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List of fictional planets by medium

From EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

This is a list of fictional planets organized by the medium in which they primarily appear.

Novels and short stories[edit]

Adams, Douglas[edit]

Alanson, Craig[edit]

  • Avalon – A planet in the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy, humans set up a beta site colony here as a refuge and a place for humans to survive if Earth is attacked. The primitive ecology does not want to cooperate and colonists are constantly battling slime molds and fungi that compete with Earth crops.
  • Camp Alpha – A staging world humans are brought to by the Kristang. Later, the Kristang use it as a research world to build a bioweapon to kill humans and Ruhar.
  • Club Skippy / Jiayuguan / FOB Jaguar - A planet inaccessible without the ability to manipulate the wormhole network. Humans set up a Forward Operating Base here, and later a small colony.
  • Gingerbread – A planet located in the Roach Motel, an inaccessible star system defended by Elder technology. A small colony of Theranin exists on the planet.
  • Kobomic – A Kristang world. The Merry Band of Pirates launched a black ops mission here to spark the Kristang civil war.
  • Paradise (Human name) / Pradassis (Kristang name) / Gehtanu (Ruhar name) – A contested planet humans are brought to by the Kristang to fight the Ruhar. Humans eventually end up living there under the Ruhar. Skippy the Magnificent crashed here after the AI war and is found in warehouse by Joe Bishop.
  • Newark – A frozen planet that once had a thriving bronze age civilization. It's climate was damaged during the AI war.
  • Ollivar's World / Jamandra – One of the Jaraptha's "Big Five" industrial worlds, it's purchased by Ollivar after he wins an insane prop bet that human's are operating the Ghost Ship.
  • Stiglord / Squidworld – A planet owned by the Wurgalan. The Alien Legion under Col. Emily Perkins invades it in order to help the Kristange Achakai claim a homeworld of their own so they can be recognized as a legitimate clan.

Anthony, Piers[edit]

Asher, Neal[edit]

  • Aster Colora - Where the Polity first encountered the entity called Dragon. Ian Cormac novels.
  • Cheyne III - A cold watery world, home to Dark Otters and violent criminal separatists. Ian Cormac novels.
  • Cull - A desert planet, home to a developing human civilization (thematically similar to the Wild West). Ian Cormac novels.
  • Masada - Outside Polity space, ruled by a brutal theocracy and home to a diverse and deadly ecology. Ian Cormac novels.
  • Samarkand - A cold world in the process of being terraformed, then devastated by a runsible accident. Ian Cormac novels.
  • Spatterjay - Planet with a highly chaotic, adaptive biology. Ian Cormac novels.
  • Viridian - An agricultural world. Ian Cormac novels.

Asimov, Isaac[edit]

Banks, Iain[edit]

The Culture series[edit]

Bear, Greg[edit]

Brin, David[edit]

  • Calafia – Water world in David Brin's Uplift universe, inhabited by humans and neo-dolphins. Currently occupied by the Soro.
  • Deemi – World in David Brin's Uplift Universe leased to humans on the condition that they run the Galactic prison. Bathed in UV radiation. Most of biosphere is aquatic.
  • Garth – David Brin's Uplift War (weird biology)
  • Jijo – In the Uplift series of David Brin, a planet in Galaxy #4 where Humans and other sophont refugees have illegally hidden, in the case of the G'kek and the Humans to avoid extermination, potential for humanity, certain for G'kek.
  • Jophekka – In David Brin's Uplift Universe, the homeworld of the Jophur, sapient and ambitious sap ring stacks.
  • Kithrup – David Brin's Startide Rising (waterworld rich in heavy metals, which form part of the biochemical structure of its life. Mildly toxic to non-native life. also the "retirement" home of a neurotic race with enormous psi power)
  • Omnivarium – World in David Brin's Uplift Universe. Inhabited by birds that mimic any sound, a fact discovered when the birds started mimicking the sounds of explorers performing coitus.
  • Tanith – In David Brin's Uplift trilogies Tanith is the location of the nearest full Galactic Library branch near Terra.

Non Uplift works:

  • Stratos – A world colonized by radical feminists who gene modded their descendent's to have a strange reproductive cycle based on the seasons. (David Brin's Glory Season)

Bujold, Lois McMaster[edit]

Clement, Hal[edit]

Corey, James S. A.[edit]

Main Article: The Expanse

  • Freehold  – A stubborn and isolationist colony, founded on Libertarian ideals.
  • Illus  – The first extrasolar human colony, founded by Belters.
  • Laconia  – Colonized by renegades from the Martian navy, capital of humanity's first and only interstellar empire.

David, Peter[edit]

De Camp, L. Sprague[edit]

Farmer, Philip Jose[edit]

Feist, Raymond E.[edit]

Forward, Robert L.[edit]

Hamilton, Peter F.[edit]

Heinlein, Robert A.[edit]

Herbert, Frank[edit]

Jennsen, G. S.[edit]

  • Akeso - A sentient world with healing powers and a peaceful, idyllic ecology. Originally from one of the pocket universes of the Mosaic. Later home of Alex Solovy and Caleb Morano.
  • Asterion Prime - Homeworld of the Asterions, a human / AI fusion race. Held by the Anadan empire.
  • Belarria - A planet in the Medusa Merger in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Earth - The human homeworld in the Aurora Universe, later transported to the Amaranthe Universe, after the destruction of Solum.
  • Hirlas - A lush tropical world in the Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe. Homeworld of the Naraida and Volucri. May have become sentient.
  • Ireltse - Homeworld of the Khokteh. Originally from one of the pocket universes of the Mosaic. Later transported to the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Katoikia - Now barren planet in the Triangulum Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe. Original homeworld of the Katasketousya.
  • Katoikia Tairi - Recreated homeworld of the Katasketousya, located in the Cetus Dwarf Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Mirai - Capital planet of the Asterion Dominion in the Gennisi Galaxy, a government in exile of a human / AI fusion race in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Namino - A heavily populated world, part of the Asterion Dominion in the Gennisi Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Nopreis - Homeworld of the Novoloume in the Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Pandora - A tropical water world, home to crime syndicates in the Milky Way Galaxy in the Aurora Universe. Later transported to the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Romane - An independent world with a strong capitalist streak in the Milky Way Galaxy in the Aurora Universe. Later transported to the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Rudan - Homeworld of the Ruda, a machine intelligence, in the Large Magellenic Cloud in one of the pocket universe of the Mosaic. Later transported to the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Savrak - Homeworld of the Savrakaths, a warlike reptilian species from one of the pocket universes of the Mosaic. Later transported to the Antila Galaxy in Amaranthe. Sealed in a Rift Bubble by the Katasketousya.
  • Seneca - A colony of Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy, capital of the Federation, a separatist government in the Aurora Universe. Later transported to the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Solum - Earth in the Amarethe Universe, later replaced by Earth from Aurora after being destroyed during the Human / Anadan war. Homeworld of the Anadans.
  • Toki’taku - Homeworld of the Taiyoks, mothlike allies of the Asterion Dominion in the Gennisi Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe.
  • Vrachnas - Originally from one of the pocket universes of the Mosaic, later transported to the Andromeda Galaxy in the Amaranthe Universe. Here there be dragons.

Le Guin, Ursula K.[edit]

Lem, Stanisław[edit]

L'Engle, Madeleine[edit]

  • Camazotz – A planet of extreme, enforced conformity, ruled by a disembodied brain called IT.
  • Ixchel – A planet of muted colors, inhabited by motherly, sightless creatures.
  • Uriel – A planet with extremely tall mountains, named after the Archangel Uriel.

