List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
This is a list of the 620 authors contributing to Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, which was the 996 page contribution of Working Group I to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. Their report describes the causes and climate consequences of global warming.
This list is limited to people acknowledged as authors or editors on the report. The additional several hundred reviewers acknowledged in Annex III of the report are not included on this list. Author affiliations and nationalities are summarized from the list in Annex II of the report.
Each author may have contributed to one or more sections and had one or more roles during the writing process. In the table below abbreviations are used to denote the roles and sections:
Name | Affiliation | Country | Front | SPM | TS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Krishna AchutaRao | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Robert F. Adler | NASA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Lisa Alexander | Hadley Centre | UK, Australia, Ireland | A | |||||||||||||
Hans Alexandersson | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | Sweden | A | |||||||||||||
Richard Allan | Environmental Systems Science Centre, University of Reading | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Mohamed Senouci | IHFR, Institut Hydrométéorologique de Formation et de Recherche, Oran, Algeria | Algeria | RE | |||||||||||||
Myles Allen | Climate Dynamics Group, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Department of Physics, University of Oxford | UK | A | A | RE | |||||||||||
Richard B. Alley | Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University | USA | L | L | L | A | ||||||||||
Ian Allison | Australian Antarctic Division and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre | Australia | L | |||||||||||||
Peter Ambenje | Kenya Meteorological Department | Kenya | L | |||||||||||||
Caspar Ammann | Climate and Global Dynamics Division, NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Natalia Andronova | University of Michigan | USA | A | |||||||||||||
James Annan | Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine- Earth Science and Technology | Japan, UK | A | |||||||||||||
John Antonov | NOAA | USA, Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Julie Arblaster | NCAR and Bureau of Meteotology Research Center | USA, Australia | A | A | A | |||||||||||
David Archer | University of Chicago | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Vivek Arora | CCCma | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Raymond Arritt | Iowa State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Vincenzo Artale | Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA) | Italy | L | |||||||||||||
Paulo Artaxo | Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil | L | |||||||||||||
Ingeborg Auer | Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics | Austria | A | |||||||||||||
John Austin | NOAA, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Kristen Averyt | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | TS | |||||||||||||
Alphonsus Baede | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment | Netherlands | RE | |||||||||||||
David Baker | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Mark P. Baldwin | Northwest Research Associates | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jean-Marc Barnola | Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Roger Barry | National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado | USA | RE | |||||||||||||
Nicholas Robert Bates | Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences | Bermuda | A | |||||||||||||
Eva Bauer | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Rasmus Benestad (no) | Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Beniston | University of Geneva, (University of Fribourg, geography institute until 2007) | Switzerland | A | A | ||||||||||||
André Berger | Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaitre | Belgium | A | |||||||||||||
Terje Berntsen | Centre for International Climate and Environmantal Research (CICERO) | Norway | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Joseph A. Berry | Carnegie Institute of Washington, Department of Global Ecology | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Richard A. Betts | Hadley Centre | UK | L | A | A | |||||||||||
Joachim Biercamp | Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Nathaniel L. Bindoff | Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Cecilia Bitz | University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Heinz Blatter | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Greg Bodeker | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Roxana Bojariu | National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) | Romania | L | |||||||||||||
Gordon Bonan | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Cèline Bonfils | School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced | USA, France | A | |||||||||||||
Sandrine Bony | Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace | France | L | |||||||||||||
Aaron Boone | CNRS CNRM at Meteo France | France, USA | A | |||||||||||||
Kansri Boonpragob | Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University | Thailand | RE | RE | ||||||||||||
Olivier Boucher | Hadley Centre | UK, France | A | |||||||||||||
Philippe Bousquet | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Jason Box | Ohio State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Tim Boyer | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Pascale Braconnot | Pascale Braconnot Institu Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | L | |||||||||||||
Esther Brady | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Guy Brasseur | Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, NCAR | USA, Germany | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Christopher Bretherton | Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Keith R. Briffa | Climatic Research Unit | UK | L | |||||||||||||
Anthony J. Broccoli | Rutgers University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Patrick Brockmann | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Anne Le Brocq | Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University of Bristol UK | UK, France, Canada | A | |||||||||||||
David Bromwich | Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University | USA | A | A | A | |||||||||||
Victor Brovkin | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany, Russian Federation | A | A | ||||||||||||
Ross Brown | Environment Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Lawrence Buja | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Aristita Busuioc | National Meteorological Administration | Romania | L | |||||||||||||
Patricia Cadule | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace | France | A | |||||||||||||
Wenju Cai | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Inés Camilloni | Universidad de Buenos Aires, Cwentro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera | Argentina | A | |||||||||||||
Josep Canadell | Global Carbon Project, CSIRO | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Jorge Carrasco | Direccion Meteorologica de Chile and Centro de Estudios Cientificos | Chile | L | |||||||||||||
Christophe Cassou | Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique | France | A | |||||||||||||
