the Extraterrestrial Message. London: CICO Books. ISBN 978-1-907030-15-4. Search this book on
  38. Lawrence, Richard (1996). Contacts with the Gods from Space - Pathway to a New Millenium. The Aetherius Society. ISBN [[Special:BookSources/0937249157|0937249157[[Category:Articles with invalid ISBNs]]]] Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help). Search this book on
  39. E, Keyhoe, Major Donald (1970). Flying Saucers from Outer Space. Tandem; n.e. edition. pp. 1–256. ISBN 978-0-426-04589-2. Search this book on
  40. E Keyhoe, Major Donald (1975). Aliens from Space. Panther. pp. 1–304. ISBN 978-0-586-04183-3. Search this book on
  41. E Keyhoe, Major Donald (1955). The Flying Saucer Conspiracy. Holt. pp. 1–315. ISBN 978-1-122-70944-6. Search this book on
  42. Society, Aetherius. "George King - UFO Contactee". Video-sharing website. youtube. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  43. Volume No 2, Cosmic Voice (1957). The Case of Calvin C. Girvin. Aetherius Society. pp. 24–90. Search this book on
  44. Society, Aetherius. "Statements about UFO's by Astronauts and Government Officials". Aetherius Society Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  45. Society, Aetherius. "The Aetherius Society Applauds Former Astronaut for Truth about UFO's". PR Log is an online press release distribution and press release submission service. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  46. King, George. "Life on the Planets". Aetherius Society Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  47. King, George. "The Nine Freedoms". Aetherius Society Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  48. King, George. "Wisdom of the Planets". Aetherius Society Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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  50. King, George. "You Are Responsible!". Aetherius Society Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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  53. Society, Aetherius. "The Logos of Earth". video-sharing website. youtube. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  54. Society, Aetherius. "Our Beliefs". Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  55. King, George. "Visit to the Logos of Earth". Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  61. Society, Aetherius. "Spiritual Energy". Website. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
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  63. Society, Aetherius. "Spiritual Energy Sent to Recent Disasters". Website. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  64. Society, Aetherius. "The Pendulum - How does it Work?". Audio CD publication. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  65. Society, Aetherius. "Psychometry - The Divination through Objects". Audio Lecture CD. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  66. Society, Aetherius. "Quotes from the Cosmic Masters". Website. Retrieved 1 April 2012.
  67. King, George (2011). The Nine Freedoms. Aetherius Society. pp. 1–200. Search this book on
  68. King, George (1961). You Are Responsible!. Aetherius Society. pp. 1–173. ISBN 0-937249-03-3. Search this book on
  69. King, George (2011). The Nine Freedoms. Aetherius Soceity. pp. 1–200. ISBN 0-937249-04-1. Search this book on
  70. Society, Aetherius. "Why Dr George King". website. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
  71. Partridge, Christopher. "UFO Religions". Book. Routledge. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
  72. World Religions and Spirituality Project, (WRSP). "The Aetherius Society". website. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
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  74. Society, Aetherius. "From Frrewill to Freedom". Audio lecture. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
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  76. Society, Aetherius. "Operation Sunbeam". audio lecture. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
  77. King, George (1961). You Are Responsible. London: Aetherius Society. p. 173. Search this book on
  78. Society, Aetherius (1st Ed 1957). Cosmic Voice - Volume No 2. Aetherius Society. pp. 33–36. Check date values in: |year= (help) Search this book on
  79. Society, Aetherius (1956). Cosmic Voice volume No 2. Aetherius Society. p. 56. Search this book on
  81. Society, Aetherius. "Kyshtym Disaster - The Real Truth". website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  82. Society, Aetherius. "Kyschtym Disaster - The Real Truth". Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  83. Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Statens strålevern. "Mayak Health Report - Dose assessments and health of riverside residents close to"Mayak" PA" (PDF). Report. Retrieved 31 March 2012.
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  92. Books, Google. "New Scientist". Scooped by a UFO p 241. Retrieved 1/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  94. Society, Aetherius. "Provable! – How UFOs assisted in the revelations and clear-up following the atomic accidents at Chernobyl (1986), Windscale, England (1957), and the Ural mountains (1958)" (PDF). The Aetherius Society - Press Release. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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  98. "Post-irradiation examination of Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor fuel elements. Progress report No. 105, April–May ..." website. Retrieved 1 April 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
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  101. "Post-irradiation examination of Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (WAGR) fuel elements..." Website. Retrieved 1 April 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
  102. "Post-irradiation examination of Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor fuel elements. Progr..." Website. Retrieved 1 April 2012. |Authors list= missing |1= (help)
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  104. "Proof". Retrieved 2011-03-18.
  105. Society, Aetherius. "Cosmic Voice Issues 8 & 9, July 1986 - Action taken by Cosmic Masters and The Aetherius Society before latest Russian Atomic Accident". Website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  106. Society, Aetherius. "Provable! – How UFOs assisted in the revelations and clear-up following the atomic accidents at Chernobyl (1986), Windscale, England (1957), and the Ural mountains (1958)" (PDF). The Aerherius Society Press Release. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  107. Today, Medpage. "Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Could Have Been Worse". Online medical news service website. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  108. Mould, Richard Francis (2000). Chernobyl Record: The Definitive History of the Chernobyl Catastrophe. CRC Press. p. 48. ISBN 0-7503-0670-X. Search this book on
  109. Society, Aetherius. "Spiritual Energy Sent to Recent Disasters". Website. Retrieved 31 March 2012.
  110. "What Are The Main Aims of The Aetherius Society?". Retrieved 2011-03-18.
  111. king, George. "Operation Prayer Power Introduction". Retrieved 6/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  112. Aetherius Society, The (1966). "Operation Sunbeam - A Spiritual Mission for Mankind". The Aetherius Society News Letter (10–12). Retrieved 6/04/11. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  113. Aetherius Society, The (1971). "Remarkable Story of Spiritual Energy Radiator in London Headquarters". The Aetherius Society News Letter (19–20). Retrieved 6/04/11. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  114. Aetherius Society, The (1972). "Design of Temple Spiritual Energy Collector and Radiator Accepted by the Keepers of the Flame". The Aetherius Society News Letter (1). Retrieved 6/04/11. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  115. 115.0 115.1 Out Of This World UFO contactee documentary, BBC May 1977
  116. 116.0 116.1 "Operation Prayer Power". Retrieved 2011-03-18.
  117. Aetherius Society, The. "Operation Sunbeam". Retrieved 23/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  118. Abahamson, Charles, ed. (2014-03-18). The Holy Mountains of The World. The Aetherius Society. ISBN 978-0-937249-85-7. Search this book on
  119. Aetherius Society, The. "Operation Prayer Power - Is it possible to Store Positive Prayer Energy in a Physical Container?". Retrieved 10/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  120. Aetherius Society, The. "June 30th - The Start of Operation Prayer Power" (PDF). Retrieved 10/04/11. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  121. 121.0 121.1
  122. Barrett, David. A Brief Guide to Secret Religions, p. 119
  125. Gearty, Robert (7 August 2002). "A 'Prince' Faces Fraud Raps". Daily News. New York.
  126. Compiled, Items (25 August 2002). "3 Scoundrels Guilty In Swindle Based On Phony Kingdom". Chicago Tribune.
  128. Cosmic Voice. 1: 9–10. 1980. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help); |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  129. The Aetherius Society Newsletter. 18: 4–6. 1989. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  130. Cosmic Voice. 17. 1996. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help); |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  137. James Randi Educational Foundation

External links[edit]

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