McCaffrey, Anne[edit]

Morgan, Richard K.[edit]

  • Harlan's World – A habitable planet, approximately eighty light-years from Earth. It hosted three moons and a series of orbital platforms known colloquially as the Angels.
  • Latimer – A heavily populated world, theoretically under the control of the UN, but in practice mostly ruled by the Yakuza.
  • Sanction IV – A world torn by a brutal war between corporations and rebels.

Niven, Larry[edit]

  • Destiny  – A planet with a lost human colony. (Larry Niven's Destiny's Road)
  • Home – Larry Niven's Known Space universe (wiped out by disease in Protector)
  • Jinx – Larry Niven's Known Space universe (high gravity and extreme vertical scale)
  • Plateau/Mt. Lookitthat – Larry Niven's Known Space universe (Venus-like with only a small high plateau habitable; colonized by mistake)
  • The Smoke Ring – Larry Niven's Integral Trees & Smoke Ring (gas ring around a neutron star)
  • We Made It – Planet in Larry Niven's Known Space universe marked by intense winds. Inhabitants called Crashlanders, such as Beowulf Schaeffer from Neutron Star.

Niven and Pournelle[edit]

  • Mote Prime – The Mote in Murcheson's Eye, homeworld of the Motie race, mutant non-symmetric semi-vertebrates who have been locked in ten thousand year cycles of chaos due to being trapped in one star system and their reproductive drives. Appear in the Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.
  • New Chicago – World in revolt from the 2nd Empire of Man at the beginning of Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle's The Mote in God's Eye

Okeefe, Megan[edit]

  • Ada Prime  – A dwarf planet and host of the Ada system's Casimir gate. Velocity Weapon.
  • Icarian  – A heavily populated world in the Ada system, embroiled in a war with Ada Prime and the Prime Inventive intergalactic corporate government.
  • Atrux Prime  – The main planet of the Atrux system. A world of extreme economic disparity.

Pournelle, Jerry[edit]

  • Covenant – Scottish-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History. Known for its mercenaries specializing in infantry.
  • Churchill – English-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.
  • Dayan or Dyan – Israeli-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.
  • Friedland – German-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History. Known for its mercenaries specializing in armored warfare.
  • Frystaat – Afrikaner-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.
  • Meiji – Japanese-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.
  • Nuliajuk – Inuit/Eskimo-ethnic world of Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.
  • Sauron – Homeworld of the Sauron Supermen in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History. Known for high metal content and its denizens belief that war was the ultimate expression of humankind. Started the Secession Wars that ended the First Empire of Man.
  • Sparta – Capital world of the First and Second Empires of Man in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History, originally called Botany Bay. Generally North American in population.
  • St. Ekaterina – Russian-ethnic world in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History. First planet attacked by the Sauron Supermen in the Secession Wars.
  • Tanith – A jungle planet known for the drug borloi in Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium Future History.

Reynolds, Alastair[edit]

  • Crucible – Alastair Reynolds' Poseidon's Children trilogy. Earth's first extrasolar colony, hosting alien ruins. (On the Steel Breeze, Poseidon's Wake)

Ruocchio, Christopher[edit]

  • Avalon - One of the original human colonies and the birthplace of the Sollan Empire.
  • Delos - Hadrian's homeworld, the seat of House Marlowe and a major source of uranium.
  • Emesh - A warm, watery world where Hadrian spends time as a gladiator. Hosts ruins of the Quiet.
  • Eue - The Cielcin world, a place of pain and death and the worship of terrible, ancient gods.
  • Forum - Capital of the Sollan Empire.
  • Gododdin - A world of the Sollan Empire. Destined to have it's sun destroyed in the war against the Cielcin.
  • Jadd - Capital of the Jaddian Principalities, famous for it's swords and swordsmen.
  • Padmurak - A planet of the dystopian Lothrian Commonwealth, where people are forbidden names and language itself is carefully monitored for seditious words.
  • Tavros - The primary planet of the Tavros Demarchy, a polity that embraces cybernetic augmentation.
  • Vorgossos - The lost planet of the cybernetic post human Kharn Sagara.

Silverberg, Robert[edit]

Simmons, Dan[edit]

Smith, E. E.[edit]

  • Arisia – E. E. Smith's Lensmen series. Source of the Lens.
  • Boskone – Smith's Lensmen series
  • Palain IX – E. E. Smith's Lensmen series. Frigid home of Nadreck, hydrogen breather and Second-Stage Lensman.
  • Rigel – E. E. Smith's Lensmen series. Noisy home of Tregonsee, Second-Stage Lensman, whose people's only sense is their "sense of perception".
  • Trenco – E. E. Smith's Lensman Series. A major fraction of the planet's atmosphere condenses each night and evaporates each day giving rise to exceptionally violent weather. The planet's plant life yields the illicit narcotic thionite.
  • Velantia – E. E. Smith's Lensmen series. Home of Worsel, master hypnotist and Second-Stage Lensman.

Strugatsky, Boris and Arkady[edit]

Taylor, Dennis E.[edit]

  • Delta Eridani  – Homeworld of the Deltans, where Bob spends many years studying the local people and ecology.
  • Klown Kar Planet / Quilt  – A moon with a bizarre ecology orbiting the gas giant Big Top.
  • New Pav  – A world the Bobs resettled the Pav to after the destruction of Pav.
  • Pav  – Homeworld of the Pav. Destroyed by the Others.
  • Poseiden  – A planet with a global ocean and island sized floating algae mats. Colonized by the Bobs.
  • Quin  – Original homeworld of the Quinlans, who now inhabit the Topopolis Heavan's River. Now an uninhabitable, radioactive world.
  • Romulus  – One of two planets colonized by the Bobs in the Omicron-2 Eridani system. FAITH resurges here after several generations.
  • Vulcan  – One of two planets colonized by the Bobs in the Omicron-2 Eridani system.

Tchaikovsky, Adrian[edit]

  • Arc Pallator - A world of the Essiel Hegemony, attacked by Architects (Final Architecture Series)
  • Berlenhof - The capital planet of Hugh (the main government of the human diaspora) (Final Architecture Series)
  • Far Lux - The world where the first Architect War ended (Final Architecture Series)
  • Huei-Cavor - A world being annexed by the Essiel Hegemony (Final Architecture Series)
  • Jericho - A rural planet with Originator ruins (Final Architecture Series)
  • Kern's World - A planet terraformed as a home for uplifted spiders. Later, humans attempt to colonize it. (Children of Time, Children of Ruin)
  • Scintilla - A planet noted for it's legal scholars and dueling traditions. (Final Architecture Series)
  • Tarekuma - A lawless, criminal sanctuary world. (Final Architecture Series)

Tolkien, J. R. R.[edit]

  • Arda, "region", Ilu, Ambar, Imbar – the Earth
  • Alcarinquë, "the glorious", Alkarinquë – Jupiter
  • Carnil, "red star" – Mars
  • Elemmírë, "star jewel" – Mercury
  • Luinil, "blue star" – Neptune or Uranus
  • Lumbar – Saturn
  • Nenar, "water outside" – Neptune or Uranus
  • Star of Ëarendil, "evenstar (Undòmiel)" – actually a Silmaril, mistaken for Venus

Vance, Jack[edit]

Vinge, Vernor[edit]

  • The Tine's World - A planet inhabited by sapient packs of wolfoids (NOT packs of sapient wolfoids). (A Fire Upon the Deep, Children of the Sky)
  • Arachna (The Spider's Planet) - A planet orbiting an unusually regular flair star. The sentient species hibernate through the "Dark Time" when the star is less active. (A Deepness in the Sky)

Weber, David[edit]

Westerfeld, Scott[edit]

Zahn, Timothy[edit]