Daniel Caya | Consortium Ouranos | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Daniel R. Cayan | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Anny Cazenave | Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale (LEGOS), CNES | France | L | |||||||||||||
Don Chambers | Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Mark Chandler | Columbia University and NASA GISS | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Edmund K.M. Chang | Stony Brook University, State University of New York | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ben Chao | NASA GISS | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Anthony Chen | Department of Physics, University of the West Indies | Jamaica | L | |||||||||||||
Zhenlin Chen | Dept of International Cooperation, China Meteorological Administration | China | E | L | L | |||||||||||
Amnat Chidthaisong | The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi | Thailand | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen | Danish Meteorological Institute | Denmark | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
James Christian | Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
John Christy | University of Alabama in Huntsville | USA | A | |||||||||||||
John Church | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Philippe Ciais | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | L | |||||||||||||
Deborah A. Clark | University of Missouri, St. Louis | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Garry Clarke | Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Claussen | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Amy Clement | University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science | USA | A | |||||||||||||
J. Graham Cogley | Department of Geography, Trent University | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Julia Cole | University of Arizona | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Mark Collier | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Matthew Collins | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
William D. Collins | Climate and Global Dynamics Division, NCAR | USA | A | A | L | |||||||||||
Robert Colman | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre | Australia | L | |||||||||||||
Josefi No Comiso | NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Thomas J. Conway | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Edward Cook | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Elsa Cortijo | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CNRS-CEA-UVSQ | France | A | |||||||||||||
Curt Covey | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Peter M. Cox | School of Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Exeter | UK | L | |||||||||||||
Simon Crooks | University of Oxford | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Ulrich Cubasch | Institut für Meteorologie, Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | L | |||||||||||||
Ruth Curry | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Pedro Leite Da Silva Dias | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil | L | |||||||||||||
Aiguo Dai | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Dameris | German Aerospace Center | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Roderik Sylvester Willo van de Wal | Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
Thomas L. Delworth | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Kenneth L. Denman | CCCma and Department of Fisheries and Oceans | Canada | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Frank Dentener | European Commission Joint Research Centre; Institute of Environment and Sustainability Climate Change Unit | EU | A | |||||||||||||
Clara Deser | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Klaus Dethloff | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Research Unit Potsdam | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Nikolay A. Diansky | Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences | Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Robert E. Dickinson | School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Yihui Ding | National Climate Centre, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
Paul Dirmeyer | Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Dix | CSIRO | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Keith Dixon | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ed Dlugokencky | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Trond Dokken | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Robert van Dorland | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | Netherlands | L | A | ||||||||||||
Nikolai Dotzek | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Charles Doutriaux | Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison | USA, France | A | |||||||||||||
Helge Drange | Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Emmanuelle Driesschaert | Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaitre | Belgium | A | |||||||||||||
Jean-Louis Dufresne | Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace | France | A | A | ||||||||||||
Jean-Claude Duplessy | Centre National dela Recerche Scientifique, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | L | |||||||||||||
Mark Dyurgerov | Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder & Department of Geography and Quaternary Geology at Stockholm | Sweden, USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
David Easterling | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | L | A | ||||||||||||
Michael Eby | University of Victoria | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Neil R. Edwards | The Open University | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Ramón de Elía | Ouranos Consortium | Canada, Argentina | A | |||||||||||||
James W. Elkins | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Steven Emerson | School of Oceanography, University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Seita Emori | National Institute for Environmental Studies and Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | Japan | A | A | A | |||||||||||
David Etheridge | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Veronika Eyring | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
David W. Fahey | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | A | A | L | |||||||||||
John Fasullo | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Johannes Feddema | University of Kansas | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Richard Feely | NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Johann Feichter | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Thierry Fichefet | Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaitre | Belgium | L | |||||||||||||
Blair Fitzharris | Department of Geography, University of Otago | New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Gregory Flato | CCCma | Canada | L | |||||||||||||
Dominik Fleitmann | Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern | Switzerland, Germany | A | |||||||||||||
James Rodger Fleming | Colby College | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ryan Fogt | Polar Meteorology Group, Byrd Polar Research Center and Atmospheric Sciences Program, Department of geography, The Ohio State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Christopher Folland | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Chris Forest | MIT | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Piers Forster | School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds | UK | A | A | CL | A | A | A | A | |||||||
Peter Foukal | Heliophysics, Inc. | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Paul Fraser | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Oliver Frauenfeld | National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado at Boulder | USA, Austria | A | |||||||||||||
Melissa Free | Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Allan Frei | Hunter College, City University of New York | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Christoph Frei | Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Helen Fricker | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Pierre Friedlingstein | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France, Belgium | L | A | L | |||||||||||
Congbin Fu | Start Regional Center for Temperate East Asia, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science | China | RE | |||||||||||||
Yoshiyuki Fujii | Arctic Environment Research Center, National Institute of Polar Research | Japan | L | |||||||||||||
Inez Fung | University of California, Berkeley | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Reinhard Furrer | Colorado School of Mines | USA, Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Sandro Fuzzi | National Research Council, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate | Italy | A | |||||||||||||
John Fyfe | CCCma | Canada | L | |||||||||||||
Andrey Ganopolski | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Xuejie Gao | Laboratory for Climate Change, National Climate Centre, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
Hernan Garcia | NOAA, National Oceanographic Data Center | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ricardo García-Herrera | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain | A | |||||||||||||
Amadou Thierno Gaye | Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, ESP/CAD, Dakar University | Senegal | L | |||||||||||||
Marvin Geller | Stony Brook University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Peter Gent | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Rüdiger Gerdes | Alfred-Wegener-Institute für Polar und Meeresforschung | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Nathan P. Gillett | Climatic Research Unit | UK | L | |||||||||||||
Filippo Giorgi | Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Italy | RE | RE | ||||||||||||
Byron Gleason | NCDC, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Peter Gleckler | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | A | A | |||||||||||
Sunling Gong | Air Quality Research Division, Science & Technology Branch, Environment Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Melchor González-Davíla | University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Spain | A | |||||||||||||
Jesus Fidel González-Rouco | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain | A | |||||||||||||
Hugues Goosse | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | A | A | ||||||||||||
Richard Graham | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Jonathan M. Gregory | Department of Meteorology, University of Reading and Hadley Centre | UK | L | L | L | A | A | L | ||||||||
Jürgen Grieser | Deutscher Wetterdienst, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
David Griggs | Hadley Centre | UK | RE | |||||||||||||
Pavel Groisman | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research at the NCDC, NOAA | USA, Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Nicolas Gruber | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles and Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich | USA, Switzerland | A | A | ||||||||||||
Richard Gudgel | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
G. Hilmar Gudmundsson | British Antarctic Survey | UK, Iceland | A | |||||||||||||
Alex Guenther | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Sergey Gulev | P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanography | Russian Federation | A | L | ||||||||||||
Zhengteng GUO | Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science | China | A | |||||||||||||
Kevin Gurney | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Purdue University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
William Gutowski | Iowa State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Christian Haas | Alfred Wegener Institute | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Jon Ove Hagen | University of Oslo | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Joanna Haigh | Imperial College London | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Alex Hall | Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Stéphane Hallegatte | Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Developpement, Ecole Nationale des Ponts-et-Chaussées and Centre National de Recherches Meteorologique, Meteo-France | USA, France | A | |||||||||||||
Kimio Hanawa | Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University | Japan | L | |||||||||||||
James E. Hansen | GISS | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Inger Hanssen-Bauer | Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Charles Harris | School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Science, Cardiff University | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Glen Harris | Hadley Centre | UK, New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Danny Harvey | University of Toronto | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Hiroyasu Hasumi | Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Didier Hauglustaine | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ | France | L | |||||||||||||
James Haywood | Hadley Centre | UK | A | L | ||||||||||||
Gabriele C. Hegerl | Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School for the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University | USA, Germany | L | L | A | CL | A | |||||||||
Martin Heimann | Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie | Germany, Switzerland | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
Christoph Heinze | University of Bergen, Geophysical Institute and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway, Germany | L | |||||||||||||
Isaac Held | NOAA, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Ann Henderson-Sellers | World Meteorological Organization | Switzerland | A | A | ||||||||||||
Henry Hendon | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Bruce Hewitson | Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town | South Africa | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Larry Hinzman | University of Alaska, Fairbanks | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Regine Hock | Stockholm University | Sweden | A | |||||||||||||
Kevin Hodges | Environmental Systems Science Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Hoelzle | University of Zürich, Department of Geography | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Elisabeth Holland | Atmospheric Chemistry Division, NCAR (NCAR) | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Marika Holland | NCAR | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Albert A. M. Holtslag | Wageningen University | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
Brian J. Hoskins | Department of Meteorology, University of Reading | UK | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
Joanna House | Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System Programme, University of Bristol | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Aixue Hu | NCAR | USA, China | A | |||||||||||||