  • Adirondack - A world in the Dominon of Man, invaded by the Trofts. (Cobra)
  • Astra - A world without metals that actually absorbs metals and uses them to build something. (Spinneret)
  • Aventine - The capital of the Cobra Worlds, on the far side of the Troft empire. (Cobra Strike, Cobra Bargain, Cobra War, Cobra Rebellion)
  • Caelian - One of the Cobra Worlds. Possesses a lethal, adaptive ecology. (Cobra Strike, Cobra Bargain, Cobra War, Cobra Rebellion)
  • Esquiline - One of the Cobra Worlds.
  • Oaccanv - Homeworld of the Zhirrzh, the so called "Conquerors" (Conquerors' Heritage, Conquerors' Legacy)
  • Palatine - One of the Cobra Worlds.
  • Qasama - A lost colony settled by humans from the middle east. At first has an antagonistic relationship with the Cobra Worlds, later becomes an ally.
  • Sereph - A planet orbiting near a black hole that can be mined for objects that have beneficent effects on the human mind. (Angelmass)

Other authors[edit]

  • Barsoom – Edgar Rice Burroughs, heroic fantasy version of Mars
  • Bas-Lag – China Miéville A world where both magic (referred to as 'thaumaturgy') and steampunk technology exist.
  • Clord – Jean Karl (various works). A hostile planet that wipes out most life on Earth in an attack called the "Clordian Sweep" in 1976. Surviving humans eventually evolve into a peaceful, psychic civilization.
  • Cyteen – C. J. Cherryh's Cyteen series
  • Darkover – Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series (medieval culture and psi powers)
  • The Discworld – not quite a planet, as it is flat and supported by giant elephants
  • Dorsai – Gordon R. Dickson's Dorsai series (soldier culture)
  • Erna – C. S. Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy (psychically malleable quasi-sentient natural forces)
  • Gor – John Norman's Gor series (men are warriors; women are often sex-slaves; all are generally happy in their appointed roles)
  • Halvmörk – Harry Harrison's agricultural planet in Wheelworld – where only the polar regions are habitable for a few months in turn.
  • Helliconia – Brian Aldiss (seasons last millennia)
  • Land/Overland – Bob Shaw's The Ragged Astronauts (and) The Wooden Spaceships (and) The Fugitive Worlds Trilogy (Twin Planets orbiting each other as well as a star, with no metals, sharing an atmosphere allowing travel between them by hot air balloon)
  • Lincoln  – Ryk Spoor and Erik Flint's Castaway Planet. A water world where the "land masses" are giant floating ecosystems.
  • Lusitania – Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead
  • New Amazonia – Elizabeth Bear's Carnival (warlike matriarchy)
  • Nihil – Latin word for 'nothing', additional planet of Earth's solar system in the novel Beyond the Spectrum by Martin Thomas. Due to a flaw in space, the planet is invisible except at close range, although it can see most of the other planets. The inhabitants attempt to conquer Earth during the 30th century.
  • Odin – The only planet outside of Earth that humans ever found that could support life. Star Kingdom series by Lindsay Buroker.
  • Orthe – Mary Gentle's Golden Witchbreed (post-holocaust/medieval aliens)
  • Pax - Sue Burke's Semiosis. A planet of sentient plants where human colonists, an alien species called "glass makers" and species of sapient alien "bamboo" create a Utopian anarcho-pacifist society.
  • Pyrrus – Harry Harrison's Deathworld (high gravity and psychic animals)
  • Ralph  – Stephen Senn's Spacebread. A planet of blue skinned natives, with the ruins of an ancient civilization, threatened by a basilisk and saved by a cat.
  • Reverie – Bruce Sterling's Artificial Kid
  • Sangre – Norman Spinrad's The Men in the Jungle (cannibalism)
  • Shaggai – From Ramsey Campbell's "Insects from Shaggai". Now-destroyed planet of fanatical sadists.
  • Shikasta – Doris Lessing's Shikasta (cosmic consciousness)
  • Tiamat – Joan D. Vinge’s The Snow Queen (matriarchy/monarchy)
  • Shora – Joan Slonczewski's A Door into Ocean (waterbound culture)
  • Soror in the Planet of the Apes – originally a book by Pierre Boulle
  • Spherus Magna – In Bionicle, the homeworld of the Agori, the Great Beings, and Mata Nui. Split apart in the Shattering event, it was eventually reformed by Mata Nui and Makuta Teridax.
  • Teixcalaan  – Arkady Martine, A Memory Called Empire / A Desolation Called Peace. The name of the city, the planet and the empire. An ecumenopolis.
  • Thalassa – Arthur C. Clarke's Songs of Distant Earth (waterworld)
  • Tralfamadore – in the books by Kurt Vonnegut, home to the phlegmatic Tralfamadorians.
  • Well World – Jack L. Chalker's Well of Souls series (surface divided in thousands of different ecosystems, each one with a different sentient race)
  • Zorbus – Chuck Tingle, Space Raptor Butt Invasion / Space Raptor Butt Redemption. A distant planet in the process of being terraformed, where a man and a velociraptor learn that love can transcend species.

Children's Books[edit]

  • Basidium - A mystically hidden planet that orbits near to Earth. Inhabited by mushroom people who have been visiting Earth for 100s of years. (Mushroom Planet series by Eleanor Cameron).
  • Mars - A barren, desert world inhabited by a single, lonely Martian fishing cat named Moofa, who become's Flyball's wife and the mother of his kittens (Space Cat Meets Mars by Ruthven Todd).
  • Ree - From the Family of Ree series by Scott E. Sutton. Ree is a magical planet, inhabited by wizards, dragons and other magical creatures and lies "somewhere off in a blue galaxy."
  • Venus - A jungle planet inhabited by sentient plants, source of a material stronger than diamond and a telepathic moss that allows humans and cats to communicate. (Space Cat Visits Venus by Ruthven Todd)
  • Venus - A jungle planet inhabited by all kinds of sapient animals, colonized and exploited by ignorant humans. Similar themes to the movie Avatar. (Venus Boy by Lee Sutton)
  • Unnamed planet of miniature dinosaurs, orbiting Alpha Centauri A (Space Cat and the Kittens, by Ruthven Todd)


Calvin and Hobbes[edit]

  • Ahnooie-4 – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) decides to put a repulsive blob out of its misery
  • Bog – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) avoids pools of toxic chemicals under a choking atmosphere of poisonous gases
  • Gloob – above which Spaceman Spiff, Calvin from the comic (Calvin and Hobbes), has a malfunction in his hyper freem drive and is blasted with a deadly frap ray by the aliens
  • Gork – a metropolitan planet that Spaceman Spiff crashes into when he runs out of fuel
  • Mok – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) undergoes water torture (his mother washes his hair)
  • Plootarg – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) crashes after being zorched by a Zarch spacecraft
  • Q-13 – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) faces despicable scum beings with his mertilizer beam and mordo blasters
  • X-13 – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) is captured and brought before the Zorg despot
  • Zark – where Spaceman Spiff (Calvin) has several adventures escaping sinister aliens
  • Zartron-9 – home of the awful bug beings who blast Spaceman Spiff while he reboots his saucer's computer and tries to recalibrate his weapons
  • Zog – where Spaceman Spiff makes a (very rare) perfect 3 point landing
  • Zok – where Spaceman Spiff is marooned
  • Zokk – where Spaceman Spiff bounds across the landscape given the low gravity
  • Zorg – where Spaceman Spiff sets his gun on deep-fat fry to blast aliens

DC Comics[edit]

  • Bismoll – Home world of Tenzil Kem, a.k.a. Matter-Eater Lad of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Pre-Crisis) DC Universe. Everyone on Bismol has the power to digest anything.
  • Braal – Home world of Rokk Krin a.k.a. Cosmic Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes. (Pre and Post Crisis) DC Universe. Everyone on the planet has magnetic powers.
  • Oa – headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps
  • Mogo – from the Green Lantern Corps comic books, is not only alive, but also an appointed member of the corps.
  • Daxam – Natives of Daxam are not unlike those of Krypton, both planets circle a red gas giant, one notable inhabitant is Lar Gand a.k.a. Mon-El (Pre-Crisis) and Valor (Post-Crisis) who is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the far distant future. Lar has the same powers as Superman under the yellow sun, and the element lead is deadly to him, as Kryptonite is deadly to Superman. DC Universe.
  • Dryad – Is a planet inhabited by a race of sentient silicone creatures that resemble the shape of humans. Dryad is the home world of Blok a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the far distant future. DC Universe.
  • Krypton – Superman
  • Tamaran – Home of Starfire (Koriand'r) and Blackfire (Komand'r).
  • Wegthor – a moon that once encircled the planet Krypton, Superman's home world.

Marvel Comics[edit]

  • Astra – A Marvel Universe planet where humanoid aliens possess magnetic and molecule-controlling powers that enable them to have every power on metal
  • Ego the Living Planet – Marvel comics (living planet)
  • Duckworld – Howard's home planet from the comic and film Howard the Duck. The film version of Howard lives in "Marshington, D.C.", the capital of "The United States of Anatidae". In Marvel comic books, Duckworld is generally considered to be a separate dimension, an alternate earth which is more or less identical to Earth except that the dominant sentient species is ducks instead of humans, not a planet within the Earth dimension.
  • Hala - Homeworld of the Kree.
  • Kosmos – A planet in the Marvel Universe from which a criminal sludge-like alien escapes to hide on Earth where he kills The Wasp's father and fights Ant-Man
  • Krelar – Second homeworld of the (Blue Skinned) Kree Race. Marvel Comics Creation. Home world of "Captain Mar-Vel," "Colonel Yonn-Rog," "Captain Atlas," and "Una."
  • Homeworld of The Micronauts – actually a chain of worldlets connected which resembles the ball and stick molecular model.
  • Vormir  – Homeworld of the Vorms (Comics), hiding place of the Soul Stone (MCU)
  • Xandar - Homeworld of the Nova Corps.

Valérian and Laureline[edit]

Other comics[edit]

Film and television[edit]

Alien (film)[edit]

  • Acheron – aka LV-426 the planet on which the derelict ship and its deadly cargo are found in the movies Alien and Aliens
  • Fiorina 'Fury' 161 – Mining station penal colony on which Alien 3 is set

Babylon 5[edit]

Battlestar Galactica[edit]

  • Caprica – destroyed home planet in Battlestar Galactica, one of the Twelve Colonies
  • Kobol – Legendary planet in Battlestar Galactica

Blake's 7[edit]

  • Gauda Prime – appears in the last episode of Blake's 7, being where one of the characters originates, and where the series' eponymous character is residing. A planet overrun with bounty hunters and the scum of the galaxy - but some of whose inhabitants wish to return it to normality (and the Federation).
  • Star One – a star with a single planet holding the Federation's main computers in Blake's 7, situated between our galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy. Planet destroyed in an intergalactic war.
  • Terminal – planet in the series Blake's 7. In the eponymous episode it is a bizarrely flattened planet that had been constructed several centuries before in the Solar System and moved, supposedly destroyed: in the next episode it reverted to a more conventional shape.
  • Cygnus Alpha – a Federation prison planet where the most prolific political dissidents and most dangerous criminals in Human space are marooned. The surface is mostly inhospitable, and what little arable there is on the world is governed by a violent cult that indoctrinates incoming convicts into their ranks. It is also the name of the third episode of the series. There is debate over whether Cygnus Alpha orbits Alpha Cygni, also known as Deneb.
  • Auron – this Earth-like world is inhabited by a race of isolationist humanoids with psychic powers, technically advanced but with a mystical past. It is the home world of one of Blake's crew, and is visited once in the third series.
  • Horizon – a rare habitable planet along the galactic rim, also notable for being mineral-rich. It was also a secret Federation colony that Blake and his crew liberated in the second series.

Challenge of the GoBots[edit]

  • Gobotron – Homeworld of the GoBots

Dragon Ball[edit]

Doctor Who[edit]

  • Clom  – The twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius.
  • Exxilon – Doctor Who serial Death to the Daleks
  • Gallifrey – Home planet of The Doctor and his race, the Time Lords, from Doctor Who.
  • Karn – A planet within a few billion miles of Gallifrey. It is inhabited by the Sisterhood of Karn. They guard the Flame of Eternal Life, which produces an elixir which brings life.
  • Mondas – home planet of the Cybermen from Doctor Who. Earth's twin planet, which long ago drifted out of the solar system before returning.
  • Peladon – Home of the Peladonians. It is a member of the Galactic Federation, ruled by a monarchy and one of the few places the mineral Trisilicate can be found.
  • Raxicoricofallapatorius – the planet from which the criminal Slitheen family originate in Doctor Who.
  • Skaro – Home planet of the Daleks and Thals from Doctor Who. It was apparently destroyed when the Seventh Doctor tricked the Daleks creator and Emperor Davros into making its sun go supernova.
  • Vortis – Home planet of the insect-like Menoptra and Zarbi. It was once ruled by the Animus.

Escape from Planet Earth[edit]

  • Baab
  • The Dark Planet – actually a fictional nickname for Earth
  • Gnarlach
  • Zedelbrock 473
  • Zedelbrock 475


  • Londinium – Co-capital world (Anglo-American) of the Alliance.
  • Miranda – Serenity (site where the Alliance accidentally spawned the Reavers).
  • Shadow – Homeworld of Malcolm Reynolds.
  • Sihnon – Co-capital (Chinese) of the Alliance.

Galaxy Express 999[edit]

  • Earth - The boy Tetsuro Hoshino leaves via a space train.
  • Maetel - Machine empire home world in Andromeda.
  • Pluto - Planet where mechanized people discard their former organic bodies by ice burial.
  • Titan - Terraformed paradise planet for humans with no rules.

Galaxy Quest[edit]

  • Thermia – The homeworld of the Thermians destroyed by Sarris.
  • An unnamed planet where the beryllium sphere is retrieved.
  • Sarris' unnamed homeworld.

Metal Hero Series[edit]

  • Planet Bird – The planet where the Galactic Union Patrol is based and Space Sheriffs are trained. Introduced in the first Metal Hero series, Space Sheriff Gavan.
  • Iga Planet – The home planet of Iga Warriors in the series Space Sheriff Sharivan.
  • Planet Mount – The home planet of Annie in the series Space Sheriff Shaider, located in Nebula M47. One of several planets annihilated by Fushigi World Fuuma.
  • Planet Beezee – The homeworld of Cosmic Beast Miya in the series Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion.
  • Planet Clin – The home planet of Spielban, Diana and Helen in the series Jikuu Senshi Spielban. Destroyed by The Waller Empire.
  • Dark Star – The home planet of Space Ninja Demost, a character from Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya.

Other Tokusatsu Series[edit]

  • Planet Ivy – Home planet of Ken Takase (Nick)/Machine Man from the series Nebula Mask Machine Man.
  • Planet Dada – Homeworld of the Robot Army Corps, an alien empire from the series Space Ironmen Kyodyne.
  • Planet Emerald – Homeworld of the Emerald Alien from the series Jumborg Ace.
  • Planet Groth – Home planet the alien Antigone, main enemy of Jumborg Ace.
  • Planet Nebula 71 – Home planet of Spectreman
  • Planet E – Homeworld of Dr.Gori and his assistant La in the series Spectreman.
  • Planet Spider – Home planet of Garia who is the last survivor of the destroyed planet and the Marvellor battleship which can be transformed into the giant robot Leopardon in Spider-Man (Toei TV series).