Elizabeth Hunke | Los Alamos National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
James Hurrell | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Philippe Huybrechts | Département Geografi e, Vrije Universiteir Brussel | Belgium | A | A | A | |||||||||||
William Ingram | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Ketil Isaksen | Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Norway | A | A | ||||||||||||
Masayoshi Ishii | Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine- Earth Science and Technology | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Daniel Jacob | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University | USA, France | L | |||||||||||||
Bubu Pateh Jallow | Department of Water Resources | The Gambia | RE | RE | ||||||||||||
Eystein Jansen | University of Bergen, Department of Earth Sciences and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Peter Jansson | Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University | Sweden | A | |||||||||||||
Adrian Jenkins | British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Andy Jones | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Christopher Jones | Hadley Centre | UK | A | A | A | |||||||||||
Colin Jones | Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canadian Regional Climate Modelling Network | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Gareth S. Jones | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Julie Jones | GKSS Research Centre | Germany, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Philip D. Jones | Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia | UK | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Richard Jones | Hadley Centre | UK | L | |||||||||||||
Fortunat Joos | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | L | L | A | L | A | A | A | |||||||
Simon Josey | National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Ian Joughin | Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jean Jouzel | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ | France | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
Terrence Joyce | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Johann H. Jungclaus | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Masa Kageyama | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Per Kållberg | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | ECMWF | A | |||||||||||||
Bernd Kärcher | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Thomas R. Karl | NOAA, NCDC | USA | RE | |||||||||||||
David J. Karoly | University of Oklahoma | USA, Australia | RE | |||||||||||||
Georg Kaser | Institut für Geographie, University of Innsbruck | Austria, Italy | L | |||||||||||||
Vladimir Kattsov | Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory | Russian Federation | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Robert Katz | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Michio Kawamiya | Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine- Earth Science and Technology | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
C. David Keeling | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ralph Keeling | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
John Kennedy | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Jesse Kenyon | Duke University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jamie Kettleborough | British Atmospheric Data Centre, Space Science and Technology Department, Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Viatcheslar Kharin | CCCma | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Myriam Khodri | Institut de Recherche Pour le Developpement | France | A | |||||||||||||
George Kiladis | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Kuh Kim | Seoul National University | Republic of Korea | A | |||||||||||||
Masahide Kimoto | Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Brian King | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Stefan Kinne | Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Ben Kirtman | Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, George Mason University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Akio Kitoh | First Research Laboratory, Climate Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency | Japan | L | A | ||||||||||||
Stephen A. Klein | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Thomas Knutson | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Reto Knutti | Climate and Global Dynamics Division, NCAR | Switzerland | A | A | A | L | A | |||||||||
Arne Koertzinger | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universitat Kiel and Institut fur Ostseeforschung Warnemunde | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Toshio Koike | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo | Japan | RE | |||||||||||||
Rupa Kumar Kolli | Climatology and Hydrometeorology Division, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology | India | L | |||||||||||||
Randal Koster | NASA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Christoph Kottmeier | Institut für Meteorologie, und Klimaforschung, Universitat Karlsruhe/ Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Ramesh Kripalani | Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology | India | A | |||||||||||||
Marta Krynytzky | University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Kenneth Kunkel | Illinois State Water Survey | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Paul J. Kushner | Department of Physics, University of Toronto | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Ron Kwok | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Won-Tae Kwon | Climate Research Laboratory, Meteorological Research Institute (METRI), Korean Meteorological Administration | Republic of Korea | L | |||||||||||||
Laurent Labeyrie | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | RE | A | ||||||||||||
Alexandre Laine | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Chiu-ying Lam | Hong Kong Observatory | China | A | |||||||||||||
Kurt Lambeck | Australia National University | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
F. Hugo Lambert | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford | UK | A | |||||||||||||
John Lanzante | NOAA | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
René Laprise | Deprtement des Sciences de la Terra et de l’Atmosphere, University of Quebec at Montreal | Canada | L | |||||||||||||
Keith Lassey | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | A | A | ||||||||||||
Mojib Latif | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften, IFM-GEOMAR | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Ngar-Cheung Lau | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Katia Laval | Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS | France | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Lavine | Duke University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Lawrence | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jay Lawrimore | NOAA, NCDC | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Seymour Laxon | Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University College London | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Judith Lean | Naval Research Laboratory | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Caroline Leck | Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University | Sweden | A | |||||||||||||