Rebel Moon[edit]

  • Aih Kalroo  – Planet where Digger's Uprising occurred, which was the event that granted Koseba his lordship over Shasu.
  • Byeol  – Nemesis' home world, which was lost to a conflict with the Motherworld.
  • Castor  – Pollux's twin. Both moons circled the same gas giant, but while Pollux was filled with fights to the death, Castor was a tourist destination for the wealthy.
  • Daggus  – A planet with a mining town where Nemesis ended up after leaving her home world.
  • Gondival  – A planet with five low-orbit moons.
  • Iyyakeii  – A planet home to a lipless race known as Cetassians.
  • Kotarion Prime  – A planet controlled by the Motherworld who rebelled.
  • Krypt  – Location from which the Krypteia hailed.
  • Mara  – Red gas giant around which Veldt orbited. The nights on Veldt had a red glow due to the reflected light from the surface of the planet.
  • Meadai  – Milius' home world. It was taken over by the Motherworld, with Milius and their neighbors taken to a mining colony to become slave workers. The people of Meadai were peaceful and kind, living in harmony with nature before the Motherworld burned the planet.
  • Motherworld  – Headquarters of the Imperium. Three planets circling twin stars made up the Motherworld, one of which was known as Moa.
  • Neu-Wodi  – Planet where Tarak ended up after leaving his home world.
  • Pollux  – One of the celestial bodies to which the resistance group traveled, featuring an ancient coliseum. It was a natural satellite orbiting the same gas giant as Castor. The moon was based on Roman culture.
  • Saaldorun  – Planet from which Kai hailed. It was destroyed by a Motherworld dreadnought from low orbit.
  • Sarawu  – Planet where General Titus turned his soldiers against those of the Motherworld. Once filled with lush jungles, it was left charred by the Motherworld.
  • Sharaan  – Planet of mysticism ruled by the benevolent king, Levitica.
  • Shasu  – A planet based on the Bronze Age Near East with a sci-fi twist. The people were known as the Tarungtusa and the language they spoke, Zahrani, was based on Hittite.
  • Veldt  – A farming moon orbiting Mara.

Red Dwarf[edit]

  • Htrae – Red Dwarf (a backwards version of Earth).
  • Rimmerworld – Arnold Rimmer of Red Dwarf spends 600 years alone on this planet, creating clones of himself in a failed attempt to create a girlfriend. The planet is eventually populated by millions of clones who imprison the original Rimmer.

Rick and Morty[edit]

  • Bird World  – Homeworld of Birdperson
  • Forbodulon Prime  – A nearly barren planet, known for it's valuable Death Crystals.
  • Gazorpazorp  – Homeworld of the Gazorpians.
  • Gromflom Prime  – A once nice planet who's economy and environment were wrecked when Rick caused the Blemflarck Crisis.
  • MWA739  – A planet with a diverse population and a culture like a deadly version of High School.
  • Tryonicon-5  – Homeworld of the AI Ava.



Space Battleship Yamato[edit]


  • Abydos – A desert world, the first world discovered by Earth / the Tau'ri. Daniel Jackson lived here for several years. Later, destroyed by the Goa'uld Anubis.
  • Asuras  – Homeworld of the Asurans, a race of replicators from the Pegasus galaxy.
  • Celestis  – Homeworld of the Alterans(Ancients) and the Ori in the Alteran home galaxy.
  • Chulak  – Teal'c's homeworld.
  • Dakara  – Homeworld of the Jaffa and eventual capital of the Free Jaffa. Ruins on the surface were built by the Ancients and concealed a devastating ancient weapon.
  • Langara  – Homeworld of Jonas Quinn and the original source of naqudria. The planet was ruled by three squabbling nations who were constantly on the verge of a three way world war.
  • Lantea  – A planet in the Pegasus Galaxy which became famous as the location of Atlantis.
  • New Lantea  – A planet in the Pegasus galaxy, to which Atlantis was relocated following its departure from Lantea in 2007.
  • Orilla  – A planet in the Othala galaxy, the Asgard relocated their civilization here. It was assaulted by the Replicators, but survived thanks to the actions of SG-1.
  • Sateda  – A planet in the Pegasus galaxy. Homeworld of Ronon Dex.

Star Trek[edit]

  • Andor  – A frozen world and the homeworld of the Andorians. A founding member of the United Federation of Planets.
  • Bajor – Star Trek A pastoral world with an ancient history and a religion based on the Prophets (called the Wormhole Aliens by non believers).
  • Betazed  – A highly developed world inhabited by the telepathic Betazoids. A member of the United Federation of Planets.
  • Cardassia  – The homeworld of the militaristic Cardassians.
  • Catia – Homeworld of the Catians and a member of the United Federation of Planets.
  • El-Adrel IV  – An M class planet in the Alpha Quadrant, site of the first successful communication between the Tamarians and the Federation (Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel).
  • Ferenginar  – A swampy planet inhabited by the hypercapitalist Ferengi.
  • Genesis Planet – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (artificially created planet).
  • Monea – Star Trek: Voyager (waterworld)
  • Norcadia Prime – A planet in the Delta Quadrant. A major hub for the martial art / sport Tsunkatse.
  • Orion  – Homeworld of the Orion species and the headquarters of the Orion Crime Syndicate. By 2381, it hosted a thriving night life, including night clubs and BDSM dungeons (ST:Lower Decks).
  • Qo'noS/Kronos – Klingon homeworld in the Star Trek universe
  • Remus – Twin planet of Romulus inhabited by Remans in the Star Trek universe.
  • Risa – A tropical resort world, with an artificially maintained climate. Part of the United Federation of Planets.
  • Romulus – Planet of the Romulans, an enemy of the Federation in the Star Trek universe.
  • Trill  – Home planet of the Trill species, a member of the Federation.
  • Vulcan – Star Trek. A desert world inhabited by the Vulcans. One of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets.
  • Xindus – Star Trek: Enterprise (six distinct sentient species)

Star Wars[edit]

See also Category:Star Wars planets

  • Alderaan – Star Wars (Princess Leia's home planet, destroyed by the Death Star)
  • Bespin – The Empire Strikes Back (gas giant with habitable atmospheric layer)
  • Coruscant – The Star Wars prequel films (planet-wide city, seat of Galactic Republic and Empire). An ecumenopolis.
  • Corellia - Homeworld of Han Solo and Corran Horn. A prosperous industrial world, famed for building star ships (Star Wars: Ahsoka). In Legends, part of an engineered solar system (Ambush at Corellia)
  • Csilla – Home world of the Chiss and capital of the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions.
  • Dagobah – The Empire Strikes Back (swamp, Yoda's hideout)
  • Dathomir - Home to the Witches of Dathomir. Homeworld of Darth Maul.
  • Endor – the forest-moon in Return of the Jedi
  • Hoth – The Empire Strikes Back (Arctic)
  • Kamino – Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (ocean)
  • Kashyyyk – Revenge of the Sith (Chewbacca's homeworld)
  • Lothal – A planet of empty, grassy plains and huge industrial cities. Homeworld of Ezra Bridger.
  • Mandalore – A planet of fierce warrior clans. Homeworld of Jango and Boba Fett, Sabine Wren and Din Djarin.
  • Mustafar – Revenge of the Sith
  • Naboo – Star Wars prequels (Padme Amidala's home planet)
  • Nevarro – A barren world, and a den of bounty hunters.
  • Tatooine – Star Wars movies (desert world)
  • Yavin 4 – Fourth moon of the gas giant, Yavin; Rebel Alliance stronghold located in the ruins of an ancient Massassi temple (abandoned long ago) from Star Wars
Star Wars Expanded Universe[edit]
  • Bimmisaari - Homeworld of the Bimms, a world famous for it's markets and trade (Heir to the Empire)
  • Bonadan - Chief port planet of the Corporate Sector, a world ruined by centuries of strip mining (Han Solo's Revenge),
  • Bothawui - Homeworld of the Bothans.
  • Byss - The Resurrected Emperor's stronghold near the galactic core (Dark Empire)
  • Honoghr - Homeworld of the Noghri. Devastated by a crashed ship during the Clone Wars. (Dark Force Rising)
  • Kuat - A wealthy world with an aristocratic ruling class and huge ship yards. (X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble, West End Games)
  • Kessel - A desolate penal colony where the "spice" Glitterstim is mined by hardened criminals. (Jedi Search)
  • Muunilinst - The homeworld of the Muuns and headquarters of Damask Holdings. Homeworld of Darth Plaguis. (Darth Plaguis)
  • Mimban - A jungle world, strong in the Dark Side and inhabited by several sapient races.
  • Myrker - A rural, out of the way planet, homeworld of the Ysalamiri (creatures that push back the Force). Base of the smuggler Talon Karrde (Heir to the Empire)
  • Pantalomin - A tourist world, home of a luxury casino submarine called the Coral Vanda (Dark Force Rising)
  • Ryloth - Homeworld of the Twi'leks, gravitationally locked to it's sun (X-Wing: The Bacta War, West End Games)
  • Selonia - A planet in the Correllian system. Homeworld of the otter like Selonians (Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia, X-Wing: The Krytos Trap)
  • Thyferra - A jungle planet, ruled by corporations, where the miracle medicine Bacta is produced (X-Wing: The Bacta War)
  • Wayland - The Emperor's secret storehouse, guarded by an insane Jedi clone (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command)

Super Sentai Series[edit]

  • Planet Denzi – The home planet of Denzi Dog IC and Princess Denzi from the series Denshi Sentai Denziman. Destroyed by the Vader Clan.
  • Planet Bio – The homeworld of Peebo and Joy from the series Choudenshi Bioman. The prosperous planet was destroyed through a world war erupted over the use of an advanced scientific discovery called Bio Particles.
  • Planet Heath – The home planet of Yui Ibuki/Commander Ibuki from the series Dengeki Sentai Changeman. Destroyed and conquered by Gozma.
  • Planet Girath – Homeworld of General Giluke, commander of Gozma.
  • Planet Amanga – Homeworld of Adjutant Shiima who was a former princess of Amanga.
  • Planet Amazo – Home planet of Queen Ahames, former princess of Amazo.
  • Planet Gyodai – Homeworld of the one-eye creature Gyodai.
  • Planet Merle – Home planet of Sakura who is one of the Merlian survivor. The planet was destroyed by Star King Bazoo.
  • Planet Navi – Homeworld of Gator who is the navigator of Gozma's main invasion ship, and his family.
  • Planet Rigel – Homeworld of Nana, an ally of Changeman. Shared the same name with Rigel.
  • Planet Flash – Also known as Red Star or Flash Star from the series Choushinsei Flashman. Main home planet of Flash Race and Hero Titan. Serves as the central planet of the Flash System.
  • Green Star – a planet in the Flash System with mountainous landscapes.
  • Blue Star – a planet in the Flash System with desert landscapes.
  • Yellow Star – a severely cold planet in the Flash system.
  • Pink Star – a planet in the Flash System with super gravity.
  • Planet Sedon – The planet where Doctor Hoshikawa and his family lived and conducted a research to grow plants on from the series Chikyu Sentai Fiveman. Attacked by the Zone Empire. Homeworld of Iya nad Toya.
  • Planet Nemesis – the planet where Witch Bandora and her minions were imprisoned in the series Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger.
  • Planet Hazard – Home planet of Dapp and his family from the series Gekisou Sentai Carranger. Destroyed by the Space Bosozoku Bowzock.
  • Planet Police – Homeworld of Signalman and his family.
  • Planet Fanbelt – Home planet of Beauty Zonnette/Vanity Mirror Fanbelt and her younger sister Radietta Fanbelt.
  • Planet Taurus – Home planet of Bullblack and his brother Krantz in the series Seijuu Sentai Gingaman.
  • Planet Hummard – Home planet of Sion/Time Green in Mirai Sentai Timeranger.
  • Planet Anubis – Home planet of Anubian Chief Doggie Kruger/Deka Master from the series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.
  • Planet Signo – Home planet of Cignian Swan Shiratori/Deka Swan.
  • Planet Leslie – Home planet of Marie Gold/Deka Gold.
  • Planet Lumiere – Home planet of Lisa Teagle/Deka Bright.
  • Planet Rain – Home planet of Agent Abrella, the main antagonist of Dekaranger.
  • Planet Torto – Home planet of Tortorian Buntar. It is also where he trained Dekaranger to assume swat mode.
  • Planet Mons – Homeworld of The Great King Mons Drake, the leader of Universal Annihilation Army Warstar in Tensou Sentai Goseiger.
  • Planet Zutinma – Homeworld of Dereputa of the Meteor, a combat commander of Warstar.
  • Planet Famille – Homeworld of Ahim de Famille who is the princess of Famille from the series Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. Attacked by Space Empire Zangyack.

Titan A.E.[edit]

  • New Earth (aka Planet Bob)
  • Sesharrim (Gaul homeworld)
  • Vusstra (Tek's homeworld)
  • Solbrecht

Transformers series[1][edit]

Ultra Series[edit]

  • Land of Light(光の国, Hikari no Kuni) – The home planet of most Ultramen in Ultra series. Located in the nebula M78.
  • Nebula L-77 – The home nebula of Ultraman Leo and his brother Astra. Destroyed by Alien Magma.
  • Nebula Z95 – The home nebula of Ultraman Zearth.
  • Planet U40 – The homeworld of Ultraman Joeneus in the animated series, The Ultraman.
  • Planet King – The planet where the legendary Ultraman King lives.
  • Planet Baltan – The home planet of the Baltan aliens. Destroyed by a faulty nuclear weapons test which lead to their search for a new home.
  • Planet Nackle – The Home planet of alien Nackle and Black King in The Return of Ultraman.
  • Planet Golgota – The planet in Ultraman Ace where the crucifixion of the Ultra Brothers by Ace Killer, planned by alien Yapool, occurred.
  • Planet Magma – The Home planet of alien Magma.
  • Black Star – The homeworld of Commander Black, the final antagonist in Ultraman Leo.
  • Plant Arb – The planet mentioned in Ultraman Mebius. Involved in a backstory of Ultraman Hikari.


War of the Worlds (TV series)[edit]

  • Qar'To – a planet established in the first season of War of the Worlds to be in the same system as that of the invading aliens (Mor-Tax) and has sent a synth to assassinate the Advocacy
  • Mor-Tax – the aliens' homeworld in the first season of War of the Worlds (described as a garden planet)
  • Morthrai – destroyed world of the aliens in the second season of War of the Worlds

Other Film and TV[edit]

Role-playing games[edit]


  • Eylor – a living world said to be the source of the magical Eyes of Eylor, living disembodied eyes of great power.
  • Wormwood

Computer and video games[edit]

Unreal series[edit]

Total Annihilation[edit]

  • Empyrrean – The Earth-like home world of the Arm.
  • Thalassean – Archipelago world covered by oceans and dotted with scattered islands.
  • Rougpelt – Red Planet similar to Mars but covered with purple seas and sparse plant life. It also seems to harbor ancient ruins.
  • Tergiverse IV – A world covered in salt deserts from its oceans being drained.
  • Barathrum – Volcanic world.
  • Aegus – The lunar world that orbits Empyrrean.
  • Dump – Core Prime's only satellite that is in essence a giant landfill.
  • Hydross – An ocean world covered completely by seas.
  • Lusch – A swampy planet that possesses thick vegetation and bogs making hovercraft and amphibious units critical to success.
  • Temblor – A rocky planet where the lowlands are shrouded in a "vapor" that forms large impassible barriers. This world is also prone to earthquakes.
  • Gelidus – An icy planet that is prone to hailstorms.
  • Acid planet – A world possessing Corrosive oceans with forests of explosive gasbag plants.
  • Crystal Planet – A planet that has a crystalline surface with deep navy-colored oceans.
  • Core Prime – Metallic with a gigantic computer at its core and a landfill-covered satellite (Home world of the Core)
  • Urban World – Contains the shattered ruins of previous civilization.