Terry C.K. Lee | University of Victoria | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Julia Lee-Taylor | NCAR | USA, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Nathalie Lefevre | Institut de Recherche Pour le Developpement, Laboratoire d’Oceanographie et de Climatologie | France | A | |||||||||||||
Peter Lemke | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research | Germany | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Eric Leuliette | University of Colorado, Boulder | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ruby Leung | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Anders Levermann | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
David Levinson | NOAA, NCDC | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Sydney Levitus | NOAA USA | Norway | L | |||||||||||||
Øyvind Lie | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Beate Liepert | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Shiyin Liu | Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | A | |||||||||||||
Ulrike Lohmann | ETH Zürich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science | Switzerland | L | L | A | L | ||||||||||
Marie-France Loutre | Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaitre | Belgium | A | A | ||||||||||||
David C. Lowe | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | L | |||||||||||||
Jason Lowe | Hadley Centre | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Yong Luo | Laboratory for Climate Change, National Climate Centre, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
Jürg Luterbacher | Institute of Geography, Climatology and Meteorology, and National Centre of Competence in Research on Climate, University of Bern | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Amanda H. Lynch | School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Douglas MacAyeal | University of Chicago | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Michael MacCracken | Climate Institute | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Yadvinder Malhi | University of Oxford | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Andrew C. Manning | University of East Anglia | UK, New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Manning | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA, New Zealand | TS | L | CL | |||||||||||
Elisa Manzini | National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology | Italy | RE | |||||||||||||
Jose Antonio Marengo Orsini | CPTEC/INPE | Brazil, Peru | L | |||||||||||||
Melinda Marquis | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | TS | |||||||||||||
Robert Marsh | National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Gareth Marshall | British Antarctic Survey | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Ken Masarie | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Valérie Masson-Delmotte | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | L | A | ||||||||||||
Katsumi Matsumoto | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Taroh Matsuno | Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine- Earth Science and Technology | Japan | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
H. Damon Matthews | University of Calgary and Concordia University | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Christoph Matulla | Environment Canada | Canada, Austria | A | |||||||||||||
Cecilie Mauritzen | Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Norway | L | A | ||||||||||||
Bryant McAvaney | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre | Australia | RE | |||||||||||||
Gordon McFiggans | University of Manchester | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Kathleen McInnes | CSIRO, Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry Research | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Michael McPhaden | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Linda Mearns | NCAR | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Carl Mears | Remote Sensing Systems | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Gerald A. Meehl | Climate and Global Dynamics Division, NCAR | USA | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Malte Meinshausen | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | A | ||||||||||||
Humphrey Melling | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Claudio Guillermo Menéndez | Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y de la Atmósfera, (CONICET-UBA) | Argentina | L | |||||||||||||
Surabi Menon | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Anna V. Mescherskaya | Russian Federation | A | ||||||||||||||
John B. Miller | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Henry LeRoy Miller, Jr. | TS | |||||||||||||||
Claude Millot | Centre National dela Recherche Scientifique | France | A | |||||||||||||
Chris Milly | United States Geological Survey | USA | A | |||||||||||||
John Mitchell | Hadley Centre | UK | RE | |||||||||||||
Abdalah Mokssit | Direction de la météorologie Nationale | Morocco | L | |||||||||||||
Mario Molina | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego | USA, Mexico | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
Robert Molinari | NOAA, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Adam H. Monahan | School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Eric Monnin | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Steve Montzka | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ellen Mosley-Thompson | Ohio State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Philip Mote | Climate Impacts Group, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans (JIASO), University of Washington | USA | A | A | L | |||||||||||
Daniel Muhs | United States Geological Survey | USA | A | |||||||||||||
A. Brett Mullan | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Simon A. Müller | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
James M. Murphy | Hadley Centre | UK | A | L | ||||||||||||
Raimund Muscheler | Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, University of Maryland & NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Climate & Radiation Branch | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Gunnar Myhre | Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo | Norway | L | |||||||||||||
Teruyuki Nakajima | Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo | Japan | RE | |||||||||||||
Hisashi Nakamura | Department of Earth, Planetary Science, University of Tokyo | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Susanne Nawrath | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
R. Steven Nerem | University of Colorado at Boulder | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Mark New | Centre for the Environment, University of Oxford | UK | A | |||||||||||||
John Nganga | University of Nairobi | Kenya | L | |||||||||||||
Neville Nicholls | Monash University | Australia | L | L | A | L | ||||||||||
Akira Noda | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency | Japan | L | |||||||||||||
Twan Noije | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
Yukihiro Nojiri | Secretariat of Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office | Japan | L | |||||||||||||
Majid Habibi Nokhandan | Iranian Meteorological Organization | Iran | A | |||||||||||||
Joel Norris | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Toru Nozawa | National Institute for Environmental Studies | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Kath O'Shaughnessy | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | A | |||||||||||||