  • Lave – The starting point of the game (in its original form). The dictatorship of Lave is most well known for its hoopy casinos.
  • Diso – is democratic but ravaged by occasional solar activity.
  • Leesti – a high tech corporate state where most available equipment can be purchased.
  • Riedquat – the most dangerous place that can easily be reached from the starting point of the game. One of the innovations of this game was that, unlike traditional arcade games which presented harder and harder levels as the game progressed, Elite allowed the player to go straight to Riedquat, even though it is a virtually unplayable location with the starting equipment. Riedquat is a poor agricultural anarchy cursed by deadly civil war and is a rodent planet.


  • Crete
  • Houston
  • Leeds – a heavily polluted planet
  • Manhattan, London, Tokyo and Berlin – Most places in this game are named after Earth places, such as the planet Stuttgart, the New York system, or the Detroit asteroid field.
  • Pittsburgh – Desert, populated with mining operations


  • Harvest – an agricultural human colony in the Epsilon Indi system. It was the first casualty of the Covenant War, rendered uninhabitable by focused orbit-to-surface plasma bombardment.
  • Onyx – a "shield world" composed out of billions of machines, in the Zeta Doradus system.
  • Reach – a military stronghold planet in the Epsilon Eridani system and the setting of Halo Reach. Lost to the Covenant.
  • Requiem – the first Forerunner "shield world" and the setting of Halo 4.
  • Sigma Octanus IV – a colony planet orbiting a binary star, significant because the Halo's "coordinates" were discovered there.
  • Tribute – a planet in the Epsilon Eridani system that serves as humanity's industrial capital.
  • Arcadia – A tourism world in the Procyon system. Attacked in Halo Wars.
  • Sanghelios – the Sangheili (Elites) homeworld orbiting a triple-star system, and one of the settings of Halo 5: Guardians.
  • Doisac – the Jiralhanae (Brutes) homeworld, with a tropical terrain dominated by magma & magnetism.
  • Balaho – the Unggoy (Grunts) homeworld, a hostile and frigid world with a methane atmosphere, orbiting a blue supergiant.
  • Janjur Qom – the San'Shyuum (Prophets) homeworld, though long abandoned by the San’Shyuum of the Covenant.
  • Te – a gas giant and home of the Lekgolo species.
    • Rentus – one of Te's moons, where the Mgalekgolo (Hunters) were discovered.
  • Eayn – the Kig-Yar (Jackals) homeworld, a habitable moon orbiting the gas giant HD 69830 d.
    • T'vao – an asteroid on the same solar system as Eayn, and home of the T'vaoan (Skirmishers) subspecies.
  • Palamok – the Yanme'e (Drones) homeworld, a large terrestrial world with a hot, jungle-like climate.
  • Genesis – a Forerunner artificial world and one of the settings of Halo 5: Guardians.
  • Meridian – a human colony with numerous Forerunner artifacts, and one of the settings of Halo 5: Guardians; glassed by the Covenant in 2551, by 2558 settlers are trying to re-terraform it.
  • Sedra – a human colony on the fringes of human-controlled space, and the setting of Halo: Nightfall.


  • Kharak – A desert planet destroyed by an enemy race after space travel is developed
  • Hiigara – The lost Kushan home planet

Little Big Adventure[edit]

  • Twinsun – A planet lit by two suns (which are fixed). It has three climates: the poles are hot and desert, the equator is cold and Arctic (in opposite to planet Earth), and between them lie temperate lands.
  • Zeelich – A planet in Little Big Adventure 2. It is covered by a thick layer of gas clouds and beneath lies a sea of lava. Vegetation and civilization occur only on mountains above the cloud layer.

LittleBigPlanet franchise[edit]

  • Carnivalia – Carnival planet featured in LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
  • LittleBigPlanet or CraftWorld – Main setting of all the games (except LittleBigPlanet 2 and LittleBigPlanet Karting)
  • The Garage at the End of the Universe (referred in-game in Hoard, Sweet Hoard) – Hidden location where the Hoard stash their stolen items
  • The Progress Emporium – Retro-style "futuristic" planet featured in LittleBigPlanet Karting

Mass Effect[edit]

  • Eden Prime – A human colony, attacked by the Geth.
  • Feros – A lush world covered in Prothean ruins. Homeworld of the Thorian.
  • Illium – A lush garden world, run by Asari corporations.
  • Noveria  – Ice world, barely habitable. Used for dangerous, sometimes illegal, scientific research.
  • Palaven – Homeworld of the Turians.
  • Sur'Kesh –  Homeworld of the Salarians.
  • Thessia – Homeworld of the Asari.
  • Tuchanka  – A harsh, desert world, ravaged by constant wars. Homeworld of the Krogan.
  • Virmire  – A lush world located on the frontier of the Attican Traverse. Largely unpopulated, lots of criminal activity.

Metroid series[edit]

  • Aether – A planet temporarily split into two parallel dimensions in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
  • Bryyo – A small planet in the game "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" It is home to the remaining members of the Reptilicus race.
  • Elysia – A stormy planet in "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption", where Samus Aran visits Skytown, a facility built by the Chozo that hovers high above the surface of the planet.
  • Norion – A planet in "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" that the Galactic Federation uses for the base of operations.
  • Phaaze – A planet that is the source of all phazon and phazon corruption throughout the galaxy, Samus Aran visits this planet at the end of "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption".
  • Tallon IV – A planet formerly inhabited by Chozo in Metroid Prime video game. All life on the planet was horribly mutated following the crash of a toxic asteroid. Later games mention the mutagen destroyed and the planet slowly recovering.
  • Space Pirate Homeworld (possibly named Urtraghus) – A planet in an unknown galaxy that all space pirates reside, is visited by Samus Aran in "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption"
  • SR-388 – A planet that serves as the original home of the titular Metroid species.
  • Zebes – A major planet of Space Pirate operations in Metroid and Super Metroid. The game's heroine, Samus Aran, was raised by the Chozo on this planet before the Space Pirates arrived.

Phantasy Star[edit]

  • Palma - A fertile agricultural world
  • Motavia - A world of desert
  • Dezoris - A world of ice
  • Rykros - A planet with an extremely elongated orbit

Star Fox[edit]

  • Aquas – Small waterworld in the Lylat System, setting of the video games in Nintendo's Star Fox series
  • Corneria – The home planet for the Star Fox Team in the series. It is also the most technologically advanced.
  • Fortuna – A small planet covered in forests and evergreens.
  • Fichina – A barren planet locked in an eternal blizzard.
  • Sauria – The "Dinosaur Planet", and main setting of Star Fox Adventures. As its name suggest, the planet is populated by dinosaurs of all types.
  • MacBeth – A planet that has been turned into a giant supply depot by Andross' forces.
  • Titania – A desert-like planet littered with stone ruins. Slippy Toad crashes on this planet in Star Fox 64 when he tries to engage the secret weapon in Sector X.
  • Venom – The largest and closest orbiting planet of the Lylat System, setting of the games in Nintendo's Star Fox series, bearing an extremely toxic atmosphere and therefore a highly desolate surface. Home of the evil Andross. In some versions of the backstory, Venom was previously called Edena because it was supposedly covered almost entirely with forest, possibly evergreen, before Andross was exiled there, suggesting it may have also been a prison planet.
  • Zoness – A planet that once was nearly all tropical in its climate, and home to many island resorts in Star Fox's Lylat System, the whole planet was turned into a toxic waste dump by the forces of Andross according to the storyline of Star Fox 64, turning its once beautiful oceans into seas of corrosive poison and its atmosphere into a caustic cloud of deadly vapors.
  • Katina – A desert like planet like Titania minus the intense heat. In Star Fox 64, there is a Cornerian defense base located there. In Star Fox Assault, it is destroyed by the Aparoids. Pigma sends a distress signal tricking the team into killing off the Aparoids for him.