Johannes Oerlemans | Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
Laban Ogallo | IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre | Kenya | RE | |||||||||||||
Atsumu Ohmura | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Taikan Oki | Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Daniel Olago | Department of Geology, University of Nairobi | Kenya | L | |||||||||||||
Tsuneo Ono | Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Oppenheimer | Princeton University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Oram | University of East Anglia | UK | A | |||||||||||||
James C. Orr | Marine Environment Laboratories, International Atomic Energy Agency | Monaco, USA | A | |||||||||||||
Timothy Osborn | University of East Anglia | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Bette Otto-Bliesner | Climate and Global Dynamics Division, NCAR | USA | L | A | ||||||||||||
Jonathan Overpeck | Institute for the Study of Planet Earth, University of Arizona | USA | L | L | CL | A | ||||||||||
Øyvind Paasche | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Norway | A | |||||||||||||
Markus Pahlow | Dalhousie University, Bedford Institute of Oceanography | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Jeremy S. Pal | Loyola Marymount University, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | USA, Italy | A | |||||||||||||
Timothy Palmer | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting | ECMWF, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Govind Ballabh Pant | Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology | India | RE | |||||||||||||
David Parker | Hadley Centre | UK | L | |||||||||||||
Frédéric Parrenin | Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Tatyana Pavlova | Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory | Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Antony Payne | University of Bristol | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
W. Richard Peltier | Department of Physics, University of Toronto | Canada | L | |||||||||||||
Tsung-Hung Peng | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Joyce E. Penner | Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan | USA | A | L | ||||||||||||
Thomas Peterson | NOAA, NCDC | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Vladimir Petoukhov | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Philippe Peylin | Laboratoire des Modélisation du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Christian Pfister (Swiss historian) | University of Bern | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Thomas Phillips | Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Pierce | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Stephen Piper | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Andrew Pitman | Department of Physical Geography, Macquarie University | Australia | A | L | ||||||||||||
Serge Planton | Météo-France | France | RE | |||||||||||||
Gian-Kasper Plattner | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | A | A | A | |||||||||||
David Plummer | Environment Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Henry Pollack | University of Michigan | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Ponater | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Scott Power | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre | Australia | A | A | ||||||||||||
Michael J. Prather | Earth System Science Department, University of California at Irvine | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Ronald Prinn | Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | USA, New Zealand | L | |||||||||||||
Andrey Proshutinsky | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Terry Prowse | Environment Canada, University of Victoria | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Dahe Qin | China Meteorological Administration | China | CC | L | CL | |||||||||||
Bo Qui | University of Hawaii | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Johannes Quaas | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Detlef Quadfasel | Institut für Meereskunde, Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Hamburg | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Corinne Le Quéré | University of East Anglia and British Antarctic Survey | UK, France, Canada | L | A | ||||||||||||
Graciela Raga | Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Mexico, Argentina | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Fatemeh Rahimzadeh | Atmospheric Science & Meteorological Research Center (ASMERC), I.R. of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) | Iran | L | |||||||||||||
Stefan Rahmstorf | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research | Germany | A | L | A | |||||||||||
Jouni Räisänen | Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki | Finland | A | L | ||||||||||||
Srikanthan Ramachandran | Space & Atmospheric Sciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory | India | L | |||||||||||||
Veerabhadran Ramanathan | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA | RE | |||||||||||||
Navin Ramankutty | University of Wisconsin, Madison | USA, India | A | |||||||||||||
Venkatachalam Ramaswamy | NOAA, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | USA | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Rengaswamy Ramesh | Physical Research Laboratory | India | L | |||||||||||||
David A. Randall | Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University | USA | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Sarah C.B. Raper | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK | A | L | ||||||||||||
Bruce H. Raup | National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Raupach | CSIRO | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Charles Raymond | University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Dominique Raynaud | Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement | France | L | |||||||||||||
Peter Rayner | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France | A | |||||||||||||
Gregor Rehder | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universitat Kiel and Institut fur Ostseeforschung Warnemunde | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
George Reid | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jiawen Ren | Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Hans Renssen | Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
James A. Renwick | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | L | |||||||||||||
Ulf Riebesell | Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Eric Rignot | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ignatius Rigor | Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Rind | NASA, GISS | USA | A | L | A | A | ||||||||||
Annette Rinke | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research | Germany | A | L | ||||||||||||
Stephen Rintoul | CSIRO, Marine and Atmospheric Research and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Michel Rixen | University of Liege and NATO | Undersea Research Center | A | |||||||||||||
Paola Rizzoli | MIT | USA, Italy | A | |||||||||||||
Malcolm Roberts | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Franklin R. Robertson | NASA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Robinson | Rutgers University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Christian Rödenbeck | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Erich Roeckner | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | A | ||||||||||||
Anthony Rosati | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Karen Rosenlof | NOAA | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
David Rothrock | University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Leon Rotstayn | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | A | A | ||||||||||||
Nigel Roulet | McGill University | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Victor Rueda | Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional Autonomia de Mexico | Mexico | L | |||||||||||||
Markku Rummukainen | Rossby Centre, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | Sweden, Finland | A | |||||||||||||
Gary L. Russell | NASA, GISS | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Matilde Rusticucci | Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires | Argentina | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Christopher Sabine | NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Dork Sahagian | Lehigh University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Benjamin D. Santer | Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | A | A | |||||||||||
Abdoulaye Sarr | Service Météorologique, DMN Sénégal | Senegal | L | |||||||||||||
Robert Sausen | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Christoph Schär | ETH Zurich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science | Switzerland | A | A | ||||||||||||
Simon Christian Scherrer | Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Gavin Schmidt | NASA, GISS | USA, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Andreas Schmittner | College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University | USA, Germany | A | A | ||||||||||||
Birgit Schneider | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Friedrich Schott | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften, IFM-GEOMAR | Germany | A | A | ||||||||||||
Martin G. Schultz | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Schulz | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ | France, Germany | L | A | ||||||||||||
Stephen E. Schwartz | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Dan Schwarzkopf | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
John Scinocca | CCCma | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Dan Seidov | Pennsylvania State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Fred H. Semazzi | North Carolina State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Catherine Senior | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
David Sexton | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Dennis Shea | NCAR | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Andrew Shepherd | School of Geosciences, The University of Edinburgh | UK | A | |||||||||||||
J. Marshall Shepherd | University of Georgia, Department of Geography | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Theodore G. Shepherd | University of Toronto | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Steven Sherwood | Yale University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jagadish Shukla | Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, George Mason University | USA | L | |||||||||||||
C.K. Shum | Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Peter Siegmund | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | Netherlands | A | |||||||||||||
Ian Simmonds | University of Melbourne | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Adrian Simmons | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | ECMWF, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Frank Sirocko | University of Mainz | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Andrew G. Slater | Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder | USA, Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Julia Slingo | National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Doug Smith | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Sharon Smith | Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Brian Soden | University of Miami, Rosentiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science | USA | L | A | ||||||||||||
Andrei Sokolov | MIT | USA, Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Sami K. Solanki | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research | Germany, Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Olga Solomina | Institute of Geography RAS | Russian Federation | A | L | ||||||||||||
Susan Solomon | NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory | USA | CC | L | CL | |||||||||||
Richard Somerville | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Samuel Somot | Météo-France, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques | France | A | |||||||||||||
Yuhe Song | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Renato Spahni | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | A | |||||||||||||
Jayaraman Srinivasan | Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science | India | L | |||||||||||||
David Stainforth | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Department of Physics, University of Oxford | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Detlef Stammer | Institut fuer Meereskunde Zentrum fuer Meeres und Klimaforschung Universitaet Hamburg | Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Andrew Staniforth | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Sheila Stark | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Will Steffen | Australian National University | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Georgiy Stenchikov | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | USA | A | |||||||||||||
William Stern | NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
David Stevenson | University of Edinburgh | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Thomas Stocker | Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | L | L | A | CL | ||||||||||
Daíthí A. Stone | University of Oxford | UK, Canada | A | A | A | A | A | |||||||||
Lowell D. Stott | Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Peter A. Stott | Hadley Centre | UK | L | L | A | |||||||||||
Ronald J. Stouffer | NOAA, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | USA | L | L | A | L | A | |||||||||
Nicola Stuber | Department of Meteorology, University of Reading | UK, Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Kengo Sudo | Nagoya University | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Toshio Suga | Tohoku University | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Akimasa Sumi | Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo | Japan | L | |||||||||||||
Ramasamy Suppiah | CSIRO | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Colm Sweeney | Princeton University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Mark Tadross | Climate Systems Analysis Group, University of Cape Town | South Africa | A | |||||||||||||
Toshihiko Takemura | Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University | Japan | A | A | ||||||||||||
Lynne D. Talley | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | L | |||||||||||||
Mark Tamisiea | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Albert Klein Tank | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | Netherlands | L | |||||||||||||
Karl E. Taylor | Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | A | L | A | |||||||||||
Claudia Tebaldi | NCAR | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Haiyan Teng | NCAR | USA, China | A | |||||||||||||