Star Ocean[edit]

  • Aldeian – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time
  • Ellicoore 2 – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time
  • Expel – where much of the action of Star Ocean: The Second Story occurs
  • Fargett – Star Ocean
  • Hyaita 4 – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time
  • Klaus – Star Ocean 3 : Till the End of Time
  • Milokeenia – Star Ocean: The Second Story
  • (Energy) Nede – Star Ocean: The Second Story
  • Roak – where the action of Star Ocean occurs
  • Styx – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time
  • Vanguard 3 – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time
  • Vindine – Star Ocean 3 : Till The End of Time

Commander Keen[edit]

  • Fribbulus Xax – Commander Keen 6
  • Gnosticus IV – Commander Keen 4
  • Korath III – Commander Keen 5
  • Vorticon VI – Commander Keen 3

Kerbal Space Program[edit]

  • Moho – a Mercury equivalent on a tight, inclined eccentric orbit
  • Eve – a Superearth with liquid oceans, thicker atmosphere and higher gravity. Purple in colour. Features a tiny non-spherical moon Gilly.
  • Kerbin – a down-scaled Earth equivalent, the home of the Kerbals. Has two moons - the inner rather Moon-like Mün (pronounced 'Moon' and notorious for its zero inclination and perfectly circular orbit) and the smaller, outer mint-green satellite called Minmus, which features sharp altitude gradients between its mountains and its "flats".
  • Duna – a Mars-like planet, distinguishable by larger ice caps. It features a rocky moon named Ike, which is very large compared to Duna (16% of parent's mass), resulting in a mutual tidal lock.
  • Dres – described in-game as a dwarf planet, mostly rocky with patches of ice. Recent updates have granted it with a population of nearby asteroids.
  • Jool – a green Jovian planet with a system currently encompassing five satellites, all of which are tidally locked to Jool and the inner three of which are in a Laplace resonance:
    • Laythe – an Earth-like moon with archipelagos dotting a vast ocean of liquid water - despite subzero temperatures - and an atmosphere unbreathable to Kerbals but usable by jet engines.
    • Vall – a non-decrepit icy moon
    • Tylo – the largest moon, a bright but airless planetoid with Kerbin-like gravity
    • Bop – a small, barely spherical moon
    • Pol – an even smaller moon, consistently being described as mistaken for pollen by astronomers due to its yellowish colour and ridged appearance
  • Eeloo – an outer planet with an orbit partially intersecting that of Jool, and subject to controversy over its classification among kerbal astronomers - like Pluto - but bearing a closer visual resemblance to Enceladus


  • Agria – Jungle planet, human agricultural colony
  • Aiur – Jungle planet, homeworld of the protoss
  • Braxis – Ice planet, Dominion colony; formerly known by the protoss as Khyrador
  • Char – Volcanic planet, hive-world of the zerg Swarm
  • Korhal IV – Radioactive desert planet, capital of the Terran Dominion
  • Mar Sara – Desert planet, Confederate (later Dominion) colony
  • Moria – Industrial planet, capital of the Kel-Morian Combine
  • New Folsom – Volcanic planet, home to a Confederate (later Dominion) prison
  • Shakuras – Dark desert planet, homeworld of the Nerazim (Dark Templar) protoss
  • Slayn – Dark arid planet, home of the Tal'darim protoss
  • Tarsonis – Former capital of the Terran Confederacy, overrun by the zerg
  • Umoja – Temperate planet, capital of the Umojan Protectorate
  • Zerus – Jungle planet, original homeworld of the zerg

Wing Commander[edit]

  • Kilrah – Homeworld of the Kilrathi, the primary antagonists.


Other games[edit]

  • Baloris Prime – A planet from the PC game Descent II which was mostly desert (according to the writers of the game this was because its axis of rotation was exactly perpendicular to its plane of orbit, causing a total lack of seasons on the surface of the planet).
  • Bazoik – Planet in Chex Quest.
  • In the video game Galaxian 3, planet Alpha is located outside of the solar system that cut off space exploration communication; also, humanity was threatened by an alien species of live weaponry.
  • Incandescent – One of only three known planets with a biosphere in the game Transcendence. The orbiting arcology is the capital of the Commonwealth.
  • New Terra – In the computer game Outpost 2, New Terra is the world chosen by humanity as its last hope for survival, colonized by the last survivors of Earth in starship Conestoga.
  • Nirn – In planet that all of the events of the Video Game Series The Elder Scrolls takes place
  • Palshife – capital of the Rebellion in the computer game Escape Velocity
  • Pop Star – from the Kirby series of video games.
  • Second Miltia – home planet of Shion Uzuki, protagonist in the Xenosaga games.
  • Spira (Final Fantasy) – Setting of Final Fantasy X, contains a large world ocean surrounding one continent with many islands, has two moons.
  • Stroggos – Home of the hostile Strogg species in the Quake 2 and Quake 4 shooters.
  • Unity – A lost colony of Earth and capital of the Commonwealth of Man in the game Stellaris.
  • Urth – Setting for Primal Rage and Primal Rage 2, though technically a future version of Earth with unrecognizable continents and oceans.
  • Xenon – Roger Wilco's home world in the Space Quest computer game series.


  • Kobaïa – Planet invented by Christian Vander, drummer and composer of Magma
  • Planet Claire – The subject of a song by the music group The B-52's. Claire is described as having pink air, and trees that are all red. The lifeforms do not have heads, and all live forever.
  • The Space Graveyard – An asteroid field that is all that remains of an unnamed world that destroyed itself. Watched over by the Lighthouse Keeper in the song Loneliest of Creatures by the band Klaatu.

Interactive Art[edit]

Convergence Station[edit]

Meow Wolf's interactive art exhibit in Denver Colorado features four planets, or parts of planets, (in addition to Earth) that have "Converged." Visitors can find clues to begin to uncover the lore of what happened.

  • C-Street  – The former sanitation district of a greater city-planet (possibly an ecumenopolis) that was pulled into The Convergence when one of the Forgotten Four stepped through the rift.
  • Eemia – A formerly lush planet in a trinary star system, Emia is now a frozen wasteland, it's ice concealing ancient, sleeping technology.
  • Ossuary  – An underground world, full of strange exhibits and ancient records.
  • Numina  – A six dimensional sentient planet. To three dimensional beings, it is perceived as a lush jungle, full of strange creatures.

Hoaxes, conspiracy theories and urban legends[edit]

No really. People believe this.

  • Alpha Draconis  – Home of the shapeshifting vampire reptoids who secretly control Earth. First popularized by David Icke.
  • Nibiru  – A planet believed to be orbiting in the outer solar system, Nibiru is home to the Anunnaki, who created humans as slaves to mine gold.
  • Serpo
  • Ummo
  • The unnamed home planet of the Grey aliens
  • The unnamed home planet of the Elohim, the creator aliens of the Raëlian cult / religion, led by a Frenchman who calls himself Raël.

Experimental planets[edit]

See also[edit]


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