Warren Tennant | South African Weather Service | South Africa | A | |||||||||||||
Laurent Terray | Eoropean Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation | France | A | |||||||||||||
Simon Tett | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Christiane Textor | Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement | France, Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Robert H. Thomas | EG&G Technical Services, Inc. and Centro de Estudios Cientificos (CECS) | USA, Chile | L | |||||||||||||
Lonnie Thompson | Ohio State University | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Chris Thorncroft | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, University at Albany, SUNY | USA, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Peter Thorne | Hadley Centre | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Yuhong Tian | Georgia Institute of Technology | USA, China | A | |||||||||||||
Melinda M.B. Tignor | TS | |||||||||||||||
Kevin E. Trenberth | Climate Analysis Section, NCAR | USA | A | A | A | CL | A | |||||||||
Hervé Le Treut | Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS | France | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
George Tselioudis | NASA, GISS, Columbia University | USA, Greece | A | |||||||||||||
Michael Tsimplis | National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton | UK, Greece | A | |||||||||||||
Alakkat S. Unnikrishnan | National Institute of Oceanography | India | L | |||||||||||||
Sakari Uppala | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | ECMWF | A | |||||||||||||
David Vaughan | British Antarctic Survey | UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Ricardo Villalba | Departamento de Dendrocronología e Historia Ambiental, Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA - CRICYT) | Argentina | L | |||||||||||||
Evgeny M. Volodin | Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences | Russian Federation | A | |||||||||||||
Russell Vose | NOAA, NCDC | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Claire Waelbroeck | Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CNRS | France | A | |||||||||||||
John Walsh | University of Alaska | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Bin Wang | University of Hawaii | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Minghuai Wang | Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Ray Wang | Georgia Institute of Technology | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Rik Wanninkhof | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Stephen Warren | University of Washington | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Richard Washington | Climate Research Lab, Oxford University Centre for the Environment | UK, South Africa | A | |||||||||||||
Ian G. Watterson | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | L | |||||||||||||
Andrew J. Weaver | School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria | Canada | L | |||||||||||||
Mark Webb | Hadley Centre | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Antje Weisheimer | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting and Free University, Berlin | ECMWF, Germany | A | |||||||||||||
Ray Weiss | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Matthew Wheeler | Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Penny Whetton | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research | Australia | L | L | L | |||||||||||
Tim Whorf | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Widmann | GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht and School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham | Germany, UK | A | A | ||||||||||||
Bruce Wielicki | NASA, Langley Research Center | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Tom Wigley | National Center for Atmospheric Research | US | A | |||||||||||||
Rob Wilby | Environment Agency of England and Wales | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Martin Wild | ETH Zürich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science | Switzerland | A | A | ||||||||||||
Oliver Wild | Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | Japan, UK | A | |||||||||||||
Gregory Wiles | The College of Wooster | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Jürgen Willebrand | Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel | Germany | A | A | CL | |||||||||||
Josh Willis | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Steven C. Wofsy | Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University | USA | L | |||||||||||||
A.P.S. Wong | School of Oceanography, University of Washington | USA, Australia | A | |||||||||||||
Takmeng Wong | NASA, Langley Research Center | USA | A | A | ||||||||||||
Richard A. Wood | Hadley Centre | UK | L | L | CL | |||||||||||
Philip Woodworth | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory | UK | A | |||||||||||||
Anthony Worby | Australian Antarctic Division and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre | Australia | A | |||||||||||||
David Wratt | National Climate Centre, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | New Zealand | L | L | RE | |||||||||||
David Wuertz | NOAA, NCDC | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Bruce L. Wyman | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Li Xu | Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan | USA, China | A | |||||||||||||
David Salas y Melia | Météo-France, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques | France | A | |||||||||||||
Tomomi Yamada | Japanese Society of Snow and Ice | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Igor Yashayaev | Maritimes Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Ichiro Yasuda | University of Tokyo | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Jun Yoshimura | Meteorological Research Institute | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
Rucong Yu | China Meteorological Administration | China | A | |||||||||||||
Seiji Yukimoto | Meteorological Research Institute | Japan | A | |||||||||||||
James Zachos | University of California, Santa Cruz | USA | A | |||||||||||||
Panmao Zhai | National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
De’Er Zhang | National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
Tingjun Zhang | National Snow and Ice Data Center, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder | USA, China | L | A | ||||||||||||
Xiaoye Zhang | Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Centre for Atmosphere Watch & Services | China | L | |||||||||||||
Xuebin Zhang | Climate Research Division, Environment Canada | Canada | A | |||||||||||||
Lin Zhao | Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science | China | A | |||||||||||||
Zong-Ci Zhao | National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration | China | L | |||||||||||||
Liming Zhou | Georgia Institute of Technology | USA, China | A | |||||||||||||
Eduardo Zorita | Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht | Germany, Spain | A | |||||||||||||
Francis Zwiers | CCCma | Canada | A | A | CL |
Note:Not all scientists listed are climatologists
See also[edit]
Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".
- List of American non-fiction environmental writers
- List of non-fiction environmental writers
- List of climate scientists
External links[edit]
- IPCC AR4 wg i Report (PDF)
- - AR4 wg i Annexes (PDF) - list of authors is in Annex 2
This article "List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:List of authors of Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.